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Bsi bs au 224b 1997 scan

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~ ~ S TD -BS I BS AU 224B-EN GL L7 7 W Lb24bb7 Ob1 70 707 e IS A U BRITISH S T A ND A RD AUTOMOBILE S ERIES 124b : S pecification fo r P o rta b l e w h e e l ram p s fo r cars and light vans ICs N íì 43 80 C O PY ING WTT HO IJT B S I P E R M I S S I O N E X C E P T A S P E R M I T T E D Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy BY C O PYRIGHT LAW 997 S T D e B S I BS AU 224B-ENGL 99 111 Lb Lt b b S Ob49032 q3 AU 224b : 1997 BS C o m m ittees r e s p o n s i b l e fo r t h i s B r i ti s h S tandard The preparation of this B ritis h S tandard was entrus ted to A W , Automobile details and accessories, upon which Technical the Committee foliowing bodies represented: Automobile Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of Traùe and Industry (Consumer Safety Unit, Department of 'Ii-ansport Garage Equipment Association Ins titute of ?k.ading S tandards Administsation S ociety of Motor Manufacturers and Th i s B riti s h S tandard, having b een p rep ared direc tio n Sector B o ard, S tandards effect O Eng ineering was p ub lis hed autho ri ty of the B oard and c o me s into on O ctob er BSI under the of the under the 15 Ik-aders Limited 997 997 A m end m en ts i s s u e d s i n c e p u b l icatio n First Amd The p ub lis hed February 970, J u n e following relate tn the Amd 988 988 B SI referenc es work o n this s tandard: C o mmi ttee D r a ft for IS B N O reference A m c o mment 95 R1 6064 DC 680 28316 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy No Date Text affected CA Division) were STD-BSI BS AU 224B-EN GL 9 llc9 0b49033 Lb24bbï 78T B BS AU 224b : 997 Contents page Committees responsible h i d e Foreword 6 U S cope Normative references Definitions Design Marking Warning notice Annexes A B C front cover (normative) Classification of vehicles according (normative) R o l h f f and overtravel (normative) D (normative) E (normative) F (normative) to the of ramp incline s ection s trength of ramp platform for permanence section of 4 test Test for longitudinai movement Test Test Test EU s trength markjng 6 Fi g ures O B SI 1997 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy Height of a typical vehicle ramp B ase width of a îy p i d vehicle ramp 3 'Isrpical vehicle ramp D l Ramp loading device i BS AU 224b : _ ~ ~ STD-BSI BS AU 22’iB-ENGL Lb24bb7 9 Obi 49 D b l b 1997 F o rew o rd This B ritish S tandard has been prepared by Technical Committee AUE/S to establish a standard of performance for portable wheel ramps to ensure that they are sufficiently robust s o that under normal use they that wi l l not fail The standard also aims to ensure the ramps are constructed and designed so that they will be stable and will not damage the vehicle when used in their intended manner It supersedes BS AU 224a 988 which This B ritish S tandard i q j u ri ou s to calls for the use of substances a n d o r procedures that may be health if adequate precautions are not taken It refers oniy to technical suitability and does not absolve the user from legal obligations relating to health safety at : is withdrawn and any stage Compliance w i t h a B ri ti s h S tand ard d o e s n o t of i t s e l f c o n fe r im m u ni ty fro m l e g a l o b l i g a ti o n s S ummary o f p a g e s This document comprises a front cover, u Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy to 6, an an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages inside b a c k cover and a back cover O BSI 997 ~ STD-BSI B S AU E '24B-E N G L 997 Ipp L b b b Ob4 5 W BS A U 224b : 997 S co p e 3.9 p roj ected plan are a of th e p latform s e c ti o n This B ritish S tandard specifies requirements for the area obtained by proj ecting the perimeter of the design, consbxction, performance and marking of platform section vertically downwards onto the base portable wheel ramps for cars and light vans plane (area B in figure 2) Normative references maximum distance between the platform section and This British S tandard incorporates, by dated or the base plane (see figure 1) 3.1 ramp h e i g h t undated reference, provisions from other publications These normative references are made at the appropriate places in the text and the cited publication is listed on the inside back cover For 3.1 rate d cap acity (Safe Working Load (SWL)) capacity rated by the manufacturer as the maximum dated references, only the edition cited applies; any mass that may be safely supported by a single wheel subsequent amendments to or revisions of the cited ramp publication apply to this standard only when ro l l - o ff incorporated in the reference by amendment or revision For undated references, the latest edition of the cited publication applies, together with any action of a vehicle descending from a wheel ramp such that its tyre travels down the incline of the amendments ramp D e fi n i ti o n s passenger car or light van of classification 3.1 v e h i cl e For the purposes of this standard the foliowing (see annex A) M1 or N1 definitions apply 3.1 w h e e l ramp b arrier s t o p device consisting of an incline section and a platform device to impede a vehicle travelling beyond the platform area of the wheel ramp b as e p lane plane which includes the points of contact between section onto which a vehicle is driven for the purpose of maintenance or display (see figure 3) D es ign the base of the wheel ramp and the surface upon Minimum rate d cap ac i ty which it rests (see figure i) The minimum rated capacity of a single wheel ramp shall be 000 kg 3.3 b as e wid th minimum width measured across the base of a wheel 4.2 A ngle of i n cl i n e s e c ti o n ramp (see figure 2) The maximum angle between the incline section and longitud inal mo vem ent movement of the ramp on the supporting surỵace, forwards or rearwards, as a vehicle is driven on or off 3.5 o ve ral l d iam eter of ty r e the base plane shall be 25" S tab i l i ty The base width divided by the ramp height shall not be less than The proj ected plan areas of the platform diameter of an inflated tyre at the outermost surface section and the incline section shali both lie entirely of the tread within the plan area of the base 3.6 o ve rtrav e l 4 Platfo rm d im ens io ns action of a vehicle travelling off the platform section The platform section shall have a minimum of a wheel ramp in a direction past the barrier stop width of 200 mm and a minimum length of 300 mm 3.7 p lan area of th e b as e Ro ll- o ff area of the base plane enclosed by the points of When tested in accordance with annex B, the test contact between the wheel ramp and the surface on vehicle shall not rolloff the ramp which it rests (see figure 2) 3.8 p lan area o f th e i n cl i n e s e c ti o n O vertravel The wheel ramp shall be fitted with a device that area obtained by proj ecting the perimeter of the prevents overtravel when tested in accordance with incline section vertically downwards onto the base annex B plane (area A in figure 2) O BSI 1997 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy BS AU 224b S T D - B S I BS : 1997 224B-ENGL AU L o ngi tu d i nal m o v e m e n t 1777 Lb24bb7 Warning notice When tested in accordance with annex C, it shall be possible for the test vehicle to be driven or reversed A warning notice shall be attached to each wheel ramp giving at least the following warnings onto the ramps without either ramp moving more a) Use only a single pair of wheel ramps at the than 50 mm Similarly, neither ramp shall move more front or rear Do not use two ramps on one side of than 50 mm when the vehicle descends the vehicle.’ 4.8 F i n i s h b) ‘Use on a hard level surface, e.g concrete ’ S urfaces shall not have any hazardous proj ections c) ‘ Securely chock wheels remaining on the All sharp edges shall be removed by rounding, ground, and apply the handbrake ’ bevelling, or by other means of deburring to prevent injury d) ‘ Exercise care when using with a trailer or a to the operator, or damage to vehicle tyres three wheeled vehicle ’ 4.9 S tr e n g th 4.9.1 Strength The notice shall also give instructions to cover safe of the ram p incline section use When tested in accordance with annex D, the wheel shall be detailed - of 1.5 times the manufacturer’ s rated capacity without showing any sign of breaking or fracturing The maximum deflection of an y part of the incline section shall not exceed Strength % of the ramps under the conditions in which they are likely to be employed, in particular the following - how to set the ramps out; ramp shall be capable of withstanding a load 4.9.2 477 Ob4 b of its original height how t o drive onto them; how to descend safely Warnings shall be given regarding hazards to people of the ramp platform in the immediate area When tested in accordance with annex E, the wheel ramp shall be capable of withstanding a load of Any special provisions or procedures to minimize the risk of inj ury or damage shall be clearly specified The materials of the notice shall be waterproof and double the manufacturer’ s rated capacity without showing any sign of breaking or fracturing The the minimum typesize for the body of the text shall maximum deflection of any part of the ramp have a height of mm platform shall not exceed % of its original height Marking Each wheel ramp shall be legibly and permanently marked with the following information: a) the number of this B ritish S tandard, i.e BS AU 224b : 1998’); b) a manufacturer’ s mark as a means of identifying the manufacturer, importer o r supplier of the ramp; c ) the rated capacity of the ramp, stated as ‘SWL’ in kg; d) the largest and smallest overall diameter of tyre for which the ramp is suitable; When tested in accordance with annex F, all markings shall remain legible Items c ) and d) shall be clearly visible at the point of sale Marking BS of AU 224b on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’ s declaration the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements cl m an t’ s responsibility S uch a of the standard The accuracy declaration is not to b e confused with third party of of certification conformity, i.e a claim by or on behaif the claim i s therefore solely the of conformity, which may also be desirable Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy O BSI 1997 W STD-BSI BS AU 224B-ENGL l b b b Ob4 7 777 325 P BS Base plane F ig ure H eigh t of a ty p i c a l v e h i c l e AU 22413 : 1997 -I ramp Projected pian area of the base Area A F ig ure B a s e w i d th of a ty p i c a l v e h i c l e ‘ L Area B ramp r Barrier stop F ig ure T y p i cal v e h i c l e O BSI 1997 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy ramp ~~ ~~ ~~ S T D - B S I BS BS AU 224b AU ~ L7 224B-EN GL ~ aS l b b b üb4 b l : 1997 Annexes Apply a rearward horizontal force,f, to the vehicle at a convenient point and note whether roll-off occurs, using the formula: B.3.3 Annex A (normative) Classification of vehicles according to the EU Category Definition M Motor vehicles with at least four wheels used for the carriage of passengers Vehicles used for the carriage of M1 passengem and comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s se& N Motor vehicles with at least four wheels used for the caniage of goods Vehicles used for the carriage of goods N1 and having a maxjmum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes NOTE These definitions of vehicle category are also used, with very slight editorial differences, by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECEYGeneva) 0.5~ = f where: is the force in newtons; is the mass of the test vehicle in kilograms f v Remounting the vehicle if nece-, apply the same force in a forwards direction to establish whether overtravel OCCUIS Repeat the test procedure to with the rear of the vehicle reversed on the ramps Note whether roll-off or overtravel occurs The ramp has passed the test if there is no overtravel B.3.4 B.3.6 B.3.2 B.3.4 B.3.6 Annex C (normative) Test for longitudinal movement Annex B (normative) Principle To establish that it is possible to ascend and descend Principle the ramps without their moving excessivelx under A specified force is applied horizontally to a vehicle normal conditions which is securely mounted on a pair of wheel ramps to Apparatus determine whether the vehicle r o b off the ramps as described in Apparatus flat and level , wehi.de, standard two-wheel-drive, four with a smooth surface free from ridges that are visible wheeled production passenger car, with a nominal to the naked eye and with a coefficient of friction road wheel rim diameter of at least 330 mm of 0.6 * 0.1 when measured with a friction tester (13 inches) The vehicle mass shail be known to manufactured in accordance with the design within 50 kg recommended by the ?i.ansport Research Laboratory Meum as (see BS 812 Past 114 1989 for a description of this specified design of tester) Meum of to within of on f2 % % Joor mm Meum of m a s of Procedure vehicle, if roll-off occurs, without affecting the test Set out the ramps as required in the process manufacturer’s instructions, and mark their position on Procedure the floor Mount the front of the test vehicle on a pair of Drive the vehicle forwards up the ramps, to stop the ramps under test on a hard, level surface Ensure on the sections that no ir\iwy can occur if the vehicle does come off Measure any movement of either or both of the the ramps ramps to within mm Remark the floor position if Take the test vehicle out of gear (or out of nec- ‘Park’)and release the handbrake Do not chock the Reverse the vehicle down the ramps and wheels measure any further movement C.1 Roll- off and overtravel test B.l C.2 B.2 B.2.1 B.2.2 B.2.3 Test a of a p p ly i n g C.2.1 A C.2.2 A n measuring the C.2.3 ap p lie d f o rce , Me a n s and B.2.4 co ntro iiing mo vemen t are a off i : the h o rizo n ta l fo rc e , the B.2.1 te st vehicle, m dry co ncre te , : m a rki n g measuring an9 the ramps’ p o s i ti o n mo ve me nt to the w i th i n C.3 C.3.1 B.3 B.3.1 C.3.2 platỵorm C.3.3 B.3.2 C.3.4 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy O BSI 997 M BS STD-BSI Annex C.3.6 ~ 224B-ENGL AU i997 PI B S AU D Repeat the tes t procedure revers ing up the ramps, then C.3.1 to ramps For the shall move driven on to nor when p as s the 50 more than it is 224b : 1997 D.3 Pro ced u re C.3.4, driving down them D.3.1 C.3.6 TB Ob4 7 lb24bb9 mm test, when the vehicle driven off NO TE test This may the incline s ection most suffer maximum deformation and height above the is on S elect the point likely to neither ramp normally the is have to meas ure i ts base be p o int rep eated on fro m fu rthe s t new s amp les any e ac h s up p o rts time, if it The is unc lear Annex D (normative) D.l D.3.2 incline 'Ièst of ramp section strength Mount the with Princip le the upper and the A axis wheel to 1.5 times the then apply a vertical and tyre is used to incline s ection of the rated ramp capacity of the examined for breakage or test D.3.3 load to the The load is increas ed ramp The ramp is excessive deformation te s t r i g , Hy d m u l i c capable of applying the means of indicating the D.2.2 L a rg e Ju t of the D.2.3 ramp of s e c ti o n , during the D.2.4 during the Meam incline plate, or force applied to Apply The 00 of D.3.6 base e , as shown in wide, m in is mm mm p mm covered with figure D.1 the or being s elected loading device, device horizontal acros s loading device, the Vertical force to times the at ramp, Measure the that the ramp ramp there is and no expelled under the the incline s ection manufacturer' s a rate and hold rated not it fo r 60 s maximum deflection of the Remove the The incline point and tes t a solid s trip of examine for breaks height of the D.3.7 outs ide raùius load and fracture Measure the above the reduction W loading with the section D.3.6 the s elected points , to within lo ading mm rubber 40 h e ig h t the exceeding kN/min test s emic irc ular s teel former, 240 and a test the a capacity for the % capable of supporting the ma su ring at within of the curved section danger of their slipping other suitable device required force and having that plate c entre of are securely located so equivalent to D.2.1 on the load D.3.4 D.2 A p p aratu s Ens ure piate face of the loading device which simulates a pas senger c ar the ramp point verticaìly under the bas e, in height, if The ramp if there shall are no any be maximum deflection is calculate the percentage deemed breaks or initial s elected to have pas s ed the o r fractures and les s than if the o/o thicknes s , s ho re hardnes s 40 to 50 r- I I Force / Steel pl ate, mm minimum thickness I mm f mrn Rubber strip 40 R= 240 F ig ure D l O BSI 1997 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy thick rnrn k ' Steel pl ate, y/ / rnm minimum thickness mm Ramp lo ad i ng d e v i c e S T D - B S I BS AU 2 -ENGL BS AU 224b : 1997 ~ ~~~~ 9 E b24bb9 ~ Ob4 9LT W Annex E (normative) %t of ramp platform section strength Annex F (normative) Wst for permanence of marking E l Principle F.l Principle The loading device (figure D.1) is used to apply a vertical test load to the platform section of the ramp, equivalent to double the rated capacity of the ramp E.2 Apparatus ~~ ~ Annex E The ramp marking is lightly rubbed with both petrol and water to confirm permanence F.2 Apparatus to hold the sample in the solvents, with adequate fume exbraction and appropriate safety precautions for the handling of the E.3 Procedure fuel E.3.1 Select the point on the platform section likely to F.2.2 of suffer maximum deformation and measure its height conforming to BS EN 228 above the base NOTE This is normally the point furthest from any supports The F.2.3 of test may have to be repeated on new samples each time, if it is The s a m e a p p a tu s as s p e c l fkd unclear in D.2 E.3.2 Mount the ramp on the plate with the selected point vertically under the centre of the loading device, with the upper face of the loading device horizontal and the axis of the curved section across the ramp E.3.3 Ensure that the loading device, the ramp and the p& are securely located that there is no danger of their slipping or being expelled under load E.3.4 Apply a vertical force to the platform section equivaient to twice the manufacturer's rated capacity for the ramp, at a rate not exceeding 10 kN/min and hold it for 60 E.3.6 Measure the maximum deflection of the platform section E.3.6 Remove the load and examine for breaks or fracture Measure the height of the initial selected point above the base, and calculate any percentage reduction in height E.3.7 The ramp shall be deemed to have passed the test if there are no breaks or fractures and if the percentage maximum deflection is less than % so s Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy F.2.1 F.2.4 Su i ta b le b a th s , Su p p ly commercial Su p p ly cle a n c o tto n rag Su p p ly of u n l e a d e d p e tro l c0mmercia.ì li q u i d detergent F.3 Procedure Immerse the marked area of the test sample in the petrol for io at 20 ' "C F.3.2 Remove from the petrol and rub the markings over an area approximately 10 mm x 50 mm with firm hand pressure for 30 using cotton damped in petrol F.3.3 Dry the sample thoroughly in a current of dry air, then immerse in clean water in which 0.5 % by volume of detergent has been dissolved Leave for 24 h F.3.1 s, rag at 20 o + "C Remove from the water and rub the markings over an area of approximately 10 mm X mm with firm hand pressure for 30 using cotton rag damped in the water E3.6 Examine the test area for legibility and permanence of the markmg F.3.4 50 s, NOTE For ease of handling, the marked area may be cut from the ramp when preparing the test sample The marking process passes the test if the markings remain legible F.3.6 O BSI 1997 STD-BSI BS AU 224B-EN GL 9’37 Z b b b L i s t of references (see clause O b b II BS AU 224b : 1997 2) Normative references B SI publications BRITISH BS STANDARDS INS TITUTION, London 81 BS 81 : BS EN Part 228 : 1 : 989 1993 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy Testing aggregates fo r determination of th^ pol ished-ston e value S w b fka tio n fo r unleaded petrol (ga s o lin e ) for motor v e h i x h Me ü w d ~ BS STD-ES1 ES AU 224B-EN GL M 2777 Lb2 Ybb7 772 Ob1 i 901 i AU 22413 : 997 BSI - B ritish Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing B ritish S tandards It pres ents the UK view on s tandards in Europe and at the international level It is incorporated by Royal Charter C o ntract re q u i re m e n ts A B ritish S tandard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of B ritish S tandards are responsible for their correct application Revis io ns B ritish S tandards are updated by amendment or revision Users of B ritish S tandards should make s ure that aim grateful It is the constant would be they possess the latest amendments or editions of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services W e if anyone íinding an inaccuracy o r ambiguity while using this B ritish S tandard would inform the S ecretary of the responsible technical committee, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover Tel O181 996 9000; Fax: 01 81 996 7400 BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards B uying s ta n d a rd s Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer S ervices, S ales Department Fax: 01 81 996 at Chiswick Tel O181 996 7000; 7001 In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI that implementation of thos e have been published as B ritish S tandards, unless otherwise requested I n fo rm a ti o n o n s ta n d a rd s BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international s tandards through its Libraqy, the S tandardline Database, the BSI Information Technology S ervice ( B ïïS ) Information Department at and its Technical Help to Exporters Service Contact the Chiswick: Tel 01 81 Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to 996 da& 71 11 ; Fax: O 181 996 7048 with s tandards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards For details of these and other benefits contact Customer S ervices, Membership Tel: 01 81 996 7002; Fax: O181 996 Chiswick 7001 Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the publications of the international standardization bodies Except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 988 no eximi3 may be reproduced, s tored in a retrieval system o r transmitted photocopying, recording o r otherwise This does not preclude the necessary details such details are to be used as free in any form or by any means - electronic, - without prior written permission from BSI use, in the course of implementing the s tandard, of symbols, and size, type or grade designations If these for any other purpose than implementation then the prior written permission of BSI must be obtained If permission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing agreement Details and advice can b e obtained from the Copyright Manager, BSI, 389 BSI 389 chiswic, High Roa44 London w4 4AL Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy Chiswick High Road, London W 4A.L

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