203 economic output during 2014–2030 Investment in the water sector has led to good economic growth, with the value of GDP increasing by 16% compared to the BAU scenario to reach 383 1 billion dollars[.]
203 economic output during 2014–2030 Investment in the water sector has led to good economic growth, with the value of GDP increasing by 16% compared to the BAU scenario to reach 383.1 billion dollars All values in the water sector have improved significantly Figure 6-29: Changes in water intensity compared with 2014 (%) Source: Estimates based on modelling developed in this research In the SC4 Water scenario, Vietnam’s water intensity is expected to improve moderately with a decrease of 10.7% over the next 16 years, equivalent to an average annual decrease of 0.7% to reach 21.5 million m3/million dollars in 2030 (Figure 6-28) This is equivalent to a decrease of 20.3 % in 2030 (5.5 million m3/million dollars) compared with the SC1 scenario, a decrease of 38.6 % (13.5 million m3/million dollars) compared with SC2, and a decrease of 24.2 % (6.9 million m3/million dollars) compared with SC3 Overall, the results for socio-economic development are very good in this scenario, but the food and energy sector values not receive due attention Energy intensity is expected to increase by 68.7% over the next 16 years, which is equivalent to an average annual increase of 3.3%, reaching 461 Toe per million dollars in 2030 Among the non-nexus and non-energy oriented scenarios, like SC1, SC2, and SC3, SC4 is expected to experience the lowest water intensity compared with the base year of 2014 Another contribution to the lower- energy-intensity of SC4 compared with SC1 and SC3 is from the less energy-intensive economic sectors, such as industry and services, with energy intensity projected to decline from 254 Toe per million dollars and 256 Toe