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S T D - B S I BS EN - E N G L 7 Lb2Libb9 üb30727 373 BS EN BRITISH STANDARD 1532 : 1997 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas Ship to shore interface The European Standard EN 1.532 : 1997 has the status of a Briíish Standard ICs 75.200 U NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ~ ~ STD.BSI B S EN 1532-ENGL 1997 W 1b2LlbbS Ob30930 095 BS EN 1632 : 1997 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrustedto Technid Committee GSEi38, Installation and equipment for LNG,upon which the foliowing bodies were represented: ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - British Gas pic Department of Bansport H d t h and Safety Executive Institution of Gas Engineers This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Board, was published under the authority of the Standards hard and comes into effect on 15 August 1997 O BSI 1997 Amd No _ Date ~ Text affected ~~ ~~ The foilowing BSI references relate to the work on this standard Committee reference G S W Draft for comment 9W11296 DC ISBN O 680 27963 Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ~ - = L b b b Ob30731 T ~ ~ S T D = B S I B S EN L532-ENGL 1977 ~ BS EN 1632 : 1997 Contents Page inside front cover 11 ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Committees responsible National foreword Foreword Text of EN 1532 * * vi BSI 1997 Copyright European Committee forO Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale BS EN 1632 :1997 National foreword This British Sỵmdard has been prepared by Technicai C o M W GSE/38, and is the English language version of EN 1532 : 1996 Instauation and equipment for l?k.p$ed natuml gas -Ship to show inter$m?,published by the European Committee for S t a n d a r m o n (CEN) Cross-references Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard EN 1160 : 1996 BS EN 1160 : 1997Instauatwns and equipment for IÙlwfGXl natuml gas - GenemlChamctemstiCS O f l w f k d natuml gas BS EN 50014 : 1993Electrical apparatus forpotentially myiosàve atmospheres - Geneml requirements BS EN 50015 : 1994ElecErical apparatus forpotentially apiosive atmospheres - Ou immersion ‘o’ BS EN 50016 : 1996Electrical apparatus forpotentidly explosive atmospheres -h s u % e d apparatus ‘p’ BS EN 50017 : 1994Electrical apparatus for potentidly expiosive atmospheres -Powder fiuing ‘9.’ BS EN 50018 : 1995Electrical apparatus for potentially myiosive atmospheres -f i v o f enclosures ‘d’ BS EN 50019 : 1994Electrical apparatus for potentially EN 50014 : 1992 EN 50015 : 1994 EN 50016 : 1995 EN 50017 : 1994 EN 50018 : 1994 EN 50019 : 1994 expiosive atmospheres -Increased safety ‘e’ BS EN 50020 : 1995Electrical apparatus for potentially q b s i v e atmosphmm -InscmnSic safety ‘i’ BS 5501Electrical apparatusfor potentially expiosive atmospheres BS 5501 : Part : 1988En.cap&cimL ‘m’ BS 5501 : Pari : 1982-fication for intrinsicaüy safe electrical systems T BS EN 50054 : 1991Electrical apparatus f m the detection and measurement of c e t i b i e gases - Geneml mquimnents and test methods BS EN 50056 : 1991-fication for electrical appamtus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases P e $ m n c e requirementsfor Gmup I appamtus i n d k t i n g upto100%(v7ylmethane BS EN 50057 : 1991Elsccmccll appamtus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases -Pe@Òrrnunce requirementsfor Gmup II appamtus indicating up to 100 % ìoum mpiosive limit BS EN 50058 : 1991Spe@f&tion for elSctrical appamtus for the detection and rneasurernent of combustible gases P d m n c e requirementsfor Group II appamtus i n d k t i n g up to 100 % (vmgas EN 50020 : 1993 EN 50028 EN 50039 : 1980 EN 50054 : 1991 EN 50056 : 1991 EN 50057 : 1991 EN 50058 : 1991 Compliance with a british Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations I Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, the EN title page, pages to 14, an inside back cover and a back cover ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - ii Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O ES1 1997 Not for Resale STD.BS1 BS EN 1532-ENGL 1997 b b b Ob30933 A T GuRopEAN STANDARD EN 1532 NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPNORM March 1997 ICs 75.200 Descriptois: Gas instaiiation, liquefied natumi gas, earth stations,ships, i n í ~ r f a ~ etransfer, s, junctions, safety, accident prevention,hazards, hazardous areas, fire protection, stopping devices, mooring devices, design English veision InstdMion and equipment €or liqyefied natural gas ship to shore interface Anlagen und Ausrüstung für FlUssigerdgas Schnittstelle zwischen Schiffund Land This European standard was approved by CEN on 199742-24 CEN members are bound to compiy with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipUiate the conditions for giving this European Standard the stasis of a nationaì standard without any alteration Uptodate lists and bibhographid references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member The European Standards exist in three officiai versions (English, French, German) A version in any other ianguage made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notiñed to the CEN Central Secretariat has the same status as the officiai versions CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Finiand, F’rance, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, I*, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Installationset équipements relati&au gaz naturel iiquéfié - Interíàce terre navh CEN European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normahation Europäisches Komitee fur Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, €3-1060Brussels O 1997 Copyright reserved to CEN members Ref No EN 1532 : 1997 E Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale S T D = B S I B S EN 2532-ENGL 1777 = L b b b Ob30734 730 = Page EN 1632 :1997 Foreword page This European Sỵandard has been prepared by Technical Committee CENm 282, InstaMion and equipment for LNG, the secrarỵat of which is held by AFNOR This European Standard shail be given the status of a nationai standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endomment, at the latest by September 1997, and confiictirg nationai standards shail be withdrawn at the latest by September 1997 According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national stanhds organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European StanAustria, Belgium,Denmark, Fïniand, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Ita& Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UniM Kingdom 8.4 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 9.1 9.2 Contents Foreword O htmduction Scope N o d v e references Definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions 3.2 Abbreviaüons List of items that make up the ship to shore interface Description of LNG and associated hazards 6.1 Description of LNG 6.2 Hazards associated with LNG 6.3 Hazaràs associated with LNG transfer 6.4 Potential extemal factors 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.2 8.3 Hazardous areas Safety precautions General Basic priecautions Additional precautions Ship equipment Ship’s mooring equipment Ship’s working platform and cargo manifold arrangements Motor o p e d valves (MOV) for ESD page 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 8 8 Ship‘s cargo control room operating devices Ship’s fireequipment Protection of the ship’s structure Communication equipment Ship’s electrical safety LNGpumpingsystem Cooling down systems Bunkering connection Fresh water connection Arrangements for personnel access Shipkhore tsansfer facility equipment General Design and construction of the jetty and associated equipment I.mbghloadinganns Communication equipment (see 8.7) Fïrefightmg equipment and procedures híain contavi mom Vapour return system Crew and personnel access (see 7.2.9) Motor operated valves, (MOV) for ESD Jetty‘s electrical safety Ship’s storing arrangements LNG transfer procedure Necessary provisions prior to ship acceptance 10.2 Conditions for port entry 10.3 Conditions to be fuiñlied prior to connectingloading/unloadingarms 10.4 Conditions to be fuiñlied prior to the transfer of LNG 10.6 Fulfilment of the safety conditions during transfer operations 10.6 Conditions to be fulfilled foilowing ship‘s transfer 10.7 Shore and ship protection of personnel on duty 10.8 Responsibilities 11 T1.ainingofpersonnel Annex A (informative) General safety 9.3 9.4 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 10 10.1 Philosophy Annex B (iiomative) Bibliography ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 S T D - B S I B S EN L532-ENGL L797 LbZLibb9 Ob30735 b77 Page EN 1632 : 1997 O Intraduction Each LNG port facm and terminai should have its own specific safe@systems determined by Hazard Anaiysis and LNG carriers using the facility should be compatible with these systems.In general, for ail vessels, particular care should be taken to ensure that the basic requirements laid down in this standard are understood and applied at each cargo transfer In order to define the anangement which wiii ensure the best possible conditions for ship to shore transfer, in particular regarding safety, it is necessary to set up this standard which, as far as possible, wiii lead to the harmonbation of the differing requirements of the ship and the terminal This standard governs the ship/shore interface taking into account the publications of the Society of Intemationai Gas Tankers and Terminai Operatois (SIG’iTû), oil Companies Intemational Marine F o m (OCIMF) and the Intemationai Maritime Organization (MO) In particular, this applies in matters pertainkg to safety ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - scope Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated Merence, provisions from other publications These nomiative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard oniy when incorporated in it by amendment or revision For unded references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies EN 50014 EN 50016 EN 50017 EN 50018 EN 50019 EN 50020 EN 50028 EN 50039 EN 50054 This European standard gives recommendationsand requirements for the terminal and on board the ship to ensure the safe transfer of LNG at receiving and emm- It is applicable to the shiphhore LNG transfer systems includuig: - ship to shore connections; - aii safety aspects of transfer operations; - any other operations that occur while the ship is moored on the jetty EN 1160 EN 50016 Instauation and equipment for l*fa natural gas - M chamteristics of l*fa naCuml gas Electrical apparatus for potentia& explosive a t m o s p h - Geneml requirements E l e c W appamtus for potentia& explosive a t m o s p h - Oil immersion ‘o’ BSI 1997 Copyright European Committee forO Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ElSctricd appamtus for potentially explosive a t r r w s p h -Fressumzed apparatus ‘p’ Electrical appamtus for potentidy expMve a t r r w s p h -Pow& f%ing ‘ql Elecwicd appamtus f o r p o t e n W y explosive atmospheres - ì%mqnvof m.cbsure ‘d’ E l e c W appamtus forpotentially expbsìve a t m o s p h -Increased s@ety ‘e’ Electricaì apparatus forpotentiaiìy exl>losive atrrwsphem -Ini?rìnsic s@ety ‘i’ Electrical appamtus for potentially &.sìve atrrwsphem E w ~ t i o ‘m’ n Electrical appamtus for potentidig explosive atmosphem - Intrì-y safe &trical systems ‘i’ Electrid appamtus for the &tect.ion and measurement of cumòustibie gases - Geneml requinmmts and test methods EN 50056 Electrical appamtus for the &&tion and measurement of conỵ&ustü.de gases -P @ m r u % rewi-ts for Gmup appamtus indicating u p to 1O0 % (v/v) methane EN 50057 Electrical appamtus for the detection and m e a s u m t of conùn&bk gases - P @ m n c e requirements for Gmup II a p p a m m indicating u p to lo0 % lower expiosive limit EN 50058 Elecwicd appamtus for the detection and m e a s u m t of CombzlStible gases -P e t j i m n c e requinment for Group II appamtus indicating u p to1oo%(vh)gas prEN 1127-1 Sdety of muchinmy -Fire and explosions -Part 1: Explosion prevention and protection prEN 1473 Instauation and equipment for l*fied nah& gas -Design of onshore instatlation Instauation and equipment for prEN 1474 l i q w f a natuml gas -Design and testing of loadin.@uMâwa m prEN 50145 Electricd appamtus for potentially exphive gas atmospheres C ‘ l a s s i m c i o nof k a d o u s areas Is0 10497 Testing of valves - Fire type-setting requirements ~~ STD.BS1 B S EN 2532-ENGL 1997 E L b b b Ob3093b 503 = Page EN 1632 : 1997 Deñnitions and abbreviations For the purposes of this European standard the definitions of prEN 1474 and the following definitions apply 3.1 Definitions 3.1.1 shQAshore t-er facilities A jetty including all the ship/shore interface equipment for receiving or exporting LNG 3.1.2 communication written or orai information All methods of It also includes infomation covered by data links 3.1.3 integrne All the operations of the ship and shore relaljng to LNG cargo transfer, ship’s access or ship’s supplies 3.1.4 main control room A control room situated in the terrnjnal h m which centrai control is directed 3.1.6 jetty control centre A control centre situated on or d a c e n t to the jetty primariiy to control the loadhghloading arms 3.1.6 ship cargo control room A ccntrd inom- siímtề on board the ship from which the control of the ship’s transfer operation is directed 3.1.7 emergency shut down (ESO) A method that safely and effectively stopis the transfer of LNG between ship and shore or vice versa 3.1.0 emergJencyreìèase system (ERS) A system that provides a positive means of quick release of loading/unloadingarms and safe isolation between ship and shore 3.1.9 emergency release procedure (ERP) A procedure that is intended to provide a positive means of quick release and safe isolation between ship and shore 3.1.10 ship%eargo manifold The fìanged pipe assembìy, mounted on board ship to which the outboard flange of the loading/unloading arms are connected 3.1.11 terminal An LNG plant with loadinghuiloadingfaciiities 3.1.12 tranrlfer Loading or unloading operation I 3.2 Abbreviations For the purpose of this European standard, the following abbreviations apply - LNG Liquefied natural gas; - N G Natural g a ~ ; - MOI! Motor operated Valve List of items that make up the ship to shore interface The items to be especially considered for LNG transfer are: - the ship’s safe mooring at the jeau; - gangway access from jetty to ship; - ail the communicaüonsbetween ship and shore; -allinstsum ent and electsical connections used across the interface; -loading/unloading; -bunkering from the terminai or by supply barge; - liquid nitrogen connectiorq - ship’s storing Description of LNG and associated h a z h 6.1 Description of LNG The characteristics of LNG are described in EN 1160 6.2 Hazards associated with LNG The main hazards are defined in EN 1160 and those most important in the transfer of LNG are: - the cryogenic effects resuiting h m the very low temperatures These low temperatures can cause injury to people (frost bite), and also cause damage to noncryOgenc materials, which lose their mechanicai properties, become brittle and fr-acture; - the potential hazards of ñre or explosion from leaks or spillage of LNG - the overpressure caused by rapid phase transition due to the interaction between LNG and o, -F - overpressure due to thennai expansion of trapped LNG 6.3 Hazards associated with LNG transfer Themainhazardsareassociatedwith - Cooldown, w a r m ~ ppurging , and draining Of loadinghuioadingarms; - overtiom of storage tanks (ship and shore); - overpressure of storage tanks (ship and shore) O BSI ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale 1997 ~ S T D - B S I B S EN 2532-ENGL 1777 W Lb24bb9 ü b 7 qL(T Page EN 1532 : 1997 6.4 Potentiai externai factors Safety precautions Hazardous areas When the ship is moored at the jetty, the ship’s gas dangerous space or zone is added to the jetty’s hazardous area (For deñnition of the ship’s gas dangerous space or zone, reference should be made to the IMO code: Annex B: Reference 7.) The hazardous area on the terminai and jetty is classzed in two types: a) zone 1, for areas where the risk of an explosive atmosphere exists during n o d operation; b) zone 2, for areas where an explosive atmosphere could occur in the event of deviation from nonnal operation For definition of these hazardous areas, reference shail be made to prEN 1127-1and prEN 50145 Within the jetty area, the electrical equipment shaü be set out in accordance with EN 50014 to EN 50020, EN 50028, EN 50039,EN 50054, EN 50056 to EN 50058 taking into account the zone where it is used and for non electrical equipment in accordance with prEN 1127-1 The electrical equipment on the ship should be in accordance with the relevant Gas Code as published by IMO BSI 1997 Copyright European Committee forO Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale 7.1 General Safety precautions may M e r from location to location due to local conditions, therefore a hazard analysis shall be carried out in each case to establish the minimum safety precautions The hazard anaiysis shaìl be performed according to prEN 1473 The basic precautions as outüned in this European Standard are considered to be the minimum safety precautions required The additionai precautions, resuìting from the hazard analysis for each terminai shali be considered as exhri to the basic precaution The termiml and the ship shad always ensure that this minimum safety level is maintained by the use of the ShipBhore Safety Check List (in this regard, reference should be made to the SIGïTO guidelines Annex B Reference 6) 7.2 Basic precautions ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - The external hazards that should be considered in the transfer operations are: 1) natural environment: - ahnospheric conditions (wind, lightning,etc.); - sea conditiow, - seismic conditions; -rise and fall of the tide 2) other hazards: -jetty contact; - collision with another ship or the jew, - mooring lines breaking; - fire at the terminal or its surroundings; - LNG ship movement generated by the suction effects h m ships passing nearby 7.2.1 Restricted harbour areas In order to guard against unexpected collisions to the LNG carrier when alongside, restricted areas around the berth for other maritime trat3.i~shouid be defined by the appropriate authorities and the terminai 7.2.2 Restricted area on the jettg Areas in which the access of non authorized peisonnel is limited should be regulated by the safety rules of the terminai.T h e e areas correspond, at least in part, to the area affected by LNG transfer and should be clearly indicated 7.2.3 Restricted area on the ship Areas in which access of non authorized personnel is limited should be regdated by the safety rules of the ship These areas correspond, at least in part, to the area affected by LNG transfer 7.2.4 Ship4shore sqfetu check list The ShipBhore Safety Check List should be officially completed by ship and shore personnel before the start of LNG transfer (In this regard, reference should be made to the SIGTIY) guideiines Annex B Reference 6.) 7.2.6 Moorim arrangements The ship shall be safely moored in accordance with the regulations of the local appropriate authority and the tenninal (In this regard, reference shouid be made to the OCIMF guidelines: Annex B Reference 2.) Page EN1632:1997 The mooring arrangements should suit the terminal facility As a minimum, the following points shall be taken into account - currenc -wind - surge due to passing shipq -height of tides; -waves and swell; - change of freeboard - variety of ships received The winches or capstans on the jetty area shall be suitable for operation according to the hazardous area classification in which they are locd The fenders shall be located so as to contact the hull at the frame areas on the parallel body The fenders should leave sufficient surface area to avoid damag@ the ship’s hull They shall not obscure the iniets and outlets of the ship‘s circulation or ballast sea water The ship should be moored safely and in a manner which enables departure in the shortest possible time The berth area shall be maintained at a suitable depth, to ensure sufficient underkeel clearance at aii states of the tide 7.2.6 Weatherforecast Weather foreass shall be available to the ship and shore at intervals not exceeding 12 h 7.2.7 prurcipal sources czf ignition Any risk of sparking in hazardous areas shall be avoided The choice of which protection measures to use in order to avoid ignition caused by electrical and non electrical equipment is to be made according to the existing local standards and according to the nature of the hazardous area There is a possible risk of sparking due to the difference in e l d d potentiaì between the ship and the jet& when the l w o a d i n g arms are b e i connected or disconnected Arrangements should be taken to avoid the risk of sparking from this source through the inshhtion of an indation fiange between ship and shore 7.2.8 Data tnuc8fer and communàcation A means of transferring data shall be provided between ship and shore.When the ship is moored at the jew, ESD information shall be txansmia by a hard-wire data link An orai communication system such as hand held radios shall be providd It should have a separate back up system which may be a land line telephone 7.2.9 Access A minimum of two access ways between the ship and the jetty should be provided - one access, provided for personnel and crew, shall be used for escape in the event of an emergency It shall be located near to the ship’s accommodation area; - the second access, provided for operating personnel, should be located away from the immediate vicinity of the manifold area 7.2.10 Fire and leak detection Leak and fire detection sensors should be insíalled in ali hazardous areas as per recommendations in prEN 1473 and shall be operationalat all times The ESD resultingfrom fire and/or leak detection should be transfeed to the ship as given in 7.2.8 The ESD shaü be initiated as given in prEN 1473 7.2.11 Fire protection Measures shall be provided to protect personnel and essentiai equipment from a fire, both on shore and on board ship, so that the risk of escaiation of an incident isminimized 7.2.12 Firejightiw There are four specific reasons for providing fire @Ming equipment a)toextlliguishasmallfiq b) to safeguard people affected by a larger firq c) to control a fire and to prevent it from spreading, pending the arrival of the Fïre Authonlx d) to protect the means of access for the Fsre and Emergency Services The extent of the fire fighting equipment supplied will depend on a variety of factors and should be the subject of a hazard assessment by the temiinal The following items should be considered e) the causes and types of ñre that might be encountee f) the escape routes for ship and shore personnel; g) the size, natwe and hquency of ships using the teh) the size of the berths and of the ships and their distance from other industrial hazards and population centres; i) the provision of ‘offsite’ ñre fighting services including flre boats, j) the time needed to mobilize the Fire Authonlx k) the emergency preparation and planning prOC€?dURS ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Q BSI Not for Resale 1997 Page EN 1632 :1997 ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Permanently installed equipment for đre đghỵjng and control should be kept ready for instant use while the ship is alongside This equipment should be as described in prEN 1473 Portable or W e r mounted units should also be provided but onìy used as a backup to the permanent installation and for dealing with smaü fires A plan showing the location and type of ali ñre fighting equipment on or Nacent to the jetty should be permanently displayed at the berth, along with any necessary instru&ons and ñre procedures A safety plan should be avaiìable onboard the ship, in accordance with applicable IMO conventions E ? n e r g w shut &nun (ESO) A means of Emergency Shut Down (ESD), which is acceptable to the ỵmnùd operator, shl be operẵonai before LNG transfer is commenced ESD directly afỵects the procedures used in the -fer of LNG,as follows: a) the function of the ESD is mainly: - to stop the ship's gas compressom and the terminal's pumps if the ship is being loaded, - to stop the ship's pumps and terminai's gas compressors if the ship is b e i unload&, - to close the ship's ESD vaives on the manifold; - to close the shore ESD vaìves Ailowances shall 7.2.13 Protectionjhm ieakage and spillage of be made to avoid surge pressures developing LNG during this operation; Means of protection shall be provided both on the ship -to drain the arms,if operationaüy required; and on shore to minimize the consequences of spillage b) the ESD should be arranged so as to be manually and leakage of LNG A procedure shall be agreed both operated from a number of control points, on ship and on shore to minimize any damage resulting from spiilage, bearing in mind the effect LNG c) the events that should automatically initiate the has on non cryogenic steels,i.e brittie fracture Means ESD are: of protecting the deck of the ship in the manifold area - fire detection; should be provided together with means of diverting - detection of the first threshold of drift (abnormal any spiìiage overboard displacement of the ship); 7.2.14 General ssfety philosophy anà proceduws - high level in ship or shore storage tanks; for stopping shìp/shore w e r - detection of liquid spills, Geneml - high and low pitessure or vacuum in ship or The methods of isolation and disconnection are shore storage tanks; described below and are further defined by a flow - loss of electric or control power on ship or diagraminannexk shore; Standard pmcedure of d i s c o n w t h d) the indication of an ESD is sent to the main conbol room, the ship's cargo control room and the Except in cases of emergency, standard operatmg jetty control centre procedures shall be used to stop the transfer of LNG The ESD can also be initiated manually from each of The design of the pipework and loadingunithese control rooms and will always automatically arms shaU allow for the safe stoppage of LNG tsansfer initiat~all the ESD functions.Tlransmiss ion of the and the return of ali the arms to the n o d empty alarm shall be by an effective twc~way data transfer position in the shortest possible time The design shall also consider the effect of ice formation on the arms, link, one for sending the alarm and another for returning the ESD command where necessary ESD systems shall be designed to operate during a fire During LNG transfer the number of non-LNG connections between ship and shore shall be restricted at a temperature ranging from 1100 "C to 350 "C for a to the minimum to minimize the time of disconnection period of 1,5to 10min respectively By way of guidance, the n o d disconnecting operation should be completed in about 1h BSI 1997 Copyright European Committee forO Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ~ S T D - B S I BS EN 1532-ENGL 1797 ~ ~~~ b b b Ob30740 T Page EN 1632 :1997 Emergency release procedure a@ completion of ESD {Eh!Pl) An emergency disconnection is carried out oniy when normal disconnection cannot be achieved If foiiowing the operation of an ESD, an emergency condition still exisis, the arms should be disconnected using the emergency release system @F¿S) The ERS is either automatidly actiwkd by the range monitoring system or manually operated h m the jetty control panel, the main control room or the ship’s cargo control room The disconnection of the ERS may be hazardous in the event of untimely operation, therefore provisions shall be taken to prevent false operation Two disconnecting conditions need to be considered - disconnection after draining of the arms;in this case,the arm is disconnected in the empty condition (emergency empty unbalanced condition, see annex A); - disconnection before draining of the arms;in this case, the arm is disconnected in the full condition (emergency full unbalanced condition, annex A); - physical disconnection shail not be activated until the two baü vaives in the ERC assembly are proved closed (in this regard,reference should be made to prEN 1474.) E ? n e t y w mikase procedure before ESD initiation and completion ( E m ) In order to achieve the maximum protection for the terminai, in the case of excessive drift of the ship or for other reasons, the emergency release procedure can be initiated before completion of the ESD cycle Initiation is automatidly set by the range monitoring system or manuaily operated h m the jet@ control panel or the main control room Immediate miease of the arms shail be followed by raisihg the anns into the stored position to avoid the risk of colliding with the ship‘s stnicture when it leaves the berth The departure of the ship can only proceed in safe conditions and with the authority of the ship’s master 7.2.15 Materiaz c$ construction AU the ship and shore piping equipment in contact with LNG shail be made of suitable &rial, as described in EN 1160 71.16 LNG hàì*cw7118 only rigid articulated piping shail be used for LNG transfer operations between ship and shore as defined in prEN 1474 7.3 Additional precautions Additionai precautions may be required as identified by the Hazard Andysis Camed out by the terminal To allow for the quick departure of the ship in the safest possible way, ail the ship/shore connections Consideration should be given to the following items: - quick release of the mooring system (only on shore); -quick retraction gangway; -quick disconnection of electsic cables; - quick release of all other shiphhore connections The ERS valves may be closed in the ESD sequence to ailow for an emergency release if this is required NOTE.The purpose of the additionai precautions is, among other things, to enable the ship to be released from all of her connections with the terminal wiỵhin the shortest possible time without any increased risk The release of the ship can only be achieved with the full knowledge and agreement of the ship’s master Ship equipment 8.1 Ship’s mooring equipment The ship may be moored using either steel wire ropes provided with synthetic tails or by ropes made from synthetic materiaJ It is usually found that nylon tails of about 11m are satisfactory for this purpose The terminal may be equipped with systems ailowing the continuous verincation of the mooring tensions This information may be monitored by the terminai and fed back to the ship A towing-off wire should be rigged by the ship at both bow and stern with the eye of the wire rope maintained just above sea level to facilitate easy connection by tugs in the event of an emergency 8.2 Ship’s working platform and cargo manifold arrangements Careful consideration should be given to the position of the ship in the berth and its position relative to the manifold In this respect,the management of the mooring arrangements is of utmost importance The ship‘s manifold should be speciñed in accordance with ûCIMF recommendations The ship’s manifold support shall be designed to withstand the induced loads These may be due to the LNG in the transfer arms, possible ice fornulation, wind effecton the arms, and ship’s drift and ya= The ship shall be quipped with flanges suitable for connection with the shore arms tsansfer The arms shail be mechanicaily connected to the ship as described in prEN 1474 8.3 Motor operated valves (MOV)for ESD Emergency shut down vaives at each manifold, both ìiquid and gas, shall be capable of both local and remote operation The vaives shail be f i r w e type in accordance with IS0 10497 At the design stage, Consideration shall be given to the control of priessure surges Furthermore, prior to loading and unloading operations, closing h e s of the emergency shutdown vaives shall be checked should be quipped with a quick release system ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Q BSI 1997 Not for Resale ~ S T D * B S I B S EN L532-ENGL 9 m L b b b Ob309LiL 970 m Page EN 1632 : 1997 8.4 Ship’s cargo control room operating devices The ship’s cargo control mom shouid contain the following primary equipment: -VHF communications with the port authoria - communications systems for the cargo W e r operation; - general tank infomation, such as temperature and P-e; - tank level monitoring equipment; - ESD control devices, - boii-off gas compressor controlq -pump c o n t r o ~ - cargo transfer valve controls; - trim monitor, - ballast3ng controb - gas monitoring system; - fire aìarm monitoring system In addition, operathg procedures, safety advice and emergency procedures relevant to the particular t e e should be available for the loading/unloadmg operations 8.6 Ship’s fíre fighting equipment The đre fighting equipment near the manifold shall consist of the foliowing: - dry powder, - water sprinklerhater curtains; - water hoses; - protective clothing The manifold area is protected by ship and shore fire fighting equipment The ship’s k e fighting equipment shall be independent of the shore facility 8.6 Protection of the ship’s structure Protection against the risks of LNG spiìlages shall be provided for the deck and the side of the ship in the manifold area during transfer The ship shall be equipped with a drip protection (e.g tray) under the manifold to protect the deck A water curtain or other suitable means shall be used to protect the side of the ship 8.7 Communication equipment 8.7.1 Generad All communication equipment for use in hazardous areas shail be suitable for such use Facilities shall be provided for oral communication and data exchange 8.7.2 onil The systems that are nonnaily used fax oral communication are portable radios and telephones (see 7.2.8) AVHF radio should be available for communication with the Port Authority 8.7.3 Data links in order for the ship to exchange data with the terminal via the data link,the ship shail be fitted with a suitable socket to connect to the terminai connection (See 7.2.8.) ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - BSI 1997 Copyright European Committee for OStandardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale 8.8 Ship’s electrical safety As appropriate, electrical insímmentaton should be explosion-proof, intrinsicaliy safe or a certified safe type in accordance with the relevant marilie standard 8.9 LNG pumping system AU of the ship’s pumps may deliver simultaneously; however the ship shall only pump at a rate acceptable to the terminai Criteria to be considered for the transfer include: -the characteristics of the pump or pumps (flow versus head) These characteristicsshould be carefully chosen in both the loading and unioading operation; -the temperature of the LNG - the cargo flow velociw LNG transfer shall be can-ied out in accordance with procedures agreed between the ship and the terminai The ship’s cargo pumps shaü have remote SWSQ buttons Discharge pressure and motor current information shall be monitored in the ship’s cargo control room in the case of a failure of a main cargo pump in a ship’s tank,emergency means of transfer shall be provided 8.10 Cooling down systems When a ship is to be loaded, cooing down of the ship’s equipment should normally be carried out early enough to prevent delay of loading or unloading 8.11 Bunkering connection The bunkering connection on board ship should be positioned and fitted with reference to OCIMF procedures (In this respect, reference should be made to the OCIMF recommendations: Annex B Reference 3.) 8.12 Fresh water connection Ships should be equipped with standardized flanges as given in IS0 562û-1 and IS0 562M 8.13 Arrangements for personnel access For personnel movement and ship’s provisioning, see 7.2.9 Shipkhore transfer facility equipment 9.1 General The transfer facility shall comply with the minimum safety requirement as established by the Hazard Analysis on each LNG terminai 9.2 Design and construction of the jetty and associated equipment 9.2.1 Gene& The design and construction of the jetty shail take into consideration, where appropriate, the design of aii the ships designatRd to caü at the terminal, and also the applicable environmental conditions Page 10 EN 1632 : 1997 - safety eqzipmm~ -any buildings or structures; - crane and gangwax - mooring system, - strews brought about by the impact of ships when berthing; - maintenance of emergency equipment, e.g cranes for overhaul@ the loading/wiloadingarms; -seismic- 9.2.2 Mooring a.nùfen&ring arrangements The termjnai‘s mooring system shall be designed and hid out to allow for the safe handling of the range of ships to be accommodated at the terminai Mooring hooks shailbe installed on swivelling and rotaíing supports and be fitted with a quick release mechanism The quick release can only be operated by the tenninal on the master’s authority A mooring tension monitoring system may be provided to enable tensions to be measured and displayed both on the ship and on the jem Load cells to measure the tension in each mooring wire should be fitted to each mooring hook and these data should be processed by a centrai computer located on the jetty or ashore with a remote readout avaiìable on board the ship To allow safe connection of the LNG loading/unloading arms, the ship‘s manifold shall be properly positioned with respect to the loadingriniloadingarms to be used The fenders shall be designed to spread the load of the berthing impacts over a suitably large area of the ship’s huU Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 9.2.3 Instaüa.twn of ùmürt&mùmüng arnas See prEN 1474 9.2.4 Jetty control centre It is recommended that the jetty control centre contains the following equipment: - the communicationssystem between the main control room of the terminai and the ship’s cargo control room; - the loadll-ighinloadingarm controls; - the purging control system for the loading/unloading arms; - the emergency uncoupling controls (push button for ESD and ERS); - the controls for cooling down the arms; - the fire fighting control centre (jetty head oniy); -weather data station; - mooring tension monitoring equipment For safety reasons,the ship should be constantly monitored om the jetty control centre 9.2.5 Jetty piping arrangement The design of piping and pipe inmiation is deait with in prEN 1473 9.3 Loading/unioading arms The &&L and testing of the loading/unioad.ing arms is set out in prEN 1474 The arms shaii be equipped with range monitoring sensors for measuring displacement in the ship’s position This information is used by the ESD system ARer drainkg, a positive nitrogen pressure shall be used to ina&vak the arms before disconnection and returning them in the stored position 9.4 Communication equipment (see 8.7) 9.4.1 oral Portable radios are the most usual means of oral communication between ship and shore during mooring and connecting opemions The terminal shall install an emergency stand-by oral communication iink.This may be a VHF link 9.4.2 Data links For use during LNG W e r , the tenninal shaìl be equipped with a hard wire data link suiỵable for transferring information between ship and shore A suitable back up system should be provided for this dataiink 9.6 Firefighting equipment and procedures 9.6.1 Fired equìpment Both fixed powder and water firefighỵhg equipment shall be providd Fixed fire fighting equipment shail be installed at a high enough level on the jetty to ensure suffícient range to reach the highest part of the shipk deck during the highest tide Not for Resale ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - The position of the jetty shail take account of: - the pmvaiüng winds and currents to limit their effects on the ship; - the possibility of collision from passing shipping The berth should be l d outside main navigation channels; - an allowance for the ship to leave the jetty without outside help; - the requirements for a suitable turning circle The design of the jet& shaü take into accounk - design and testing required by civil engineering works, - nature of the ground and subsoil; - the dimensions of the ships to be received; - cathodic protection, if n e c e s q of the metallic parts in contact with water, e.g the metal piie; - the need for a jetty containment area to be installed around the transfer arms,pipelines and a s s o c w valves; - local requirements; - applicable loads, including: -loading/unloading arms, -Piping; - drainage w-d s w cirmnq AU parts of the Ship/shore 'Ikansfer Facility should be w i t h range of fire fighting equipment Fire ñghting procedures shall be agreed between the terminal, local authorities and the ship's crew Powder guns may be provided for putting out or controlling a fire The powder supplies are situated at a lower level on the jetty to protect them from heat radiation during a ñre A remote control for these guns shall be provided (Refer to prEN 1473.) = a - -_ * v) * 9.6.2 Portable equipment Portable fire extinguishers made to the appropriate standard should be set ready at each berth so that an outbreak of a small fire can be i m m m l y tackled For LNG fins, dry powder extbgukhers are suitable and at least two exỵhgukhem should be available close to the manifold area during cargo transfer Dry powder extinguishers should have a minimum capacity of kg They should preferably be supplemented by larger mobile units (e.g powder extinguishers of 50 kg capacity) At other locations on the terminal where fires could occur (e.g control moms, jetty centres) suitable exhguishers should be provided 9.8.3 Water supply A firef5ghtbg water supply is essential for cooling purposes and can also be used in a fog or spray form against fires and for scmxing firefighting personnel It can also be used to disperse vapour clouds The ñremain may be kept dry or charged when no ship is berthed, but should always be pressurized while LNG is being transferred Where necessary, the ñremain should be protect& against impact and freezing The capacity of the ñremain will depend on the flow rate needed to supply the equipment and to produce effective jets or sprays of the required reach Sizing should be based on the information provided in prEN 1473 9.6 Main control room For the purpose of this standard, the main control room shall be equipped wiỵh - the systems for monitoring the cargo transfer operation; - the systems for communication with the ship's cargo control room; - a visuai monitoring system for the transfer opedon; - a marhe VHF station (part of the port network), the use of which is strictly resewed for sending safety mesages; - the communications system with the jeüy control centre; - the arrangements for the ESD, - the measurement of meteorological data BSI 1997 O Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale 9.7 Vapour return system Volume compensation for the ship's tanks is provided by vapour return to or from the terminal's storage tanks It is transferred through the vapour arm l d in the main manifold area Any gas not required onboard ship should be passed to the vapour recovery systems of the terminal Consideration should be given to the foliowing when designing vapour return systems: -the maximum gas velociw, - the pressure; -the temperature 9.8 Crew and personnel access (see 7.2.9) For the purposes of security and safety, terminaìs should develop procedures to control Visitors and non company personnel at the jetty and dong the approach roads 9.9 Motor operated valves (MOV) for ESD These valves should be as described in 8.3 9.10 Jetty's electricd safety AU the instnunentation shaii be explosion-proof, inlxỵn&ẵysafe or a certified safe type in accordance with EN 5014 to EN 50020 9.11 Ship's storing arrangements If a crane is provided for the ship's storing, it shall comply with the appropriate area classifmtion in which it is operated 10 LNG transfer procedure 10.1 Necessary provisions prior to ship acceptance The ship should hold a valid Ckrlifkak of Fitness, otherwise, it wiii not be accepted (ín this respect, reference should be made to the relevant IMO gas code.) 10.2 Conditions for port entry The ship is brought up to the jetty, if weather and sea conditions are considered acceptable by port authorities, harbour pilot and the ship's master nigS should be available to provide early and effective mooring boats and assistance Where nec-, mooring gangs should be in attendance 10.3 Conditions to be fulfilled prior ta connecting loading/unidng arms a) Shipkhore Safety Check List shall be completed and procedures agreed (see7.2.4) b) The LNG cargo quantity on board the ship shad be calculated c) AU the necessary documents shaU be completed d) The ship's manifold should be properly located within the design operating envelope of the loadinghinoadingm ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Page 11 EN 1632 : 1997 S T D = B S I B S EN L532-ENGL 1797 L b b b Ob30744 bAT = Page 12 EN 1532 : 1997 10.4 Conditions to be fulfilled prior to the transfer of LNG a) Connection of the loadhgbloading arms (the vapour arm should be connected first) b) Mutual testing of communidon links to ensure proper operation of the ESD signal and the ERP operation AU limit switches for ESD functions should be checked c) Connections and safety devices shaü be tested d) Nitrogen is shown to be flowing through the m i v d J ü M‘;o prevent them from freezing e) Syst~n~s, including the loadllig/unloadingarms, are cooled down, according to a set procedure to avoid excessive ỵ h e d stresses 10.6 Fulfilment of the safety conditions during transfer operations a) Navigation of other ships shall be limited within a speciñed zone surrounding the ship and shaìl be subject to local rules and regulations b) Storing of provisions on the ship is forbidden c) Work on the jetty is only carried out under controlled conditions d) The movement of vehicles is controlled within the jetty area The a.utI-t~ziz&icxì fọ sap@yik& stores should not be giveri ¿ïïkïg LKG ‘i;rarisfer Authorhalion for loading bunkers from the shore may be given as long as appropriate procedures are adopted 10.6 Conditions to be fulnlled foliowing ship’s transfer On completion of cargo transfer, the disconnection of loadhgbloading arms shali be made only after a) all pumps have been stopped; b) ail vaives have been clased in accordance with the agreed procedures; c) the arms have been cleared of liquid and vapour and purged with nitrogen; d) agreement has been Rached between ship and shorn staff that the arms can be disconnected The liquid arm should be disconnected before the 10.7 Shore and ship protection of personnel on duty Suitable personal protective equipment should be made available for those involved in the LNG transfer operation 10.8 Responsibilities 10.8.1 Normal procedure - The ship’s mooring operation is controlled by the ship’s master, assishl by the harbour pilot and the terminal representative positioned on the jetty; -the connection of the loading/unloading arms is made by t e m personnel; - the LNG transfer operation is co-ordinated by both the ship and the terminal control rooms; - authorization for the access of visitors on to the ship is given by the ship’s master; - ship’s visitom passing through the terminal need permission from terminal management 10.8.2 Emeryencg procedure - The ESD can be initiated from either the ship’s cargo control room, the jetty control centre or the main control room; - the maintenance of the ERS is the responsibjìity of t&e t e & , - any quick release of the moorings is only carried out with the authority of the ship’s master when the ship is ready to leave the jetty 11 Il.aining of personnel ‘I1.aining of ail s t a f f involved in the monitoring and handling of LNG shall be provided to enable them to perform their duties safely and efficiently ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - vapour= Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O ES1 1997 Not for Resale S T D - B S I BS EN - E N G L 1797 H l b q b b Ob307'i5 b Page 13 EN 1632 : 1997 ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - - ö o I p Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale Page 14 EN 1632 : 1997 Annex B (informative) Bibliography ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - w e lhmsport, H a d i n g and storage of Lkzngemus S u b s t a m in Port Areas, 1983, IMO ISBN 92-801-1160-4 Mooring Equipment Guùielines,1992, OCIME ISBN 1-856040884 for the @e &ng of hrge Ships at Piers and Seu Islands,1994, GuideJines and recum-h OcW ISBN 1-X Eiecommendatzolzsfor m a n @ ¿for ¿ fmsemted Liqu@kd Natural Gas carriers - (LNG) 1994, OcW ISBN n Guiddines on the AUeviation of Excessive Surge Pressures on ESD, 1987, SIGTTO ISBN O 948691 40 L i q u i m Gas H a d i n g Principies on Ships and in h i n d s , 1995, SIGTTO ISBN 1-85604087-6 Intemational Code for the C a m t i o n and Equipment of ships m&ng liqu@¿iedgases in trulk,IMO ISBN 92-801-1277-5 a Codefor h e cunstructh and equipment of ships carrying liquef2ed gases in b u k , IMO ISBN 92-801-1165-6 IS0 B 1Shipbuilding and marine stnu3w-a -FilLing connectionfor drinhing water ta& -Part 1: Geneml ?vquirements for drinking water tanks -Part2: 10 IS0 562@2shjlpbuilding and marine structures -FilLing connec& Components Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 1997 Not for Resale S T D - B S I B S EN 1532-ENGL 1777 1b2Libb7 Ob307q7 7 BS EN 1632 : 1997 List of references See nationai foreword ```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - BSI 1997 Copyright European Committee for OStandardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ~ S T D - B S I B S EN 1532-ENGL 1777 ~~ LbZLibb7 0b307q8 2 BS EN 1532 :1997 BSI - British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards.It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level It is incorporatedby Royal Charter Contract requirements A British Standard does not purport to include ali the necessary provisions of a contract.Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision Users of British Standards &suid x&e s u e that they possess the latest.amendments or editions it is &e c o m aim of 55i to improve the quality of our products and services We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the responsible technical committee, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover Tek 0181 996 9o00, Fax: 0181 996 7400 BSI offers members an individuai updating service d e PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatidy receive the k s t editions of standards Buying standards Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publicions should be addressedto Customer Services, Sales Department at Chiswick Tel 0181 9967000, Fax: 0181 9967001 h response to orders for international standards,it is BSI policy to supply the BSI im~km-bihn sf h s e th& have been published as British Standards, unies o&,i?rxk€! q u & & Information on standards "_ Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developmentsand receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards For details of these and other benefits contact Customer Services, Membenhip at Chiswick Tel:0181 996 7002, Fax: 0181 996 7001 Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK,of the publications of the internatiod standadkition bodies Except as permitted under the copyright, Designs and Pateaits Act 1988no extract may be reproduced, * stored in aretrieval system or in any form or by any means - 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