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IEC TR 62660 4 Edition 1 0 201 7 02 TECHNICAL REPORT Secondary l ithium ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles – Part 4 Candidate alternative test methods for the internal short circui[.]

I E C TR 62 660-4 ® Edition 201 7-02 TE CH N I CAL R E POR T colour i n si de Secon d ary l i th i u m -i o n cel l s fo r th e propu l si o n o f el ectri c road veh i cl es – Part 4: Can d i d ate al tern ati ve test m eth od s fo r th e i n tern al sh o rt ci rcu i t test of IEC TR 62660-4:201 7-02(en) I E C 6266 0-3 TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P Y R I G H T P R O T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S w i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab o u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal o g u e - websto re i ec ch /catal o g u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectro ped i a o rg The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l o ssary - std i ec ch /g l o ssary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i sh ed - websto re i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C Cu stom er Servi ce Cen tre - websto re i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TR 62 660-4 ® Edition 201 7-02 TE CH N I CAL R E POR T colour i n si de Seco n d ary l i th i u m -i o n cel l s for th e propu l si on of el ectri c road veh i cl es – Part 4: Can d i d ate al tern ati ve test m eth od s for th e i n tern al sh ort ci rcu i t test o f I E C 626 60-3 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 29.220.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-371 5-1 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t yo u o btai n ed th i s pu bl i c ati o n fro m an au th ori zed d i stri bu to r ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC TR 62660-4:201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I N TRODU CTI ON Scope N orm ative references Term s and defin iti ons G eneral provisi ons for altern ati ve test Alternati ve test m ethod Alternati ve test m ethod description General Test preparati on an d test set-u p Test executi on Acceptance cri teri a 1 Ann ex A (inform ati ve) Test data A G eneral A Test data A Test resu l ts A 2 Data of each test Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re – Exam ple of test setu p – Exam ple of test setu p – Exam ple of ceram ic nai l wi th N i tip – Exam ple of ceram ic nai l wi th N i tip test A – Voltage an d tem perature of test -1 A – Voltage an d tem perature of test -2 A – Voltage an d tem perature of test -3 A – Voltage an d tem perature of test 2-1 A – Voltage an d tem perature of test 2-2 20 A – Voltage an d tem perature of test 2-3 20 A – Voltage an d tem perature of test 3-1 21 A – Voltage an d tem perature of test 3-2 21 Fi gu re A – ø m m ceram ic nai l with N i tip 22 Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re A A 1 A A A A A A A A A 20 – – – – – – – – – – – Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e an d tem peratu re of test 22 an d tem peratu re of test 5-1 23 an d tem peratu re of test 5-2 23 data of tests 24 data of tests 24 data of tests 25 data of tests 25 data of tests 0-1 26 data of tests 0-2 26 data of test 1 -1 27 data of test 1 -2 27 I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 Figu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re Fi gu re A 21 A 22 A 23 A 24 A 25 A 26 A 27 A 28 A 29 A 30 A 31 A 32 A 33 A 34 A 35 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e Voltag e data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of –3– test 2-1 28 test 2-2 28 test 2-3 28 test 2-4 29 test 2-5 29 test 2-6 29 test 2-7 30 test 30 test 4-1 31 test 4-2 31 test 4-3 31 test 4-4 32 test 4-5 32 tests 33 tests 34 Table – Recom m ended test specificati ons Table A – I ntern al sh ort circu it test resul ts –4– I EC TR 62660-4:201 © I EC 201 I NTERNATI ON AL ELECTROTECH NI CAL COMMI SSI ON SECONDARY LITHIUM-ION CELLS FOR THE PROPULSION OF ELECTRIC ROAD VEHICLES – Part 4: Candidate alternative test methods for the internal short circuit test of IEC 62660-3 FOREWORD ) The I ntern ati on al El ectrotech ni cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e org ani zati on for stand ardi zati on com pri si n g al l nati on al el ectrotechn i cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees) The obj ect of I EC i s to prom ote i ntern ati onal co-operati on on al l qu esti ons cerni ng stan dardi zati on i n th e el ectri cal and el ectroni c fi el ds To th i s en d an d i n ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I ntern ati onal Stan dards, Techn i cal Speci fi cati on s, Techn i cal Reports, Publ i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati on s (PAS) an d G ui des (hereafter referred to as “I EC Pu bl i cati on(s) ”) Th ei r preparati on i s en trusted to tech ni cal com m i ttees; any I EC N ati on al Com m i ttee i n terested i n the subj ect deal t wi th m ay parti ci pate i n th i s preparatory work I ntern ati on al , g overn m ental an d non g overnm en tal org an i zati on s l i si n g wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n thi s preparati on I EC col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I ntern ati on al Org an i zati on for Stan d ardi zati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th di ti ons determ i n ed by ag reem ent between th e two org ani zati ons 2) The form al deci si on s or ag reem ents of I EC on tech ni cal m atters express, as n earl y as possi bl e, an i n tern ati onal consensus of opi n i on on the rel evan t subj ects si nce each tech ni cal com m i ttee h as represen tati on from al l i nterested I EC N ati onal Com m ittees 3) I EC Publ i cati ons h ave the form of recom m en dati ons for i n tern ati onal use an d are accepted by I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees i n that sense Whi l e al l reason abl e efforts are m ade to en su re that the tech n i cal content of I EC Pu bl i cati ons i s accu rate, I EC cann ot be hel d responsi bl e for th e way i n wh i ch th ey are used or for an y m i si n terpretati on by an y en d u ser 4) I n ord er to prom ote i ntern ati on al u n i form i ty, I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees u ndertake to appl y I EC Publ i cati on s tran sparen tl y to th e m axi m u m exten t possi bl e i n th ei r n ati on al an d reg i onal pu bl i cati ons Any di verg ence between an y I EC Publ i cati on and 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th i s I EC Pu bl i cati on or an y oth er I EC Publ i cati on s 8) Atten ti on i s drawn to the N orm ati ve referen ces ci ted i n th i s pu bl i cati on U se of th e referenced publ i cati on s i s i n di spen sabl e for the correct appl i cati on of thi s pu bl i cati on 9) Atten ti on i s drawn to th e possi bi l i ty th at som e of th e el em en ts of th i s I EC Publ i cati on m ay be the su bj ect of patent ri g hts I EC shal l n ot be hel d respon si bl e for i denti fyi ng an y or al l su ch paten t ri g h ts The m ain task of I EC techn ical com m ittees is to prepare I ntern ati on al Stan dards H owever, a tech nical com m ittee m ay propose th e pu bl ication of a Tech n ical Report wh en i t h as col lected data of a different kin d from th at wh ich is n orm al l y pu blish ed as an I n tern ati onal Standard, for exam ple "state of th e art" I EC TR 62660-4, wh ich i s a Tech n ical Report, has been prepared by I EC tech n ical com m ittee 21 : Secon dary cells an d batteries I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 –5– The text of th is Tech n ical Report is based on the foll owi n g docum en ts: Enqui ry draft Report on voti n g 21 /891 /DTR 21 /899/RVC Fu l l inform ation on th e voti ng for th e approval of th is Tech nical Report can be foun d i n th e report on voti ng in dicated i n the above table This docum en t h as been drafted i n accordance wi th th e I SO/I EC Directi ves, Part A list of all parts in th e I EC 62660 series, pu bl ish ed un der the gen eral ti tle Secondary lithiumcan be fou n d on th e I EC website ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles, The com m ittee has decided that th e tents of th is docum en t wi l l rem ain u nch ang ed u n til th e stabi lity date indicated on th e I EC websi te u n der "http://webstore i ec ch " i n th e data related to th e specific docum ent At th is date, the docum ent wi l l be • reconfirm ed, • wi thdrawn , • repl aced by a revised edi ti on, or • am ended A bi l in g ual versi on of th is pu bl icati on m ay be issu ed at a l ater date IMPORTANT – The 'colour inside' logo on the cover page of this publication indicates that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its contents Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer –6– I EC TR 62660-4:201 © I EC 201 I NTRODUCTI ON I EC 62660-3 provides th e test procedu res an d acceptance criteria for safety perform ance of secon dary lith ium -ion cells an d cell bl ocks used for propu lsion of el ectric veh icl es (EV) i nclu din g battery electri c veh icles (BEV) an d h ybrid el ectric vehicl es (HEV) I EC 62660-3 specifies th e i nternal short circu it test to sim ul ate an i ntern al sh ort circu it of a cel l caused by th e tam i nation of conducti ve particle, based on I EC 6261 Because the test m ethod based on I EC 6261 requ ires open i n g of th e cel l and care to be taken, the in dustry n eeds altern ati ve test m ethods th at cou l d also be appl i ed u nder certain diti ons Th is docu m en t provi des candi dates of al tern ati ve test procedu res N OTE Thi s test i s to be d ucted i n a faci l i ty su i tabl e to tai n the poten ti al for h azard ous reacti ons u p to an d i ncl udi n g an expl osi on and wi th staff trai n ed to m anag e th e ri sks I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 –7– SECONDARY LITHIUM-ION CELLS FOR THE PROPULSION OF ELECTRIC ROAD VEHICLES – Part 4: Candidate alternative test methods for the internal short circuit test of IEC 62660-3 Scope This Part of I EC 62660 provi des the test data on the candi date al tern ati ve test m ethods for th e i n tern al sh ort circu it test accordi n g to 4 2 of I EC 62660-3:201 The i ntern al sh ort circu it test in th is docum en t is in ten ded to sim ul ate an intern al sh ort circui t of a cell caused by th e contam in ati on of ducti ve particle, an d to verify th e safety perform ance of th e cel l u n der such diti ons This docum en t is appl i cabl e to the secondary l ith i um -ion cel ls an d cell bl ocks used for propu lsion of el ectric veh icl es (EV) i nclu di ng battery electric vehicles (BEV) and h ybri d electric veh icl es (H EV) N OTE Thi s docum ent does n ot cover cyl i n dri cal cel l s Normative references The fol lowi n g docum en ts are referred to in th e text in such a way that som e or al l of th eir ten t constitu tes requ irem ents of th is docum ent For dated references, on l y th e edition cited appli es For un dated references, th e l atest editi on of th e referenced docum en t (i nclu di ng an y am endm en ts) appl ies Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for secondary lithium cells and batteries, for use in industrial applications I EC 6261 9: 201 7, Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles – Part 3: Safety requirements I EC 62660-3:201 6, Terms and definitions For the purposes of th is docu m en t, the term s an d defi n i ti ons gi ven i n I EC 62660-3 appl y I SO an d I EC m n tai n term in olog ical databases for u se i n stan dardi zati on at the fol lowin g addresses: • I EC El ectropedi a: avai labl e at h ttp://www electropedia org / • I SO On lin e browsi n g platform : avai labl e at http://www iso org/obp General provisions for alternative test The intern al sh ort circui t test is specifi ed i n 4 of I EC 62660-3:201 The oth er test m ethods to sim ul ate th e in tern al sh ort circu it of cell cau sed by th e contam in ati on of ducti ve particl e m ay be selected if th e fol lowi ng criteri a are satisfi ed, an d agreed between th e cu stom er and th e suppli er: –8– I EC TR 62660-4:201 © I EC 201 a) The case deform ation sh all not affect th e sh ort circu it event of cel l therm all y or el ectrical l y The en erg y sh all n ot be dispersed by an y sh ort circu it other than th e in terelectrode sh ort circui t b) On e l ayer internal short circu it between posi ti ve an d n eg ative electrode shall be sim ul ated (targ et) c) Approxim atel y th e sam e short circu ited area as th at of b) of I EC 6261 9:201 sh al l be sim u lated d) The sh ort circu ited locati ons i n the cel l sh al l be th e sam e as described in 4 of I EC 62660-3:201 e) The test sh al l be repeatable (see Table of I EC 6261 9:201 7) The detailed test diti ons an d param eters of an altern ative test sh all be adj usted before th e test accordin g to th e ag reem en t between th e custom er an d th e cell m an ufacturer, so th at th e above cri teria can be satisfied Th e test resul t shall be eval u ated by th e disassem bl y of the cell , X-ray observation , etc If th e test resu lt sh ows m ore th an on e l ayer in tern al sh ort circu it, or l arg er short circu i ted area, th e test m ay be deem ed as valid al tern ative test, provided th at th e acceptance criteri a in 4 of I EC 62660-3:201 are satisfied The fai l ure i n an alternati ve test does not m ean the fai l ure in the test according to 4 of I EC 62660-3:201 6, because th e test diti on of th e alternati ve test m ay be m ore severe than the prescribed cri teri a N OTE I n case the i n tern al sh ort ci rcui t can n ot be si m u l ated, the test i s i nval i d and th e test data are reported Alternative test method 5.1 5.1 Alternative test method description General This subcl au se describes th e test m ethod of th e i ndentati on in duced i nternal sh ort ci rcu it test as a candi date of altern ati ve test m ethods i n Cl ause Table provi des th e recom m ended test specifications of th e test Table – Recommended test specifications Item Recommendation Test tem peratu re (tem perature of th e test ben ch an d cel l ) 25 °C ± °C State of ch arg e (SOC) of the cel l Maxi m u m SOC speci fi ed by th e cel l m an ufactu rer Press speed 0, m m /s or l ess Press speed accu racy ± 0, 01 m m /s Posi ti on stabi l i ty after pressu ri zi n g ± 0, 02 m m Maxi m um pressu ri zi n g capabi l i ty 000 N or m ore Pressure m easu ri n g m ethod Di rectl y m easured wi th a l oad cel l Pressure m easu ri n g peri od m s or l ess Tem peratu re m easu ri ng peri od s or l ess Vol tag e m easu ri n g peri od m s or l ess Ti m e to stop th e i nd enter after vol tag e drop i s detected 00 m s or l ess 5.1 5.1 2.1 Test preparation and test set-up Cell preparation For fl at or pouch cel l , n o preparati on is needed – 22 – I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 Di m en si ons i n m i l l i m etres ø3 60° IEC 40 35 Voltage 3,5 30 25 Temperature 2,5 0,9 °C 500 3,998 3,997 3,997 15 10 3,998 20 ,5 0,5 3,999 2,4 mV Cell voltage (V) 4,5 Temperature (°C) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.9 – ø mm ceramic nail with Ni tip 3,996 3,996 000 500 000 500 000 500 000 Time (s) 3,995 –0,1 –0,05 Time (s) 0,1 IEC IEC Figure A.1 0a 0,05 Figure A.1 0b SOURCE: J apan Au tom obi l e Research I nsti tute (J ARI ) acqu i red these d ata u nd er the P roj ect for th e Prom oti on of N ew E nerg y I n frastru ctu re Devel opm en t i n FY 201 4, en tru sted by Ag ency for N atu ral Resou rces an d En erg y / Mi tsu bi shi Research I nsti tute, I nc Figure A.1 – Voltage and temperature of test A.2.2.1 Comparison of test stop condition The tests 5-1 an d 5-2 i n Table A are du cted on cel l A, u sin g a m m -diam eter ceram ic nai l with N i ti p, an d with different test stop di tions of vol tag e drop Accordi n g to 3, the i ndenter shou ld be stopped wh en at least m V voltag e drop is detected Th e test 5-1 in Fi gu re A 1 was stopped wh en m V vol tag e drop was detected, and th e test 5-2 in Fi gu re A was stopped wh en 20 m V voltag e drop was detected The data of both tests sh ow th at the i nternal sh ort ci rcu it of fewer layers can be sim u lated wh en the test is stopped at sm all er voltage drop 40 3,5 35 30 7,5 °C Temperature 20 15 ,5 10 0,5 500 4,01 4,01 4,01 25 2,5 4,01 4,008 4,006 3,4 mV Voltage Cell voltage (V) 4,5 – 23 – Temperature (°C) Cell voltage (V) I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 4,004 4,002 000 500 000 500 000 500 000 Time (s) –0,1 –0,05 Time (s) 0,05 0,1 IEC IEC Figure A.1 a Figure A.1 b SOURCE: J apan Autom obi l e Research I nsti tu te (J ARI ) acqu i red th ese d ata u n d er the P roj ect for th e Prom oti on of New E nerg y I nfrastructu re Devel opm en t i n FY 201 4, entrusted by Ag en cy for N atu ral Resources an d En erg y / Mi tsubi shi Research I nsti tu te, I n c 00 Voltage 80 3,5 Cell voltage (V) 4,5 Temperature (°C) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.1 – Voltage and temperature of test 5-1 4,025 4,02 4,005 60 Temperature 40 4,005 21 ,4 °C ,5 21 ,4 mV 4,01 2,5 20 3,995 0,5 500 000 500 000 500 000 500 000 Time (s) –1 –5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.1 2a Figure A.1 2b SOURCE: J apan Autom obi l e Research I nsti tu te (J ARI ) acqu i red th ese d ata u n d er the P roj ect for th e Prom oti on of New E nerg y I nfrastructu re Devel opm en t i n FY 201 4, entrusted by Ag en cy for N atu ral Resources an d En erg y / Mi tsubi shi Research I nsti tu te, I n c Figure A.1 – Voltage and temperature of test 5-2 A.2.2.2 A. Tests on cell C and cell D Test with type indenter The tests from 6-1 to 6-5 i n Table A are du cted according to Cl au se using type indenter on Cel l C (pouch cel l for BEV appl ication) Th e voltage data are shown i n Fi gu re A The tests from 7-1 to 7-5 i n Table A are ducted accordi ng to Clau se usi ng type i ndenter on Cell D (pouch cel l for H EV appl ication) Th e voltag e data are sh own i n Fi gu re A – 24 – I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 Change from the initial voltage (mV) The resu lts of com parison test according to 4 of I EC 62660-3:201 (FI SC) are also shown as tests 0-1 an d 0-2 i n Table A , and Fig ures A 3, A 4, A an d A I n com parison wi th th e FI SC test, th e tests an d resu lted i n h i gh er valu e i n voltage drop, tem perature rise, an d n u m ber of sh ort circu ited layers 10 –1 –20 Test 6-1 Test 6-2 Test 6-3 Test 6-4 Test 6-5 Test 0-1 –30 –40 –50 –20 –1 0 s = indenter stop Time (s) 10 20 IEC Change from the initial voltage (mV) Figure A.1 – Voltage data of tests 10 –1 –20 –30 –40 –50 –20 Test 7-1 Test 7-2 Test 7-3 Test 7-4 Test 7-5 Test 0-2 –1 0 s = indenter stop Time (s) 10 20 IEC Figure A.1 – Voltage data of tests A. Test with Type indenter and comparison with different nail tip angle The tests from 8-1 to 8-5 in Tabl e A are condu cted on cel l C, accordin g to Cl ause usi ng type indenter and a ceram ic n l wi th m m di am eter an d 20° an gl e Th e vol tag e data are shown in Fi gu re A The tests from 9-1 to 9-5 in Tabl e A are condu cted on cell D, accordin g to Clause usi ng type i ndenter and a ceram ic n l wi th m m di am eter an d 20° an gl e Th e vol tag e data are shown i n Fig u re A The test data sh ow that the difference in nail tip ang le has li ttl e im pact on th e test resu lts, at least for cell C an d cel l D I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 – 25 – Change from the initial voltage (mV) I n com parison wi th th e FI SC test, th e tests an d resu lted in h ig her val ue i n vol tag e drop, tem perature rise, an d n u m ber of sh ort circu i ted l ayers 10 –1 –20 –30 –40 –50 –20 Test 8-1 Test 8-2 Test 8-3 Test 8-4 Test 8-5 Test 0-1 –1 0 s = indenter stop Time (s) 10 20 IEC Change from the initial voltage (mV) Figure A.1 – Voltag e data of tests 10 –1 –20 –30 –40 –50 –20 Test 9-1 Test 9-2 Test 9-3 Test 9-4 Test 9-5 Test 0-2 –1 0 s = indenter stop Time (s) 10 20 IEC Figure A.1 – Voltag e data of tests A. FISC test results on cell C and cell D The tests 0-1 an d 0-2 in Table A are conducted accordin g to 4 of IEC 62660-3:201 6, wi th on e sam ple of cel l C and cell D Th e vol tag e data are sh own in Fi gu re A an d Fig ure A Change from the initial voltage (mV) – 26 – I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 10 –1 –20 –30 –40 –50 s = indenter stop –20 –1 0 Time (s) 10 20 IEC Change from the initial voltage (mV) Figure A.1 – Voltag e data of tests 0-1 10 –1 –20 –30 –40 –50 s = indenter stop –20 –1 0 Time (s) 10 20 IEC Figure A.1 – Voltag e data of tests 0-2 A.2.2.3 A. Tests on cell E and cell F FISC test result The tests 1 -1 an d 1 -2 in Tabl e A are conducted accordin g to 4 of IEC 62660-3:201 6, wi th cell E (graph ite/M N C, 21 , Ah, for PH EV application) and cell F (graph ite/N CA, Ah , for H EV appl ication) , respectivel y Th e voltag e data are sh own in Fig u re A an d Fig u re A 20 Fig ure "a" of each fi gure sh ows th e vol tag e chan ge of cel l with i n 500 s, and "b" is the m ag n ifi ed fig ure sh owi n g th e voltag e ch an g e wh en th e short circu it occu rs Both cel ls passed th e acceptance criteria N um ber of sh ort circu ited layers i n both tests is no posi ti ve electrode an d on e n eg ati ve el ectrode – 27 – Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,085 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,08 4,075 4,085 4,07 4,08 4,065 4,06 4,075 4,055 4,05 4,07 –1 00 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 IEC Time (s) IEC Figure A.1 9a Figure A.1 9b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.1 – Voltage data of test 1 -1 3,98 3,96 3,95 3,949 3,948 3,94 3,947 3,92 3,946 3,9 3,945 3,88 3,944 3,86 3,943 3,84 3,942 3,82 3,8 3,941 3,94 –1 00 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.20a Figure A.20b Figure A.20 – Voltage data of test 1 -2 A. Tests with type indenter and comparison of indenters with different size The tests from 2-1 to 2-7 in Table A are ducted on cel l E according to Cl ause u si n g type in den ter an d differen t si zes of ceram ic n ails wi th N i tip Th e vol tag e data are sh own from Fig ure A 21 to Fig u re A 27 The in den ters are ceram ic n ails havi ng a diam eter of m m an d m m , with a N i ti p of 0, 35 m m or m m in hei g ht Th e an g le of the N i tip is 30°, 45° or 60° Press speed vari es from 0, 001 m m /s to 0, m m /s The test i n Tabl e A is ducted on cell F, according to Clause u si ng a ceram ic n ail havin g a di am eter of m m with a N i ti p of m m in heig ht, an d 30° ang le The voltage data are shown in Fi gu re A 28 I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) – 28 – 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,085 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,08 4,085 4,075 4,07 4,08 4,065 4,06 4,075 4,055 4,05 –1 00 4,07 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 IEC Time (s) IEC Figure A.21 a Figure A.21 b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.21 – Voltage data of test 2-1 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,085 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,08 4,075 4,085 4,07 4,08 4,065 4,06 4,075 4,055 4,05 –1 00 4,07 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 IEC Time (s) IEC Figure A.22a Figure A.22b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.22 – Voltage data of test 2-2 4,1 4,095 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,085 4,09 4,08 4,085 4,075 4,07 4,08 4,065 4,06 4,075 4,055 4,05 –1 00 4,07 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.23a Figure A.23b Figure A.23 – Voltage data of test 2-3 – 29 – Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,1 4,095 4,085 4,09 4,08 4,075 4,085 4,07 4,08 4,065 4,06 4,075 4,055 4,05 –1 00 4,07 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 IEC Time (s) IEC Figure A.24a Figure A.24b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.24 – Voltage data of test 2-4 4,5 3,5 4,1 4,09 4,08 4,07 4,06 2,5 4,05 4,04 ,5 4,03 4,02 0,5 4,01 –1 0 10 20 30 40 –0,5 50 Time (s) 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.25a Figure A.25b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.25 – Voltage data of test 2-5 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,085 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,08 4,085 4,075 4,07 4,08 4,065 4,06 4,075 4,055 4,05 –1 00 4,07 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.26a Figure A.26b Figure A.26 – Voltage data of test 2-6 I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) – 30 – 4,5 3,5 4,1 4,09 4,08 4,07 4,06 2,5 4,05 4,04 ,5 4,03 4,02 0,5 4,01 –1 0 10 20 30 40 –0,5 50 Time (s) 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.27a Figure A.27b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.27 – Voltage data of test 2-7 4,1 4,08 4,06 4,04 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,02 4,085 3,98 4,08 3,96 3,94 4,075 3,92 3,9 –1 00 4,07 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.28a Figure A.28b Figure A.28 – Voltage data of test A.2.2.4 Tests on cell G The tests from 4-1 to 4-5 in Table A are du cted on cel l G (g raph i te/M NC an d LMO, 60 Ah , wi th copper plate between case an d rol led electrodes, for PH EV applicati on) accordin g to Clause u si ng type indenter an d a ceram ic nai l havi n g a di am eter of m m with a N i tip of m m in h eig h t, an d 45° an g l e The cel l cases are th i nn ed, an d vary from m m to 0, 85 m m Press speed is 0, 01 m m /s or 0, m m /s The vol tag e data are sh own in Fi gu re A 29, Fig ure A 30, Fi gure A 31 , Fi g ure A 32 an d Fig ure A 33 The test resu lts differed depen di ng on th e case th ickness I n tests 4-1 and 4-2, wh ere th e case is rel ati vel y th ick, the cel ls exh ibi ted fi re Furth er, i n tests from 4-1 to 4-3, the sh ort circui t occu rred on l y between th e case an d the copper pl ate between case an d rolled electrodes, an d n o l ayer was sh ort circu ited I n tests from 4-3 to 4-5, wh ere th e case is relati vel y thi n , and type i n den ter is used, th ere was n o fire an d n o sm oke, wh i le th e num ber of sh ort circu i ted l ayers differed – 31 – Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 4,5 3,5 4,1 4,095 4,09 2,5 4,085 4,08 ,5 4,075 0,5 –1 4,07 10 20 30 40 –0,5 50 Time (s) IEC Figure A.29a 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC Figure A.29b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.29 – Voltage data of test 4-1 4,5 3,5 4,1 4,095 4,09 2,5 4,085 ,5 4,08 4,075 0,5 –1 4,07 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s) IEC –0,5 Figure A.30a 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC Figure A.30b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.30 – Voltage data of test 4-2 4,1 4,1 05 4,1 4,1 04 4,1 03 4,1 02 4,095 4,1 01 4,09 4,1 00 4,085 4,099 4,08 4,098 4,075 4,097 4,07 4,096 4,095 4,094 4,065 4,06 –1 00 00 200 300 Figure A.31 a 400 500 Time (s) IEC –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 Figure A.31 b Figure A.31 – Voltage data of test 4-3 2,5 Time (s) IEC I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) – 32 – 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,1 4,099 4,098 4,085 4,097 4,08 4,096 4,075 4,095 4,07 4,094 4,065 4,093 4,06 4,092 4,055 4,05 4,091 4,09 –1 00 00 200 300 400 –0,5 500 Time (s) 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.32a Figure A.32b Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V) Figure A.32 – Voltage data of test 4-4 4,1 4,095 4,09 4,1 4,099 4,098 4,085 4,097 4,08 4,096 4,075 4,095 4,07 4,094 4,093 4,065 4,092 4,06 4,091 4,09 4,055 4,05 –1 00 00 200 300 400 500 Time (s) –0,5 0,5 1 ,5 2,5 Time (s) IEC IEC Figure A.33a Figure A.33b Figure A.33 – Voltage data of test 4-5 A.2.2.5 A. Tests on cell H Tests with Type indenter The tests from 5-1 to 5-5 i n Table A are ducted on cell H (graphi te/M NC, 37 Ah for PH EV appl ication) accordin g to Cl ause u sin g Type i n den ter The test data are sh own i n Fi gu re A 34 – 33 – Voltage (V) Voltage (V) I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 4,1 37 4,1 36 4,1 28 4,1 27 4,1 35 4,1 26 4,1 34 4,1 25 4,1 33 4,1 24 4,1 32 4,1 23 4,1 31 4,1 22 4,1 30 4,1 21 4,1 29 4,1 20 Time (min) IEC IEC Figure A.34b Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Figure A.34a 4,1 30 4,1 29 4,1 27 4,1 26 4,1 28 4,1 25 4,1 27 4,1 24 4,1 26 4,1 23 4,1 25 4,1 22 4,1 24 4,1 21 4,1 23 4,1 20 4,1 22 4,1 Time (min) IEC Time (min) IEC Figure A.34c Voltage (V) Time (min) Figure A.34d 4,1 27 4,1 26 4,1 25 4,1 24 4,1 23 4,1 22 4,1 21 4,1 20 4,1 Time (min) IEC Figure A.34e Figure A.34 – Voltage data of tests A. Tests with Type indenter The tests from 6-1 to 6-5 i n Table A are ducted on cell H (g raphite/M NC, 37 Ah for PH EV appl ication) according to Cl ause u sin g Type i n den ter The test data are sh own i n Fi gu re A 35 Voltage (V) Voltage (V) – 34 – 4,1 32 4,1 31 4,1 30 I EC TR 62660-4: 201 © I EC 201 4,1 32 4,1 31 4,1 30 4,1 29 4,1 29 4,1 28 4,1 28 4,1 27 4,1 27 4,1 26 4,1 26 4,1 25 4,1 25 4,1 24 4,1 24 4,1 23 4,1 23 4,1 22 4,1 22 4,1 21 4,1 20 4,1 21 4,1 20 Time (min) IEC IEC Voltage (V) Figure A.35b 4,1 32 4,1 31 4,1 30 4,1 32 4,1 31 4,1 30 4,1 29 4,1 29 4,1 28 4,1 28 4,1 27 4,1 26 4,1 27 4,1 26 4,1 25 4,1 25 4,1 24 4,1 24 4,1 23 4,1 23 4,1 22 4,1 22 4,1 21 4,1 20 4,1 21 4,1 20 Time (min) IEC 4,1 32 4,1 31 4,1 30 4,1 29 4,1 28 4,1 27 4,1 26 4,1 25 4,1 24 4,1 23 4,1 22 4,1 21 4,1 20 4,1 4,1 Figure A.35d Time (min) IEC Figure A.35c Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Figure A.35a Time (min) Time (min) IEC Figure A.35e Figure A.35 – Voltage data of tests _ INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:47

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