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Iec 60079 29 1 2016

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I E C 60 79 -2 -1 ® Edition 2.0 201 6-07 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD E xpl os i ve atm os ph eres – Part -1 : G as d etectors – Perform an ce req u i rem en ts of d etectors for fl am m abl e IEC 60079-29-1 :201 6-07(en) g as es Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal og u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os s ary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s u bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 60 79 -2 -1 ® Edition 2.0 201 6-07 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD E xpl os i ve atm os ph eres – Part -1 : G as d etectors – Perform an ce req u i rem en ts of d etectors for fl am m abl e g as es INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 29.260.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-3539-3 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope Normative references Terms and definitions General requirements Overview Manufacturer claims Equipment ratings Construction General 2 I ndicating devices Alarm signals 4 Fault signals Adjustments Battery-powered equipment Gas detection transmitter for use with separate gas detection control units Separate gas detection control units for use with gas detection transmitter(s) 9 Software-controlled equipment 20 Marking 21 4 I nstruction manual 21 Test methods 23 Overview 23 General requirements for tests 24 General 24 2 Samples and sequence of tests 24 Preparation of equipment before testing 24 Mask for calibration and tests 25 Normal conditions for test 25 General 25 Test gas(es) 25 3 Standard test gas 26 Flow rate for test gases 26 5 Voltage 26 Temperature 26 Pressure 27 Humidity 27 Acclimation time 27 Orientation 27 1 Communications options 27 Gas detection equipment as part of systems 27 Test methods 27 General 27 Unpowered storage 28 Calibration and adjustment 28 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 –3– Stability 29 4 5 Alarm set point(s) 30 Temperature 30 Pressure 31 Humidity of test gas 31 Air velocity 31 Flow rate for aspirated equipment 32 1 Orientation 32 Vibration 32 Drop test for portable and transportable equipment 33 4 Warm-up time 33 5 Time of response 34 H igh gas concentration operation above the measuring range 34 Battery capacity 34 Power supply variations 35 Addition of sampling probe 35 20 Other gases and poisons 35 21 Electromagnetic compatibility 36 22 Field calibration kit 36 23 Software function 36 Annex A (normative) Performance requirements 37 Annex B (informative) Determination of time of response 43 B Aspirated equipment 43 B 1 Test rig 43 B Equipment without internal pump 43 B Equipment with internal pump 43 B Equipment that samples by diffusion 44 B 2.1 Calibration mask method 44 B 2.2 Diffusion or flow methods 44 Bibliography 45 Figure – Warm-up time in clean air (typical) Figure – Warm-up time in standard test gas (typical) Figure B.1 – Schematic example of test rig for use with aspirated equipment 44 Table A.1 – Performance requirements Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission (1 of 6) 37 –4– I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 I NTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMI SSI ON E XP L O S I VE AT M O S P H E RE S – P a rt -1 : G a s d e t e c t o rs – P e rfo rm a n c e re q u i re m e n t s o f d e t e c t o rs fo r fl a m m a b l e g a s e s FOREWORD ) The I nternational El ectrotechnical Commissi on (I EC) is a worl d wi d e organizati on for standard izati on comprisi ng all nati onal electrotech nical com mi ttees (I EC N ati onal Com mittees) The object of I EC i s to prom ote i nternati onal co-operati on on al l q u esti ons cernin g standard izati on i n the el ectrical and el ectronic fi el ds To th is end and in ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu blishes I nternati onal Stand ards, Technical Speci fi cati ons, Technical Reports, Pu bl icl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu i d es (hereafter referred to as “I EC Pu blicati on(s)”) Thei r preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any I EC N ational Comm ittee interested i n th e su bject d ealt wi th may partici pate i n thi s preparatory work I ntern ati on al , governmental and n ongovernmental organizati ons l iaisi ng wi th the I EC also participate i n thi s preparati on I EC coll aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n ternati onal Organizati on for Stand ard izati on (I SO) i n accordance wi th cond i ti ons d etermined by ag reement between th e two organizations 2) The formal d ecisions or agreements of I EC on technical matters express, as nearl y as possibl e, an i nternati on al consensus of opi ni on on the rel evant su bjects si nce each technical committee has represen tati on from all i nterested I EC N ati on al Commi ttees 3) I EC Pu bl ications have th e form of recommen d ati ons for in ternati onal u se and are accepted by I EC N ati on al Com mittees in that sense Whi le all reasonabl e efforts are mad e to en su re th at the techn ical content of I EC Pu blications is accu rate, I EC cannot be hel d responsi bl e for the way i n whi ch they are u sed or for any misinterpretati on by an y end u ser 4) I n ord er to promote i nternational u niformi ty, I EC N ational Com mi ttees und ertake to apply I EC Pu blicati ons transparen tl y to the maximu m extent possi bl e in their nati on al an d regi on al pu blicati ons Any d ivergen ce between an y I EC Pu bl ication and the correspond i ng nati onal or regi on al pu bli cation shall be cl earl y i ndi cated in the l atter 5) I EC itsel f d oes not provi de any attestation of conformity I nd epen d ent certi ficati on bodies provi d e conform ity assessment services an d , i n some areas, access to I EC marks of conform ity I EC i s not responsi bl e for an y services carried ou t by i n d epend en t certi fication bodi es 6) All users sh ould ensu re that they h ave the l atest edi ti on of this pu blicati on 7) N o l iabili ty shal l attach to I EC or i ts d i rectors, empl oyees, servants or agents incl u di ng i nd ivid u al experts an d members of i ts techni cal commi ttees and I EC N ati onal Committees for an y personal i nju ry, property d amag e or other d amage of any n atu re whatsoever, wh ether di rect or i ndi rect, or for costs (i nclud i ng l eg al fees) and expenses ari sing ou t of the pu bli cati on, use of, or reliance u pon, thi s I EC Pu bl ication or any oth er I EC Pu blicati ons 8) Attention is d rawn to the N orm ative references ci ted i n this pu bl ication U se of the referenced pu blicati ons is i ndi spensabl e for the correct appli cati on of th is publicati on 9) Attention is d rawn to th e possibili ty that some of the el ements of thi s I EC Pu bl icati on may be the su bj ect of patent ri gh ts I EC sh al l not be held responsi bl e for i d enti fyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts I nternational Standard IEC 60079-29-1 has been prepared by I EC technical committee 31 : Equipment for explosive atmospheres This second edition of I EC 60079-29-1 cancels and replaces the first edition of I EC 60079-29-1 :2007 series and constitutes a technical revision Significant technical changes between I EC 60079-29-1 , IEC 60079-29-1 , Edition (201 6), is as listed below: Significant changes with respect to I EC 60079-29-1 : 2007 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Edition (2007), and I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 –5– Type Changes Clau se M inor and editorial changes Extension M ajor techni cal changes M easu ring range u p to 20 %LEL (M od ifi ed req u irem ents) All Defi ni ti on s (Ad d itional clari fi cati ons) X M anu factu rer’s claims (special appli cati on s req ui remen ts) X General constru cti on (M al fu nction effects on safety rel ated fu nction) C1 General i ndicati ng d evices (portabl e eq uipm ent wi th visu al an d au d i bl e in d icati on ) 2 C2 Su ppressi on of i ndicati on and measu red val ues bel ow zero (fu n cti onal lim its) 2 C3 Fau l t si gnals (Fau l t i nd icati on bel ow mi ni mu m voltag e li mi t, sensor d isconn ecti on and zero d ri ft cond iti on) 4 C4 Ad j u stments (Zero and sensi ti vi ty ad ju stmen ts) C5 M arki ng (Portabl e eq u i pment protecti ve case) I n stru cti on M anu al (Ad d itions and clarificati ons) 4 Sam pl es an d seq u ence of tests (Opti cal fi lter speci al sensitivity l i mits, and mod i ficati on consid erati ons) 2 Preparati on of eq u i pmen t before testi n g (separate gas d etecti on control units) Test g as (meth ane, and propane or bu tane for general pu rpose gas d etector) General test methods (sel ectabl e range an d wiri ng worst case cond i ti ons) Cali brati on cu rve (fi xed volu me fracti ons) C8 Response to d ifferen t gases (semi cond uctor an d catal ytic hi gh gas centration exposu re) 3 C9 Stabi lity (d u ration of test method ) 4 Al arm set point(s) (al arm set poi nt test method ) 5 Temperatu re (portable) (temperatu re ran ge and stabi lizati on peri od ) Temperatu re (al l other eq ui pmen t) (temperatu re ran ge and stabi lizati on peri od ) Pressu re (tol eran ce on pressu re measu rem ent) X H u mi di ty of test g as (test meth od clari ficati on) X Ai r vel ocity (test meth od clari ficati on) X Fl ow rate for aspi rated eq u i pment (test method clarificati on) X Vi bration (test meth od clari ficati on) X Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission X X C6 X X C7 X X X C1 X –6– I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 Type Changes Clau se M inor and editorial changes Drop test for portable and transportabl e equ ipment (Au tomatic re-startin g or shu t-d own req u i rement clarificati on ) Warm-u p time (u ser prompt req u i rement) 4 H i g h gas concentrati on operation above the measu ri ng range (test meth od and req ui rement clari fication) X Battery capacity (test method clari ficati on) X Power su pply vari ati on (mi ni mum su ppl y voltage faul t l imit) Poisons (appl icabl e onl y to Grou p I apparatus wi th catal yti c 20 or semicondu ctor sensors) (test meth od clari ficati on) Extension M ajor techni cal changes X C1 C1 X El ectromagnetic compatibili ty (test meth ods an d req ui rements) 21 C1 Fi el d cal i brati on ki t (test meth od clari ficati on) 22 Software fu nction (su pporting d ocu mentati on ) 23 X Determi nati on of ti m e of response (test meth od clari ficati on) Annex B X X N OTE The technical changes referred to incl u de the sign ificance of techni cal changes in the revised I EC Stan d ard , but they d o not form an exh au stive list of al l modi fi cati ons from the previ ou s version M ore gui dan ce may be foun d by referri ng to the Red li ne Version of th e stan d ard Explanations: A) Definitions Minor and editorial changes Clarification decrease of technical requirements minor technical change editorial corrections These are changes which modify requirements in an editorial or a minor technical way They include changes of the wording to clarify technical requirements without any technical change, or a reduction in level of existing requirement Extension Addition of technical options These are changes which add new or modify existing technical requirements, in a way that new options are given, but without increasing requirements for equipment that was fully compliant with the previous standard Therefore, these will not have to be considered for products in conformity with the preceding edition Major technical changes Addition of technical requirements increase of technical requirements These are changes to technical requirements (addition, increase of the level or removal) made in a way that a product conforming to the preceding edition will not always be able to fulfil the requirements given in the later edition These changes have to be considered for products conforming to the preceding edition For these changes additional information is provided in B) below N OTE Th ese chan ges represent cu rren t techn ol ogical knowl ed ge H owever, these chan ges shoul d not normall y have an in fl u ence on eq ui pm ent al read y pl aced on the market Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 B) –7– I n fo rm a t i o n a b o u t t h e b a c k g ro u n d o f ‘ M a j o r t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e s ’ C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C1 C1 C1 C1 Addition of malfunction effects not adversely affecting the safety related function (4 ) Addition of visual and audible indication for portable equipment (4.2.2 ) Addition of functional limits for suppression of indication and for measured values below zero (4 2.2.5) Addition of requirements for fault indication below minimum voltage limit, sensor disconnection and zero drift condition (4 2.4) Addition of requirements for zero and sensitivity adjustments (4 2.5) Addition and clarification requirements for inclusion within the instruction manual (4 4) Addition of methane and propane or butane as required test gases for general purpose gas detector (5 2) Specification of fixed volume fractions which are expressed as a percentage of the measuring range (5 3.2) Addition of requirement for semiconductor and catalytic sensors to be exposed to high gas concentration on response to different gases (5.4.3 3) Addition of temperature range and stabilization period (5 4.6) Addition of requirement where equipment prompts the user (5 4) Addition of requirement for output functionality above the minimum supply voltage fault limit (5.4 8) Addition of test methods and requirements for electromagnetic compatibility tests (5 4.21 ) The text of this standard is based on the following documents: FDI S Report on voti ng 31 /1 257/FDI S 31 /1 266/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/I EC Directives, Part A list of all parts of the I EC 60079 series, under the general title Explosive atmospheres , can be found on the IEC website The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http: //webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –8– I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 I NTRODUCTION This part of I EC 60079-29 specifies general requirements for construction, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed equipment for the detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour concentrations with air Guidance for the selection, installation, use and maintenance of gas detecting equipment is set out in IEC 60079-29-2: Explosive atmospheres – Part 29-2: Gas detectors – Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen Guidance for functional safety of fixed gas detection systems is set out in I EC 60079-29-3: Explosive atmospheres – Part 29-3: Gas detectors – Guidance on functional safety of fixed gas detection systems General requirements for construction, testing and performance of open path detectors for flammable gases are set out in I EC 60079-29-4: Explosive atmospheres – Part 29-4: Gas detectors – Performance requirements of open path detectors for flammable gases Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 34 – 4.1 I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 Ti m e of respon se The equipment shall be switched on in clean air and, after an interval corresponding to at least two times the warm-up time, as determined in accordance with 4, without switching off, the equipment or the sensor(s) shall be subjected to step changes from clean air to the standard test gas and from standard test gas to clean air These changes shall be introduced by means of suitable equipment (see Annex B) The times of response t(50) and t(90) for increasing concentration, and t(50) and t(1 0) for decreasing concentration shall be measured For an optional sampling probe, an extra test is required to measure the additional delay This shall be less than s/m of the total length of the probe plus tubing or any greater value, which is stated in the instruction manual 4.1 H ig h gas cen tration operati on above the m easu rin g ran ge This subclause applies to all equipment with an upper limit of the measuring range less than 00 % (v/v) gas The sensor shall be subjected to the test using test equipment that simulates a step change between gas concentrations such as those described in Annex B The sensor shall be subjected to a step change from clean air to a volume fraction of 00 % (v/v) gas that shall be maintained for (1 80 + 5/0) s The equipment or remote sensor shall then be subjected to clean air for (20 + 2/0) min, followed by the standard test gas All gas concentrations above full scale shall be indicated by a full scale indication and, where fitted, an alarm I f the indication is digital, a clear indication shall be given that the upper limit of the measuring range has been exceeded All gas alarms shall remain in operation at all gas concentrations above full scale I f the equipment provides a latching alarm feature, the latching feature shall be verified during and after application of the high gas concentration 4.1 4.1 Battery capaci ty Battery d i scharge With a battery fully charged at the beginning of the test, the equipment shall be operated at maximum load condition with consideration to quantity and type of sensors in clean air for a total period of a) (480 + 5/0) min, if fitted with a user-operable on/off switch; b) (600 + 5/0) min, if not so fitted; or c) any longer time as specified by the manufacturer At the beginning and end of the specified period, the equipment is exposed to clean air and the standard test gas 4.1 Low battery d u rati on The equipment shall then continue to operate until an indication that the low battery condition has been reached The equipment shall continue to operate for at least an additional (1 + 0, 5/0) and then be exposed to the standard test gas Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 – 35 – Where it is impractical to discharge the equipment continuously, the equipment may be switched off (e.g overnight) to ensure the low battery condition is observed in the required time 4.1 Power su ppl y vari ation s The equipment shall be set up under normal conditions (see 3), at rated voltage and, where appropriate, rated frequency For equipment with remote sensors, the test shall be performed with both maximum and minimum resistance of the interconnecting cable The equipment shall then be subjected to the following tests The equipment calibration shall be checked at both 1 % and 80 % of rated voltage and at + % above the minimum supply voltage fault limit Where the manufacturer of the equipment specifies a supply range other than those specified above, the equipment shall be tested at the upper and lower limits of the supply voltage specified by the manufacturer I t shall be verified at + % above the minimum supply voltage fault limit that all output functions are working properly even at the worst case load conditions Analogue outputs shall be tested at the maximum output level Relays shall be able to energize at + % above the minimum supply voltage fault limit 4.1 Ad d iti on of sampl in g probe When it is intended to add a sampling probe, the equipment shall first be calibrated using clean air and the standard test gas without the sampling probe The sampling probe shall then be added, and clean air and standard test gas applied again 4.20 4.20 Oth er g ases an d poi son s Oth er g ases The equipment shall be tested separately with the following gas mixtures: a) Group I equipment indicating up to a volume fraction of % methane in air: ) a methane volume fraction of the standard test gas + a volume fraction of % oxygen in nitrogen; 2) a methane volume fraction of the standard test gas + a volume fraction of % carbon dioxide in air; 3) a methane volume fraction of the standard test gas + a volume fraction of 0,075 % ethane in air b) Group I equipment indicating up to a volume fraction of 00 % methane in air: ) a volume fraction of 50 % methane + a volume fraction of 6,5 % oxygen in nitrogen; 2) a volume fraction of 50 % methane + a volume fraction of % carbon dioxide in nitrogen; 3) a volume fraction of 50 % methane + a volume fraction of 2,5 % ethane in nitrogen The gas mixtures may be prepared by any suitable method The tolerances on the volume fraction of each component shall be within ± % of its nominal concentration The volume fraction of each component shall be known to a relative expanded uncertainty of ± % of the stated value Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 36 – I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 P o i s o n s ( a p p l i c a b l e o n l y t o G ro u p I e q u i p m e n t w i t h c a t a l yt i c o r s e m i c o n d u c t o r s e n s o rs ) The equipment shall be exposed to a volume fraction of (1 , ± 0, 05) % methane in air mixture containing a volume fraction of (1 ± ) ppm of hexamethyldisiloxane and shall perform in continuous operation until a dose of (400 ± 20) ppm is reached N OTE Certai n materi als that mi ght be present i n i ndu stri al atmosph eres can l ead to "poi soni ng" or other u nd esi rabl e effects which can resul t i n a change of sensitivity of a g as sensor N OTE As improved tolerances to these materi als are freq u entl y cl aimed by man u factu rers, evi d ence of th e testi ng procedu re u sed to substanti ate these cl ms an d test resul ts can be open to val id ati on or verifi cati on by agreement between a pu rch aser, a man u factu rer, and a testi ng l aboratory Possibl e "poi sonin g" agen ts and thei r effects on sensor performance are di scussed i n I EC 60079-29-2 N OTE The ti me the equ i pment i s exposed is calcu l ated by d i vid i ng the req uired d ose by the actual concentration of hexamethyld isil oxane E l e c t ro m a g n e t i c c o m p a t i b i l i t y The equipment, including the sensor and interconnecting wiring, shall be subjected to the tests described in IEC 61 326-1 :201 Table N OTE Speci fic appli cati ons or l ocal regu lati ons mi ght req u i re m ore severe el ectrom agnetic i mmu n ity test parameters The test shall be carried out with the equipment exposed to the standard test gas The alarm set point shall be set so that the alarm is active, i e to the volume fraction of the standard test gas plus or minus the variation as listed in Annex A For multi-gas portable equipment, this test shall be performed with a full set of typical sensors For equipment with a measuring range up to 00 % (v/v), this test shall be performed in clean air only The alarm set point shall be set to % of the measuring range or the lowest possible setting, whichever setting is higher Any special advice in the instruction manual concerning EMC shall be followed 2 Fi eld c a l i b t i o n ki t Calibration initiation methods and gas application methods shall be tested or excluded from the scope of the performance test within the instruction manual Field calibration kit(s) shall be verified by comparison of the following: a) expose the equipment to clean air and standard test gas using the field calibration kit in accordance with the instruction manual; b) expose the equipment to clean air and standard test gas as it is done in normal operation S o ftw a re fu n c t i o n Software controlled equipment shall be validated against the requirements of The manufacturer shall provide evidence that the software fully complies with 2.9 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission P e rfo rm a n c e re q u i re m e n t s Ta b l e A – P e rfo rm a n c e re q u i re m e n t s (1 of 6) N OTE Th e speci fi ed numbers are the maximu m permi tted d evi ati ons of the i ndicati ons of the eq u ipment from th e reference i ndications obtai ned at the start of the test or at reference condi ti ons (e g at reference temperatu re 20 °C) Su b- Tes t G ro u p cl au s e I e q u i pm e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s V o l u m e fra c t i o n u p to % m e th a n e i n r G ro u p I I g re a t e r) Vo l u m e 00 fra c t i o n % m e th a n e e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s u p to in r Vo l u m e 20 fra c t i o n u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e Vo l u m e 00 limit fra c t i o n g re a t e r) u p to Vo l u m e % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e fr a c t i o n 00 u p to % g as limit U n powered storag e N one N one N one N one N one Cali brati on cu rve ± 0, % meth ane or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ring rang e or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on 3 Response to d ifferent N ot appli cabl e gases N ot appli cabl e ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on 4 Stabi lity, sh ort term ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on 4 an d 4 Stabi lity, long term (fi xed /transportabl e) ± 0, % meth ane or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ring ran ge or ± 30 % of ind icati on ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± 20 % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± 20 % of ind icati on 4 an d 4 Stabi lity, long term (portabl e) ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu rin g rang e or ± 20 % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on 5 Al arm set point(s) Ch eck al arm/manu al reset operati on Check alarm/man u al reset operati on Ch eck al arm/manu al reset operati on Check al arm/manu al reset operati on Check al arm/manu al reset operati on (a) Temperatu re (portable) ± 0, % methane or ± % of ind ication from ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of ind icati on from ± % measu ring range or ± 20 % of ind icati on from ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of ind icati on from ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on from 20 °C 20 ° C 20 °C 20 °C 20 °C (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 40 °C) (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 40 °C) (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 40 °C) (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 40 °C) (test: –20 ° C, 20 °C, 40 ° C) – 37 – right International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 An n e x A (normative) Ta b l e A Tes t Subcl au s e G ro u p I e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s V o l u m e fra c t i o n u p to % m e th a n e i n (2 of 6) r G ro u p I I g re a t e r) Vo l u m e 00 fra c t i o n % m e th a n e u p to in air Vo l u m e 20 fra c t i o n u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e limit (b) Temperatu re (non -portabl e eq u i pmen t in clu d i ng remote sensors wi th restri cted temperatu re range) N ot appli cabl e N ot appli cabl e Vo l u m e fr a c t i o n 00 u p to % g as limit Control u ni t: ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on from 20 °C (test: °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) All oth er eq u ipm ent: All other eq u ipm ent: All other eq u ipment: ± % measu ring range or ± 30 % of in d icati on from ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of in d icati on from ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of ind icati on from Control u ni t: ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on from 20 °C (test: -20 °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) Con trol u ni t: ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind ication from 20 °C (test: -20 °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) All oth er eq u ipm ent: All other eq u ipment: All other eq u ipment: ± 20 % measu ring range or ± 40 % of in d icati on from ± % m easu ring ran ge or ± 20 % of ind icati on from ± % measu ring ran ge or ± 20 % of ind icati on from ± % measu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on from 20 ° C (test: °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) 20 °C (test: °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) 20 °C 20 °C 20 °C (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 right International Electrotechnical Commission u p to Control u ni t: ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on from 20 °C (test: °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) Control u ni t: ± % measu ri ng range or 20 °C 20 ° C ± % of ind icati on from (test: –20 °C, 20 ° C, 40 °C) (test: –20 °C, 20 °C, 40 °C) 20 °C (test: -20 °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) ± 0, % methane or ± % of ind icati on from fra c t i o n % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e – 38 – Temperatu re (all other nonportabl e eq u ipment i ncl ud in g remote sensors) Vo l u m e 00 g re a t e r ) Control u ni t: ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on from 20 °C (test: °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) 20 ° C (test: °C, 20 °C, 55 °C) (c) e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts (w h i c h e ve r va l u e i s Tes t Subcl au s e G ro u p I e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts (w h i c h e ve r va l u e i s V o l u m e fra c t i o n u p to % m e th a n e i n r i n d i ca ti o n Pressu re H u mi di ty of test gas (3 of 6) G ro u p I I g re a t e r ) Vo l u m e 00 fr a c t i o n % m e th a n e e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s u p to in air i n d i c a ti o n Vo l u m e 20 fra c t i o n u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e l i m i t i n d i c a ti on Vo l u m e 00 fr a c t i o n g re a t e r) u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e Vo l u m e 00 fra c t i o n % g as u p to i n d i c a ti o n l i m i t i n d i ca ti on 00 kPa (test: 80 kPa, 00 kPa, 20 kPa) ± % measu ri ng range or ± 30 % of ind icati on from 00 kPa (test: 80 kPa, 00 kPa, 20 kPa) ± % measu ring range or ± 30 % of in d icati on from ± % measu ri ng range or ± 30 % of ind icati on from ± % measu ri ng ran ge or ± 30 % of in d icati on from ± 0, % methane or ± % of ind icati on from ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of ind icati on from ± % measu rin g rang e or ± 30 % of ind ication from ± % measu ring ran ge or ± 30 % of ind icati on from ± % measu ring range or ± 30 % of in d icati on from ± 0, % methane or ± 30 % of ind icati on from the i n di cati on at ad j ustmen t at 40 °C (test: 20 %RH , 50 %RH , 90 %RH ) the i ndi cati on at ad j ustm ent at 40 °C (test: 20 %RH , 50 %RH , 90 %RH ) 00 kPa (test: 80 kPa, 00 kPa, 20 kPa) 00 kPa (test: 80 kPa, 00 kPa, 20 kPa) 00 kPa (test: 80 kPa, 00 kPa, 20 kPa) th e i ndi cati on at ad j ustment the i nd i cati on at adj ustment the in di cati on at adj ustm ent at 40 °C at 40 °C (test: 20 %RH , at 40 °C (test: 20 %RH , (test: 20 %RH , 50 %RH , 50 %RH , 90 %RH ) 50 %RH , 90 %RH ) 90 %RH ) Ai r vel ocity ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ring ran ge or ± 20 % of ind icati on ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on Fl ow rate ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ring ran ge or ± 20 % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of in d icati on right International Electrotechnical Commission from that at nomi n al flow rate from that at n omi nal flow rate from that at nom in al flow rate from that at nomi nal flow rate – 39 – from that at nomi nal flow rate I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 Ta b l e A Ta b l e A Sub- Tes t G ro u p I cl au s e e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts (w h i c h e ve r va l u e i s V o l u m e fra c t i o n u p to % m e th a n e i n r Orientati on ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication G ro u p I I g re a t e r ) Vo l u m e 00 fr a c t i o n % m e th a n e e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s u p to in air Vo l u m e 20 i n d i c a ti o n i n d i ca ti o n 1 (4 of 6) Portabl e: ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of ind icati on fra c t i o n u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e Vo l u m e 00 l i m i t i n d i c a ti on ± % m easu ring ran ge or ± 20 % of ind icati on fr a c t i o n g re a t e r) u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e Vo l u m e 00 fra c t i o n % g as u p to i n d i c a ti o n l i m i t i n d i ca ti on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on Fi xed /transportabl e: ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of i nd ication Vi bration ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of i nd ication, and no ± % measu ring range or ± % measu ri ng range or ± % measu ri ng ran ge or ± 20 % of in d icati on, and no ± % of ind icati on, and n o ± % of in d icati on, and no l oss of fu ncti on, n o faul t sig nal , no d amag e resul ti ng i n a hazard and no false al arms l oss of fu ncti on, no faul t signal , no d amage resul ti ng i n a hazard and no false al arms l oss of fu ncti on, n o faul t sig nal , no d amag e resul ti ng i n a h azard and n o false al arms l oss of fu ncti on, no faul t sign al , no d amage resul ti ng i n a hazard an d n o false al arms l oss of fu ncti on, no faul t signal, no d amage resul ti ng i n a hazard and no false al arms Drop test ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ring ran ge or ± 20 % of ind icati on ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on 4 Warm-u p time Fi xed /tran sportabl e: Fi xed /tran sportabl e: Fi xed /transportabl e: Fi xed /transportabl e: Fi xed /transportabl e: ± 0, % methane wi thin min, and no false alarm ± % measu ri ng range wi thi n mi n, and no fal se al arm ± % m easu ri ng ran ge wi th i n manu al spec , and no false al arm ± % measu ri ng range wi thi n manu al spec , an d n o false al arm ± % m easu ri ng ran ge Portabl e: Portabl e: Portabl e: Portabl e: min, and no false al arm ± % measu ri ng range wi thi n mi n , and no fal se al arm ± % measu ri ng range ± % measu ri ng range ± % measu ri ng range Ti me of response t(50) i n l ess than s t(50) i n l ess than s t(50) i n l ess than 20 s t(50) i n l ess than 20 s t(50) i n l ess than 20 s (i ncreasi ng concen tration ) t(90) i n l ess than 30 s t(90) i n l ess than 30 s t(90) i n l ess than 60 s t(90) i n l ess than 60 s t(90) i n l ess than 60 s Ti me of response t(50) i n l ess than 30 s t(50) i n l ess than s N ot appli cabl e t(50) i n less than 20 s (d ecreasi ng concen tration ) t(1 0) i n l ess than 90 s t(1 0) i n l ess than 30 s t(1 0) i n less than 60 s Portabl e: ± 0, % meth ane wi th in 5 5 right International Electrotechnical Commission wi thi n mi n, and no fal se al arm wi thi n , and n o fal se al arm N ot appli cable wi th i n manu al spec , and no false al arm wi thi n mi n, and no fal se al arm I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 – 40 – ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication, and n o Sub- Tes t G ro u p I cl au s e e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s V o l u m e fra c t i o n u p to % m e th a n e i n r i n d i ca ti o n H i gh g as concentration operati on above th e m easu ri ng ran ge Battery capaci ty ± 0, % meth ane or + 20 % / –1 % of i n di cati on Vo l u m e 00 fr a c t i o n % m e th a n e e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s u p to in air Vo l u m e 20 i n d i c a ti o n ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind ication fra c t i o n u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e Vo l u m e 00 fra c t i o n g re a t e r) u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e l i m i t i n d i ca ti on l i m i t i n d i ca ti on Fau l t i nd icati on after reset Fau l t i nd icati on after reset or or ± % measu ring range ± % measu ri ng range or + 20 % / –1 % of Vo l u m e 00 fra c t i o n % gas up to i n d i c a ti o n ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on i ndi cati on ± 0, % meth ane or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± 0, % methane or ± % of in d icati on (test: mi n after “low battery” condi tion ) ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of ind icati on (test: mi n after “low battery” di tion) ± % measu rin g rang e or ± 20 % of ind icati on (test: mi n after “low battery” cond ition) ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± 20 % of in d icati on Power su ppl y vari ati on ± 0, % meth ane or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng rang e or ± % of ind icati on ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of ind icati on Ad d ition of sampli ng probe ± 0, % meth ane or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind ication ± % measu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind ication ± % measu ring rang e or ± % of in d icati on right International Electrotechnical Commission from that at rated voltage (test: h or h , respectively) from that at rated voltage (test: h or h, respectivel y) from that at rated voltage (test: h or h, respectivel y) (test: mi n after “low battery” condi tion) from that at rated voltage (test: h or h , respectivel y) (test: mi n after “low battery” condi tion ) from that at rated voltage – 41 – G ro u p I I g re a t e r) or + 40 % / –20 % of i ndi cati on (test: h or h, respectivel y) (5 of 6) I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 Ta b l e A Ta b l e A Sub- Tes t cl au s e G ro u p I e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts (w h i c h e ve r va l u e i s V o l u m e fra c t i o n u p to % m e th a n e i n (6 of 6) r i n d i ca ti o n G ro u p I I g re a t e r ) Vo l u m e 00 fr a c t i o n % m e th a n e e q u i p m e n t l i m i ts ( w h i c h e ve r v a l u e i s u p to in air i n d i c a ti o n Vo l u m e 20 fra c t i o n u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e l i m i t i n d i c a ti on Vo l u m e 00 fr a c t i o n g re a t e r) u p to % l o w e r fl a m m a b l e Vo l u m e 00 fra c t i o n % g as u p to i n d i c a ti o n l i m i t i n d i ca ti on Oth er gases ± % of th e actu al methan e volu me fracti on appli ed ± % of the actu al meth ane volu me fracti on appli ed N ot appli cabl e N ot appli cabl e N ot applicabl e 20 Poisons ± 0, % meth ane or ± % of ind icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on N ot appli cabl e N ot appli cabl e N ot appli cabl e 21 El ectromagnetic compati bili ty Cri teri on A: Vari ation l ess than ± 0, % m ethane Cri terion A: Vari ation l ess than ± % measu ri ng range Cri teri on A: Vari ation l ess th an ± % measu ring range Cri teri on A: Vari ation l ess than ± % m easu ri ng range Cri teri on A: Vari ation l ess than ± % measu ri ng range All criteri a: no spu riou s al arms/deactivati on of al arms All criteri a: no spu riou s al arms/deactivati on of al arms All criteri a: an d no spu ri ous al arms/deactivati on of al arms All criteri a: n o spu riou s al arms/deactivati on of al arms All criteri a: no spu riou s al arms/d eactivati on of al arms ± 0, % methane or ± % of i nd ication ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of i nd ication ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on ± % m easu ri ng ran ge or ± % of in d icati on ± % measu ri ng range or ± % of ind icati on 22 Fi el d cal i brati on ki t I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 right International Electrotechnical Commission – 42 – 20 I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 – 43 – Annex B (informative) Determination of time of response B.1 B.1 Aspirated equipment Test rig Attach the equipment to the test rig as shown schematically in Figure B.1 The test rig consists of two gas lines, one supplying clean air and the other test gas The two flows can be switched between the equipment inlet and the exhaust While one flow is directed to the equipment, the other flow is directed to the exhaust Switching of the two flows should be done simultaneously The gas line connecting the test rig to the equipment should have an outlet for excess gas The volume of the gas line connecting the test rig to the equipment should be kept to a minimum B.1 Equipment without internal pump The outlet for excess gas should be closed The flow rates of the two gas lines should be set to the minimum flow rate specified in the instruction manual The measurement of the time of response should start with the switching from clean air to test gas Where appropriate, a correction should be made to the time of response for the switching time between the two gas lines and for the time needed to purge the dead volume between the outlet of the switching device and the equipment inlet B.1 Equipment with internal pump The outlet for excess gas should be opened The gas inlet to the equipment should be appropriately restricted so that the flow rate to the equipment is % above the flow rate at which the flow failure signal is activated The flow rates of the two gas lines should be set appropriately The excess flow rate at the outlet should be sufficiently high so that reverse flow cannot occur This will usually be achieved by an excess flow rate of approximately 20 % The measurement of the time of response should start with the switching from clean air to test gas Where appropriate, a correction should be made to the time of response for the switching time between the two gas lines and for the time needed to purge the dead volume between the outlet of the switching device and the equipment inlet Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 44 – I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 Exhau st Cl ean r Test gas Ou tl et of swi tchi ng d evi ce Gas inlet Gas d etecti on eq ui pmen t Excess gas ou tlet IEC Figure B.1 – Schematic example of test rig for use with aspirated equipment B.2 B.2.1 Equipment that samples by diffusion Calibration mask method This method should only be used for measuring response times of "other gases" (5 3.2) in order to compare the response times of different gases The test rig described in B 1 should be used The test should be performed as for equipment without an internal pump (see B 2) The flow rate through the mask should be set to the minimum flow rate specified in the instruction manual If only a nominal flow rate is given, this nominal flow rate should be used B.2.2 Diffusion or flow methods The diffusion and/or flow method should be used for measuring the time of response of the equipment for the standard test gases according to 5.4 A suitable method should be used which has been validated Examples are diffusion (by immersion or containment) or flow methods Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 – 45 – Bibliography I EC 60050, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) I EC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) I EC 60079-1 , Explosive atmospheres – Part : Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures I EC 60079-2, Explosive atmospheres – Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure IEC 60079-5, Explosive atmospheres – Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling “q” I EC 60079-6, Explosive atmospheres – Part 6: Equipment protection by liquid immersion "o" IEC 60079-7, Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e" “d” "p" IEC 60079-1 0-1 , Explosive atmospheres – Part 0-1 : Classification of areas – Explosive gas atmospheres I EC 60079-1 , Explosive atmospheres – Part 1 : Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i" I EC 60079-1 5, Explosive atmospheres – Part 5: Equipment protection by type of protection IEC 60079-1 8, Explosive atmospheres – Part 8: Equipment protection by encapsulation “m” IEC 60079-25, Explosive atmospheres – Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systems I EC 60079-26, Explosive atmospheres – Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level “n” (EPL) Ga IEC 60079-29-2, Explosive atmospheres – Part 29-2: Gas detectors – Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen IEC 60079-29-3, Explosive atmospheres – Part 29-3: Gas detectors – Guidance on functional safety of fixed gas detection systems I EC 60079-29-4, Explosive atmospheres – Part 29-4: requirements of open path detectors for flammable gases ISO 61 42, Gas detectors – Performance Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures – Gravimetric method ISO 61 45-1 , Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part : Methods of calibration ISO 61 45-2, Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part 2: Volumetric pumps ISO 61 45-4, Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part 4: Continuous syringe injection method I SO 61 45-5, Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part 5: Capillary calibration devices Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 46 – I EC 60079-29-1 :201 © IEC 201 I SO 61 45-6, Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part 6: Critical orifices I SO 61 45-7, Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part 7: Thermal mass-flow controllers ISO 61 45-9, Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part 9: Saturation method I SO 61 45-1 0, Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part 0: Permeation method _ Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE CTRO TE CH N I CAL CO M M I S S I O N 3, ru e d e Va re m bé P O B ox CH -1 1 G e n e va S wi tze rl a n d Te l : + 41 F a x: + 22 91 02 1 22 91 03 00 i n fo @i e c ch www i e c ch Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 10:25

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