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Math Concept Reader MCR g6 music to our ears

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Math Concept Reader

DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Math Concept Reader Music to Our Ears ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:56:10 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF ca62xs_lay_061207ad_am.indd 1/9/07 9:09:15 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Math Concept Reader Music to Our Ears by Aenea Mickelsen Copyright © Gareth Stevens, Inc All rights reserved Developed for Harcourt, Inc., by Gareth Stevens, Inc This edition published by Harcourt, Inc., by agreement with Gareth Stevens, Inc No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be addressed to Permissions Department, Gareth Stevens, Inc., 330 West Olive Street, Suite 100, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Fax: 414-332-3567 HARCOURT and the Harcourt Logo are trademarks of Harcourt, Inc., registered in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions Printed in the United States of America ISBN 13: 978-0-15-360206-1 ISBN 10: 0-15-360206-6 10 175 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:56:14 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF CHAPTER 1: The Challenge The 42 members of the Rodale Middle School band meet every day at 1:15 P.M Today, their teacher, Mr Folks, says that he has exciting news He has just received an e-mail The e-mail notified him that the band has been selected to play in the statewide marching band championship The students applaud with excitement The band members know this invitation is quite an honor Mr Folks reminds the students that there is still a significant amount of work to They will need to practice nearly every afternoon The band members also must raise money for the trip “The money will pay for the bus transportation and lodging for all of us for several days,” Mr Folks says “We need to raise $5,250 The competition is just two months away.” This seems like a great deal of money to the students They immediately begin discussions about how they might meet their goal ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:56:22 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Mr Folks writes an equation on the board The band needs $5,250 to go to the state championship Mr Folks divides the group into seven committees and then writes an equation on the board $5,250 ÷ = $750 Each committee will raise $750 toward the trip, and the committees will decide how they will earn, or raise, their share of the cost The band members gather into committee groups and begin to talk to each other Voncille asks how soon they need to have all the money raised Mr Folks explains that the school district will cover the costs up front, but that all of the funds must be raised and repaid to the district by the week of the competition “We better get to work, then,” Voncille says The students begin to brainstorm fundraising ideas Luis says he has been thinking about starting a dog-walking service Jeffrey and Miguel share their pet photography idea Mr Folks tells the students that these ideas are a great start, and the boys decide they should work together ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:56:28 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Rodale Middle School band members wash cars to raise money for their trip Each year Cassidy’s neighborhood has a large, multi-family yard sale Families participate during the same days and times All of the families make some money from the sale and get rid of things they no longer want Cassidy suggests an all-band yard sale where each member of the band would contribute items Molly has an idea for how to raise money She loves to bake and she knows others who do, too She will organize a bake sale for the same day as the yard sale People can shop for bargains and enjoy tasty, homemade treats at the same time Tyrese and Cory suggest having a car wash to kick-off the band’s efforts “We can let people know that the car wash is just the first of many great fundraising events,” says Tyrese ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:56:34 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF CHAPTER 2: The Jobs The next day the car wash committee meets to plan their event They design a flyer for the car wash They decide what amount they will ask people to donate The suggested donation will be $5.00 for cars and $7.00 for trucks and SUVs When they finish the flyer, they make copies to pass out to people in the neighborhood On the day of the car wash, the band members arrive with supplies Friends and neighbors bring their cars and trucks to get washed After the students wash and dry the last vehicle, Cory reports that they washed 30 cars and 22 SUVs and trucks c is the amount of money earned washing cars c = 30 × $5.00 c = $150.00 s is the amount of money earned washing SUVs and trucks s = 22 × $7.00 s = $154.00 $150.00 + $154.00 = $304.00 The students raised $304.00 from the car wash That’s a super start for the band’s fundraising ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:56:49 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Luis and Paul walk neighbors’ dogs to raise money for their committee Since Luis, Jeffrey, and Miguel love dogs, their committee will offer pet services Luis organizes a dog-walking service while Jeffrey and Miguel plan to photograph pets for their owners Luis decides the dog walkers will charge $3.00 per half-hour per dog He asks his neighbor, Manuela, if she would pay for the walking service Manuela has two dogs, but since she works long hours it is hard to find time to exercise her dogs She is delighted to have Luis’ help She hires Luis to walk her dogs five days a week × $3.00 = $6.00 Luis will earn $6.00 per day × $6.00 = $30.00 He will earn $30.00 per week $30.00 × = $240.00 In eight weeks, Luis will earn $240.00 walking dogs ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:56:58 AM × × × DIGITAL FINAL PROOF The gift-wrapping committee wraps holiday presents to raise money Brianna and Victor form a gift-wrapping committee The holidays are just around the corner so they will offer their services as gift wrappers and charge $0.50 for each package they wrap Brianna’s mom needs some help so she hires them to wrap gifts that she needs to mail soon They gather wrapping paper, colorful ribbon, and rolls of tape As they finish one package, they write $0.50 on a sheet of paper Together, they wrap 12 packages Brianna writes an equation to figure out how much they have earned a is the amount earned from wrapping 12 packages a = 12 × $0.50 a = $6.00 They earned $6.00 wrapping Brianna’s mom’s gifts Victor subtracts $6.00 from $750.00 to see how much more they need to earn $750.00 – $6.00 = $744.00 To earn $744.00, they will have to wrap a lot of packages! They decide to offer their services at the yard sale so they can wrap peoples’ purchases there ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 1/9/07 1:57:03 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Dylan and Carl chores for their neighbors Recently, Dylan and Carl helped Dylan’s mom clean out their garage They took the toys, sports equipment, and old clothes off the shelves They reorganized shelves, packed items for donations, and threw away items that were no longer usable Dylan’s mom suggested that they could help others the same thing They make a flyer to advertise their services They will charge $15.00 an hour to help people clean their garages and to help with other chores Within a few weeks, they helped five families with different chores One weekend they worked for a total of 8.75 hours The next three weekends, they worked a total of 20.5 hours 8.75 + 20.5 = 29.25 They worked 29.25 hours in all To find out how much money they made, they write an equation c is the amount of money they earned c = $15.00 × 29.25 c = $438.75 Dylan and Carl earned $438.75 10 ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 10 1/9/07 1:57:05 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Alexis babysits to make money for the band Zachary, Alexis, and Emily are all very experienced child sitters The three friends know that many of the families they work for have activities planned at this time of the year They ask their customers if they would like to have childcare at their holiday gatherings Zachary, Alexis, and Emily will provide childcare during events They will charge $5.00 per hour, per child For families with more than one child, they will charge 75% of that amount for each additional child b is the cost per hour for childcare for a family with more than one child b = 75% × $5.00 b = 0.75 × $5.00 b = $3.75 Families with more than one child will pay $5.00 per hour for the first child and $3.75 per hour for each additional child The families think the students’ idea is fabulous and they hire them to take care of their children 11 ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 11 1/9/07 1:57:07 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF CHAPTER 3: Adding Things Up Mr Folks made a chart when the band’s fundraising efforts began He uses it to keep track of the committees’ progress The class looks at the chart to see how close they are to their goal The car wash group has raised $304.00 so far.The pet walkers have earned nearly $350.00.The group that cleaned garages and did other chores has earned $438.75 and $292.50 Last week, the childcare group had 16 children at an event They charged $5.00 an hour for 10 of those children s is the amount earned for childcare at $5.00 an hour s = 10 × $5.00 s = $50.00 They charged $3.75 an hour for of those children e is the amount earned for childcare at $3.75 an hour e = × $3.75 e = $22.50 Each hour they made $50.00 and $22.50 $50.00 + $22.50 = $72.50 each hour They worked for hours f is the total amount earned for childcare for hours f = × $72.50 f = $290.00 earned that night 12 ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 12 1/9/07 1:57:11 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Molly and her mom bake treats for the yard sale The yard sale is today People donated many items for the sale, including baby clothes, bicycles, and even some used furniture Cassidy helps to tag and display the items Molly sets up two bake-sale tables On the brownie and cookie table, she arranges people’s homemade items and the 60 cookies and 45 brownies that she and her mom made last night Molly figures that there are 264 treats on the table! At $0.25 each, Molly wonders how much they will make if they sell all the cookies and brownies b is the amount earned b = 264 × $0.25 b = $66.00 for selling all the treats On the other table, Molly displays Autumn’s father’s two apple pies and other families’ donated pies There are 12 pies in all Molly decides to charge $7.00 each for pies She calculates how much they will get if they sell all the pies p is the amount earned for selling all the pies p = 12 × $7.00 p = $84.00 for selling all the pies Molly wonders how much they will make if they sell all of the baked goods $84.00 + $66.00 = $150.00 for all the baked goods 13 ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 13 1/9/07 1:57:12 AM × DIGITAL FINAL PROOF The Rodale school band practices for the competition They will play a medley of movie themes Mr Folks updates the earnings from the other groups Then he writes a calculation on the board $5,250 - $4,340 = $910 There are still a few more weeks before the trip to the competition The band needs to raise another $910 The students are confident that they will raise the rest of the money They enjoy working together and are proud of their work so far Members of committees that already raised at least $750 decide to regroup with some of the committees that still need to raise money “If we all pitch in, we’ll earn the rest of the money in no time,” Roman says This afternoon, though, it is time to stop thinking about fundraising and to start practicing music Mr Folks and the band want to play their best at the championship! 15 ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 15 1/9/07 1:57:21 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Glossary donation a voluntary gift made to a worthwhile cause equation a statement that shows that two quantities are equal flyer a piece of paper advertising an event or other activity fundraising raising money for a good cause in an organized way Photo Credits: cover, title page: © Tim Pannell/Corbis; p 3: © SuperStock, Inc / SuperStock; pp 4, 11: © Tony Freeman/PhotoEdit Inc.; p 7: Don Smetzer/Stone/Getty Images; p 8: GK Hart/Vikki Hart/Photodisc Green/Getty Images; p 9: Photos.com; p 10: © Michael Newman/PhotoEdit Inc.; p 13: © Wil & Deni McIntyre/Corbis; p 15: © Myrleen Ferguson Cate/PhotoEdit Inc 16 ca64os_lay_070108ap_ll.indd 16 1/9/07 1:57:22 AM ... 1/9/07 9:09:15 AM DIGITAL FINAL PROOF Math Concept Reader Music to Our Ears by Aenea Mickelsen Copyright © Gareth Stevens, Inc All rights reserved Developed for Harcourt, Inc., by Gareth Stevens, Inc... One weekend they worked for a total of 8.75 hours The next three weekends, they worked a total of 20.5 hours 8.75 + 20.5 = 29.25 They worked 29.25 hours in all To find out how much money they... $3.75 an hour e = × $3.75 e = $22.50 Each hour they made $50.00 and $22.50 $50.00 + $22.50 = $72.50 each hour They worked for hours f is the total amount earned for childcare for hours f = ×

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2014, 11:19