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tóm tắt tiếng anh: Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.

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Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.Tự động điều chỉnh hệ số tương đương và góc đánh lửa sớm để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác của động cơ BiogasHydrogen.

THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUI VAN HUNG AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF EQUIVALENCE RATIO AND ADVANCE IGNITION ANGLE TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF BIOGAS-HYDROGEN ENGINE Major : Mechanical Powertrain Engineering Code : 9520116 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS Danang, 2023 The thesis is completed at: UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Science instructor : Prof DSc Bui Van Ga Assoc.Prof Dr Bui Thi Minh Tu Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: This thesis will be defended in front of Doctoral Thesis Defend Committee at the University of Science and TechnologyUniversity of Da Nang At: …… o’clock …… of ……… 2023 This thesis can be found at: - National Library of Vietnam Learning Resources and Communication Center, University of science and technology- The University of Danang INTRODUCTION RATIONALE OF THE STUDY Raw biogas contains mainly methane (CH4) and impurities carbon dioxide (CO2), so its calorific value is lower than natural gas Although CO2 in biogas and syngas reduces pollutant emissions, this impurity tends to increase combustion delay time and reduce flame propagation speed, so it will reduce engine thermal efficiency Enrichment of biogas, with hydrogen (H2) is an effective solution to solve this problem However, H2 can cause undesirable results such as increased NOx emissions because of its high combustion temperature and reduced thermal efficiency due to heat loss Mixing a moderate ratio of H2 into biogas and will improve the performance of the engine while not increasing pollutant emissions Most components are available on the market today for assembling a hybrid renewable energy system, with the exception of the internal combustion engine that pulls the generator in accordance with the requirements of the system Internal combustion engines are designed to work with a given fuel type and under defined operating conditions In a hybrid renewable energy system, the fuel composition changes frequently according to the input materials and the source of hydrogen provided by solar power On the other hand, the load mode of the motor also changes frequently to provide a compensating load for the system Therefore, the engine must be flexibly adjusted to the operating parameters, especially the ignition advance angle and the equivalence ratio of the mixture Traditional stationary motors can hardly meet this requirement The thesis focuses on dealing with two main problems of the engine in the hybrid renewable energy system, that is, controlling the fuel supply process and adjusting the optimal advance ignition angle RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Converting a stationary engine supplying gasoline by a carburetor to a stationary engine that injects fuel and automatically adjusts the advance ignition angle according to the fuel composition and operating mode in the hybrid renewable energy system: biomasssolar energy OBJECT AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY Research object: Converting the traditional stationary engine supplying gasoline by carburetor into a stationary engine that electronically controls the fuel injection process and the advance ignition angle according to the fuel composition and operating mode in the hybrid renewable energy system: biomass-solar Research scope: - Renovating a gasoline engine using a traditional carburetor into an electronically controlled stationary engine with variable speed within a narrow range corresponding to the working conditions of the stationary engine - Experimentally evaluate the technical performance and pollutant emission level of the engine at a certain number of points on the speed regulation curve with the specified fuel composition - Simulation is performed in many working modes and many fuel components to expand the research results RESEARCH METHODS Combination of theoretical research, simulation and experiment - Theoretical: focus on studying the basis of the entangled combustion process of the gas-fuel mixture, the basis of pollutant formation, focusing on analyzing the influence of the biogashydrogen fuel mixture composition on the performance engine performance and pollutant emission level - Simulation: Using ANSYS FLUENT software to simulate the fuel supply and combustion process of engines running on biogashydrogen fuel mixture On the fuel supply process, the focus is on analyzing the effects of the pre-mixed biogas-hydrogen fuel supply technique and the separate (dual) biogas/hydrogen fuel supply Regarding the combustion process, focus on simulating the influence of mixture composition and advance igntion angle on the technical features and pollution emission level of the engine - Experimental: Implemented the improvement of stationary gasoline engine, fueled by carburetor into a gas fuel injection and electronically controlled ignition engine, specifically building a fuel supply diagram biogas-hydrogen fuel on the speed regulation curve and design an electronic control circuit to perform the fuel supply and adjust the optimal advance igntion angle according to the engine's working mode Conduct experimental measurements of the engine's power and pollutant emissions in some specified working modes and fuel compositions to evaluate simulation results SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICALITY SIGNIFICANCE OF THE THESIS Scientific significance: Conventional stationary engines are typically designed to use a specific type of fuel, so they are not suitable when operating under variable fuel conditions The study of flexibly adjusting the fuel supply process and the advance ignition angle of the spark ignition stationary engine according to the fuel composition and operating conditions has scientific significance not only for the renewable energy system but also for the renewable energy system hybrid generation but also for the development of flexible gas-fueled engines Practical significance: Our country is in the tropics, agricultural production should have great potential for biomass and solar energy The combination of using these two energy sources in a hybrid renewable energy system will overcome the shortcomings of using a single renewable energy source Static engines using biogashydrogen play an important role in hybrid renewable energy systems It replaces complex and expensive energy storage equipment Therefore, the research and development of stationary engines using flexible gaseous fuels will create conditions for the widespread development of renewable energy applications It is one of the practical solutions contributing to the implementation of the Net Zero strategic goals that our country has committed to the world STRUCTURE OF RESEARCH CONTENTS The thesis's table of contents, in addition to the introduction, conclusion and development direction of the thesis, the main content is presented in chapters with the following structure: Chapter 1: Overview of the research problem Chapter 2: Theoretical basis of the process of creating mixtures and combustion in the SI engine Chapter 3: Simulation of mixture creation and combustion in the biogas-hydrogen injection engines Chapter 4: Experimental research and evaluation of simulation results NEW CONTRIBUTION OF THE THESIS - Converting a spark ignition stationary engine fueled with gasoline into port injection biogas-hydrogen engine with an appropriate electronic control unit - Determine the biogas-hydrogen hybrid fuel composition to achieve the harmonization of technical features and pollution emission level of the engine - Construction fuel injection diagram and engine ignition diagram using biogas-hydrogen fuel - Control the fuel injection process and the advance igntion angle according to the fuel composition and working mode of the engine to improve the working efficiency of the biogas-hydrogen engine - Design and manufacture of an ECU for flexible gas-fueled engine, contributing to the development of a biomass-solar hybrid renewable energy system Chapter 1: OVERVIEW 1.1 Global energy structure in the "Net Zero" strategy 1.2 Hybrid renewable energy system 1.3 Hybrid renewable energy system biomass - solar energy 1.4 Effect of hydrogen on engine performance 1.5 Conclusion - To limit the increase in atmosphere temperature, we must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, especially CO2 emissions Gradually reducing the use of fossil fuels and replacing them with renewable fuels helps us to keep the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere today, maintaining the habitat on the planet - Renewable energy is generally unstable and depends a lot on weather and environmental conditions - Biogas is produced from agricultural or livestock waste with the main components being CH4 and CO2 Syngas from biomass gasification contains CO, CH4, H2 and impurities CO2, N2 The presence of CO2, N2 in these fuels reduces the calorific value and combustion rate of the fuel, which affects the performance and emission of pollutants of the engine However, they have a high octane rating, so they can be used in sparking engines with high compression ratios - Hydrogen can be produced from water through electrolysis by solar electricity Hydrogen is also present in syngas from biomass gasification Hydrogen has a burning speed 10 times higher than methane, so it is a very good additive to improve the combustion performance of biogas - In a hybrid renewable energy system, the biogas/hydrogen fuel composition changes frequently The motor's load mode also changes to provide compensatory power to the system As a result, the advance ignition angle and fuel/air ratio also change Therefore, the engine control system must be flexible to ensure that the engine can work efficiently in a renewable energy system From the above conclusions, this thesis focuses on researching solutions to adjust the advance ignition angle and equivalence coefficient of stationary engines running on poor gas fuel supplemented with hydrogen Chapter 2: THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE PROCESS OF CREATING MIXTURES AND COMBUSTION IN THE SI ENGINE 2.1 Basic system of equations 2.2 Model of turbulent 2.3 Model of the combustion 2.3.1 Calculation of quantities of combustion Mixed ingredients Probability Density Function (fdp) Function of the dependent variable ϕ(f) 2.3.2 Determine the flame membrane Combustion takes place in a thin flame film The flame film spread is modeled by solving the transport equation for the mean reaction evolution variable, denoted c:    (  c) + .(  vc) =   t c  +  Sc t  Sct  (2.43) 2.3.3 Laminar flow rate Analysis of flame film spreading rate components Assume that the unburnt gas is subjected to adiabatic compression, p = C u u (p: pressure in the combustion chamber), the basic combustion rate can be calculated in terms of pressure p: Sn = dVb Vo − Vb dp − A dt A  u p dt (2.54) Experimental formulas for laminar melting rate The basic combustion rate depends on temperature and pressure as suggested by Meghalchi and Keck 𝑆𝑛 = 𝑆𝑛,𝑟𝑒𝑓 ( 𝑇𝑢 𝑇𝑢,𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝛾 ) ( 𝛽 𝑝𝑢 𝑝𝑢,𝑟𝑒𝑓 ) (2.58) According to Rallis and Garforth [202] the relationship between the laminar combustion rate of the methane/air mixture at complete combustion is represented by the expression Sn= Sn,o T (2.62) Iijima and Takedo [204] suggest the following general expression 𝑆𝑛 = 𝑆𝑛,𝑜 𝑇 𝛼 (1 + 𝛽𝑙𝑜𝑔10 𝑝) (2.65) 2.3.4 Turbulent flame speed In FLUENT, the turbulent flame film speed is calculated based on the model of the wrinkle as well as the flame film thickness [196]: 𝑆𝑡 = 𝐴(𝑢′) 3/4 𝑆 1/2 𝛼 −1/4 𝑙 1/4 𝑛 𝑡 = 𝐴𝑢 𝜏 1/4 ′( 𝑡 ) 𝜏𝑐 (2.66) 2.4 Conclusion - Combustion is a very complex process Because of the turbulent environment where chemical reactions occur, the particles change from the original fuel and oxidant to combustion products through a series of chemical reactions - In order to simplify the reaction problem in turbulent media, scientists have come up with suitable combustion models for the interaction between the fuel and the oxidant Two basic models are combustion of heterogeneous mixtures and combustion of homogeneous mixtures For engines using hybrid fuel, the locally homogeneous combustion model is suitable for the nature of the equivalence ratio is greater than 1, the pollutant emissions increase very sharply figure 3.37 3.3.3 Effect of biogas composition Figure 3.40a and Figure 3.40b show the pressure and temperature variation in the cylinder when the engine runs on biogas M6C4, M7C3 and M8C2 without hydrogen phase at 2100 rpm and 3600 rpm with advance ignition angle 20°CA When the engine runs at a given speed, the maximum pressure increases with the CH4 content in the biogas Figure 3.40: Effect of biogas composition on pressure variation according to crankshaft rotation angle when the engine was operated at 2100 rpm (a) and 3600 rpm (b) 3.3.4 Effect of Hydrogen content When hydrogen is added to biogas, the combustion rate increases, combustion can take place with a poorer mixture, so the optimal equivalence coefficient is closer to =1 Figure 3.45 introduces the variation of cycle indicator work and pollutant emission level when the engine runs on M7C3-20H fuel We see that the top of the curve Wi() is close to =1 The level of CO, HC, and NOx emissions is therefore much lower than that of the biogas-powered engine described in figure 3.47a and figure 3.47b 13 Figure 3.47: Effect of hydrogen content mixed into biogas M7C3 on combustion and pollutant emissions of the engine when running at 2100 rpm (a) and 3600 rpm (b) with =1 3.3.5 Effect of engine speed (b) (a) Figure 3.51: Effect of engine speed on variation of characteristic parameters of combustion when the engine runs on fuel M7C3-15H (a) and M8C2-40H (b) with =1 and φs=20°TK When the engine speed is increased, the combustion conditions are not favorable, reducing the cycle work, increasing the exhaust gas temperature and CO, HC concentrations The advantage of increasing engine speed is to reduce NOx concentration and increase engine power Therefore, to improve engine performance when 14 accelerating, we need to adjust the advance ignition angle 3.3.6 Effect of load modes The corresponding cycle indicator work is 195.64, 133.95 and 104.23 J/ct figure 3.53a At 50% load mode, CO and HC emissions are doubled compared to when the engine is running at full load, but NOx concentration in the engine exhaust is reduced by 60% compared to full load mode (Figure 3.53b) Compared to the case of the M7C3 biogas engine in the corresponding local load mode, when 20% hydrogen is mixed, the improvement in Wi decreases gradually when the load is reduced At 65% load mode, Wi increases about 4% but at 50% load mode, Wi only increases about 2% when 20% hydrogen is mixed into biogas Just like the case of the engine running at full load, when adding hydrogen to biogas, CO and HC emissions decrease but NOx emissions increase (b) (a) Figure 3.53: Graph of work in different load modes (a) and influence of load mode on typical parameters of combustion (M7C3-20H, n=3600 rpm, =1, φs=30°CA) 3.3.7 Compare engine performance when running on biogas and biogas plus hydrogen Figure 3.55 shows that for any biogas, the presence of hydrogen in the fuel mixture also helps to improve combustion efficiency, increasing the cycle indicator work CO and HC emissions are reduced 15 by an average of 5-10 times when 20% hydrogen is mixed into biogas The disadvantage of mixing hydrogen into biogas is the increased NOx emissions These results show that under optimal conditions, NOx emissions increase by about 10-15% when 20% hydrogen is mixed into biogas (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.55: Comparison of combustion characteristics under optimal conditions in terms of advance ignition angle and equivalence ratio when using biogas M6C4 (a), M7C3 (b) M8C2 (c) 3.8 Conclusion - For a given operating mode of the engine, when the CH4 content in biogas increases from 60% to 80%, the optimal equivalence ratio decreases from 1.06 to 1.04, the cycle indicator of the engine increases by % and emission levels of CO, HC, NO x decreased by about 20% on average - The optimal equivalence coefficient decreases with increasing H2 content in biogas When 40% hydrogen is mixed into biogas, the optimal equivalency factor reaches the theoretical complete combustion value, the cycle indicator increases 13%, the emission level of pollutants CO, HC decreases 10 times and NOx emission decrease times - The working efficiency of biogas engine is maximized when mixing 15% hydrogen into biogas Beyond this threshold, the 16 performance of the engine is almost unchanged when increasing the hydrogen content in biogas - With a given engine speed mode, the optimal advance ignition angle is reduced by 2°CA when increasing by 10% CH4 in biogas and by 3°CA when increasing by 10% of hydrogen in the mixture with biogas when the hydrogen content in biogas is less than 20 % When the hydrogen content exceeds 20%, the optimal advance ignition angle is almost unchanged with the H2 content - When hydrogen is mixed into biogas, engine performance is improved not because of the energy it brings into the combustion chamber, but because of the increase in the combustion speed and the expansion of the combustion limit, which helps the optimal combustion process to take place near the value of =1 than when the engine runs on biogas - In optimal operating conditions, when 20% hydrogen is mixed into biogas, the indicator work increases by 6% on average, CO and HC emissions are reduced by 5-10 times on average, NOx emissions increase by about 10-15% Chapter 4: EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH AND EVALUATION OF SIMULATION RESULTS 4.1 Electronically controlled biogas-hydrogen fuel injectors (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.3 Nozzle control signal without noise processing (a, b) and Hall sensor signals, ignition signal and injection signal after noise treatment (c) 17 4.2 Adjusting advance ignition angle of engines running on biogas-hydrogen mixture 4.2.1 Combustion rate of laminar flow 4.2.2 Premature advance ignition angle physical model Figure 4.9 The signal of the Hall sensor and ignition signal without noise (a), the signal when processing the noise ports connected by capacitor (b) and the signal after processing with optical isolation source (c) 4.3 ECU control biogas-hydrogen engine Figure 4.12 Diagram of experimental system layout changes advance igntion angle, injection time of static engine The program includes the modular activation based on the signal of the relative Sensor, reading the information sensor of the throttle position, the CO and H2 sensor, determining the ignition time, the spraying time and the distribution injection control signal and ignition system The first program was tested on physical figure tissue (Figure 4.12) 18 4.4 Renovation Engine 4.4.1 Diagram of engine renovation system Figure 4.17: Diagram of renovation of static motor at the traditional spark ignition into a static engine at electronic control gas injection 4.4.2 Install parts on renovated engines 4.5 Experimental study 4.5.1 Fuel preparation 4.5.2 Conduct the experimental system Figure 4.32 introduces the test system layout diagram Figure 4.25: Diagram of experimental system 19 4.5.3 Experimental sequence 4.6 Experimental results 4.6.1 Adjust the fuel injection time 5000 4500 4000 (s) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 00 10 20 30 40 50 65 60 80 75 70 0-500 500-1000 1000-1500 1500-2000 2000-2500 2500-3000 3000-3500 3500-4000 4000-4500 4500-5000 85 Figure 4.34: M6C4-20H fuel injection diagram after adjustment (n=3600 rpm, dp=5,5mm, pp=0,5bar) 4.6.2 Adjust the advance igntion angle Advance igntion angle adjustment technique The influence of hydrogen composition on advance ignition angle Compare simulation and experimental variables to optimize the optimal ignition angle according to H2/CH4 34 31 js (CA) (TK) 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 10 10-13 20 13-16 30 16-19 1.05 40 1.1 1.15 19-22 22-25 0.75 0.7 0.85 0.8 0.95 0.9 25-28 28-31 31-34 Figure 4.38: Diagram optimal ignition angle 20 4.6.3 System diagram automatically adjusts the equivalence ratio and advance igntion angle of static engine running on biogashydrogen with changes Hydrogen Bộ điều khiển Cảm biến CO2 Cảm biến CO2 Cảm biến vị trí bướm ga Biogas Túi chứa hỗn hợp khí biogashydrogen Động biogashydrogen Cảm biến Hall Figure 4.39: System diagram automatically adjusts the equivalence ratio and advance ignition angle of static engine running on biogashydrogen with changes 4.7 Conclusion - The traditional spark ignition engine can be converted into a biogas-hydrogen engine suitable for the renewable energy system in the solar-biomass hybrid thanks to the specially designed ECU ECU includes microcontroller, Hall sensor, throttle position sensor, CO2 concentration sensor in biogas, CO2 concentration sensor in biogas-hydrogen mixture, gas fuel nozzle and integrated ignition system - Biogas-hydrogen fuel nozzle for static engine at GX200 can be renovated from the LPG nozzle used on cars by expanding the injection hole to a 5.5mm diameter The appropriate fuel injection pressure is 0.5 bar Spraying time because the experiment is smaller than the average injection time of simulation - With a given biogas component, the hydrogen content is very slightly affected by the Vkk/Vnl ratio in the fuel mixture When 21 fixing the hydrogen content and increases the biogas content, the ratio of air/fuel increases It can be viewed close to the ratio of Vkk/Vnl to increase linear according to biogas content in biogas-hyperrogen fuel mixture Variation of spraying flow according to the throttle corner can be represented by the expression tp=k.(1-sin) p1/2, where k is the constant depending on the fuel - Hydrogen content is the main factor that affects the optimal advance igntion angle of the engine For static motor at a biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal advance igntion angle depends on the ratio of H2/CH4 At 3600rpm speed, the advance igntion angle of the engine runs on a biogas-hydrogen mixture in the range of 16-33°CA CONCLUSION AND DEVELOPMENT This thesis focuses on researching technology to adjust the two important operating parameters of the engine in the hybrid renewable energy system, which is the equivalence ratio and advance igntion angle Research results allow to draw the following conclusions: - When increasing the hydrogen content in the mixture with biogas, the instructions of the engine cycle increases even though the total energy brought by the fuel carried into the engine decreases The degree of CO, HC emissions when the engine runs on a lower biogas-hydrogen mixture when running on biogas However, hydrogen increases fire temperature leading to NOx emissions - When using biogas, the optimal equivalence ratio =1.05 When mixing 20% of hydrogen into biogas, the equivalence 22 ratio is approximately =1 In optimal operating conditions, when mixing 20%of hydrogen into biogas, the indicator increased by an average of 6%, CO and HC emissions decreased by an average of 5-10 times but NOx emissions increased by 1015% Mixing 20% of hydrogen into biogas is the optimal content to achieve the harmony between increasing work efficiency and reducing engine emissions - In a given engine speed mode, advance ignition angle of ignition decreases 2°CA when increasing 10% CH4 in biogas and reducing 3°CA when increasing 10% of hydrogen in mixture with biogas when the hydrogen content is in biogas is 20%smaller When the hydrogen content exceeds 20%, the optimal advance ignition angle is almost unchanged according to H2 content - With a given biogas component, the hydrogen content is very slightly affected by the Vkk/Vnl ratio It can be viewed close to the ratio of Vkk/Vnl to increase linear according to biogas content in biogas-hydrogen fuel mixture Variation injection flow rate of biogas-hydrogen fuel mixture according to the throttle corner can be represented by the expression tp=k.(1-sin) p1/2, where k is the constant depending on the fuel - Hydrogen content is the main factor that affects the optimal advance ignition angle of the engine For static motor at a biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal advance ignition angle depends on the ratio of H2/CH4 At 3600 rpm, the advance ignition angle of the engine runs on a biogas-hydrogen mixture is from 16°CA to 33°CA - The static engine at the traditional spark ignition can be 23 renovated into a flexible biogas-hydrogen-used engine in the hybrid renewable energy system thanks to the specific ECU electronic controller including a microcontroller installed set a program to control the operation of the nozzle and ignition system; A sensor from Hall to activate the program to calculate the cycle parameters; two CO2 sensors to determine the fuel composition; A sensor determines the location of the throttle; A biogas-hydrogen fuel nozzle is renovated from the LPG nozzle; A combination ignition cluster The components of the system are connected to the microcontroller via power-interference circuit DEVELOPMENT - Add the Syngas fuel ingredient to the biogas-hydrogen fuel mixture corresponding to the engine working in the Hybrid Biomass Renewable Energy System Biomasses can be divided into two lines of matter: The decomposition organic material is used to produce biogas; Non-biodegradable organic matter is gasified to produce syngas Therefore, the engine in the Hybrid Biomass Renewable Energy System-Solar Solar is provided with biogas-hydrogen-Syngas fuel with flexible changes - Designing and manufacturing to mass production of specific ECUs according to the principle that this thesis has developed to renovate the static engine in the tradition of a static engine at an electronic control run by biogas-hydrogen-syngas has flexible component changes - Developing research results on Dual Fuel engine running on biogas-hydrogen-syngas fuel mixture 24 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS BASED ON THESIS RESULTS Van Ga Bui, Thi Minh Tu Bui, Hwai ChyuanOng, Sandro Nižetić, Van Hung Bui, Thi Thanh Xuan Nguyen, A.E.Atabanie, Libor Štěpanec, Le Hoang Phu Pham, Anh Tuan Hoang "Optimizing operation parameters of a spark-ignition engine fueled with biogas-hydrogen blend integrated into biomass-solar hybrid renewable energy system." Energy (2022): 124052 (SCIE Q1) Van Ga Bui, Thi Minh Tu Bui, Anh Tuan Hoang, Sandro Nižetićc, R Sakthiveld,Van Nam Tran, Van Hung Bui, Dirk Engelf, Hadiyanto Hadiyantog "Energy storage onboard zeroemission two-wheelers: Challenges and technical solutions." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 47 (2021), 101435 (SCIE Q1, Corresponding author) Bui Van Ga, Bui Thi Minh Tu, Nguyen Van Dong, Bui Van Hung "Analysis of combustion and Nox formation in a SI engine fueled with HHO enriched biogas." Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19.5 (2020): 317-327 (SCIE Q3) Bui Van Ga, Cao Xuan Tuan, Bui Van Hung, Nguyen Thi Thanh Xuan, and Bui Van Tan, "Performance and Emissions of Motorcycle Engine Fueled with LPG-Ethanol by Port Injection" CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure Springer, Singapore, 2022 1673-1682 (SCOPUS) Bui Van Ga, Bui Thi Minh Tu, Pham Xuan Mai, Bui Van Hung, and Le Hoang Phu Pham: "Zero-Emission Vehicles Penetration into the ASEAN Market: Challenges and Perspective." CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure Springer, Singapore, 2022 1733-1742 (SCOPUS) Bui Van Ga, Bui Thi Minh Tu, Truong Le Bich Tram, Bui Van Hung, "Technique of Biogas-HHO Gas Supply for SI Engine." International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 8.05 (2019): 669-674 Bui Thi Minh Tu, Bui Van Ga, Cao Xuan Tuan, Truong Le Bich Tram, Vo Anh Vu, Bui Van Hung “Automatic control equivalence ratio and advance ignition angle of renewable gaseous fuel port injection SI stationary engine.” The University of Danang-Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 20, No 5, 2022, pp 79-86 Bui Van Ga, Bui Thi Minh Tu, Bui Van Hung, Phung Minh Tung “Equivalence ratio adjustment for engine fueled with biogas-syngas-hydrogen in hybrid renewable energy system” The University of Danang-Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 20, No 4, 2022, pp 50-57 Bui Van Ga, Bui Thi Minh Tu, Bui Van Hung, Nguyen Le Chau Thanh “Advance ignition angle adjustment for engine fueled with biogas-syngas-hydrogen in hybrid renewable energy system” The University of Danang-Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 20, No 3, 2022, pp 1-6 10 Bui Thi Minh Tu, Bui Van Hung, Truong Le Bich Tram, "Technology of Biogas-HHO Port Injection on a Stationary Spark Ignition Engine." 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Ngày đăng: 07/06/2023, 13:47


