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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 5560 Third edition 997-08-01 Dehydrated garlic (Allium sativum L.) Specification Ail d&hych~6 (Allium sativum L.) - Sp&iications Reference number IS0 5560: 997(E) IS0 5560: 997(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical co mmittees are circul ated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an I nternational Standard requi res approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard IS0 5560 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Agricultural food products, Subcommittee SC 7, Spices and condiments This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (IS0 5560:1 983), which has been technically revised Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard Annexes B to E are for information only IS0 997 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 l Cl-l-1 21 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Internet central @ iso.ch x.400 c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central Printed in Switzerland ii I N TERN ATI ON AL STAN DARD Deh ydrated g arl i c I S0 5560: 997(E) @ I S0 (Al l i u m sati vu m L ) - Speci fi cati on Scope Th i s I n tern ati onal N OTE Standard Th e - m n Recom m endati ons legi sl ati on Th e foll owi n g I n tern ati onal revi si on , relati ng possi bi li ty regi sters form s for dehydrated are g i ven m i crobi ologi cal i n an n ex g arl i c (Alli u m B, for i n form ati on requ i rem ents are g i ven sati vu m L ) on l y in ann ex C, wi th ou t preju di ce to n ati onal cou n tri es to storag e an d transport are gi ven i n ann ex D referen ces standards Stan dard an d to i n di fferent N orm ati ve requ i rem en ts com m erci al rel ati n g appli cable Recom m endati ons speci fi es parti es to of appl yi n g of cu rren tl y tai n provi si ons At the ti m e ag reem en ts the m ost vali d Spi ces of the recent based on edi ti ons I nternati on al and whi ch, throu g h pu bl i cati on , referen ce the edi ti ons th i s I nternati on al of th e standards i n di cated text, are below consti tu te vali d provi si on s All standards encou raged M em bers to of th i s are su bject i n vesti g ate of I EC and I S0 to the m ntai n Standards 927:1 982, condi m ents I S0 928:-l) , Spi ces and condi m en ts - Determ i nati on of total ash I S0 930: 2) , Spi ces and condi m en ts - Determ i nati on of aci d-i n solu bl e I S0 939:1 980, Spi ces and condi m ents - Determ i n ati on of m oi stu re I S0 941 :I 980, Spi ces and condi m ents - Determ i n ati on of cold I S0 948:1 980, Spi ces and condi m ents - Sam pli ng I S0 208:1 982, Spi ces - Determ i n ati on I S0 5567:1 982, Deh ydrated condi m ents garl i c thi s were Standard I S0 an d in i ndi cated of extraneou s - Determ i n ati on - Determ i nati on m atter conten t ash conten t - Entrai n m ent water solu bl e m ethod extract of fi l th of vol ati le org an i c su lph u r com pou nds Defi n i ti on s For the pu rposes of thi s dehydrated wi thou t g arl i c: an y bleach i ng ski n s, stem s, leaves extraneou s i nternati on al Standard, Fi n i sh ed produ ct or precooki n g, and th e followi ng obtai n ed the cl oves bei n g on defi ni ti on s dryi ng sou n d an d the apply cl oves practi cal ly of free g arli c cu l ti vars (Al li u m sati vu m from m ou l ds, di seases, soi l , L ) ou ter roots m atter: Veg etable m atter roots 1) To be pu bl i sh ed (Revi si on of I S0 928: 980) 2) To be pu bl i sh ed (Revi si on of I S0 930: 980) ori g i n ati n g excl u si vel y from plants, su ch as parti cles from ski ns and IS0 5560:1 997(E) @ IS0 Requirements 4.1 Organoleptic specifications 4.1 l General Dehydrated garlic shall conform to the requirements of this International Standard and on rehydration shall regain characteristics similar to those of fresh garlic 4.1 Colour The colour of the dehydrated garlic shall be characteristic of the cultivar used, that is, between white and pale cream The product shall be practically free from scorched, toasted and baked particles 4.1 Odour Dehydrated garlic, after rehydration by the method described in annex A, shall have a characteristic, pungent odour, free from foreign odours and off odours, such as those coming from mouldy, rancid, fermented or burnt particles 4.1 Flavour The flavour of the dehydrated garlic is assessed after rehydration in accordance with the method described in annex A The flavour shall be characteristic of parboiled garlic, and free from foreign flavours and off flavours, such as those coming from mouldy, rancid, fermented or burnt particles 4.2 Freedom from insects, moulds, etc Dehydrated garlic shall be free from live insects, and practically free from moulds, dead insects, insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the naked eye (corrected, if necessary, for abnormal vision) or with such magnification as may be necessary in any particular case If the magnification exceeds x 0, this fact shall be mentioned in the test report In cases of dispute, the contamination of garlic in powder form shall be determined by using the method specified in IS0 208 4.3 Extraneous matter The total percentage of extraneous matter, as defined in 3.2 and determined IS0 927, shall not exceed 0,5 % (m/m) in accordance with 4.4 Classification Dehydrated garlic may be divided into the broad categories given in annex B: a) dehydrated garlic slices; b) dehydrated garlic flakes or pieces ; c) dehydrated garlic grits; d) powdered garlic 4.5 Chemical requirements Dehydrated garlic shall comply with the requirements specified in table , when tested by the specified method IS0 5560: 997(E) @ IS0 Table - Chemical requirements of dehydrated garlic Characteristic Moisture content, % (&I), max Total ash, % (m/m), on dry basis, max Acid-insoluble ash, % (m/m) on dry basis, max Volatile organic sulfur compounds content, % (m/m) on dry basis, Cold-water-soluble extract, % (m/m) on dry basis, Requirement a 55T 059 039 Test method IS0 939 IS0 928 IS0 930 IS0 5567 70 IS0 941 Sampling 5.1 Dehydrated garlic powder or grits Sample the product in accordance with IS0 948, using a conical sampler or other suitable implement to remove aseptically a representative sample 5.2 Dehydrated garlic slices, flakes or pieces Certain problems arise as a result of the friability of the product and the danger of settling within the container It may therefore be necessary to take the entire contents of a single container because, during transport, the garlic may settle with the larger pieces towards to the top and smaller pieces towards the bottom The principles of the method described in IS0 948 shall apply with the modifications given in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 5.2.1 Number of containers to be taken Take from the lot between 0,5 % and ,O % of the containers using a table of random numbers agreed between the interested parties If no table of random numbers is available, take every nth container However, at least one full container shall be taken 5.2.2 Preparation of bulk sample Sieve the contents of each container according to the commercial form considered (see annex B) Prepare the bulk sample by mixing portions of the different sieved fractions in the proportions determined by sieving The size of the bulk sample shall be at least three times the quantity of product necessary to carry out all the tests required by this International Standard s Test methods Samples of dehydrated garlic shall be tested for conformity with the requirements of this International Standard by following the methods of physical, organoleptic and chemical analysis specified in 4.1 to 4.5 and table Packing and marking 7.1 Packing Dehydrated garlic shall be packed in clean, sound and dry containers made of a material which does not affect the product but which protects it from light and from the ingress of moisture The packaging shall also comply with any national legislation relating to environmental protection @ I S0 I S0 5560: 997(E) M arki n g The foll owi n g parti cu l ars sh all be m arked di rectl y on each package or sh al l be m arked on a l abel attached to the package: a) nam e of th e produ ct b) nam e and address c) code or batch and botan i cal of the produ cer n am e and tradenam es, or packer, i f any; or tradem ark, i f any; n u m ber; d) n et m ass; e) produ ci ng cou n try; f) any other i nform ati on g) reference h) whether to thi s requ ested I n tern ati on al th e produ ct tai ns by the pu rchaser, Standard; addi ti ves, su ch as year of produ cti on an d date of packi ng, i f known; an d and whi ch ones, i n the case of cou n tri es wh ere they are perm i tted I S0 5560: 997(E) @ I S0 An nex A (norm ati ve) M eth od A G arl i c of reh ydrati on and sen sory evalu ati on of dehydrated garli c sl i ces A I Apparatu s A l l Vessel, colou r of abou t 500 m l capaci ty, m ade of a m ateri al whi ch wi ll not i m part a forei gn taste or affect th e of th e preparati on A l Di sh, A Stai n less A l m ade of porcelai n steel or whi te earth en ware spoon Reag en t U se natu ral, potable A l Preparati on Wei gh 10 g * 0, l water, as neu tral g of the sam ple Bri n g to th e boi l an d m n tai n M ake to 500 u p the volu m e A l Sen sory I m m edi ately and tran sfer at 99 “C, keepi n g m l wi th cold water i t to the the vessel (A l 2) vessel (A l l ) covered, tai ni ng for m i n * and pou r i nto th e di sh 500 ml of col d water (A l 2) (A I 2) eval u ati on carry - appearance - col ou r as possi ble ou t sen sory eval u ati on of th e cooki n g water of th e fol lowi n g (colou r characteri sti cs, i n the order g i ven: and clari ty) ; of the preparati on; - odou r; - ten derness; - flavou r A A A colou r G arl i c powder, gri ts, fl akes or pi eces Apparatu s Vessel, abou t of 000 m l capaci ty, m ade of a m ateri al whi ch wi l l not i m part a forei gn taste or affect the of the preparati on Di sh , m ade A Stai nl ess of porcelai n steel or wh i te earthenware spoon I S0 5560: 997(E) A 2 Reag en ts A 2 Fl ou r, A 2 Water U se n atu ral , A m ade potabl e (A 2 ) 000 du ru m M i xi n g Wei g h, to the of col d nearest i n accordan ce Carry ou t sensory - odou r; - flavou r from th e m ost recent harvest and known to be of good qu al i ty as possi ble of th e m edi u m water (A 2 2) 0, 001 wi th to the vessel to sti r u nti l the m i xtu re th e deh ydrated Sen sory wh eat as neu tral H eat and conti nu e A prepared ml from water, Preparati on Transfer A @ I S0 g, g arl i c 0, A wi th g of th e and all ow (A I ) reach es boi li ng an d add, poi nt, sti rri n g then of the foll owi n g 30 g of th e fl ou r for m i n th e m edi u m g arl i c, to stan d an d place i t i n the for m i n, sti rri n g di sh from (A 2) ti m e to ti m e eval u ati on evalu ati on conti n u ou sly, si m m er ch aracteri sti cs, i n th e order gi ven : Add 250 m l of the m edi u m IS0 5560: 997(E) @ IS0 Annex B (informative) Commercial forms of dehydrated garlic B.1 General information The various commercial forms of dehydrated garlic are all produced by slicing peeled sound garlic cloves into flat slices (of a thickness agreed between the interested parties), which are dehydrated, graded and further processed as necessary 8.2 Commercial forms The following broad categories are recognized in the trade, although commercial contracts may include requirements for particle size B.2.1 Dehydrated garlic slices Product obtained by cutting garlic cloves into slices and removing broken pieces smaller than mm by sieving B.2.2 Dehydrated garlic, flakes or pieces Dehydrated garlic passing through a sieve of aperture size from I,25 mm to mm according to the case The particles not have any definite shape B.2.3 Dehydrated garlic grits Dehydrated garlic passing through a sieve of aperture size from 250 pm to I,25 mm B.2.4 Powdered garlic Homogeneous product, 95 % of which passes through a sieve of aperture size 250 pm I S0 5560:1 997(E) @ I S0 An nex C (i nform ati ve) Recom m endati on s related to m i crobi ologi cal of dehydrated Cl M i crobi ol og i cal Tests condu cted m i crobi ologi cal in ch aracteri sti cs garl i c ch aracteri sti cs laboratori es characteri sti cs representi n g g i ven i n table the C l produ cers can and th e be consi dered u sers of thi s as acceptable produ ct They are onl y Table CA - M i crobi ologi cal ch aracteri sti cs of deh ydrated g arli c , Ch aracteri sti c Recom m ended Test m eth od speci fi cati on m M i croorgan i sm s Presu m pti ve Yeasts and Clostri du m at 30 “C, Esch eri ch l’a m ou lds Salm on ell a, Take au reu s, m ax co/i , per gram , at 25 “C, perfri ng en s, Staphyl ococcu s C per gram , per g ram , per gram , I S0 4833 I O2 I S0 7251 I S0 7954 I S0 7937 Absen t I S0 6888 Absen t I S0 6579 10 m ax 10 10 m ax m ax in g i n 25 g M I O3 10 10 10 I n terpretati on fi ve sam ples a) Th e l ot shall - al l th e - i f two b) Th e c) Th e resu l ts resu lts l ot shall - two resu lts l ot shall - m ore be consi dered th an - i f val u es as sati sfactory if are < m , or at m ost are between be consi dered as acceptable at m ost are between be consi dered two above resu l ts M are m and m if m and M (th e oth ers as not acceptable ou t of fi ve are between observed bei n g < m) if m and M (th e oth er bei ng < m ) , or have g i ven sh own for that the i nform ati on I S0 5560:1 997(E) @ I S0 An nex D (i nform ati ve) Recom m en dati on s rel ati n g to storage for dehydrated D Packag es of heat i n sects The condi ti on s garli c Storag e excessi ve D and tran sport dehydrated Th e an d oth er g arli c storeroom sh ou ld be stored sh ou ld be dry, in free covered from prem i ses, u npl easan t wel l odou rs protected and from protected th e su n, ag nst th e rai n and entry of verm i n Tran sport contai ners th e tai n ers sh ou ld They be clearly shou l d m arked wi th be dry and cool warni n g an d stored agai nst careless well away from h an dl i ng shi ps’ whi ch boi lers and m i g ht bi lg es l ead to perforati on of I S0 5560:1 997(E) @ I S0 Ann ex E (i nform ati ve) Bi bl i ograph y [I ] I S0 565:1 990, Test si eves - M etal wi re cloth , perforated m etal pl ate and electroform ed sheet - N om i nal si zes of openi n gs [2] I S0 4833: 991 , tech ni qu e M i crobi ol og y General - g u i dan ce for the en u m erati on of m i cro-org an i sm s - Colon y cou nt - Col ony cou nt at 30 “C [3] I S0 6579:1 991 , [4] I S0 6888:1 993, M i crobi ology M i crobi olog y - G en eral gu i dance - Gen eral on m ethods gu i dance for for th e detecti on enu m erati on of Salm on ell a of Staphylococcu s au reu s tech ni qu e [5] I S0 7251 :1 993, probable [6] I S0 M i crobi ol og y n u m ber 79371 985, - General g u i dan ce for enu m erati on of presu m pti ve Escheri chi a co/i - M ost tech ni qu e M i crobi ol og y - G en eral gu i dance for enu m erati on of Cl ostri di u m perfri ng en s - Col ony-cou n t tech ni qu e [7] I S0 7954:1 987, tech ni qu e 10 at 25 M i crobi ology “C - Gen eral gu i dance for en u m erati on of yeasts and m ou lds - Col ony-cou n t This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank I S0 I CS 5560 : 99 7(E ) 67 2 D e scri pto rs: ag ri cu l tu ral cl ass i fi cati o n , P ri ce @ I S0 based speci fi cati o n s, on IO pag es prod u cts, food org an ol epti c prod u cts, pro perti es, pl an t ch em i cal prod u cts, pro perti es, d eh yd rated m arki n g prod u cts, season i n g s, spi ces, veg etabl es ! g arl i c I

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:39


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