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I E C 62 541 -1 ® Edition 2.0 201 5-03 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD N ORM E I N TE RN ATI ON ALE OP C U n i fi e d Arch i te ctu re – P art : P rog ram s Arch i tectu re u n i fi ée O P C – IEC 62541 -1 0:201 5-03(en-fr) P arti e : P rog ram m es colour i n sid e T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information Droits de reproduction réservés Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'IEC ou du Comité national de l'IEC du pays du demandeur Si vous avez des questions sur le copyright de l'IEC ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication, utilisez les coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de l'IEC de votre pays de résidence IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - 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webstore i ec ch /csc Si vous désirez nous donner des commentaires sur cette publication ou si vous avez des questions contactez-nous: csc@iec.ch I E C 62 541 -1 ® Edition 2.0 201 5-03 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD N ORM E I N TE RN ATI ON ALE colour i n sid e OP C U n i fi ed Arch i te ctu re – P art : P rog ram s Arch i tectu re u n i fi ée OP C – P arti e : P rog ram m es INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS 25.040.40; 35.1 00 ISBN 978-2-8322-2274-4 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i ca ti on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor Atten ti on ! Veu i l l ez vou s ass u rer q u e vou s avez obten u cette pu bl i cati on vi a u n d i stri b u teu r ag ré é ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope Norm ative references Terms, definitions and conventions Terms and definitions Abbreviations Concepts General Program s Overview 2 Security considerations Program Finite State M achine 4 Program states State transitions 1 Program state transition stimuli 1 Program Control Methods 1 Program state transition effects Program result data Program lifetime Model General Program Type Overview 2 ProgramType Properties ProgramType components ProgramType causes (Methods) 21 5 ProgramType effects (Events) 23 AuditProgram TransitionEventType 25 FinalResultData 26 ProgramDiagnostic DataType 26 ProgramDiagnosticType VariableType 27 Annex A (informative) Program example 28 A Overview 28 A DomainDownload Program 28 A 2.1 General 28 A 2.2 Dom ainDownload states 29 A 2.3 Dom ainDownload transitions 30 A 2.4 Dom ainDownload Methods 30 A 2.5 Dom ainDownload Events 31 A 2.6 Dom ainDownload model 31 Figure Figure Figure Figure – Automation facility control – Program illustration – Program states and transitions – Program Type I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 –3– Figure – Program FSM References Figure – ProgramType causes and effects 21 Figure A.1 – Program exam ple 28 Figure A.2 – Dom ainDownload state diagram 29 Figure A.3 – Dom ainDownloadType partial state model 35 Figure A.4 – Read y To Running m odel 38 Figure A.5 – Opening To Sending To Closing model 40 Figure A.6 – Running To Suspended model 41 Figure A.7 – Suspended To Running model 42 Figure A.8 – Running To Halted – Aborted model 43 Figure A.9 – Suspended To Aborted model 44 Figure A.1 – Running To Completed m odel 45 Figure A 1 – Sequence of operations 46 Table – Program Finite State Machine Table – Program states Table – Program state transitions 1 Table – Program Control Methods Table – ProgramType Table – Program states Table – Program transitions Table – ProgramType causes 22 Table – ProgramTransitionEventType 23 Table – ProgramTransitionEvents 24 Table 1 – AuditProgramTransitionEventType 25 Table – ProgramDiagnosticDataType structure 26 Table – ProgramDiagnosticDataType definition 26 Table – ProgramDiagnosticType VariableType 27 Table A – Dom ainDownload states 30 Table A – DomainDownload Type 32 Table A – Transfer State Machine Type 32 Table A – Transfer State Machine – states 33 Table A – Finish State Machine Type 33 Table A – Finish State Machine – states 34 Table A – DomainDownload Type Property Attributes variable values 34 Table A – Additional Dom ainDownload transition types 36 Table A – Start M ethod additions 38 Table A – StartArguments 39 Table A 1 – I ntermediateResults Obj ect 40 Table A – I ntermediate result data Variables 41 Table A – FinalResultData 44 Table A – Final result Variables 45 –4– I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON O P C U N I F I E D ARC H I T E C T U RE – P a rt : P ro g m s FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stan dardization com prisin g all n ation al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC National Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all q uestions concerni ng stand ardi zati on in the el ectrical an d electronic fi elds To this en d and in additi on to other acti vities, I EC pu blish es I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu ides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Th ei r preparation is entrusted to tech nical comm ittees; any I EC N ational Comm ittee interested in the subj ect dealt with m ay partici pate in this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental an d n on governm ental organ izations l iaising with th e I EC also participate i n this preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I ntern ational Organi zation for Stand ardization (I SO) in accordance with ditions determ ined by agreem ent between th e two organi zati ons 2) The form al decisions or ag reem ents of I EC on tech nical m atters express, as n early as possible, an i nternati onal consensus of opi nion on the rel evant subjects since each technical com m ittee has representati on from all interested I EC N ational Com m ittees 3) I EC Publications have the form of recom m endations for intern ational use an d are accepted by I EC National Com m ittees in that sense While all reasonable efforts are m ade to ensure that th e tech nical content of I EC Publications is accu rate, I EC cann ot be h eld responsi ble for th e way in which th ey are used or for an y m isinterpretation by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote intern ational u niform ity, I EC National Com m ittees undertake to apply I EC Publications transparentl y to the m axim um extent 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of, or relian ce upon, this I EC Publicati on or any other I EC Publications 8) Attention is drawn to th e N orm ative references cited in th is publ ication Use of the referenced publ ications is indispensable for the correct applicati on of this publication 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be the su bject of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for identifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts I nternational Standard I EC 62541 -1 has been prepared by subcommittee 65E: Devices and integration in enterprise systems, of I EC technical committee 65: I ndustrial-process measurement, control and automation This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 201 This edition constitutes a technical revision This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Based on NI ST review, security considerations have been included as 2; b) Fixed the definition of the Program Diagnostic Type into a data type (5.2 8) and added m issing data type for the Program Diagnostic Variable in the ProgramType in Table c) Corrected the BrowseN am e of the audit events for Program Transitions in Table I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 –5– The text of this standard is based on the following documents: FDI S Report on votin g 65E/383/FDI S 65E/409/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the I SO/I EC Directives, Part A list of all parts of the I EC 62541 series, published under the general title Architecture , can be found on the I EC website OPC Unified The comm ittee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC web site under "http://webstore iec ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or am ended I M P O RT AN T th at it – Th e co n ta i n s u n d e rs t a n d i n g c o l o u r p ri n t e r of ' co l ou r c o l o u rs i ts in si de' wh i ch c o n te n ts l ogo a re U s e rs on th e cover c o n s i d e re d sh ou l d p ag e to t h e re fo re of th i s be p ri n t p u b l i cati on u s e fu l th i s fo r i n d i c ate s th e d ocu m e n t c o rre c t u si n g a –6– I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 O P C U N I F I E D ARC H I T E C T U RE – P a rt : P ro g m s S cop e This part of I EC 62541 is part of the overall OPC U nified Architecture (OPC U A) standard series and defines the inform ation model associated with Programs This includes the description of the NodeClasses, standard Properties, Methods and Events and associated behaviour and inform ation for Programs The com plete address space model including all NodeClass es and Attributes is specified in I EC 62541 -3 The services such as those used to invoke the Methods used to manage P rograms are specified in I EC 62541 -4 N o rm a t i ve re fe re n c e s The following docum ents, in whole or in part, are normativel y referenced in this docum ent and are indispensable for its application For dated references, onl y the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced docum ent (including an y amendments) applies I EC TR 62541 -1 , OPC Unified Architecture – Part 1: Overview and Concepts IEC 62541 -3: 201 5, OPC Unified Architecture – Part 3: Address Space Model IEC 62541 -4: 201 5, OPC Unified Architecture – Part 4: Services IEC 62541 -5: 201 5, OPC Unified Architecture – Part 5: Information Model IEC 62541 -7, T e rm s , OPC Unified Architecture – Part 7: Profiles d e fi n i t i o n s a n d c o n ve n t i o n s T e rm s a n d d e fi n i t i o n s For the purposes of this docum ent, the terms and definitions given in I EC TR 62541 -1 , I EC 62541 -3, as well as the following appl y fu n c t i o n programm atic task perform ed by a server or device, usuall y accomplished by computer code execution F i n i te S tate M a ch i n e sequence of states and valid state transitions along with the causes and effects of those state transitions that define the actions of a Program in terms of discrete stages P ro g m T yp e type definition of a Program and is a subtype of the FiniteStateMachineType I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 –7– P ro g m C o n t ro l Method having transition M eth o d specific sem antics designed for the control of a Program by causing a state P ro g m unique I n vo c ati o n Object instance of a Program existing on a Server Note to entry: A Program Invocation is disti nguished from other the object node’s un iqu e browse path Ab b re v i a t i o n s DA FSM HMI PCM PGM PI UA Data Access Finite State Machine Hum an Machine I nterfaces Program Control Method Program Program I nvocation Unified Architecture 4 Object i nstances of th e sam e ProgramType by C o n ce p ts G e n e l I ntegrated automation facilities m anage their operations through the exchange of data and the coordinated invocation of system functions as illustrated in Figure Services are required to perform the data exchanges and to invoke the functions that constitute system operation These functions may be invoked through Human Machine I nterfaces, cell controllers, or other supervisory control and data acquisition type systems OPC UA defines Methods and Programs as an interoperable way to advertise, discover, and request these functions They provide a norm alizing m echanism for the sem antic description, invocation, and result reporting of these functions Together Methods and Programs complement the other OPC U A Services and ObjectTypes to facilitate the operation of an autom ation environment using a client-server hierarch y –8– Filling I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 Cl eaning Labellin g Palleti zin g Packaging IEC Fi g u re – Au tom ati on faci l i ty trol Methods and Programs m odel functions typicall y have different scopes, behaviours, lifetim es, and com plexities in OPC Servers and the underlying systems These functions are not norm all y characterized by the reading or writing of data which is accom plished with the OPC UA Attribute service set Methods represent basic functions in the Server that can be invoked by a Client Programs, by contrast, m odel more complex and stateful functionality in the system For exam ple, a m ethod call may be used to perform a calculation or reset a counter A Program is used to run and control a batch process, execute a machine tool part program, or manage a dom ain download Methods and their invocation mechanism are described in I EC 62541 -3 and I EC 62541 -4 This standard describes the extensions to, or specific use of, the core capabilities defined in I EC 62541 -5 as required for Programs Prog ram s Programs Overvi ew are complex functions in a server or un derl ying system that can be invoked and managed by a Client Programs can represent an y level of functionality within a system or process in which client control or intervention is required and progress monitoring is desired Figure illustrates the m odel – 82 – I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 Pour des raisons de clarté, les méthodes de commande du programme et les transitions d’états sont omises DomainDownload TransferStateMachine FinishStateMachine TransferStateMachine FinishStateMachine HasSubStateMachine Running Opening Aborted Ready Sending Completed Suspended Closing Halted StateType HasSubStateMachine DomainDownload TransferStateMachine FinishStateMachine CurrentState CurrentState CurrentState Comprend l’état courant de l’automate d’états finis (SM) du programme DownloadDomain Comprend l’état courant de l’automate d’états finis Transfer si DownloadDomain est l’état Running sinon non valide Comprend l’état courant de l’automate d’états Finish si DownloadDomain est l’état H alted sinon non valide IEC Figu re A.3 – M odèle d’état parti el de Domai nDownloadType Le Tableau A.8 spécifie les ProgramTransitionTypes définis en com plém ent aux ProgramTransitionTypes spécifiés pour les Programmes dans le Tableau Ces types associent les états des diagram mes de sous-états finis Transfer et Finish aux états du Programme de base I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 – 83 – Tableau A.8 – Types de transitions supplémentaires de DomainDownload Nom de Navigation Références Nom de Navigation Cible Valeur Défini tion de Type Dible 10 PropertyType NOTES Transi tions ToSending SendingToSen ding SendingToCl osing SendingToAborted ClosingToCom plet ed SendingToSuspen ded Suspen dedTo Sending HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Sendi ng StateType From State Open ing StateType HasCause Start HasEffect HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType AuditProgramTransitionEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Sendi ng StateType From State Sendi ng StateType HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Closin g StateType From State Sendi ng StateType HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Aborted StateType From State Sendi ng StateType HasCause Halt HasEffect HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType AuditProgramTransitionEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Com pleted StateType From State Closin g StateType HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Suspen ded StateType From State Sendi ng StateType HasCause Suspen d HasEffect HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType AuditProgramTransitionEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Sendi ng Méthod e 11 12 13 PropertyType PropertyType PropertyType Méthod e 14 15 PropertyType PropertyType Méthod e 16 PropertyType StateType – 84 – Nom de Navigation Références Nom de Navigation Cible I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 Valeur Défini tion de Type Dible NOTES Transi tions Suspen dedTo Aborted ReadyToOpeni ng From State Suspen ded StateType HasCause Resum e HasEffect HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType AuditProgramTransitionEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Aborted StateType From State Suspen ded StateType HasCause Halt HasEffect HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType AuditProgramTransitionEventType HasProperty Transiti on Num ber ToState Open ing StateType From State Ready StateType HasCause Start HasEffect HasEffect Prog ram Transiti onEventType AuditProgramTransitionEventType Méthod e 18 PropertyType Méthod e 17 PropertyType Méthod e Les Figure A Figure A illustrent des parties du modèle de DomainDownloadType Dans chaque figure, les états, Méthodes , transitions et EventTypes référencés sont identifiés pour une ou deux transitions d’états I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 – 85 – Partial DomainDownloadType Model Part TransitionEventType TransitionEventType TransitionType 19 HasEffect Ready FromState HasEffect To Opening Ready To Running Running ToState ToState HasCause StateType Opening HasCause Start StateType HasProperty StartInput Arguments InputArguments IEC Figure A.4 – Modèle ReadyToRunning La Figure A illustre le modèle applicable la transition d’un Programme Read yToRunning La transition est provoquée par la Méthode Start La Méthode Start nécessite trois argum ents d’entrée Le Client utilise le service Appel de Méthode pour invoquer la Méthode Start et transmettre les arguments Lorsqu’elle aboutit, l' Invocation de Programme passe l’état Running et l’état subordonné Transfer Opening (Ouverture de Transfert) Le Serveur ém et deux notifications d’ Evénements , Read yToRunning (2) et ToOpening (1 9) Tableau A.9 – Ajouts de la Méthode Start Attributs Valeur BrowseNam e Start I sAbstract Fau x Références Classe de Nœud Nom de Navigation Type de Données Défini tion de Type Règle de M odélisation HasProperty Variable I nputArgum ent Argum ent[] PropertyType – Le Tableau A spécifie que la Méthode Start pour le DomainDownloadType nécessite des arguments d’entrée Le Tableau A identifie les Arguments Start nécessaires – 86 – I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 Tabl e au A – StartArg u m e n ts D é n o m i n ati o n Typ e Argum ent structure Val eu r nam e String SourcePath dataType Nod eI d String Nod eI d valu eRank I nt32 -1 (-1 = scal ar) arrayDim ensions UI nt32[] null description Locali zedText Le spécificateur de source pou r le d om aine Argum ent structure Nam e String Desin ationPath dataType Nod eI d String Nod eI d valu eRank I nt32 -1 (-1 = scal ar) arrayDim ensions UI nt32[] null description Locali zedText Le spécificateur de d estinati on pou r le d om aine Argum ent structure nam e String Dom ainN am e dataType Nod eI d String Nod eI d arrayDim ensions UI nt32[] null valu eRank I nt32 -1 (-1 = scal ar) description Locali zedText Le nom du dom aine La Figure A illustre le m odèle applicable aux transitions du Programme OpeningToSending et SendingToClosing Comme l’indique le tableau des transitions, ces transitions d’états ne nécessitent aucune application de Méthodes , car elles sont pilotées par les actions internes du Serveur Des notifications d’ Evénements sont générées chaque transition d’états (1 2) lorsqu'elles se produisent I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 – 87 – Partial DomainDownloadType Model Part TransitionEventType 10 TransitionEventType 12 TransitionType HasEffect HasEffect FromState OpeningToSending SendingToClosing ToState ToState FromState Opening ToState Sending FromState StateType Closing ToState StateType SendingToSending HasEffect IntermediateResult Data PercentComplete ProgramTransition EventType 1 IEC Figure A.5 – Modèle OpeningToSending ToClosing A noter qu’une transition d’états peut dém arrer et se terminer au m êm e état (Sending) Dans ce cas, la transition a un objet particulier L’effet du ProgramTransitionEventType référencé par la transition d’états SendingToSending a une Référence d’Objet I ntermediateResultData L’ Objet IntermediateResultData perm et d’identifier deux Variables dont les valeurs sont obtenues chaque occurrence d’une transition d’états Les valeurs sont transmises au Client avec la notification d’ Evénement Le Tableau A 1 définit l’ ObjectType IntermediateResults et le Tableau A définit les Variables d’ ObjectType Tableau A.1 – Objet Résultats intermédiaires Attribut Valeur Com prend tous l es attributs spécifiés pou r l'ObjectType BrowseNam e I nterm ediateResults I sAbstract Fau x Références Classe de Nœud Nom de Navigation Type de Données Défini tion de Type Règle de Modélisation HasCom ponent Variable Am ountTransferred Lon g VariableType Oblig atoi re HasCom ponent Variable PercentageTransferred Lon g VariableType Oblig atoi re – 88 – Tabl e au I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 A – Va ri a b l e s d e s d o n n é e s d e ré s u l ta t i n t e rm é d i a i re s V a ri a b l e s d e R é s u l t a t T yp e Va l e u r I n t e rm é d i a i re Variable Structure Nam e String Am ountTransferred dataType Nod eI d String Nod eI d description Locali zedText Octets des don nées d e dom ain e transférées Variable Structure Nam e String PercentageTransferred dataType Nod eI d String Nod eI d description Locali zedText Pourcentag e des d on nées d e d om aine transférées La Figure A illustre le m odèle applicable la transition d’états RunningToSuspended La cause de cette transition est la Méthode Suspend Le Client peut interrom pre le téléchargem ent des données de domaine la comm ande La transition de Running Suspended entrne la génération d’ Evénements de TransitionEventTypes et A noter qu’il n’existe plus d’état courant valide pour le Diagram m e d’États Finis Transfer Partial DomainDownloadType Model Part TransitionEventType Running HasEffect HasEffect FromState RunningToSuspended Suspended SendingToSuspended FromState ToState HasCause StateType TransitionEventType 16 TransitionType Sending HasCause Suspend StateType IEC F i g u re A – M o d è l e R u n n i n g T o S u s p e n d e d La Figure A illustre le m odèle applicable la transition d’états SuspendedToRunning La cause de cette transition est la Méthode Resume Le Client peut reprendre le téléchargem ent des données de dom aine la comm ande La transition de Suspended Running génère l’ Evénement de TransitionEventTypes et Désormais l’état Running est actif, et l’état Sending du Diagramme d’États Finis Transfer est de nouveau spécifié pour le CurrentStateNumber I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 – 89 – Partial DomainDownloadType Model Part TransitionEventType Running HasEffect HasEffect ToState SuspendedToRunning Suspended SuspendedToSending ToState FromState HasCause StateType TransitionEventType 17 TransitionType Sending HasCause Resume StateType IEC Figu re A – M odèle Su spendedToRunnin g La Figure A illustre le modèle applicable la transition d’états RunningToHalted en cas d’achèvement anormal du téléchargement de domaine La cause de cette transition est la Méthode Halt Le Client peut terminer le téléchargement des données de domaine la commande La transition de Running Halted génère l’ Evénement de TransitionEventTypes et Le TransitionEventType indique la transition depuis l’état Sending la fin de l’État Running et la transition l’état Aborted au passage l’état H alted – 90 – I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 Partial DomainDownloadType Model Part TransitionEventType Halted HasEffect HasEffect ToState ToState RunningToHalted Running Aborted SendingToAborted FromState FromState HasCause StateType TransitionEventType 15 TransitionType Sending HasCause Halt StateType IEC Figu re A – M odèle Ru nning To H alted – Aborted La Figure A.9 illustre le modèle applicable la transition d’états SuspendedToHalted en cas d’achèvement anormal du téléchargement de domaine La cause de cette transition est la Méthode Halt Le Client peut terminer le téléchargem ent des données de domaine la commande lorsqu’il est interrom pu La transition de Suspended H alted génère des notifications d’ Evénements de TransitionEventTypes et I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 – 91 – Partial DomainDownloadType Model Part TransitionEventType Halted TransitionEventType 18 TransitionType HasEffect HasEffect ToState SuspendedToAborted SuspendedToHalted FromState FromState Suspended Aborted ToState HasCause StateType Suspended HasCause StateType Halt IEC Figure A.9 – Modèle Suspended To Aborted La Figure A illustre le modèle applicable la transition d’états RunningToCom pleted en cas d’achèvement normal du téléchargem ent de domaine La cause de cette transition est interne La transition de Closing H alted génère l’Evénem ent de TransitionEventTypes et Le TransitionEventType indique la transition depuis l’état Closing la fin de l’état Running et la transition l’état Com pleted au passage l’état Halted Le Dom ainDownloadType com prend une référence de composant un Objet FInalResultData Cet Objet fait référence aux Variables qui conservent les informations relatives au téléchargement de dom aine lorsqu’il est term iné Ces données peuvent être lues par les Clients qui ne sont pas abonnés aux notifications d’ Evénements Les données de résultat sont décrites dans le Tableau A et les Variables dans le Tableau A Tableau A.1 – Données Finales de Résultat Attribut Valeur Com prend tous l es attributs spécifiés pou r l'ObjectType BrowseNam e Final ResultData I sAbstract Fau x Références Classe de Nœud Nom de Navigation Type de Données Défini tion de Type Règle de Modélisation HasCom ponent Variable DownloadPerform ance Lon g VariableType Oblig atoi re HasCom ponent Variable Failu reDetai ls Lon g VariableType Oblig atoi re Le débit net de transfert des données de téléchargement de dom aine et la raison détaillée justifiant l’abandon de téléchargements sont consignés comme les données finales de résultat pour chaque Invocation de Programme – 92 – I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 Tableau A.1 – Variables finales de résultat Variables Finales de Résultat Type Variable Valeur Structure Nam e String Downl oadPerform ance dataType Nod eI d Dou ble description Locali zedText Débit des données de dom aine transférées Variable Structure Nam e String Failu reDetai l s dataType Nod eI d String Nod eI d description Locali zedText Descripti on d e la raison justifiant l ’aband on Partial DomainDownloadType Model Part TransitionEventType Halted HasEffect 14 HasEffect ToState ToState FromState DomainDownload FromState Type FinalResultData StateType Completed ClosingToCompleted RunningToHalted Running TransitionEventType TransitionType Closing StateType DownloadPerformance IEC Figure A.1 – Modèle Running To Completed A.2.6.3 Séquence des opérations La Figure A 1 illustre une séquence normale d’échanges de service entre un Client et le Serveur susceptible de se produire au cours de la durée de vie d’une Invocation de Programme de Dom ainDownloadType I EC 62541 -1 0:201 © I EC 201 Client U A – 93 – Serveur U A Objet Create I nvocation de Programme créée Appel Start Téléchargement de dom aine initié Notificateur d’Événem ents, Read yToRunning Notificateur d’Evénem ents, ToOpening Notificateur d’Événem ents, OpeningToSending Appel Suspend Téléchargem ent de dom aine interrompu Notificateur d’Événem ents, RunningToSuspended Appel Resume Téléchargem ent de dom aine repris Notificateur d’Evénem ents, SuspendedToRunning Notificateur d’Événem ents, ToSending 20 % Notificateur d’Événem ents, SendingToSending 50 % Notificateur d’Événem ents, SendingToSending 00 % Notificateur d’Evénements, SendingToClosing Notificateur d’Événem ents, RunningToH alted Notificateur d’Événem ents, ClosingToCom pleted Suppression de nœud I nvocation de Programme supprim ée IEC Figure A.1 – Séquence des opérations INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:50