PowerPoint Presentation ENDANGERED ANIMALS Currently, there are about 1556 species at risk of extinction. Their disappearance is not only caused by the destruction of the living environment, but also by humans. => Protection of wildlife plays an important role in ensuring ecological balance and clean living environment.
VU level – would g animals that be endangered, ed extinct ming -At thediminished present,20% the world is at risk of e will be no losing many rare ive on earth species -Rare animals are valuable EN animals level – and very decreased ed, havingendangered, diminished 50% 80% numbers in nature ENDANGERE D ANIMALS C B A Great white shark -The great white shark has a gray and white belly and is the largest predatory fish on earth -It lives an estimated 30 to 40 years and, in maturity, it can reach up to 20 feet in length and weigh up to 5,000 pounds Live They live in coastal surface waters around the world with the greatest populations residing in Australia, South Africa, California and Mexico’s Isla Guadalupe Food -Young: they feed on small prey, such as fish and rays -Older and bigger they generally feast on sea mammals such as sealions, seals and small whales Status Great white sharks - are being hunted by man for fins and teeth, and often as a trophy for sport fishing - is often caught as bycatch by commercial fisheries - become entangled in meshes that protect beaches Solution Have a bill banning the sale, trade and possession of shark fins Diving must be responsible and support reputable diving operators Don’t consume or buy shark products such as shark fin soup, shark skin, or jewelry CROCODILES: Crocodile is a reptile Crocodiles are large reptiles that prefer the water environment Live -Today, crocodiles are found in the tropical habitats of Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas -They normally live near lakes, rivers, wetlands and even some saltwater regions. Food Crocodiles eat only meat -In the wild : fish, birds, frogs and crustaceans -At the zoo: they eat small animals that have already been killed for them, such as rats, fish or mice. Features -Crocodiles are very fast swimmers, which helps them catch their prey -Strong jaws -Have very keen hearing It is so good, they can hear their babies calling from inside their egg Status - Crocodiles are being hunted - Their skin are used to make bags, boots, briefcases, etc., - Crocodile meat is considered a specialty for foodies Solution -Have A bill banning the sale, trade and possession of Crocodiles skin -Propagate and mobilize people to protect crocodiles -Don’t consume or buy Crocodiles products Dog bear – scientific name is Ursus and of H.malayanus species Live They live in the eastern Himalayas, Sichuan in China, Myanmar and Malaysia Food - They mainly feed at night - Their food includes lizards, birds, or others mammals and fruits, eggs,… Status: -Bears are hunted for their bile and legs,… Currently, there are about 1556 species at risk of extinction -Their disappearance is not only caused by the destruction of the living environment, but also by humans => Protection of wildlife plays an important role in ensuring ecological balance and clean living environment