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[...]... of the two control schemes are used in the control of the reboilers on distillation columns (see Chapter 5) and tank level controls, which can be cascaded onto Appiled technology and instrumentation for process control 16 the inlet material flow control loop to the tank (the level controller output forming the set point for the flow controller), to bring a much more refined means of level control PRODUCT... the speed controlled, and perhaps the material on them weighed at the same time The techniques used are described when we consider electric motor controls and discuss the pulp digester Figure 1.2 illustrates a basic motor control circuit, and since any motor used is always fitted on plant-located equipment, three methods—local, remote, and Appiled technology and instrumentation for process control 4... which control is achieved and will also indicate where similar techniques can be applied across as broad a spectrum of manufacturing industries as possible All the remaining chapters of this book, excluding the last, show the workings of some processes and the way the instrumentation and control techniques described therein have been, and can be, applied to achieve control of the process Many of the control. .. measurement FTa for the low ( . x0 y0 w0 h0" alt="" APPLIED TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR PROCESS CONTROL