quá trình tạo ra và sử dụng whey
Ultrafiltration Process for Whey GVHD:Phạm Minh Tuấn SVTH: nhóm 4 • Whey feed; F1 =1000000 lb/day • Wt% combined TP(true protein) + NPN (nonprotein nitrogen compounds) containing 85% • The process includes three sections (1) four stages of continuous bleed-and-feed ultrafiltration to reach 55 wt% (dry basis), (2) four stages of continuous diafiltration to reach 75 wt% (dry basis). (3) one stage of batch diafiltration to reach the final 85 wt% (dry basis).with a batch time limit of 4 hours. three sections Single-stage continuous feed-and-bleed ultrafiltration. four stages of continuous bleed-and-feed ultrafiltration Flow Rate in Whey = Wt%*F1 Single Continuous UF Stage for Section 1 to Reach 55 wt% TP+ NPN • Assume CF =10 • F1 =1000000 lb/ day • R1 =F1 / CF =1000000/10 =100000 • P1=F1 – R1 =1000000-100000 = 900000 • yield equation: => • Wt% TP + NPN == 0.4344 = 43% • CF = 10 => Wt% (TP+NPN) = 43% < 55% (remove) • Assume CF=24,955 • • Wt% (TP + NPN) == 0.55 = 55 % • [...]... % • P1 =F1 –R1 =1000000 – 40072=959928 lb/day =959928/8.5 = 112933 gal/day • For 20h/day , volumetric permeate rate=112933/20 =5647 gal/h J=membrane flux == 0.452 gal/ft2h Membrane area =5647/0.452=12490 ft2 Number cartridges need = 12490/26.5 = 471 Total fresh feed rate based on 20hr : 5882 gal/h Four Continuous UF Stages for Section 1 to Reach 55 wt% TP + NPN • Assume A and CF4 • R4 = F1 / CF4 • Pn=A... 44.5% 55.0% • % yield of TP+NPN = 62.20% • Section 1: Number of nltrafiltration cartridges cartridges =61 • Total: 244 cartridges of four stages Four Continuous Diafiltration Stages for Section 2 to Reach 75 wt% TP+ NPN • CF, for every stage: CF = • flow rates • Assume W at half the feed rate F1 ⇒W= 60074/2 = 30037 lb/day ⇒ CF ==1.5 ⇒ the Wt% TP +NPN in the concentrate is then calculated, with a result... =0.5415 gal/(h.ft2 ) ⇒Permeate flow rate per stage =137 ⇒Membrane area = 137/0.5415 = 253 ft2 ⇒Cartridges per stage =253/26.5 =10 ⇒Total : 40 diafiltration cartridges A Single Batch Diafiltration Stage for Section 3 to Reach 85 wt% TP+ NPN • To reach 85 wt%, it is important to remove the lactose from the feed Example: W = Flactose • Membrane flux = 0.5415 gal/h.ft2 • Permeate flow rate = 2368 gal/day . Ultrafiltration Process for Whey GVHD:Phạm Minh Tuấn SVTH: nhóm 4 • Whey feed; F1 =1000000 lb/day • Wt% combined TP(true protein). sections Single-stage continuous feed-and-bleed ultrafiltration. four stages of continuous bleed-and-feed ultrafiltration Flow Rate in Whey = Wt%*F1 Single Continuous UF Stage for Section 1 to Reach 55 wt%. NPN (nonprotein nitrogen compounds) containing 85% • The process includes three sections (1) four stages of continuous bleed-and-feed ultrafiltration to reach 55 wt% (dry basis), (2) four