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củng cố kiến thức cho học sinh giỏi chuyên 9, luyện thi vào 10, và giúp học sinh đạt kết quả cao trong các kì thi rất hay, củng cố kiến thức cho học sinh giỏi chuyên 9, luyện thi vào 10 giúp học sinh đạt kết quả cao trong các kì thi. Gồm 100 câu ngữ pháp phổ biến các em hay gặp, học sinh giỏi 9 cấp tỉnh, thi chuyên vào 10, có đáp án và giải thích chi tiết mời các em tham khảo

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DAO TAO DONG SON Môn thị: Tiếng Anh

(Đề thì có Š phan, gom 06 Thời gian: 150 phút



I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced different from that of the others in thesa= line and write A, B, Co D on your answer sheet (3 points)

11 A fought B drought Coven D sought

2 A extensive B pesticide C institute ( 1D) congratulate

13 A hatred (B,Jetieved C dogged PD sacred

IL Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in the same line and wr— A, B, C or D on your answer sheet (2 points)

14 AI purpose B`fashion (© hinique D hotice

Lý À- emphasize B encourage C commitment D experience PART C: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (35 points)

1 Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets Write the answers on your answer sheet (7 points) 16 The boy said: “But for your encouragement, | (sof overcome) would fa \ ou€(enall the difficulties | had in the English course.”

17 By the time you have finished getting ready, we (miss) will frark mM rsced the train 18 Carol now wishes she (marry) baal ma ina church

19, only lent you the book yesterday! You (aot finish) can't {rae tuaua(id it 20 1 don’t know who phoned, but I suppose it (be) wee | Sophia 21 She resents (treat) via ta unfairly

22 | (ask) A > beow asffs¿l to chair the meeting and I have accepted

IL Supply the correct form of the words in capital Write the answers on your answer sheet (8 points)~—~ 23 She was the first TV (celebrate) c0 b&u that he had met in the flesh

24 His (geography) 0q Kanhical knowledge is very poor He thinks Paris is in Italy 25 Even if you are good at a game! you shouldn’t be (confident) _ Quer conh dk at

26 Air is a colorless, tasteless and (vision) intuseble gas that is around us 27 You won’t persuade him to change his mind His decision is (revoke) «wn ke vocable 28 An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a (determine) — dơlttmuneA — level 29 Scarlet, my new neighbor, tends to have intense, (sp) — Š$ÐL&tfuc friendships 30 He examined the parcel (suspect) $ ous% as he had no idea what it could be

I The passage below contains 5 mistakes (from questions 36-40) Find out the mistakes and write the correct answers on your answer sheet (5 pts)

Example: Line 1: year —> _ years LINE

NUMBER oil — — =

1 @ | Plastic is a material that is both durable and versatile, in which it has thousands of uses, 2 olich making it perfect for packing Since it can be melted and molded in millions of different

things, plastic has fundamentally changed the way people live More recently, however, the dangers of plastic waste have highlighted through television programs Every year, about eigh== end| million tons of plastic ends up in the oceans By 2050, it is believed that there will be more

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; ing sentences and write A, P IV Choose the word/ phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sente

or D on your answer sheet (10 points) a hich is perhaps more

41 The Mona Lisa, painted in Florence in 1504 by Leonardo da Vinci, ts a name Ww Sf

recognizable to people through the world _sof da Vine himself

A as that B than (9 than that D more than

42 My grandmother was a lovely person who pleasure from helping others

‘A, gathered B derived C, deduced D, collected

43 & management is making _to increase the company’s efficiency

A) measures B steps C moves D deeds

44 Since no photographs taken during the walk, I left my camera in the bus

A had been B) Were to be C were being D should have been

45 I don’t think she can get her message to the students, She seems too nervous

A around B out C over (Ð) on

46 “I will give you my word that this will never hap ren again!” -" — A Pll go back on my word B„Don't getup on the wrong side of the bed C Pll take your word for it D That's daydreaming for sure

47 If you don’t like to go fishing, you stay at home

A should as well (8, may as well C can as well D would as well

48. they reached thé centre of the city, they stopped the car at a hotel A Before a mile or so when Further than a mile or so C Fora mile or so after D/A mile or so before

49 He has plenty of excellent food and a lot of expensive clothes He lives like a A cheerful lark B fighting cock C plump partridge (D) singing canary ;

50 fashioning policy appropriate to situation entails understanding forces that led up to it

Q) The/ X/ the/ the B X/ the/ a/ the € X/ a/ the/ the D The/ a/ ^! the PART D: READING (30 points)

I Read the following passage then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word Write the answers on your answer Sheet (10 points)

Population growth affects almost (51) aspect of everyday life This is because a continual growth in the earth’s population (52) causes _us to change the ways we use the land For example, an

expanding population needs more land (53) - housing, shops and industry An expanding

population also means that we need to (54) qXqv_more food and build more hospitals, schools and roads But the area of land (55) Cpe al —_ fr human use is fxed In fact, only about one third of the earth`s surface is land, and only one third of that is suitable to (56) (i.e _on For example, there are large areas

of the earth such as deserts and polar icecaps that cannot at present (57) offer human life Of course

there are low population densities in some parts of the world, but in most cases the land Hường in such areas are already stretched (58) _wyt{ the limit One immediate answer to our population growth is to

(59) make deserts and swamplands habitable But the long-term (60) : is to stabilize the earth’s

: 3othen


II Read the text and choose the most suitable word from the ones given below to fill in each gap Write (10 points)

A, B, C or D on your answer sheet (10 p -


There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives However, st parents worry that children spend too much time browsing the Internet or playing computer games,

° } : raft seo

— (61) doing anything else in the spare time Naturally, parents want to know if these

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activities are harmful to their children What should they do if their children spend hours (62)

computer screen?

Obviously, if children spend too much time being (62) in some game instead of doing the homework, then something is wrong It is a good idea if parents and children decide together how muc= use should be (63) ofthe Internet, and the child should (6Š) that it won't interfere wit homework If the child does not (66) to this arrangement, parents can take more drastic (67) _ _ Any parent who is (68) alarmed about a child's behaviour should make an appointment t— (69) — — the matter with a teacher Spending time in front of a computer screen does not (70) affect child's performance at school Even if a youngster seems obsessed with the computer, he or she is probabl just going through a phase, and in a few months parents will have something else to worry about!

61 A always @ ever C never D rarely

62 A peeping at glancing at (ờ staring at D seeing

63 (Aj involved B occupied be taken D absorbed

64 done B had C,made D taken

65 A promise B; assure C secure D claim

66 (A) commit ’B stick C follow D hold

67 A.rules @ procedures C steps D regulations

68 A actually B heavily seriously D urgently

69 A speak (B) discuss C talk D debate

70 (2 poss B consequently C probably Q) necessarily

III Read the text and choose the best answer to each question that follows Write A, B, C or D on your answer Sheet (10 points)

The atmosphere that originally surrounded Earth was probably much different from the air we breathe today Earth’s first atmosphere (some 4.6 billion years ago) was most likely hydrogen and helium The two most abundant gasses found in the universe - as well as hydrogen compounds, such as methane and ammonia, most scientists feel that this early atmosphere escaped into space from the Earth’s ho: surface

A second, more dense atmosphere, however, gradually enveloped Earth as gasses from molten rock,

within its hot interior escaped through volcanoes and steam vents We assume that volcanoes spewed ov the same gasses then as they do today: mostly water vapor (about 80 percent), carbon dioxide (about te, percent), and up to a few percent nitrogen These same gasses probably created Earth's second atmosphere

As millions of years passed, the constant outpouring of gasses from the hot interior - known as outgassing - provided a rich supply of water vapor, which formed into clouds Rain fell upon Earth for many thousands or years, forming the rivers, lakes, and oceans of the world During this Lime, large amounts of carbon dioxide were dissolved in the oceans Through chemical and biological processes, much of the carbon dioxide became locked up in carbon sedimentary rocks, such as limestone With much of the water vapor already condensed into water and the concentration of carbon dioxide dwindling, the atmosphere gradually became rich nitrogen

It appears that oxygen, the second most abundant gas in today’s atmosphere, probably began an

extremely slow increase in concentration as energetic rays from the sun split water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen during a process called photodissociation The hydrogen, being lighter, probably rose and escaped into space, while the oxygen remained in the atmosphere

Trang 4

bon dioxide and water t===

i rocess car e of sunlight, p

n for this enrichment is that plants, 1n this presen


produce oxygen _

71 What is the main idea of the passage: A The original atmosphere on Earth was u

B) The atmosphere on Earth has changed over time:

C Hot underground gasses created clouds, which formed the D Plant growth depended on oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere 72 The word “enveloped” in line 6 is closest in meaning 10


Earth’s atmosphere

D characterized

A surrounded B changed C escaped

73 The word “they” in line 7 refers to :

A gases B} volcanoes C steam vents D rocks

74 According to the passage, outgassing eventually led to all of the following EXCEPT A increases in the carbon dioxide content of sedimentary rocks

B the formation of bodies of water (C)decreases in the level of nitrogen

D the formation of clouds

A accidentally B quickly C in the end

76 The passage suggests that oxygen remained in the atmosphere because 75 The word “gradually” in the line 14 is closest in meaning to ¬

Gì by degrees A it was caused by outgassing

(B it was heavier than hydrogen

C hydrogen became trapped in limestone

D rays from the sun created equal amounts of hydrogen and oxygen 77 The author uses the word “OR” in the line 20 to

A criticize the previous suggestion C propose a similar idea B provide unrelated information D.)suggest an alternative

78 The phrase “ at any rate” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

A./ regardless B In addition C although unlikely D fortunately 79 The author organizes the discussion of the Erath’s atmosphere in terms of the

A role of volcanoes in its formation

time it took for the Earth’s surface: to cool and nitrogen to appear

(c) occur in which changes

D chemical and physical features of gasses

80 Which of the following does the passage mention as necessary for both the

otodissociation and the production of oxygen by plants?

A) Water B Hydrogen C Carbon dioxide D Nitrogen

production of oxygen bj PART E: WRITING (20 points)

I Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same Write the answers on your answer Sheet (10 points)

81 You should not only balance your diet but also do sports

In addition Jv hafancin wayoul ciel g AA04 Slaculd dQ pants, A00

82 Immediately after their arrival, the meeting was delayed

Barely Aiod, Bao, absived wdion Abg Ahe sne6hing.was ctelowed 83 If you don’t pay on time, your booking will be can -elled: :

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2023, 01:07
