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IEC TR 61 243 6 Edition 1 0 201 7 03 TECHNICAL REPORT Live working – Voltage detectors – Part 6 Guidelines on non contact voltage detectors (NCVD) for use at nominal voltages above 1 kV AC IE C T R 6[.]

I E C TR 61 43-6 ® Edition 201 7-03 TE CH N I CAL R E POR T colour i n si de Li ve wo rki n g – Vol tag e d etecto rs – Part 6: G u i d el i n es o n n o n -co n tact vo l tag e d etectors (N CVD) for u se at n o m i n al IEC TR 61 243-6:201 7-03(en) vo l tag es above kV AC TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P Y R I G H T P R O T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , Sw i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab o u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal o g u e - websto re i ec ch /catal o g u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectro ped i a o rg The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l o ssary - std i ec ch /g l o ssary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i sh ed - websto re i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C Cu stom er Servi ce Cen tre - websto re i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TR 61 43-6 ® Edition 201 7-03 TE CH N I CAL R E POR T colour i n si de Li ve worki n g – Vol tag e d etectors – Part 6: G u i d el i n es o n n o n -con tact vol tag e d etecto rs (N CVD) for u se at n om i n al vol tag es abo ve kV AC INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 3.260; 29.240.20; 29.260.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-3903-2 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t yo u o btai n ed th i s pu bl i c ati o n fro m an au th ori zed d i stri bu to r ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope N orm ati ve references Term s and defi n i ti ons The princi ples of an N CVD 1 N CVD desig ned to work at a distance wi th ou t an y contact 1 N CVD desig ned to work wi th reference poin ts General 2 NCVD desi g ned to work wi th on e reference poi n t 4 NCVD desi g ned to work wi th two reference poi nts 5 Differen t desig ns of n on-con tact vol tag e detectors Lim itations an d recom m endations of use for each type of N CVD Pri nci pal l im itati ons Recom m endati ons for th e selection , calibration and use of N CVD Sel ecti on of th e appropriate type of N CVD 2 Cali bration of th e sel ected device 20 Use of the sel ected device 20 Recom m ended requ irem en ts 21 General 21 Recom m ended g en eral requ irem ents 21 Safety 21 2 I n dication 21 Electrom ag netic com pati bili ty (EMC) 21 Recom m ended fu ncti on al requi rem en ts 22 Cl ear i n dicati on 22 Cl ear perceptibil ity 25 3 Tem perature and h um idi ty depen dence of th e i ndi cati on 26 Frequ ency dependence 26 Response tim e 26 Power sou rce depen dabil ity 26 7 Testi n g elem en t 26 Non response to DC vol tag e (static el ectric fi eld) 27 I m m uni ty to el ectrostatic disch arges 27 Tim e rati ng 27 Electrical requ irem ents 27 I nsu latin g m aterial 27 Protecti on ag ainst bri dg ing for Type on l y 27 Resistance ag ainst sparki ng 28 4 Resisti ve (im pedance) el em ent of Type on l y 28 Recom m endati ons for m ech an ical perform ance 28 General 28 Desi gn 28 Dim ensi ons and constru ction 28 I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 –3– Degree of protecti on provi ded by enclosure 30 5 Gri p force an d defl ecti on 30 Vibration drop an d sh ock resistance 31 Markin gs 31 7 I nstructions for use 31 Ann ex A (inform ati ve) G en eral consi derations abou t voltag e detection 32 A General 32 A Pri nci pl es of fu ncti on i n g of vol tag e detectors 32 A Basic an al ysis 32 A 2 Vol tag e detection wi th two contact el ectrodes (bi -polar detectors) 32 A Vol tag e detection wi th on e contact el ectrode 33 A Vol tag e detection wi thou t contact electrode 34 Ann ex B (inform ati ve) I n stru ctions for u se 36 Ann ex C (inform ative) I n -service care 37 C General 37 C Mai nten ance 37 Ann ex D (inform ative) Su itabl e for l ive worki n g ; dou ble trian gl e 38 Bibl i ograph y 39 Fig u re – NCVD worki n g at a distance wi th out an y contact Fig u re – Effect of th e relative positi on of th e non -con tact voltage detector Fig u re – NCVD worki n g at a distance wi th on e reference poi nt Fig u re – Non-con tact voltag e detector wi th a reference poin t m akin g contact with th e cabl e i nsu lati on coverin g an insu l ated ductor Fig u re – Non-con tact voltag e detector worki ng wi th two reference poi nts m akin g tact with the cap an d pin of an i nsu l ator Fig u re – Non-con tact voltag e detector worki ng wi th two reference poi n ts on an un derg rou nd cabl e Fig u re – Direction al properties of N CVD workin g at distance 25 Fig u re – Exam pl es of desig ns of NCVDs 29 Fig u re A – Bi-polar vol tag e detecti on pri ncipl e 33 Fig u re A – Capaciti ve u n ipolar voltag e detecti on princi ple 34 Tabl e – Types of n on-con tact vol tag e detector Tabl e – Lim itations for use Tabl e – Specific recom m endati ons for use 20 Tabl e – Exam pl es of val ues of the radiu s of th e e of detecti on as a fu n cti on of th e directi on al properties an g le 24 Tabl e – Cl im atic categ ories 26 Tabl e – M in im um len gth of th e i nsu lati n g elem ent or of the insu l ati ng stick ( L i ) 30 Tabl e C – Recom m ended checki ng points for i n-service care 37 –4– I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 I NTERNATI ON AL ELECTROTECH NI CAL COMMI SSI ON LIVE WORKING – VOLTAGE DETECTORS – Part 6: Guidelines on non-contact voltage detectors (NCVD) for use at nominal voltages above kV AC FOREWORD ) Th e I n ternati on al El ectrotechn i cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e org an i zati on for stan dardi zati on com pri si n g al l n ati on al el ectrotech ni cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati onal Com m i ttees) The obj ect of I EC i s to prom ote i n ternati on al co-operati on on al l q uesti on s concern i n g stand ardi zati on i n th e el ectri cal an d el ectron i c fi el ds To thi s en d and i n addi ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I n ternati on al Stan dards, Tech n i cal Speci fi cati ons, Tech ni cal Reports, Pu bl i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati ons (PAS) an d Gu i des (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publ i cati on (s) ”) Th ei r preparati on i s entrusted to tech ni cal com m i ttees; an y I EC N ati onal Com m i ttee i n terested i n th e su bj ect deal t wi th m ay parti ci pate i n th i s preparatory work I nternati on al , g overn m ental an d n on g overn m ental org an i zati ons l i si n g wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n thi s preparati on I E C col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n tern ati onal Org an i zati on for Stan d ardi zati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th di ti on s determ i ned by ag reem en t between th e two org an i zati on s 2) Th e form al deci si on s or ag reem en ts of I EC on tech ni cal m atters express, as n earl y as possi bl e, an i ntern ati onal sen su s of opi ni on on th e rel evant su bj ects si n ce each tech ni cal com m i ttee h as representati on from al l i n terested I EC N ati on al Com m ittees 3) I EC Pu bl i cati ons h ave th e form of recom m endati on s for i ntern ati onal use an d are accepted by I EC N ati onal Com m i ttees i n th at sense Whi l e al l reasonabl e efforts are m ade to ensure th at th e tech n i cal content of I EC Publ i cati on s i s accu rate, I EC can n ot be h el d respon si bl e for th e way i n wh i ch th ey are used or for an y m i si nterpretati on 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on of a Tech n ical Report wh en it h as coll ected data of a different ki nd from that wh ich is norm all y pu blish ed as an I ntern ati onal Standard, for exam ple "state of th e art" I EC TR 61 243-6, wh ich is a Tech n ical Report, has been prepared by I EC tech n ical com m ittee 78: Live worki ng The text of th is Tech n ical Report is based on the foll owi n g docum en ts: Enqui ry draft Report on voti n g 78/1 43/DTR 78/1 62A/RVDTR Fu l l inform ation on the voting for th e approval of th is Tech nical Report can be fou nd i n th e report on voti ng in dicated i n the above table I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 –5– This docu m en t h as been drafted i n accordance with th e I SO/I EC Directi ves, Part Term s defi ned i n Cl ause are g i ven i n italic pri n t throu g h out th is stan dard A list of al l parts of the I EC 61 243 series, pu bl ished un der th e g eneral title , can be fou nd on th e I EC websi te Live working – Voltage detectors The com m ittee h as deci ded that th e ten ts of th is docum en t wi l l rem n u nch ang ed un til the stabi lity date i ndicated on th e I EC websi te u n der "http://webstore i ec ch " in th e data related to th e specific docu m ent At th is date, the docu m en t wi l l be • reconfi rm ed, • withdrawn , • replaced by a revised edi ti on, or • am ended A bil in g u al version of th is pu blicati on m ay be issu ed at a l ater date I M P O R T AN T – T h e ' c o l o u r i n s i d e ' th at it tai n s u n d erstan d i n g col o u r p ri n ter of co l o u rs i ts wh i ch c on ten ts l og o are U s e rs on th e cover p ag e of th i s co n s i d e re d sh ou l d to t h e re fo re be p ri n t pu b l i cati on u sefu l th i s fo r i n d i cates th e d o cu m en t c o rre c t u si n g a –6– I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 I NTRODUCTI ON With the aim of ensu rin g th e safety of th e users th e purpose of a voltage detector is to gi ve a of th e presence or absence of the operatin g voltag e, with ou t an y need for interpretation or an al ytical evalu ati on by th e user clear indication IEC 61 243-1 , I EC 61 243-2 and I EC 61 243-3 appl y to portabl e vol tag e detectors desig n ed to work correctl y wh en th ey are in di rect tact with th e bare part of th e i nstall ati on to be tested At H V and U H V, l arg e di stances between the user and the bare parts to be tested m ake the han dli n g of a very lon g insulating element or insulating stick an erg on om ic an d safety concern I n such situ ati ons, i t m ay becom e ven ient to avoid an y tact with th e bare part to be tested an d to perform voltage detection at a distance This docum ent provi des consi derations an d perform ance g u i del i nes for portable “n on -contact” and i t can be used as a reference for th e developm en t of n ati on al, i n dustry or m an ufacturer's stan dard(s) or for the sel ection of a product by users voltage detectors This docum en t has been prepared taki n g i nto consi deration the provisi ons g i ven in IEC 61 477 I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 –7– LIVE WORKING – VOLTAGE DETECTORS – Part 6: Guidelines on non-contact voltage detectors (NCVD) for use at nominal voltages above kV AC Scope This part of I EC 61 243, wh ich is a Techn ical Report, is appl icable to portable non-contact (N CVD) with bu il t-in power sou rce, to be u sed to in dicate the presence or th e absence of th e operating voltage on electrical system s for nominal voltages above kV AC an d frequ encies of 2/3 H z, 50 H z and/or 60 H z voltage detectors NOTE 6, H z i s often referen ced This docum ent appl ies on l y to devices th at are n ot desi gn ed to be used in contact with th e bare part of the i nstal lati on on wh ich the presen ce or th e absence of th e operating voltage has to be tested This docum ent descri bes on l y devices, an d thei r behavi our, usin g el ectric fi el d an d voltag e gradi en t detection pri nci ples even if oth er pri nciples cou l d be used I t provides perform ance gu i deli n es, recom m endati ons for use and recom m en ded m in im um criteria for selection Devices l ike person al safety distance voltage detectors, distance voltage em erg ency responders or m ach in e operators are not covered by th is docu m ent detectors for Except wh en oth erwise specified, all the voltag es defin ed in th is docum en t refer to phase-toph ase vol tag es of three-ph ase system s I n oth er system s, the appl icable ph ase-to-ph ase or ph ase-to-earth (grou n d) voltag es are used to determ ine the operating vol tage Normati ve references The foll owi n g docum ents are referred to i n th e text in such a way that som e or all of their ten t constitutes requ irem ents of th is docum ent For dated references, on l y th e edition cited appl i es For u ndated references, th e latest edition of the referenced docum en t (incl udin g an y am endm en ts) appli es I EC 61 31 8, Live working – Conformity assessment applicable to tools, devices and equipment Terms and definitions For th e purposes of th i s docum ent, th e term s an d defin i ti ons g iven i n I EC 61 31 an d the fol lowi ng appl y I SO an d I EC m ain tai n term in olog ical databases for use in stan dardi zati on at th e fol l owing addresses: • I EC Electropedi a: avai labl e at h ttp://www el ectropedia org / • I SO On l in e browsi n g platform : avai l abl e at http://www iso org/obp 3.1 ad aptor part of an N CVD as a separate device wh ich perm its attachm ent of an insulating stick –8– I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 3.2 application mark m ark on th e N CVD to show to th e user wh ere to put the N CVD at th e appl ication poi nt for clear indication Note to entry: An application mark m ay or m ay n ot be present 3.3 application point specific poi nt of the install ati on wh ere the correspond Note to entry: An application point application mark (if present) of th e NCVD sh ou ld m ay or m ay n ot be n eeded 3.4 active signal au di bl e or visual ph en om enon wh ose presence, absence or variati on is consi dered as representi ng inform ation on th e condi ti on “voltage present” or “vo ltage n ot presen t” Note to entry: A si g n al i n di cati n g on l y th at th e NCVD i s ready to operate i s n ot si d ered as an active signal 3.5 clear indication un am bi g uou s detecti on and in dicati on of the voltage state of the part to be tested 3.6 clear perceptibility case wh ere the i ndication is u nm istakabl y discern ible by th e user u nder specific en vironm ental condi tions when the N CVD is i n i ts operati n g posi tion 3.7 contact electrode bare du cti ve part of a com pon ent to be tested voltage detector wh ich establish es th e electric nection to th e 3.8 design of NCVD different constructi ons of N CVDs, ei th er as a com plete device with or wi th out an or as a separate device in ten ded to be equ ipped wi th an insulating stick insulating element 3.9 directional property property wh ereby an N CVD detects an el ectrical field rel ati ve to a specific posi tion 3.1 electrode m etal l ic part of an N CVD com bin ed wi th on e or m ore oth er m etal lic parts th at al lows to pick up th e electric fiel d 3.1 expected voltage m axim um vol tag e val u e of the part of th e i nstall ati on that wi ll or cou ld be touch ed by the NCVD 3.1 far electric field far field in free space, reg i on wh ere th e distri buti on of th e electrical fi el d is alm ost i ndepen den t of th e distance to th e source – 28 – 7.4.3 I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 Resistance against sparking Where relevan t th e N CVD shal l be constru cted so th at th e indicator can n ot be dam ag ed or shu t off as a resu lt of a low en erg y electric arc encou n tered for th e m axim um expected voltage i n service For exam pl e, in case of a Type 3, as th e voltage detector m ay touch a bare l i ve part, th e m axim um expected voltage i n service is therefore equ al to th e m axim um nominal voltage for wh ich th e N CVD is design ed I n case of a Type 5a, th e m axim u m expected voltage is th e voltag e across on e insu l ator 7.4.4 Resistive (impedance) element of Type only The resistive elem en t (or im pedance) of an NCDV of Type sh all be adequ atel y rated wi th respect to th e m axim um expected voltage an d power in service 7.5 Recommendations for mechanical performance 7.5.1 General For an N CVD as a com pl ete device th e user shou ld be provi ded wi th adequ ate distance an d insu l ation by m eans of an adequ ate insulating element desig n ed accordin g to th e insertion depth in to th e l i ve working zon e for th e rated voltage of th e n om in al voltag e or the h i g hest rated voltage of th e n om i nal vol tag e rang e of th e N CVD (Types 2, an d 5) For an NCVD as a separate device, th e user shou ld be provided with adequ ate distance an d insu l ation by m eans of an adequ ate adaptable insulating stick desi g ned for th e rated voltage of th e n om in al vol tag e or th e h ig h est rated voltage of th e nom inal voltag e ran g e of th e NCVD (Type 3) 7.5.2 Design Am on g st th e NCVD on th e m arket, th ere are three m ain types of constructi on : • N CVD as a com pl ete device wh ich i nclu des at l east a h an dle, a element and an indicator (Fi g u re 8a) ; , an • N CVD as a com pl ete device wh ich incl udes at least a h an dl e and an an insulating element (Fi gu re 8b) ; • N CVD as a separate device which incl u des at l east an Fi gu re 8c) hand guard adaptor indicator an d an insulating but withou t indicator (see NCVD sh al l n ot h ave an y external conducti ve n ecti on , except for n ecti ons to th e s i n case of Types an d (e g contact electrodes) reference point 7.5.3 Dimensions and construction Where rel evan t, the m in im um leng th of th e insulating element of an N CVD as a com plete device or th e insulating stick used with an N CVD as a separate device shall be i n accordance wi th the expected m axi m um voltag e to withstan d in case of a contact with th e l i ve part (for Type ( near field) ) or a part at an in term ediate potenti al (for Types an d 5) Tabl e sh ou ld be used as g u idance to determ in e th is m in im um len gth The l eng th of th e insulating stick for l i ve worki n g can be shorten ed for N CVD as a separate device taki ng in to accou nt the m i n im um approach distances or i n accordance with nation al or reg i onal reg u l ati ons Th e L i valu es of Tabl e correspond to th e m in i m um distance in air (obtai n ed from Tabl e an d Table of I EC 61 936-1 :201 0+AM D1 :201 4) plus an additi onal 200 m m safety distance The addi tion al safety di stance al lows to h ave ducti ve parts n ot I EC TR 61 243-6:201 © I EC 201 – 29 – exceedin g 200 m m (in total), m easured from th e l im it m ark towards th e h an dl e, wi th in the m inim um len gth of th e insulating element if they are com pl etel y extern all y i nsu l ated 3a hH G LH Li Ai Lo IEC Figure 8a – NCVD as a compl ete device (including its insu lating element) IEC Fig ure 8b – NCVD as a complete d evice (without an insulating element) 3b 2=6 Ai IEC Figure 8c – NCVD as a separate device (with an ad aptable insulating stick) Key indicator limit mark 3a insulating element 3b adaptabl e or application mark hH G h ei g h t of hand guard LH l en g th of handle Li l eng th of insulating element insulating stick hand guard Lo overal l l eng th of N CVD han dl e Ai insertion depth adaptor (l en g th ) Figure – Examples of designs of NCVDs – 30 – I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 Table – Minimum leng th of th e insulating element or of the insulating stick ( L i ) Expected maximum voltage Li kV mm U ≤ 7, 7,2 < U ≤ 2 < U ≤ 7,5 7,5 < U ≤ 24 24 < U ≤ 36 36 < U ≤ 72, 72, < U ≤ 23 23 < U ≤ 70 70 < U ≤ 245 245 < U ≤ 420 420 < U ≤ 525 525 < U ≤ 765 320 < I f presen t, it is recom m ended th at th e clearl y recog n i zable by the user 360 370 470 520 830 300 700 300 600 300 600 limit mark shal l be abou t 20 m m wi de, perm an en t, an d I f an y, it is recom m ended th at th e application mark shal l be of a different colour than the limit mark bu t n ot red, shal l be perm anen t, n ot repositi on able an d cl earl y recog n izable by th e user I f the application mark an d th e limit mark are at th e sam e positi on, th e limit mark is preval en t I f there is no limit mark or application mark on th e NCVD as a separate device, the en d of th e can act as th e limit mark or th e application mark (Fig ure 8c) adaptor For an N CVD as a com plete device, it is recom m ended th at th e h an dle shal l be at l east 1 m m in len gth Hand guard sh al l be perm an en tl y fixed with a m i nim um hei gh t ( h H G ) of m m Oth er m eans than a hand guard cou l d be used to lim it the h and from slipping (e g the shape of th e NCVD’s han dle) 7.5.4 Deg ree of protection provided by enclosure Duri ng service life, N CVDs are l ikel y to be exposed to dust and water To ensure correct functioni n g of an NCVD, i t is recom m ended th at th e deg ree of protection of al l enclosures m eet or exceed the requ irem ents of I P44 for categ ory equ i pm en t (see I EC 60529) N OTE I P44 corresponds to a protecti on ag n st i n g ress of sol i d forei g n obj ects ≥ , m m in di am eter an d ag nst spl ash i n g 7.5.5 Grip force and deflection For an N CVD th e g rip force an d the deflection shou ld be as low as possi ble (e g grip force below 200 N an d defl ecti on less th an % of th e total l eng th) to faci li tate reli able operation an d a safe approach towards the installati on to be tested with reasonabl e ph ysical effort by th e u ser I n case of an N CVD as a com pl ete device, th e defl ecti on wil l depen d on l y on its own weig h t I n case of an N CVD as a separate device, th e u ser shou l d be aware that th e insulating stick m ay greatl y i nflu ence th e gri p force an d defl ecti on I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 I t is recom m ended th at the wei gh t of th e deflection Vi b r a t i o n d ro p a n d – 31 – indicator shal l be m inim al to l im it th e gri p force an d s h o ck re s i s t an c e The N CVD shall be resistan t to drop, shock an d vi brations expected to occu r i n use M a r ki n g s I t is recom m ended th at each N CVD h ave the followi n g item s of m arkin g: – – – – – – – – – and/or ran g e(s) of nominal voltage; nominal voltages of th e selector setti n g (if rel evan t) ; nom i nal frequ ency or n om inal frequ enci es; nom i nal frequ encies of th e selector settin g (if rel evan t) ; nam e and/or tradem ark of th e m an ufactu rer; m anufacturer reference, serial n um ber; indicati on of type: i n door or outdoor; sym bol for cl im atic categ ory or cl im atic categ ories ("C", "N " or "W") ; sym bol I EC 6041 7–521 6:2002-1 – Sui tabl e for li ve worki ng ; (see Ann ex D) ; nominal voltage dou ble trian g l e NOTE The exact rati o of the h ei g h t of th e fi g u re to th e base of the tri ang l e i s , 43 For the pu rpose of conveni en ce, th i s rati o can be between th e val u es of , and , Each N CVD cou l d have the followi n g additi on al item s of m arkin g: – year of production ; I n addition , the N CVD sh ou ld provide th e u ser or th e testi ng laboratory an area to perm it the m arking of th e date of peri odic testi n g (see Ann ex C) I n case of an NCVD wi th a bu i lt-in en erg y sou rce, th e type of power suppl y and pol arity shou ld be in dicated either on the indicator or i nsi de th e com partm ent desi g ned to h ou se i t These m arking s sh al l be l eg ible an d perm an ent The ch aracters sh ou ld be at l east m m hig h The m arkin gs sh all not i m pair the perform ance of the N CVD 7 I n stru cti on s for u se Each N CVD sh al l be accom pan i ed by th e m an ufacturer's i nstruction s for use These instructions shou l d be prepared i n accordance wi th th e g eneral provisi ons g iven in I EC 61 477 The i nstru ctions for u se shou l d i ncl u de as a m i nim u m th e inform ati on listed in Ann ex B – 32 – I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 Annex A (informati ve) General considerations about voltage detection A.1 General Ann ex A provi des g en eral inform ation abou t voltag e detection I t describes various m eth ods of voltag e detecti on , incl udi n g th ose th at appl y to oth er parts of th e I EC 61 243 seri es I EC 61 243-1 , I EC 61 243-2 an d I EC 61 243-3 appl y to portabl e voltage detectors desig n ed to work correctl y wh en they are i n direct tact wi th th e bare part of th e instal l ati on to be tested I EC 61 243-5 appli es to AC voltage detectors cou pled to th e bare part of the installati on to be tested throu g h a capaci ti ve cou pl in g elem ent wh ich i s considered as an integ ral part of the equ ipm ent (swi tchg ear) This docum en t, as a Tech n ical Report, provi des consi derations for non-contact voltage s As stated in the Scope, this docum en t is in ten ded on l y for devices th at h ave n ot been desig n ed to be used in direct tact wi th the bare part of the instal lation on wh ich th e presence or th e absence of th e operating voltage has to be tested detector A.2 A.2.1 Principles of functioning of voltage detectors Basic analysis An en erg i zed conductor, reg ardless of h ow it is n ected i n a n etwork, always exh ibi ts th e foll owi ng : • th e avai labi lity of a current th at can fl ow throu gh a l oad nected between the conductor an d the el ectrical earth (or anoth er point of th e circu it at a different voltag e) ; • th e presence of an electric fi eld, h avi ng a non-lin ear spati al distri bu tion Th e fi eld stren g th decreases wi th the distance to th e ductor an d in free space th e decrease is usu al l y i n i n verse proportion to th e distance, bu t m ay be differen t While the val u e of the curren t passin g throug h a certai n l oad depen ds on l y on th e voltag e valu e across th is l oad, the el ectric field stren g th can be infl u enced by th e presence of oth er obj ects an d the spati al distri bu ti on of el ectrical fields in th e vici n ity of the du ctor For safe m n ten ance, the purpose of a voltage detector is to g i ve a clear indication of the presence or absence of the operating voltage wi th ou t an y n eed for i nterpretation or anal ytical eval u ation by th e user Consequ en tl y, it is im portant to know the status of th e part to be tested even i n the presence of i nterferences Based on tech nical consi derations an d experi ence i n service, th e presence of the operating voltage ( nominal voltage) on a part to be tested h as been associated wi th th e threshold voltage of th e voltage detector This h as been fou nd to be su itabl e to assure th at th e voltage detector provides correct i ndication A.2.2 Voltage detection with two contact electrodes (bi-polar detectors) A li ve el ectrical instal lati on has low source im pedance an d can su ppl y l oad cu rrent wi thou t affectin g the operatin g voltag e The best way to check for th e operatin g voltag e is th erefore to eval u ate the status of the instal l ati on on th e basis of load curren t evalu ation For th is purpose, it is n ecessary to conn ect an im pedance of a known valu e between th e du ctor of th e install ati on an d a return path (g enerall y the earth poten ti al) , see Fi gure A I n practice th e voltag e detection is based on th e eval uation of a resisti ve curren t to earth The distri buti on of th e electric fi eld arou n d the ductor does n ot affect th e detecti on becau se th e cu rren t in th e detecti ng circu it relies on l y on th e voltag e differen ce between th e ductor an d th e reference point (usu al l y th e earth potenti al) I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 – 33 – IEC Key part to be tested (where one electrode of the voltage detector m akes tact) earth (or poi nt of th e i n stal l ati on at a di fferen t poten ti al an d wh ere the secon d m akes tact) electrode of th e voltage detector bi pol ar cu rren t ci rcul ati n g th rou g h th e voltage detector voltage detector Figure A.1 – Bi-polar voltage detection principle This desi g n of voltage detector is basical l y m ade of two contact electrodes and requ ires two n ecti on poi nts to th e i nstallation to be tested: on e to th e part to be tested an d th e oth er to earth or to a poin t at a different poten tial I t is call ed a “bi -pol ar type” I ts com ponents sh all provide adequate distan ce and insu lati on (e g insulating element, resi stive el em en t and insu l ated conn ecti n g l ead) Th is type of voltage detector h as been descri bed i n I EC 61 243-2 an d I EC 61 243-3 Th e desig n of su ch voltage detectors requ ires lim iting the cu rrent th rou gh th e device because the en erg y cou ld becom e a h azard i n term s of heat dissi pation an d i nsu l ation Altern ativel y, if the im pedance of th e device is too h ig h (low circul ation curren t) it can l ead to a lower certai nty on th e vol tag e detecti on i n th e presence of interference voltage (i nduced voltage) Experience in dicates that th e com m on val ues of current are g en eral l y i n th e order of a few h u ndreds of m icroam peres (µA) an d can be considered appropriate for both discrim inatin g the in terferences an d ach i evi ng safe use I n several situations such as h ig h voltage instal lati ons, bi -polar type several lim itati ons in term s of practical use an d safety su ch as: s have voltage detector • use of conn ecti ons and n ecti on points; • use of insu l ated n ectin g l ead(s) an d h i g h voltage im pedance(s) appropri ate for th e voltag e of th e n etwork; • avail abil ity of a n ectin g poi n t th at is tru l y at earth potenti al A.2.3 s appropri ate for th e l arg e distances between insulating element Voltage detection with one contact electrode I n order to avoi d the problem s associ ated with bi-pol ar devices, often the detection is perform ed with a device that on l y requires touch i n g th e bare part to be tested, wi thout touchi n g a secon d poi nt I n such a desig n an d at a g iven operatin g vol tag e, a curren t stil l flows between th e bare part to be tested (e g th e du ctor) an d th e earth poten tial but i t is m ain l y du e to th e presence of a stray capaci tan ce to earth Th e stray capaciti ve cou pli n g to earth is g eneral l y in air but som etim es it is throu g h th e operator han dli n g the voltage detector, – 34 – I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 i n case of use at n ot m ore th an a few kil ovol ts This desig n of “capaciti ve u n ipol ar type” an d is described in I EC 61 243-1 voltage detector is cal led a A capaciti ve voltage detector as descri bed i n I EC 61 243-1 also has two electrodes, bu t on e m akes contact with th e part to be tested wh i l e th e oth er electrode is at a floati n g poten tial I n th is confi gurati on , the stray capaci tance is between th e fl oati ng electrode of th e voltage detector and the surrou n din g space (i ncl udin g earth ) , see Fi gure A Th e vol tag e detecti on is th erefore based on the evalu ation of the stray capaciti ve cu rren t to earth However, the di stri bu tion of th e el ectric field m ay affect th e detection because th e el ectric poten tial at th e floati n g electrode wi l l depen d on th is el ectric field distribu ti on M oreover, for a specific desig n of a capacitive voltage detector, the stray capacitance is n ot a constan t val ue an d wi l l depen d on the surrou n di n g confi gurati on such as: electrode • th e distance between th e bare part to be tested an d th e earth potenti al ; • th e di el ectric properties of th e free space (e g wi th or with ou t h um idity) Since for a g i ven operating voltage the curren t fl owi ng i n a capaci tive voltage detector wil l depen d on the config urati on com pared to the situation with a resisti ve type, this desi gn of voltage detector cou l d be m ore susceptibl e to phenom en a of u n wanted i nterferences (e g du e to oth er l ive l i n es or earthed parts n earby) An adequ ate desi g n, com pl yin g with th e requ irem ents of I EC 61 243-1 , al lows lim itin g the un wan ted influ ences, an d the experi ence in th e fi el d shows th at th ese devices are very practical an d reli able an d th ey are wi del y used, especial l y in H V an d UH V n etworks IEC Key part to be tested (where one earth capaci ti ve stray capaci ti ve curren t ci rcul ati ng throu g h th e el ectri c fi el d eq u i poten ti al l i n es voltage detector electrode wi th i ts of the voltage detector contact electrode m akes tact) and i ntern al electrode voltage detector Figure A.2 – Capacitive unipolar voltag e detection principle A.2.4 Voltage detection without contact electrode At H V and U HV, th e dim ensi ons of th e electrical i nstal lation resul t i n great distances between th e user an d the parts to be tested This m akes th e h an dl in g of the very lon g insulating element or insulating stick an erg on om ic an d safety issu e I n such si tu ati ons, it coul d becom e I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 – 35 – ven ient to avoi d an y contact with the bare part to be tested an d to perform vol tag e detecti on at a distance I n g eneral th is resu l ts in an i ncrease of in tri nsic safety of operati on, because th e user can rem ain at a l arg er distance an d/or with ou t an y ph ysi cal m eans touch i ng th e l i ne(s) or the part to be tested When the operati n g di stance of th e voltage detector (e g near field or medium field N CVD) is with in the m i nim um approach di stance, an insulating stick or an insulating element is still necessary providi ng safety to the user I n oth er si tu ati ons, th e bare part to be tested is not accessi ble, for exam ple in th e case of covered ductors of aerial or u ndergrou n d n etworks I t becom es n ecessary to evalu ate th e voltag e state wi th ou t a g al van ic contact to the bare part to be tested I n al l of th ese cases, th e voltage detectors are defin ed as bein g “n on-con tact” type Th eir desig n can be varied accordin g to th eir i ntended use an d the differen t confi gu rations are descri bed in th e m n bod y of th is docu m ent The non-contact voltage detector (N CVD) is m ain ly based on th e evalu ati on of an el ectric fiel d (com pared to an electric curren t for the previ ousl y presen ted types) and reli es on a ph enom enon havi n g very l i ttle current Th is l eads to a l ower certainty of voltage detection com pared to th e resisti ve an d capaci tive types of voltage detector I n th is situ ati on , th e way of usin g th e voltage detector is a very im portan t consi derati on in i ts desi gn an d sh ou ld be clearl y stated in th e instruction s for use in order to obtai n a rel iable detection (e g th e ph ysical posi tion in g of th e detector i n rel ati on to th e part to be tested) – 36 – I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 An n e x B (informati ve) I n s tr u c t i o n s fo r u s e I n th e fol l owing th e m in i m um tent for the instructi ons for use is l isted : – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – explanation of th e l abels; instructi ons for proper usag e; specification and expl anati on for th e nominal distance or rang e of th e nominal distance; specification and expl anati on for th e ang le of directi onal properti es; specification and expl anati on for th e I P protecti on ; expl anation of th e assem bl y in th e case of m ul tipart NCVD; expl anation of th e limit mark and of the hand guard; explanation of th e application mark an d the application point wh ere relevan t; si gn ificance of the in dicati on sig n als; expl anation of the fu ncti on test an d statem en t of an y l im itation (e g wh en the testing element is n ot testi n g al l circui ts) ; statem en t th at th e fu ncti on test sh al l be repeated i n th e even t of an in dicati on "vol tag e n ot present"; statem en t that th e in dicati on sh ou ld be ch ecked on operating voltage before every use; expl anation concern i ng the possi ble use of accessories; statem en t concern in g the possi bl e restriction of their use on factory-assem bled swi tchg ear; statem en t concern in g the possi ble restriction of th ei r use on overh ead system s of electrifi ed rai l ways; explanation concern ing the lim its wi th i n wh ich th e voltag e of th e installati on to be tested m ay vary wh i l e g i vin g a clear indication ; statem en t concern i ng possible effects of interference voltage and interference field; statem en t concerni n g th e durati on th at th e N CVD m ay be i n tact wi th i nstallations wh i le exposed to precipitation ; instructi ons for storag e and care; instructi ons for periodic m ainten ance tests; i nstructi ons for transport; statem en t concern i ng wh ich parts of the N CVD can be replaced by the user and what param eters sh all be m n tained in doin g so; a note to th e effect that if th e N CVD does n ot have a bu il t-in testing element, nor an y external testin g device, the N CVD sh al l be tested on a l i ve du ctor before and after u se; statem en t concernin g th e type, the m in im um leng th of th e insulating element an d th e diel ectric properties of the insulating stick that has to be u sed i n conj u ncti on with th e N CVD as a separate devi ce (see an d 3) I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 – 37 – An n e x C (informati ve) I n - s e r vi c e c a re C G en eral Mai nten ance on equ i pm en t used for l ive worki n g is recog n i zed as a basis for ensuri ng its proper fu ncti onal ity an d the safety of th e user I t is the responsi bi lity of th e u ser to determ ine th e m ain ten ance sch edu le, takin g i nto accou n t the diti ons of use (storag e, reg u lar care, train in g of the user, etc ) H owever, n o NCVD, even those h el d i n storag e, sh ou l d be used un l ess re-tested with i n a m axim um peri od of six years I t is recom m ended that m ainten ance is don e by th e m anufacturer or at an approved repair faci lity Before each u se, a visu al inspection shou ld al ways be don e I f th ere is a dou bt as to th e diti on of th e device, i t sh oul d be wi th drawn from service an d sch edu l ed for testi ng , th en returned to th e m anufacturer for repair or replacem ent if necessary C M n ten an ce Table C lists a seri es of recom m en ded ch ecki ng poi nts th at serve to verify the ph ysical integrity and fu ncti on i n g of th e N CVD an d i ts i nsul ation perform ance Tabl e C – Reco m m en d ed c h e c ki n g p o i n t s fo r i n - s e rv i c e c a re Desi g n ati on Vi sual aspect an d di m en si on s Testing element Leakag e cu rrent u nder d ry di ti ons for N CVD as com pl ete devi ce (where rel evan t) Val u e of th e threshold voltage b c Clear perceptibility of vi sual i n di cati on Clear perceptibility of au di bl e i ndi cati on Protection against bridging for a / d indoor outdoor type of N CVD (wh ere rel evant) Spark resi stance (wh ere rel evant) Accordi ng to th e desi g n of the N CVD and i ts fabri cati on process, th e m an ufacturer m ay speci fy addi ti on al tests rel ated to parti cu l ar com ponen ts or characteri sti cs Th ese speci fi c tests sh ou l d be n oted i n th e i nstru cti on s for use a For peri odi c testi ng , th e val u e of th e adm i ssi bl e l eakag e curren t sh oul d take i nto consi d erati on th e basi c g u i d an ce g i ven i n I EC TS 60479-1 b A com pari son m ay be m ad e wi th a referen ce N CVD of th e sam e desi g n an d usi n g an al tern ati ve h i g h vol tag e test set-u p Si nce the param eters of the test set-u p an d the test room arran g em en t can i n fl uence si g ni fi can tl y th e m easured val u e of th e th resh ol d vol tag e, i t i s recom m ended to m easu re an d record th e i ni ti al val ue of the th resh ol d vol tag e wi th th e sam e al tern ati ve confi g urati on that shal l be u sed at al l peri odi c i n terval s c A com pari son m ay be m ade wi th an N CVD of th e sam e type si dered as a reference standard The test shoul d be carri ed out by m eans of th e testi n g el em ent Th e vi su al i ndi cati on of th e N CVD shoul d reach at l east th e sam e l evel of vi sual percepti bi l i ty as the referen ce N CVD d A com pari son m ay be m ade wi th an N CVD of th e sam e type si dered as a reference standard Th e test sh ou l d be carri ed ou t by m ean s of th e testi ng el em ent Th e soun d pressu re l evel of th e N CVD shou l d reach at l east th e sam e l evel as the referen ce N CVD – 38 – I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 An n e x D (informati ve) S u i t a b l e f o r l i ve w o rki n g ; d o u b l e t r i a n g l e (I E C -6 041 7-5 : 0 -1 0) I EC TR 61 243-6: 201 © I EC 201 – 39 – Bibliograph y I EC 60050-601 , International Electrotechnical Vocabulary transmission and distribution of electricity – General I EC 60050-651 , International at www electropedi a org) I EC 60071 -1 , Chapter 601 : Generation, Electrotechnical Vocabulary– Part 651 : Live working (avai labl e Insulation co-ordination – Part : Definitions, principles and rules I EC 6041 7, Graphical symbols sym bols i nfo/equ ipm en t) I EC TS 60479-1 , IEC 60529, – (avail able at www electropedi a org ) for use on equipment (avai labl e at h ttp://www graph ical- Effects of current on human beings and livestock – Part : General aspects Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) IEC 60743:201 3, I EC 60855-1 , Live working – Terminology for tools, devices and equipment Live working – Insulating foam-filled tubes and solid rods – Part : Tubes and rods of a circular cross-section I EC 61 235, Live working – Insulating hollow tubes for electrical purposes IEC 61 243-1 , Live working – Voltage detectors – Part : Capacitive type to be used for voltages exceeding kV a c IEC 61 243-2, Live working – Voltage detectors – Part 2: Resistive type to be used for voltages of kV to 36 kV a c I EC 61 243-3, I EC 61 326-1 , Live working – Voltage detectors – Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements – Part : General requirements IEC 61 477, Live working – Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, equipment IEC 61 936-1 , Power installations exceeding kV a c – Part : Common rules CI E 5: COLORI M ETRY, Tech n ical Report _ devices and INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

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