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Specialist skills and knowledge in translation field at an giang deparment of external relations

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Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Internship is one of the important parts of university, the practice will help students have practical access to the majors they study, in addition to being able to know more about what they will in the near future For me, the internship is a good opportunity to experience and learn, so I am very grateful for this opportunity and I want to say thanks for that First of all, I would like to say thanks to An Giang University and Faculty of Foreign Languages for offering this opportunity to me So, I can learn a lot from the place where I am a trainee, Department of External Relations of An Giang Province This place helped me gain more knowledge and experience at work as well as in life Secondly, I am very grateful to my two instructors who supported me during internship Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh, she is my teacher, she taught me a lot of experiences about translation and gave some advice for my internship report Another person was Mr Nguyen Van Phuc – Deputy Chief of Office at Department of External Relations, who was very enthusiastic, he spent a lot of time for trainees and he shared his precious experience in many fields for us Furthermore, I would like to thank Ms Ngo Thi Kim Ngan, who helped us a lot in translation and she gave us some suggestions on our activities to achieve a good result Finally, I thank so much to my family, relatives and friends who are always with me and give me life advice Especially they have always supported and encouraged me in making important decisions In conclusion, I will always appreciate and love what I learned during this internship as well as the new and meaningful things that life gives me Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh TABLE OF CONTENT PART A - DISCRIPTION OF INTERNSHIP AGENCY I Overview of the Department of External Relations Introduction Department organization Department staff PART B - INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES, ATTAINMENTS, ADVANTAGES AND DISAVANTAGES OF THE INTERNSHIP I Intership activities Theoretical learning 1.1 Foreign information 1.2 Economic diplomacy 1.3 Consular work 1.4 Diplomatic protocol 10 1.5 Negotiation and teamwork skills 11 Translation 11 Role play 11 Presentation 12 Gaining experience from the instructor 14 Meeting Director, thanks and ending this internship 14 II Internship attainments 14 III Advantages and disadvantages during internship 15 Advantages 15 1.1 Internship location 15 1.2 Equipment and working environment 15 1.3 Exchange and learn with others 15 Drawbacks 15 2.1 No official workplace for internship students 16 2.2 Lack of knowledge 16 PART C - CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 16 Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh I Conclusion 16 II Suggestions 16 Suggestions for Department of External Relations of An Giang Province 16 Suggestions for An Giang University and Faculty of Foreign Languages 17 Suggestions for the next courses 17 REFERENCES 18 Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh LIST OF PICTURES AND DIAGRAM Picture Department of External Relations Picture Role play activities Picture Presentation Picture Meeting Director of Department of External Relations Diagram Department of External Relations Organization Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh ABSTRACT This report presents the remarkable things about my practice at Department of External Relations of An Giang Province The first content is a description of the internship agency, including location, information, organization and other necessary information The main content of the report is a detailed description of the outstanding activities during the internship Each part will have remarkable points and useful knowledge to learn That helped me broaden my horizons and my English vocabulary a lot In this part, I have also learned many functions and general understanding about the field of this agency, including domestic and foreign information In addition, Department of External Relations also cares and explores the potential development of An Giang Province and the possibility of cooperation with other countries At the end of the report, I would like to present the advantages and disadvantages of internship at the Department of External Relations as well as what I achieved during my internship Moreover, I have made conclusions and suggestions for Department of External Relations, for An Giang University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and students of the next courses Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh PART A - DISCRIPTION OF INTERNSHIP AGENCY I Overview of the Department of External Relations Introduction Picture Department of External Relations Department of External Relations is a specialized agency under People's Committee of An Giang Province The Department of External Relations has the function of advising and assisting the People's Committee of the An Giang Province in governmental management and external affairs Through the p the policy of international integration, besides the orientation to expand relations and comprehensively develop the external field of the province; organizing and managing the Party's external affairs according to the Party's regulations Location of Department of External Relations of An Giang Province Address: 8/18 Ly Thuong Kiet, My Binh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh Tel: 02963940103 Email: songoaivu@angiang.gov.vn Department organization The Department establishes professional divisions to ensure the work, each division will have appropriate functions and duties but the main function of the Department is to manage the external affairs for of External Relations has organized the specialized divisions to fulfill their duties and work, as follow: Diagram Department of External Relations Organization Department staff With the diagram above, each division has its own staff to take on the work, as follow: Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh (1) Board of Directors - Mr Huynh Cong Huan – Director - Mrs Ngo Thi My Ngoc – Deputy Director (2) Specialized division - Mr Dang Van Nen - Head of Division - Mr Men Mon Dy – Deputy Head of Division - Ms Huynh Quang Thanh Truc – Deputy Head of Division - Mr Chau Thanh Khe - Deputy Head of Division - Ms Nguyen Thi Kim Yen - Official - Ms Ngo Thi Kim Ngan - Official - Ms Nguyen Hong Nhung – Official - Ms Nguyen Thi Dieu Hue – Official - Mr Tran Ky Viet – Official (3) Inspection division - Ms Ngo Thi Phuong Mai – Chief Inspector (4) Office -Ms Nguyen Thi My Chi – Chief of Office - Mr Nguyen Van Phuc – Deputy Chief of Office - Ms Huỳnh Ngọc Xuan – Official - Ms Nguyen Thi Kim Quyen – Official -Ms Trinh Thi Huynh – Official -Ms Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan – Official PART B - INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES, ATTAINMENTS, ADVANTAGES AND DISAVANTAGES OF THE INTERNSHIP I Internship activities Theoretical learning Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh In the first day of the practice, my instructor - Mr Phuc who introduced to us the essential information, duties and functions of the Department of External Relations 1.1 Foreign information In this section, Mr Phuc introduced the basic information about the development of several areas in An Giang and the partners that An Giang cooperates with The purpose of learning about foreign information is to promote the image of An Giang This work was done in sequence as follows: • Overview of basic foreign information • Orientation for investment and development cooperation • in accordance with local conditions • Contents of foreign information in local agencies and units 1.2 Economic diplomacy Economic diplomacy is a form of foreign affairs that uses the full spectrum of economic tools of a state to achieve its national goals Economic diplomacy is an activity aiming at promoting trade, investment cooperation, science and technology cooperation, tourism, labor, services, protection of the interests of the state, the legitimate interests of organizations The goal of economic diplomacy is to help An Giang province have more opportunities for cooperation and development with other countries Besides, the province can also call for investment to develop potential strategies of the province, create more jobs for people in the province 1.3 Consular work Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh In the first day of the internship, Mr Phuc and Ms Ngan introduced us about consular work at Department of External Relations as following: • Supporting the Provincial People's Committee to unify the management of incoming and outgoing delegations • Coordinating in welcoming international delegations to visit and work with leaders of the provincial People's Committee; organizing foreign business trips of leaders of the provincial People's Committees • Coordinating with functional agencies to guide and manage activities of foreign individuals and organizations related to personal identities, property, travel, business, living, study, work, tourism and investment in the province must comply with the provisions of the law of Vietnam • Coordinating with relevant departments and agencies to carry out the immigration of Vietnamese and foreigners in the province 1.4 Diplomatic protocol Diplomatic protocol stems from our country's diplomatic activities with other countries, on the basis of respecting the symbols of each nation and mutual respect by other countries Diplomatic reception is an important part contributing to the success and convenience of diplomatic activities of the country In this section, Mr Phuc presented the basic rules and steps of welcoming foreign guests as follow: (1) Prepare (2) Invitation (3) Welcome (4) Introduction and greetings (5) Seating arrangement Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh (6) Gifts and Presents (7) Reception (8) Send – off 1.5 Negotiation and teamwork skills During the group work time, my friends and I always have different opinions We discussed and negotiated together, although there were also controversies and arguments but we still achieved a good result for our work I personally learn a few things from negotiation and teamwork skills, which are higher work efficiency, save time and improve the communication skills of the members Moreover, I also learned to listen, respect other people and be more responsible in the assigned work Translation Translation is one of the important parts of this internship; we are assigned to several translations on many various fields, including translation from English to Vietnamese and contrary The content of documents that we are required to translate such as notes, circulars and some useful documents From the translations, I have accumulated more experience and vocabulary Furthermore, I can also improve the ability to use words in writing and common grammatical errors Role play Role play is one of the interesting activities that Mr Phuc assigned to us Although we have not been attended any of the important meetings before, we have finished this task by searching the internet and asking for advice from Ms Ngan The main content of this session was a welcoming meeting with an Indian consulate delegation to discuss the situation of the province and areas where An Giang and India could cooperate to develop In that situation, we learned a lot about the basic Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh rituals in the diplomatic protocol In addition, we also received further instructions from Mr Phuc on the details of this meeting In the role play time, I was fortunate to be a translator for the president of An Giang Province and Mr Phuc pointed out the mistakes that I made when working as a translator for a big boss Thanks to Mr Phuc, I know more about welcoming foreign guests in my province as well as other provinces Picture Role play activities Presentation Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh Picture Presentation In this session, Mr Phuc gave us eight topics and he divided our group into three subgroups Each group will choose one topic for the presentation My group presented about the topic of islands, we received a lot of feedback from Mr Phuc during the presentation, he added more knowledge that we did not know about our topic In addition, he also appreciated and showed us how to present well to attract listeners He said a good presenter is someone who has all the knowledge in mind, who can talk to attract others and make people focus on their presentation During the presentation, each person will be asked a question by Mr Phuc and answered questions based on the knowledge presented before The content of the presentation is in Vietnamese, but after the presentation we must submit a 2000-word English version of the previous presentation Through this presentation, I learned a lot of presentation knowledge from Mr Phuc and from other friends After this part, I felt more confident when I stood in front of other people, it helped me improve my speaking and presentation skills and made me more interested in giving presentations Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh Gaining experience from the instructor During the internship, Mr Phuc shared many experiences in life and work He showed us the basic of diplomatic and effective learning methods that helps us remember and learn new things better Besides, he also shared many links and materials for us to read and expand knowledge Mr Phuc gave us some advice on future career options, thanks to him I got more information and useful knowledge Meeting Director, thanks and ending this internship On the last day of this internship, we met the Director of the Department of External Relations, Mr Huynh Cong Huan, to say goodbye and thank him and Department of External Relations for giving us an opportunity to practice and study here Mr Huan shared many experiences and career guidance for us He also gave us some advice for future job Personally, I am very thankful for that Picture Meeting Director of Department of External Relations II Internship attainments Through all the activities above, I have learned a lot of new and precious experiences for myself: • Gaining more knowledge in various fields (politics, history, economy…) • Improving translation skills Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh • Gaining useful information for future job • Learning how to study better a language • Improving four skills of English (listening, reading, speaking and writing) • Improving negotiation and debate skills • Working group better III Advantages and disadvantages during internship Advantages 1.1 Internship location Department of External Relations is located in Long Xuyen city, which is not far away from my house, the location is very convenient for me Unlike some of my classmates, they have to go to a new city and spend money on daily activities I have saved time and money when I chose a good place as Department of External Relations 1.2 Equipment and working environment At the internship place, we worked in the meeting room of Department of External Relations, which is very spacious We have been provided sufficient equipment and tools to be able to complete our internship well (air conditioners, projectors, computers and lights) Especially the staff here, they are very friendly and kind to us 1.3 Exchange and learn with others Here I can exchange and learn with Mr Phuc and other friends We also gain knowledge through discussions and debates From there we can get the best results for our problems It is important that we learn to be more creative in problem solving, improve negotiation skills and develop ourselves Drawbacks Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh 2.1 No official workplace for internship students No official workplace was equipped just for internship purpose Sometimes the meeting room was used, we did not have room to practice We could not involve in official meetings or diplomacy, so we not understand about the real diplomatic activities 2.2 Lack of knowledge Because I have never worked in this field before, there are a lot of new things for me In addition, there are many academic words that I not know and I find it difficult to translate and understand So, the lack of knowledge about this field was one of the problems that I encountered I think I should learn and figure out more knowledge to become better PART C - CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS I Conclusion The internship has given me a lot of experience that I could not study at school In this short time, I am more interested in English and I will try my best to be better than now I gained a lot of knowledge and skills during internship at Department of External Relations, this is the first place that I had an opportunity to experience the real working environment Now I am very happy with the new things that I learned after this internship This is very valuable resource to support my future job after graduation II Suggestions Suggestions for Department of External Relations of An Giang Province After a short time working here as a trainee, I have some suggestions for the internship agency as well as trainees at Department of External Relations to consider: Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh • Arranging a schedule so that the trainees can easily grasp the time • Allowing trainees to join in actual activities • Arranging an official room for trainees Suggestions for An Giang University and Faculty of Foreign Languages The purpose of the internship is to help students have enough knowledge to be ready to work after graduation So, I have a few suggestions for An Giang University and Faculty of Foreign Languages, they should orient the students before the internship so that students can choose an internship place that suits their abilities Besides, they should share experience of previous internship for the next course students Suggestions for the next courses For the following courses, I have some advices for English major students as follow: • Students should actively look for an internship place that they feel suitable for them • Students should find out the basic information about where you are going to practice before you start • If the students have any problems during the internship, you should contact with the instructor directly to answer the question • Students have to learn, fully equipped with knowledge and skills • Students should prepare their knowledge if they choose to internship at Department of External Relations (politics, economics, languages, diplomacy and so on) Internship Report Instructor Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Binh REFERENCES http://songoaivu.angiang.gov.vn https://nghiencuuquocte.org/2016/01/09/ngoai-giao-kinh-te-economicdiplomacy/ https://baoquocte.vn/le-tan-ngoai-giao-sai-1-li-se-di-10-da-m-88219.html

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2023, 16:06
