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I E C TS 62 861 ® Edition 201 7-03 TE CH N I CAL SPE CI FI CATI ON G u i d el i n es for pri n ci pal com po n en t rel i abi l i ty testi n g for LE D l i g h t so u rces an d IEC TS 62861 :201 7-03(en) LE D l u m i n res TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P Y R I G H T P R O T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , Sw i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab o u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal o g u e - websto re i ec ch /catal o g u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectro ped i a o rg The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l o ssary - std i ec ch /g l o ssary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i sh ed - websto re i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C Cu stom er Servi ce Cen tre - websto re i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TS 62 861 ® Edition 201 7-03 TE CH N I CAL SPE CI FI CATI ON G u i d el i n es for pri n ci pal co m pon en t rel i abi l i ty testi n g fo r LE D l i g h t sou rces an d LE D l u m i n res INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 29.1 40.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-401 7-5 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t yo u o btai n ed th i s pu bl i c ati o n fro m an au th ori zed d i stri bu to r ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope N orm ati ve references Term s and defi n i ti ons Com pon en t test di tions LED packag e an d i nterconn ects General Sam pl in g requ irem en ts Producti on requ irem en ts Assem bl y of LED packag es on test boards 5 Moistu re preconditi on in g 5 Therm al ch aracteristics 5 Pre- and post-stress el ectrical and ph otom etric requ irem en ts 5 Pre- and post-stress visu al i nspecti on 5 Sol derabi l ity an d resistan ce to sol derin g h eat 5 Sol derabi lity 5 Resistance to solderin g h eat (RSH -reflow) test 5 Failure criteria 1 I n itial qual ification tests for LED packages 1 General 1 Tem perature and operati on stress 1 Therm o-m echan ical stress 1 Tem perature and h um idi ty stress 1 Electrical stress – ESD-H BM 1 En vi ronm en tal stress I n itial qual ification test for LED packag e i ntercon n ects – VVF 20 Accel erated stress tests for LED package in tercon nects 20 General 20 I n terconn ect tem perature cycl in g (TM CL) 21 Optical m aterials 21 General 21 Optical m aterial test sam ples 22 Moistu re preconditi on in g 22 Pre- and post-stress ph otom etric m easurem ents 22 Adh esion test 23 6 Pre- and post-stress visu al i nspecti on 23 Failure cri teria 23 I n itial qual ification tests 23 Relati ve h u m idity (RH) 23 Boi li n g water (BW) 24 Oven water (OW) 24 Hi g h tem peratu re exposu re (HTE) 24 Accel erated stress tests 24 Prediction m odels 24 Tem perature and h um idi ty (TH ) 25 I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 –3– Tem perature and li g ht exposu re (TL) 25 Lig ht-transm itti ng m aterials 26 1 Lig ht-reflectin g m ateri als 26 1 Dichroic-coated g l ass an d alum i n ium -coated g l ass 26 1 Alum i n ium -coated pl astic 26 1 White plastic/n on-coated plastic 26 Optical verters 27 Electron ic su bassem bl ies 27 General 27 Sam pl in g requ irem en ts 27 Producti on requ irem en ts 27 Pre- and post-stress el ectrical requi rem en ts 28 Pre- and post-stress visu al i nspecti on 28 Failure criteria 28 7 I n itial qual ification tests 28 7 Tem perature and operati on stress (PTC) 28 7 Hu m idi ty and operati on stress (H OT) 29 Accel erated stress tests 29 Prediction m odels 29 Tem perature, h um idity and operati on stress (sequen tial ALT) 29 Acti ve and passi ve coolin g system s 30 General 30 Cool in g system test sam ples 31 Moistu re preconditi on in g 32 Therm al resistance test 32 Perform ance param eter test 32 Pre- and post-stress cool ing perform ance requ irem ents 32 Pre- and post-stress visu al i nspecti on 32 8 Failure criteria 32 I n itial qual ification tests 33 General 33 Du st 33 Accel erated stress tests 34 1 General 34 Cycl ic tem perature test (CT) with h um idity an d wi th/withou t operati onal stress 34 Tem perature l ife test (TLT) passi ve cool i n g system 34 Tem perature l ife test (TLT) active cooli ng system 35 Constru ction m ateri als 35 General 35 Mech an ical com pon en ts an d i n terconn ects 36 Mech an ical interfaces between differen t com ponents 36 Ch em ical i n teracti ons 37 Fi nal product testi ng 38 1 General 38 Pri ncipal com ponent reli abil ity i n th e fi nal product 38 M in im um val idated AST tim e 39 Fi nal product qu al ification for reli abil ity 40 1 Product updates 40 –4– I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 Ann ex A (inform ative) Appl ication profiles 42 Ann ex B (inform ati ve) Accelerati on m odels 43 B General 43 B Arrhen i us m odel 43 B Eyring m odel 44 B Coffi n-Manson m odel 44 B N orris-Lan dzberg m odel 44 B (I n verse) power law 45 B Peck m odel 45 B General ized Eyri n g m odel 45 B Sam pl e si ze calcu l ation 46 B Basic gu i del i n es 47 B 1 Exam ple 47 Ann ex C (i nform ati ve) System reli abil ity 49 C General 49 C Basic principles 49 C Testi n g on th e system level 49 C System rel iabi lity predicti on 50 General 50 C C Block di ag ram s 50 C Faul t tree 51 C 4 Markov ch ns 51 C Bayesi an networks 51 C Ch i-squ are 52 Ann ex D (i nform ati ve) Qual ificati on flowch arts 54 D General 54 D Qu al ification flowcharts of princi pal com pon ents 54 Ann ex E (inform ative) Ph ysical an al ysis for pri nci pal com pon ents 59 E General 59 E DPA for LED packag es and in tercon nects 59 E DPA for optical m ateri als 60 E PA for electron ics 60 E PA for acti ve and passi ve cool i n g system s 61 E DPA for m echan ical 61 Ann ex F (n orm ative) Principal com ponen t test report 62 Bibl i ograph y 64 Fig u re Fig u re Fig u re Fig u re Fig u re D D D D D – – – – – Qu al ification Qu al ification Qu al ification Qu al ification Qu al ification flowch art flowch art flowch art flowch art flowch art for for for for for LED packag e an d i ntercon n ects 54 optical m ateri als 55 el ectron ic subassem bl ies 56 acti ve an d passi ve cool i ng system s 57 constru ction m ateri als 58 Tabl e – Mappin g the LED package in tercon nects qu alification tests to th e useable accel erati on m odel with typi cal ran ge of the accel eration factor 20 Tabl e – Duration (cycl es) of tem peratu re application 21 Tabl e – Mappin g of th e optical-m ateri al rel ated accel erated stress tests 24 I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 –5– Tabl e – Mappin g the electronic subassem bl y qu alification tests to the useabl e accel eration m odel wi th typical ran ge of the acceleration factor 29 Tabl e – Exam pl e ALT profil e for an el ectron ic su bassem bl y 30 Tabl e – Exam pl es of stressors, affected part of th e cooli n g system s an d i ts reli abili ty effect 31 Tabl e – Mappin g the coolin g system qu alification tests to th e useabl e accelerati on m odel wi th typical rang e of th e acceleration factor 34 Tabl e – List of u n desired ch em icals in LED products for g en eral l i gh tin g 38 Tabl e – I nflu ence of th e princi pal com ponents on th e final product 39 Tabl e – Exam ple list of vali dated AST tim es 40 Tabl e 1 – M i n or and m aj or chan g e l ist per principal com ponent 41 Tabl e A – Exam pl e of two applicati on profi l es 42 Tabl e B – Sam pl e sizes versus confi dence and reli abili ty l evel assu m i ng L = T × AF 47 Tabl e B – Exam pl e of calcu l ated accelerati on factors 48 Tabl e C – Exam pl e test sch em e an d resu lts for Ch i-square 53 Tabl e F – Exam ple overvi ew reportin g form at 63 –6– I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 I NTERNATI ON AL ELECTROTECH NI CAL COMMI SSI ON GUIDELINES FOR PRINCIPAL COMPONENT RELIABILITY TESTING FOR LED LIGHT SOURCES AND LED LUMINAIRES FOREWORD ) Th e I n ternati on al El ectrotechn i cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e org an i zati on for stan dardi zati on com pri si n g al l n ati on al el ectrotech ni cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati onal Com m i ttees) The obj ect of I EC i s to prom ote i n ternati on al co-operati on on al l q uesti on s concern i n g stand ardi zati on i n th e el ectri cal an d el ectron i c fi el ds To thi s en d and i n addi ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I n ternati on al Stan dards, Techn i cal Speci fi cati ons, Tech ni cal Reports, Pu bl i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati ons (PAS) an d Gu i des (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publ i cati on (s) ”) Th ei r preparati on i s entru sted to tech n i cal com m i ttees; an y I EC N ati on al Com m i ttee i nterested i n th e su bj ect deal t wi th m ay parti ci pate i n th i s preparatory work I nternati on al , g overn m ental an d n on g overn m ental org an i zati ons l i si n g wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n thi s preparati on I E C col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n tern ati onal Org an i zati on for Stan d ardi zati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th di ti on s determ i ned by ag reem en t between th e two org an i zati on s 2) Th e form al deci si on s or ag reem en ts of I EC on tech ni cal m atters express, as n earl y as possi bl e, an i nternati on al sen su s of opi ni on on th e rel evant su bj ects si n ce each tech ni cal com m i ttee h as representati on from al l i n terested I EC N ati on al Com m ittees 3) I EC Pu bl i cati ons h ave th e form of recom m endati on s for i ntern ati on al u se an d are accepted by I EC N ati onal Com m i ttees i n th at sense Whi l e al l reasonabl e efforts are m ade to ensure th at th e tech n i cal content of I EC Publ i cati on s i s accu rate, I EC can n ot be h el d respon si bl e for th e way i n wh i ch th ey are used or for an y m i si nterpretati on by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote i n tern ati onal u ni form i ty, I EC N ati onal Com m i ttees un d ertake to appl y I EC Pu bl i cati ons transparentl y to the m axi m um extent possi bl e i n th ei r nati on al an d reg i on al publ i cati ons An y d i verg ence between an y I EC Pu bl i cati on an d the correspon di ng nati on al or reg i on al pu bl i cati on sh al l be cl earl y i n di cated i n the l atter 5) I EC i tsel f d oes n ot provi de an y attestati on of form i ty I n depend ent certi fi cati on bodi es provi de form i ty assessm ent servi ces an d, i n som e areas, access to I EC m arks of form i ty I EC i s not respon si bl e for an y servi ces carri ed out by i nd ependen t certi fi cati on bodi es 6) Al l u sers sh ou l d en su re th at th ey h ave the l atest edi ti on of th i s publ i cati on 7) N o l i abi l i ty shal l attach to I EC or i ts di rectors, em pl oyees, servants or ag en ts i ncl u di n g i n di vi du al experts an d m em bers of i ts tech ni cal com m i ttees an d I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees for an y person al i nj u ry, property d am ag e or other dam ag e of any n atu re wh atsoever, wheth er di rect or i n di rect, or for costs (i n cl u d i n g l eg al fees) and expenses ari si ng out of th e pu bl i cati on, u se of, or rel i an ce u pon , thi s I EC P u bl i cati on or any other I EC Publ i cati ons 8) Atten ti on i s drawn to th e N orm ati ve references ci ted i n th i s publ i cati on U se of the referen ced pu bl i cati ons i s i n di spensabl e for th e correct appl i cati on of th i s publ i cati on 9) Atten ti on i s drawn to th e possi bi l i ty th at som e of th e el em en ts of th i s I EC Publ i cati on m ay be th e su bj ect of paten t ri g hts I EC sh al l n ot be h el d responsi bl e for i denti fyi ng an y or al l such paten t ri g h ts The m ain task of I EC techn ical com m ittees is to prepare I ntern ati onal Stan dards I n excepti onal circum stances, a tech n ical com m ittee m ay propose th e publ icati on of a tech n ical specification wh en • th e requ ired su pport can not be obtain ed for th e pu bl ication of an I n tern ati onal Stan dard, despite repeated efforts, or • th e subj ect is sti l l u nder tech n ical developm en t or wh ere, for an y oth er reason , th ere is th e future but no im m edi ate possi bi li ty of an agreem ent on an I ntern ati on al Standard Techn ical specificati ons are subj ect to review withi n th ree years of publicati on to decide wh eth er th ey can be tran sform ed in to I n tern ati onal Stan dards I EC TS 62861 , which is a Tech n ical Specificati on , h as been prepared by subcom m ittee 34A: Lam ps, of I EC techn ical com m ittee 34: Lam ps an d related equ ipm ent I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 –7– The text of th is Tech n ical Specificati on is based on th e foll owin g docu m en ts: Enqui ry draft Report on voti n g 34A/1 884/D TS 34A/1 966/RVDTS Fu l l i nform ation on th e voti ng for the approval of this techn ical specificati on can be fou n d in th e report on voti n g i ndicated i n th e above table This docum en t h as been drafted in accordance wi th th e I SO/I EC Directi ves, Part The com m ittee h as deci ded that the ten ts of th is pu blicati on wi ll rem n u nch ang ed u nti l th e stabil i ty date in dicated on the I EC website un der "h ttp://webstore i ec ch " in th e data related to th e specific pu blicati on At th is date, th e pu bl ication wi ll be • • • • • transform ed in to an I n ternation al stan dard, reconfirm ed, wi thdrawn , repl aced by a revised edi ti on, or am ended A bi l in g ual versi on of th is pu bl icati on m ay be issu ed at a l ater date –8– I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 I NTRODUCTI ON LED products depend g en eral l y on h ow balanced its princi pal com pon ents are i n term s of th eir rel i abi l ity I t is n ot on l y th e LED com pon ents th at determ in e product perform ance, bu t also oth er parts of th e LED product pl ay an equ all y im portan t rol e For i nstance, electron ic subassem bl ies, optics, m ech an ics an d the in vol ved cooli n g m ethod play su ch a rol e This Tech n ical Specification en visi ons a m eth odolog y, wh ich addresses separate subcom pon en t rel iabili ty data, to provi de a basis for statistical system reli abil i ty desi gn Standardized reporti n g form ats an d flowch arts are presented Next, protocols based on accelerated m eth ods are g i ven to estim ate system reliabi li ty of th e fin al produ ct usi n g su bcom ponen t data Verificati on of LED product l ifetim e is based on a ‘test to pass’ pri nciple, wh ich m eans the com pon ents of th e produ ct u nder test are evalu ated to g i ve equ i valent reli abil ity confi dence to th at wh ich wou l d be ach i eved by real-tim e l ife testi n g of the com plete LED produ ct Th e tests descri bed in th is Tech nical Specificati on are di vided in to: i n iti al qualificati on tests (I QT) g i vin g confidence of basic com pon en t robustn ess, bu t n ot l i nked to an y specific lifetim e proj ecti on , an d accel erated stress tests (AST) g ivi ng confidence of rel iabil i ty to a specific lifetim e (with in th e specifi ed constraints of th e test) Since the approach foreseen i n th is Tech nical Specification covers a g en eric m eth odol og y, it can be seen as g u idance related to relevant produ ct perform ance stan dards, such as th e LED lam p perform ance stan dard I EC 6261 2, th e LED m odu l e perform ance stan dard I EC 6271 an d LED lum i naire perform ance standard I EC 62722-2-1 Th is Tech n ical Specificati on is n ot recom m ended for use as a n orm ative reference to th e LED product perform ance stan dards This Tech n ical Specification addresses th e need for a docum ent g i vi ng gu idance th at is developed accordi ng to consensus procedures an d in itself is n orm ati ve in nature, wh il e at the sam e tim e recog ni zi n g th at LED tech nolog y for lig hti ng products is still in an em ergi n g ph ase This Tech nical Specificati on approach es an I n tern ati on al standard i n term s of detai l an d com pl eteness – 54 – I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 Annex D (informative) Qualification flowcharts D.1 General The fl owcharts presented in Fi g ures D to D refer to Cl ause These flowch arts can be used as a g u idel in e for the acceleration test sch em es of th e princi pal com ponen ts Th e test abbreviations refer to th e text in Clau se D.2 Qualification flowcharts of principal components IEC a For th e tests VVF, H 2S, FMCG and S02, m oi sture precon di ti oni n g i s n ot requ i red Figure D.1 – Qualification flowchart for LED package and interconnects I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 – 55 – Select qualification samples, Pre-photometric, Moisture preconditioning, Pre-photometric, Pre-visual, 6 Light-reflecting materials, 1 AST Light-transmitting materials, TH, 9.2 TL, AST I QT AST AST Dichroic-coated glass & Aluminum-coated glass, 1 RH, BW, OW, HTE, 6.8 Aluminum-coated plastic, 1 TH, White plastic & Non-coated material, 1 TH, TL, Optical converters, TH, TL, 6.9 Post-photometric, Post-visual, 6 Failure criteria, Principal component test report for optical materials Annex F IEC Figure D.2 – Qualification flowchart for optical materials – 56 – I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 Select qualification samples, Pre-electrical, Pre-visual, I QT I QT AST Temperature and operation PTC, 7 Humidity and operations HOT, 7 Temperature, humidity and operation Sequential ALT, Post-electrical, Post-visual, Failure criteria, Principal component test report for electronics Annex F IEC Figure D.3 – Qualification flowchart for electronic subassemblies I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 – 57 – IEC Figure D.4 – Qualification flowchart for active and passive cooling systems – 58 – I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 Construction components, Mechanical components and interconnects, Interfaces between different components, Mechanical Structural Fastener Adhesive Sealants Thermal Chemicals not for LED products, 9.4 Table Electrical terminals Solder joints Cooling, 0.2 Cooling, Electrical Chemical interaction, 9.4 Out-gassing Cap-to-controlgear & control-to-LED package connections Cooling, 8.1 Chemistry, 5, Electronics, Tarnish of silver-plated areas (LED package), 1 Electronics, Final product, Safety standards LED interconnect, 1 & Electronics, Cooling, Principal component test report for construction components Annex F Figure D.5 – Qualification flowchart for construction materials Diffusion of volatile organic chemicals, 9.4 IEC I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 – 59 – Annex E (informative) Physical analysis for principal components E.1 General The pu rpose of ph ysical anal ysis both destructi ve (DPA) an d n on-destructi ve (PA) , is to determ in e th e capabi liti es of key in tercon nects' i nternal m ateri als, desi g n, an d fin ish ing to wi thstan d forces i nduced by vari ous stresses i n du ced duri n g qu al ification testi ng E.2 DPA for LED packages and interconnects The DPA equ i pm ent n eeded for LED packages are: • optical m icroscope h avin g m ag n ification capabili ty of u p to 50ì ; ã de-capsul ati on equ i pm en t Report th e type, calibration rang e an d resol uti on of th e DPA equ ipm ent The DPA procedure for LED packag es is as follows a) LED packag es sel ected for th is test sh al l h ave successful l y com pl eted tem perature an d m echan ical, an d tem perature an d h um idity stress and en vironm ental stress testin g as specified i n 1 (TMCL test, WHTOL test and H 2S test) b) The sol der j oi n ts sh all be prepared by cross secti onal cuts in order to expose th e cross section of th e sol der joint and to determ in e th e extent of an y m ech an ical dam ag e/crack The process used to de-capsu late th e LED packag e sh all ensu re th at it does n ot cau se degradation of th e leads and bon ds Th e internal die or su bstrate sh al l be com pletel y exposed an d free of packag i n g m aterial c) The LED packag es shall be exam in ed un der a m agn ification of up to 50× to th e cri teria listed below d) Fai led LED packages sh all be an al ysed to determ ine th e cause of th e failu re A fai lu re an al ysis report docum en ti ng th is an al ysis shal l be prepared on al l fai l ures I f the an al ysis shows th at th e fai lure was cau sed by the package open in g process, the test shall be repeated on a secon d grou p of LED packages LED packag es sh al l be consi dered to h ave failed i f th ey exh ibit an y of the followi n g : • visibl e evi dence of n on -conform ity to th e LED packages’ certificate of desi gn , constructi on an d qu alification; • visibl e evi dence of corrosi on , contam in ati on , delam inati on or m etal l ization voids; • visibl e evi dence of die/su bstrate cracks or defects; • visible evi dence of wire, die, or term in ati on bon d defects; • visible evi dence of den drite g rowth or el ectro-m igration The DPA equ i pm ent n eeded for LED package in tercon n ects is: • optical m icroscope h avi n g m ag n ificati on capabil i ty of u p to 50ì ; ã scan n i ng el ectron m icroscope (SEM) ; X-ray; _ • Adapted from AEC-Q1 01 -REV-C, Stress test qualification for automotive grade discrete semiconductors , wi th the perm i ssi on of the au th or(s) (see Bi bl i og raph y) – 60 – • I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 cross-secti on al preparation Report th e type, cali brati on rang e an d resol ution of th e DPA equ ipm ent The DPA procedure for LED i nterconn ects is: a) LED packages selected for th is DPA sh al l have successful l y com pl eted m echan ical an d qu alificati on i ntercon n ect stress testi ng as specifi ed i n 1 (TMCL test, VVF test, RSH test and H 2S test) b) I n terconn ects can be exam ined by X-ray to com pare sol der j oi n t n ection from u nstressed LED packages an d stressed LED packag es accordi ng to the criteria listed i n The X-ray sh al l be don e on m ou nted LED packag es from two directi ons with m axim um possi ble resol u tion c) I n terconn ects sh al l be prepared for cross-sectional exam in ati on , by prepari n g a crosssecti on al cu t alon gsi de th e assem bl ed LED packag e d) The cross-secti onal cut shal l be exam i ned un der a m agn ification of u p to 50× wi th optical m icroscope or, if by SEM , accordi ng to the criteri a l isted below e) Fai led i n terconn ects sh al l be anal ysed to determ ine the cause of the fail ure A fai l ure an al ysis report docum enting th is an al ysis shall be prepared on al l fail ures I f the an al ysis shows th at th e fai l ure was caused by the preparation process for an al ysis, th e destructive ph ysical anal ysis sh al l be repeated on a second g rou p of LED packages The LED packag e i ntercon n ects sh al l be considered to h ave fail ed if th ey exh ibit an y of th e foll owi ng : • visible evi dence of cracks i n the sol der j oin t; • visibl e evi dence of voi ds i n th e solder; • visibl e evidence of LED packag e cracks or defects E.3 DPA for optical materials The DPA equ ipm en t needed for optical m aterials is an optical m icroscope h avi n g m agn ificati on capabi l ity of up to 50× Report th e type, cali brati on rang e an d resolu ti on of th e DPA equ i pm ent The DPA procedure for optical m ateri als is: a) optical m ateri als selected for th is DPA sh al l h ave successfu l l y com pl eted the qu alification testin g as specifi ed in 8, 9, 0, 1 an d 2; b) th e optical m aterial sam pl es sh al l be exam in ed u n der the m ag n ificati on of u p to 50× to the criteri a listed below Optical m aterials sh al l be considered to h ave fai l ed if th ey exh ibi t an y of th e foll owi ng : • visibl e evi dence of col our ch ang e; • visibl e evi dence of cracks or delam in ation ; • visible evi dence of m ech an ical dam age (deform ation) E.4 PA for electronics The ph ysical an al ysis equ i pm ent n eeded for electron ics is appropriate power an al yser equ i pm ent Report the type, cal ibrati on ran g e and resol uti on of th e ph ysical anal ysis equ ipm ent Th e PA procedu re for el ectron ics is: I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 – 61 – a) electron ic su bassem blies selected sh al l h ave successful l y com pleted the qu al ificati on testin g as specifi ed in 7 and 8; b) power an al yser equ i pm en t is used to m easure an y deviations from th e in itial product specification param eters, i n particu lar: – an y devi ations in power factor; – an y devi ations in th e h arm onic distortion of th e cu rrent m ains in put c) fai l ed el ectron ic su bassem bli es sh all be an al ysed to determ i ne th e cause of th e fai lure Electron ic subassem bl ies shall be considered to have failed if th ey exh i bit an y of th e fol l owing : • visibl e evidence of extern al cracks; • visibl e evi dence of m ech an ical dam ag e (deform ati ons) ; • visibl e evidence of corrosi on E.5 PA for active and passive cooling systems The PA equ i pm en t needed for cooli ng system s are: • optical m icroscope h avin g m ag n ification capabili ty of u p to 50ì ; ã appropri ate th erm al an al yser equ ipm ent, advised are: – th erm al transi ent m easurem ent equ ipm en t; – – I R cam era of the lon g wave type (7 µm to µ m wavelen gth) ; th erm ocouples of type Om ega AWG 40; • appropri ate power an al yser equ i pm ent; • sti l l air ch am ber; • heater/cooler plate Report the type, cal i brati on ran ge, em issi vity setti n gs an d resolu ti on of the PA equ i pm ent The PA procedure for cooli n g system s is as fol lows a) Tested u n its selected shal l h ave successfu l l y com pl eted th e qu alificati on testin g as specified i n an d b) Therm al an d power an al yser equi pm en t is used to m easure an y deviati on s from the i ni tial product specificati on param eters according to 8 c) Fai led tested u n i ts sh al l be an al ysed to determ in e the cause of th e fail ure Tested u nits sh al l be sidered to h ave fail ed if they exh ibit an y of th e fol lowi ng : • visibl e evidence of extern al cracks; • visibl e evidence of m ech an ical dam age (deform ati ons) ; • visibl e evidence of in terface del am in ati on over 25 % of th e surface area; • visibl e evidence of corrosion ; • visibl e leakag e of cooli ng l iqui ds like oi l, g rease and/or water E.6 DPA for mechanical Su bclause denotes the categ ori es for th e m echan ical pri ncipal com ponen ts DPA an d PA shal l be fol l owed accordi ng to Cl ause E to Cl au se E – 62 – I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 Annex F (normative) Principal component test report Test and m odelli n g data is on l y m ean ingfu l if all th e perti n en t test di ti on i nform ati on is provided wi th th e actu al test and prediction resu l ts Th erefore, th e exam ple form at in Tabl e F sh all be used for each princi pal com ponen t i n order to suppl y th e foll owi n g inform ation: • reference data: – type of princi pal com pon en t (e g LED package) ; – fam il y it bel ongs to (e g therm al i nterface m ateri al) ; – un i qu e report num ber, date an d possi bl e revision • rest data: – test item and equ i pm ent that is used (e g th erm al test ch am ber) ; – test condi ti ons; – sam pl e si ze; – test du ration • rest resu l ts: – sum m ary of th e resu lts; – ful l report, i nclu din g al l anal ysis (e g fai lu re anal ysis) • predicti on m odel resu lts: – chosen prediction m odel an d the m odel param eters; – predicti on resul ts sum m ary an d fu l l report For each principal com ponen t, th e above inform ati on shal l be suppl ied in a on e-pag e exam ple overview reporti n g form at as g iven i n Table F Details can be docum ented adjacent to th is on e-pag e overview I EC TS 62861 : 201 © I EC 201 – 63 – Table F.1 – Example overview reporting format Reference product data Pri n ci pal com pon ent: … Report n um ber: … Fam i l y: … Date: … Test d ata Test i tem : … Sam pl e & assem bl y detai l s: … Test equ i pm en t: … Test condi ti on s: … Sam pl e si ze: … Test du rati on: … Test resul ts Test resu l t su m m ary: … Destructi ve an al ysi s su m m ary: … Fai l u re an al ysi s sum m ary: … Prediction resul ts Predi cti on m odel : … Model param eters: … Predi cti on resu l t: … Overal l resu l t: PASS (X) FAI L (X) – 64 – I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 Bibliograph y Dependability management – Application guide – Analysis techniques for dependability – Guide on methodology I EC 60300-3-1 , Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials – Part 508: Mechanical tests – Pressure test at high temperature for insulation and sheaths IEC 6081 -508:201 2, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials – Part 509: Mechanical tests – Test for resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking (heat shock test) IEC 6081 -509:201 2, IEC 61 025:2006, Fault tree analysis IEC 61 65:2006, Application of Markov techniques IEC 61 249 (al l parts) , Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures IEC 61 995 (al l parts) , purposes Devices for the connection of luminaires for household and similar Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages > 50 V – Performance requirements I EC 6261 2, I EC 6271 7, LED modules for general lighting – Performance requirements I EC 62722-2-1 , Luminaire performance – Part 2-1: Particular requirements for LED luminaires Colorimetry – Part 5: CIE 1976 L*u*v* Colour space and u', v' uniform chromaticity scale diagram I SO 1 664-5:2009, I SO 3468-1 , Plastics – Determination of the total luminous transmittance of transparent materials – Part 1: Single-beam instrument J ESD22-B1 01 B, External visual I PC-9592B, Requirements for power conversion devices for the computer and telecommunications industries, 201 N elson , W Accelerated Testing: York: J oh n Wiley & Sons, 990 Tobi as, P Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analyses, Applied Reliability, Ch apm an & H all , I SBN 0-442-00469-9, Dodson , B , N olan , D 0364-2, 2002 Reliability Engineering Handbook, Rausan d, M an d Hoyl and, A System reliability applications Wiley, I SBN 0-471 -471 33-X, 2004 Pech t M Product Reliability, Maintainability, I SBN 978-0-8493-9879-7, 2009 J ensen, F 994 QA Pu bl ish in g, LLC, I SBN 0-8247- theory: models, statistical methods and and Supportability Handbook, An Introduction to Bayesian Networks, N ew U Press Ed , London, 996 Secon d Editi on, I EC TS 62861 :201 © I EC 201 – 65 – 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