59 Table 3 1 Summary of energy food water nexus research (Cont ) 9 Analysis of Future Energy Pathways for Vietnam Do (2011) To identify an energy pathway that would sustainably meet the country’s ener[.]
59 Table 3-1: Summary of energy-food-water nexus research (Cont.) Analysis of Future Energy Pathways for Vietnam Do (2011) To identify an energy Policy analysis Need to save energy and encourage pathway that would Scenario analysis renewable energy and CO2 reduction to sustainably meet the Optimisation model reduce import dependence and country’s energy needs IO analysis environmental impacts Energy Vietnam Water-Food Vietnam Water-Energy China Halving the birth rate reduces the yield by Impact of Soil, 10 Management Practices and Menard and Climate Change on Water Mainuddin Productivity of Winter Rice (2012) in the Mekong Finding a solution to save water but not decrease rice yields in the context Scenario analysis AquaCrop model ECHAM4 model of climate change half and evaporation by 40% A 5-day irrigation schedule saves 100m3/ha compared to the 10-day schedule An increase in carbon concentrations increases the productivity of evapotranspiration and yield Energy-Water Nexus of Analysis of the wind Wind Power in China: The 11 Balancing Act between CO2 Emissions and Water Consumption Li et al (2012) power industry’s economic and environmental efficiency Life cycle assessment IO analysis Need to increase the proportion of wind energy to increase energy benefits