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Api rp 1604 1996 (2001) scan (american petroleum institute)

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Closureof Underground Petroleum StorageTanks 1604 PRACTICE APIRECOMMENDED MARCH1996 THIRDE,DITION, 2OO1 NOVEMBER REAFFIII,MED, Lt- -l_ Helpin€ Yon Get lhe fob Done Rigm.* I Partnersh ip Enuironmenta -i copyright Arnedcan Petniianm Ins&le Pro/kt€d by IHS und€r liEns€ wilh API l,lo reprodjabn or n€hrc*ing pstmtttedwit$t ticaltso lmrn IHS American Petroleum Institute Sold Io:JAMES [Al, W0883130 t'lotior Rasab2ol0Bf,n 170:13 GMT -1,'-/ Strategiesfor Todayl EnaironrnentaI Par t nersh iP HEALTHAND SAFETYMISSION API ENVIRONMENTAL, AND GUIDINGPRINCIPLES The mermbersof the American PetroleumInstitute are dedicatedto continuousefforts to improve the compatibility of our operationswith the environment while economically developinrgenergyresourcesand supplyinghigh quality productsand servicesto consumers.We recognizeogr responsibilityto work with the public, the government,and othersto developand to usenatural resourcesin an environmentallysoundmannerwhile protecting the health and safety of our employeesand the public To meet theseresponsibilities,API memberspledge to manageour businessesaccording to the following principles using soundsci.enceto prioritize risks and to implementcost-effectivemanagementpractices: o To recognize andto respondto community concernsabout our ra\ / materials,products and operations To pperateour plants and facilities, and to handleour raw materialsand productsin a manner that protects the environment,and the safety and health of our employees and the public o To make safety,health and environmentalconsiderationsa priority in our planning, andour developmentof new productsandprocesses' To advise promptly, appropriateofficials, employees,customersand the public of infrrrmation on significant industry-relatedsafety,health and environmentalhazards, anclto recommendprotectivemeasures o To counselcustomers,transportersand othersin the safeuse,transportationand disposialof our raw materials,productsand wastematerials o To economically develop and produce natural resourcesand to conserve those resourcesby using onergyefficiently' o To extendknowledgeby conductingor supportingresearchon the safety,health and environmentaleffectsof our raw materials,products,processesand wastematerials o To commit to reduceoverall emissionsand wastegeneration o To work with othersto resolveproblemscreatedby handling and disposalof hazardous substancesfrom our operations o To participatewith governmentand others in creating responsiblelaws, regulations anrilstandardsto safeguardthe community,workplaceand environment o To promotetheseprinciplesand practicesby sharingexperiencesand offering assistanceto otherswho produce,handle,use,transportor disposeof similar raw materialsl,petroleumproductsand wastes Copyright Atnerican P€ttohum Institut€ Provil€d by IHS under licsns€ YvilhAPI No reproduairm or nehivotkingparmittedwitho{tt lbense fiom IHS Sold Io:JAMES LAl, W0883430 Nol for Resale20lo/fiD 17:0:13GMT ffi#, ,',ffi',ffiF ffiffi,#,ffiffiltl#rFil ,tF+WFR*GT'ffi€*ffi4 ffisHlT,,ffiH,ffItFE*l l*E h fiF* ntF ' fltFrr- tffi#.5-b* **ffi*dfflt* ry 48- SPECIAL NOTES OFA GENERAL PROBLEMS ADDRESS NECESSARILY API PTIBLICATIONS LOCAL, STAIE, NATUREI.WITH RESPECTTO PARNCULARCIRCI.JMSTANCES, REVIEWED BE SHOULD REGULATIONS AND FE]DERALLAWS AND API II; NOT UNDERTAKINGTO MEET THE DUTMS OF EMPLOYERS,MANU OR SUPPLIERSTO WARN AND PROPERLYTRAIN AND EQLIP FACTUFTERS, THEIR IIMPLOYEES,AND OTHERSEXPOSED,CONCERMNGHEALTH AND NORU}.IDERTAKINGTIIEIR OBLIGATIONS SAFETYRISKSA}.IDPRECAUTIONS, UNDERLOCAL, STHTE,ORFEDERALLAWS INFORMIfTION CONCERNINGSAFETYAND HEAUTHRISKS AND PROPER WITH RESPECTTO PARTICULARMATERIALS AND CONDI PRECA{-ITIONS TIONSSIHOULDBE OBTAIMD FROMTHE EMPLOYER,THE MANI.JFACTIJRER OR SUPPLIEROF THAT MATERIAL, OR TTIEMATERIAL ${Pg1Y DATA SHEET AS NOTIIING COMAINED IN AI.IY API PUBLICATIONIS TO BE CONSTRTTED GRANTTNGA}.IY RIGHT,BY IMPLICATIONOR OTIIERWISE,FOR TIIE MANU' FACTUITE,SALE, OR USE OF ANY METHOD,APPARATUS,OR PRODUCTCOV EREDBIYLETTERSPATENT.NEITHERSHOULDANYTHING CONTAINEDIN TTM,PUBLICAIIONBE CONSTRUEDAS INSURINGANYONEAGAINSTLIABILITY FOITINFRINGEMENTOF LETTERSPATENT GENERALLY,API STANDARDSARE REVIEWED AND REVISED, REAFFIRMED,ORWITT{DRAWNAT LEASTEVERYFTVEYEARS.SOMETIMESA ONETIME EXTENSIONOF UP TO TWO YEARSWILL BE ADDED TO THIS REVTEW CYCLE,THIS PUBLICATIONWILL NO LONGERBE IN EPPECTFTVEYEARSAFTER ITS PI.]BLICATIONDATE AS AN OPERATIVEAPI STANDARDOR, WHERE STAruS OF TI{E AI{ EX]ENSION HASBEENGRANTED,I]PON REPTJBLICATION DEPARTAPI AUTHORING PUBLTCATIONCAN BE ASCERTAINEDFROMTHE A CATALOGOF API PUBLICATTONSAND MENT I'TELEPHONEQ02)682-80001 IVIATERIALSIS PUBLISHEDAI"INUALLYAND UPDATEDQUARTERLYBY API, D.C.2OOO5 N.W.,WASHINGTON, I22OL IJTREET, All rights reserved.No part of this work may be reproduced,stored in a rehieval system, or fianrsmittedby any means,electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or othervyiss,,without prior written permissionfrom the publisher.ContactAPI Publications Manager,1,220LStreet,N.W., Washington,DC 20005 Copyngl* @1996AmericanPetroleumlnstitute Copyright ArnBricanPelroleum Institule Providedby ll{S undsrlicans with API No reproduaiDn or netwo*ing potmittsd without licsnsa ftorn IHS Sold Io:JAMES tAl, W0883430 Not for ReEab,201U3/3017:0:13GMT FOREWORD UnderS;roundstoragotank systemsthat have hetd flammable or combustible liquids should be handled with extreme care during ilosure in place, rernoval, storage,or disposal off site llhis is particularly true of undergroundstoragetanks at motor vehicle refueling facilities which are most frequently used for storageof motor fuel or other petroleum products The purposeof this recommendedpractice is to provide proceduresfor the closure in place, iernoval, storage,and the off-site disposalor sale of used undergroundtanks that have corrtainedflammable or combustible liquids Although this guide specifically addressesunderground storagetank systernsat service station facilities, the principles outlined may be applied to similar systemsusedat other petroleumfacilities On Septembir 23,1988, the United StatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA) issuedi!,s TechnicalStandardsand CorrectiveAction Requirementsfor Owners and Operators of UndergroundStorageTanl

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 17:35

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