Handbook of fat replacers
[...]... Chapter Issues in Fat Replacement Sylvia A Jones CONTENTS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Nutritional Background 1.3 The Functions of Fat in Food 1.3.1 Nutritional Functions of Fat 1.3.2 Physical and Chemical Functions of Fat 1.3.3 Sensory Functions of Fat 1.3.4 Overall Implications for Fat Replacement 1.4 Terminology and Classification of Fat Replacers 1.4.1 Terminology 1.4.2 Classification 1.5 Fat Replacement Strategies... composition of the fats consumed is shown to be of importance at all three stages, and overall the dietary advice given includes reduction of fat intake through the consumption of low -fat products and increased intake of fish oils There is a general consensus that the type of fat consumed is of importance in relation to the aetiology of chronic diseases In particular, increasing the proportion of polyunsaturated... Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ©1996 CRC Press LLC 1.3.2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL FUNCTIONS OF FAT Physical and chemical functions of fat in food products can be grouped together since the chemical nature of fats determines more or less their physical properties Thus, the length of the carbon chain of fatty acids esterified with the glycerol, their degree of unsaturation, and the distribution of fatty... have potential use as fat replacers, or whether it should consist only of those ingredients that have been purposely designed to act as fat replacers The classification of fat replacers given below aims to give the reader a comprehensive view of ingredient categories that can be considered for product development of low -fat foods (including the synthetic fat substitutes, none of which, as yet, are permitted... low-calorie fats will be seen as a commercially viable option for the food industry 1.6.8 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF FAT REPLACERS Developments of fat replacers have not only been confined to the development of new ingredients In addition, much effort has been made by ingredient manufacturers to improve further the quality of the existing fat replacers in terms of their functionality, ease of use and heat... contribution of fat from different foods in an intake of 88 g/day which is the average for the U.K., and represents 38% of total energy or approximately 40% of energy from food, i.e., excluding alcohol (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1994a) Figure 1.1 Sources of fat in diet of U.K consumers (Compiled from Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1994a) The nutritional function of fat in... low -fat foods On the other hand, it is likely that as the market matures, with increasing availability of low -fat foods to a wider range of social strata, consumers might more readily adhere to the guidelines regarding fat consumption 1.3 THE FUNCTIONS OF FAT IN FOOD The level of fat determines the nutritional, physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics of foods Before the replacement of fat in... Differences 2.3.4 Energy Density 2.3.5 Satiety Value of Fat 2.4 Low -Fat Diet Research 2.4.1 Short-Term Fat Manipulations 2.4.2 Longer-Term Fat Manipulations 2.5 Noncaloric, Synthetic Fat Substitute Research 2.6 Fat Replacers and Fat Preference 39 2.7 Population-Based Studies 2.8 Conclusions References 2.1 INTRODUCTION Fat- Free,” “Low -Fat, ” “Reduced -Fat — these labels pervade the supermarkets, the media,... value Fat extender: a fat replacement system containing a proportion of standard fats or oils combined with other ingredients It should be added that the current lack of development activity for the last category of fat replacers might lead to the disappearance of the term in due course; however, it is included in the above list for completeness 1.4.2 CLASSIFICATION One of the main characteristics of. .. that the term “reduced -fat can be used if the fat content is reduced by at least 25% of that present in the standard product, and that the “low -fat claim can only be used if not more than 3 g of fat is present per 100 g of product The term “without fat would be considered acceptable if the amount of fat did not exceed 0.15 g per 100 g in a product However, in the absence of harmonized European Union . Functions of Fat 1.3.3 Sensory Functions of Fat 1.3.4 Overall Implications for Fat Replacement 1.4 Terminology and Classification of Fat Replacers 1.4.1 Terminology 1.4.2 Classification 1.5 Fat Replacement. includes reduction of fat intake through the consumption of low -fat products and increased intake of fish oils. There is a general consensus that the type of fat consumed is of importance in relation to. regarding fat consumption. 1.3 THE FUNCTIONS OF FAT IN FOOD The level of fat determines the nutritional, physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics of foods. Before the replacement of fat