cấu trúc tế bào thực vật ứng dụng
Methods in Molecular Biology TM VOLUME 111 Plant Cell Culture Protocols Edited by Robert D Hall HUMANA PRESS METHODS IN MOLECULAR John M Walker, 132 Biomformstics Methods and Protocols, edlted by Sfeplten Muenet and Stephen A Ktawerz 1999 131 Flavoprotein Protocols, edtted by S K Chapman and G A Reid I999 130 Transcrtption Factor Protocols, edited by MarhnJ Twn~s 1999 129 lnlegrm Protocols, edited by Antbonv Howktc 1999 12x NMDA Protocols, edlted by Mn LI 1999 127 Molecular Methods in Developmental Biology* Xenopus and Zebra&b, edlted by A&l Cull/e, 1999 126 Developmental Biology Prorocols, Vol II, edIted by Rocky S Tuan, 1999 Biology Prolocols, Vol I, edlted by Rocky 125 Developmental S Tuan 1999 124 Protein Kmase Protocols, edited by Ahnlar! D Rerrh, 1999 123 In Situ Hvbridization Protocols, 2nd ed., edlted by /a)? A Dar/n, I999 122 Confocal Microscopy Methods and Protocols, edlted by S,ephen I+ Paddock /999 121 Natural Kdler Cell Protocols Cellrrlar and Molecular Methode edlted by Kei,vS Campbelland Mmco Color~na, 1999 120 Eicosanoid Protocols, edlted by E/m A Lmnos 1999 II9 Chromatin Protocols, edtkd by Peter Becr(er 1999 118 RNA-Protem Interaction Protocols, edited by Susan R Havnes, 1999 117 Electron Microscopy Methods and Protocols, edlted by Narset Hafibagher! 1999 II6 Protein Llpidation Protocols, edlted by M&e/H Gelb 1999 IIS lmmunocytochemical Methods and Prolocols (2nd ed.), edued by Lmerre C Javw 1999 II4 Calcium Signaling Protocols, edned by DaudLombej/ 1999 II3 DNA Repair Protocols EukarwrcS~ qlemp edlted by Do!I~/ S Hendeerw 1999 II2 2-D Proteome Analysis Prolocals, edlted by AndIe\ J Lml 1999 III Plant Cell Culture Protocols, edIted by Roberr Ha// 1999 110 Lipoprotein Protocols, edlted by Jose M O~dovas 1998 109 Lipase and Phospbolipase Protocols, edited by Mor,J H Doohnle and Karen Reue 1999 I08 Free Radical and Antioxidant Protocols, edtred by Donald A~mslrong /998 107 Cylocbrome P450 Protocols, edlted by Ian R Phrlhps and Elizabeth A Shephard, 1998 106 Receptor Binding Techniques, edlted by Maw Keen, 1999 105 Phospbobpid Signahng Protocols, edited by /an Bud 1998 I04 Mycoplasma Protocols, edlted by Rage! J Ml/e? and Rohrn A J Nicholas 1998 I03 hchra Protocols, edited by Davrd R Hlggrns and James Cf egg, /99X 102 Bioluminescence Methods and Protocols, edlted by Robert A LaRossa 1998 IO1 Myobacteria Prorocols, edited by Tanya Parish and Ned G Slake, 1998 100 Nitric Oxide Protocols, edIted by M A Ttlberadge, 1997 99 Human Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors, edited by Rew Debecr I999 BIOLOGY” SERIES EDITOR 98 DNA Profiling Protocols, edlted by Jumes M Thomson 1997 97 Molecular Embryology: Methods and P~omcols edtted by Parr/ T Shmpe and /WI Mown 1999 96 Adhesion Proteins Protocols, edued by El&woo De/mm 1999 95 Protocols in DNA Topology and Topoisomerases, Pmr I/ Ennmo/o~ and Dtugr edlted by MUIVAW B~mrw cmd Ned OFheloJI; 1999 94 Protocols in DNA Topology and Topolsomerases, for I I DNA Topo/ogy and hzvmes, edited by Man-Ann BJOIIW and Ned Osherofi 1999 93 Protein Phosphatase Protocols, edlted by John W Ludbnow I997 92 PCR in Bioanalysis, edlIed by Stephen Me//z/, 1997 91 Flow Cytometry Protocols, edtted by Mmk J Jarouepkl I998 90 Drug-DNA Interactions Uetbods Cake Yudrer and f/oma/r edlted by Kerfb R Fn! 1997 89 Rerinold Protocols, edlted by Chrqher Red/ee,rl I997 88 Protein Targetmg Protocols, edlted by Roger A C/egg 1997 87 Combinatorial Peptide Librarv Protocols, edIted by Shrel Cabd/v 1997 86 RNA Isolation and Characterization Protocols, edned by Ralph Rap/et, 1997 85 Differential Display Methods and Protoeols, edited by Peng Llang and Arthur B Pardee I997 84 Transmembrane Signaling Protocols, edited by Daji~a BmSagr 1997 83 Receptor SIgnal Transduction Protocols, edlted by R A J Cho//rss 1997 R2 Arabrdnpyis Protocols, edited by Jose M Mm hwz-Za/)nwi and Julro Salrmw I998 81 Plant Virology Protocols, edIted by GRIY D &nru 199X 80 lmmunochenncal Prolocols, mow mm\ edlled by Jo/m Powd, 1998 79 Polyamlne Protocols, edited by Davrd M L Mmgw I998 78 Antibacterial Peptide Protocols, edtted by W~//m M Shafer, I997 77 Protein Synthesis: Methods and Ao~ocols edlted by Robm Martin 1998 76 Glycoanalysis Protocols, echted by Elrzaberk F Howe/ 1998 75 Basic Cell Culture Protocols, edlted by Je//rev W Pollnrd and Jo/m M Walker , I997 74 Rlbozyme Protocols, edlted by f/rhy C Twtre! 1997 73 Neuropeptide Protocols, edlted by G BIPN /r 1w cm/ Cm ve// H Wdhom~ 1997 72 Neurotransmitter Methods, edlted by R/chord C Rn~w 1997 71 PRINS and In Sfru PCR Protocols, edlted by Jo/m R Gosden 1997 70 Sequence Data Analysis Culdebook, edlted by Smon R Swmdell, 1997 69 cDNA Library Protocols, edoed by Inn G Cone// and Carolrne A Ausrm 1997 68 Gene Isolation and Mappmg Protocols, edlted by Jocquebrw Eoulrwood, 1997 Plant Cell Culture Protocols Edited by Robert D Hall CPRO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands Humana Press Totowa, New Jersey I999 Humana Press Inc 999 RIvervIew Drive, Stute 208 Totowa, New Jersey 075 12 All rights reserved No part any form or by any means, without wrltten permlsston Humana Press Inc of this book may be reproduced, stored m a retrieval system, or transmltted In electronic, mechamcal, photocopymg, mlcrotilmmg, recordmg, or otherwise from the Publisher Methods m Molecular Blologyl 780896 035492 ... (i.e., pre- Introduction to Plant- Cell Culture 15 exposed in some way to growing cultures) Initially grouping small explants can help, For culture initiation, new explants are prepared under aseptic... continuedexpansionof in vitro technologies ,plant- cell culture has becomethe generaltitle for a very broad subject Although in the beginnmg it was possible to culture plant cells either as established organs,... Equipment A plant- cell culture laboratory does not differ greatly from most other botanical laboratories in terms of layout or equipment However, the requirement for sterility dominates Plant cell cultures