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PRACTICE TEST 1 PRACTICE TEST 1 Choose the word with the different stress pattern 1 A guidance B treatment C technique D plastic 2 A intelligent B secretary C necessary D comfortable 3 A absorb B inte[.]

PRACTICE TEST Choose the word with the different stress pattern A guidance B treatment C technique D plastic A intelligent B secretary C necessary D comfortable A absorb B intense C timber D address A resist B safety C hungry D proper A resign B extra C pollute D preserve Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence Carol spent two hours at the dentist's surgery today having some … put in A fill B filling C fillings D filled My sister saw a … for chicken curry in a magazine so she thought she would try it A method B recipe C prescription D way Would you like your steak …, medium or well-done? A mere B raw C rare D slight The Beach was mainly filmed on … in Thailand A site B sight C venue D location 10 Let's sit at the back of the cinema I don't like being too near the … A stage B screen C curtain D theatre 11 Many … paintings contain a bowl of fruit and a bottle A oils B landscape C still life D portrait 12 What an amazing fight! Peter Brown has won with a … in the eleventh round A knock-out B knock-down C hat trick D tiebreak 13 This time next week I'll be lying on the … in Spain A sea B coast C seaside D beach 14 I got a … on the way home and I didn't have a pump with me so I had to walk A flat B puncture C hole D leak 15 Going to university is very expensive because the tuition … is high A fee B salary C grant D tax 16 I …my dinner when Barbara called A had B having C was having D had had 17 Dinner is usually served … six and seven o'clock in my house A from B between C at D until 18 My younger brother is not … to drive a car A old enough B enough old C too old D so old 19 If you want to work in advertising, there are many areas … work in A which to B where to C you want D you can 20 I'm getting … here Let's go to a different place A bored B boring C tired D tiring 21 … models with the right look is extremely difficult if the budget is tight A Get B Getting C Gets D Being getting 22 Whether the show is a triumph or a disaster depends … on the stylist A a great deal B a large number C a lot of D plenty 23 When a show …, I just can't wait for the next one A finished B is finished C has finished D had finished 24 For the rest of his life, he lived in fear … t r a c k e d d o w n A of having B for being C f or h avin g D of being 25 H e w a s n o t r e s p o n s i b l e H e w a s n ' t … A to blame B to be blamed C on b la m e D for blame Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the passage A calendar is a way of measuring time to help people organize their activities Calendars divide time (26) … fixed periods, (27) … as days, weeks, months, and years Long ago, when people (28) … to farm, they needed an accurate way to measure time and the (29) … seasons They used calendars Calendars helped them establish the (30) … time to till the soil and plant crops Calendars told them (31) … the harvest should begin The time periods (32) … in calendars are based on movements of the Earth, Moon, and Sun But a year (33) … not divide evenly into months or days So people (34) … adjusted their calendars so that certain events, such as a harvest or important holiday, always (35) … during the right season 26 A into B out C out to D off 27 A so B such C like D alike 28 A studied B studying C learning D learned 29 A change B changes C changing D changed 30 A best B better C well D good 31 A where B what C when D how 32 A using B used C were used D are used 33 A has B did C D does 34 A have B had C having D has 35 A occurring B occurs C occur D occurred Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the passage In the building of ancient Egyptian pyramids, the thousands of men (36) … to the dangerous work of quarrying and hauling the huge (37) … blocks were not slaves Some of them were convicts or (38) … of war, but most of the rest were actually just very (39) … farmers A certain number of them were summed each year (40) … the pharaoh's officials to replace and add to the required (41) … for the construction of such an artificial mountain They work (42) … to build a tomb that would later on protect the precious - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG (43) … of their pharaoh They believed that with a king living (44) … in the enjoy every of the (45) … that gods could give to people in this world 36 A attracted B decided C preferred 37 A stone B rock C rubble 38 A winners B victims C prisoners 39 A popular B ordinary C common 40 A by B with C beside D among 41 A staff B work force C band B slowly 42 A lazily C willingly 43 A spirit B belief C throne 44 A by his own B forever C with his parents lands of gods, Egypt would D required D cliff D jailors D well-known D gang D gradually D body D alone 45 A blessing B magic C goodness D prayer 00 or phrase in each of the sentences that needs correcting Choose the underlined word 46 Nancy (A) is making extra courses (B) every semester (C) so that she can (D) graduate early 47 Roberta (A) missed the meeting without a good reason (B) despite of the fact that she (C) had been told that it was critical that she (D) be there 48 It (A) should be easy for Bob to find (B) more time to spend (C) with his children now that he (D) not longer has to work in the evenings 49 (A) I can't ride (B) my bicycle (C) because of there isn't any (D) air in one of the tyres 50 Some (A) peoples like cream (B) and sugar in (C) their coffee, while (D) others like it black Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence 51 The major forms of three-dimensional art include architecture, jewelry, and … A making sculptures B, sculpture C sculptures are made D sculpture making 52 Don't …! They can be recycled A throw your empty wine bottles down B put your empty wine bottles out C put your empty wine bottles down D throw your empty wine bottles away 53 Rarely … succeed in ballet if they start after the age of 12 A children B children have C children D are children 54 Radiocarbon dating is still the most common way of determining the age of human remains,… it is not always accurate A in that B even though C when D that 55 Eugene O'Neill, a famous American dramatist, … the theater by using controversial themes and new stage techniques A he revolutionized B there was a revolution in C revolutionized D in revolutionizing Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one in italics 56 Mary, as well as her sister, is playing tennis A Mary and her sister are playing tennis B Tennis is Mary as well as her sister's play C Mary plays tennis as well as her sister D Mary and her sister play tennis well 57 The picture on the wall has been up side down A The picture has been hanged up side down on the wall B They have the picture on the wall up side down C They have hanged the picture on the wall up and down D The picture on the wall up side down 58 Smoking ten cigarettes a day has become habitual for Mr Black A.Mr Black used to smoke ten cigarettes a day B Mr Black smokes ten cigarettes a day C Mr Black is used to smoking ten cigarettes a day D Used to smoking ten cigarettes a day, Mr Black 59 If I were a millionaire, I would buy my house near the sea A Only a millionaire can buy a house near the sea B Were I a millionaire, I would buy my house near the sea C You should buy a house near the sea if you are a millionaire D Buying a house near the sea is any millionaire's dream 60 It will be nice to see you again at the party A Seeing you again at the party, I'm lucky B How nice to go to your party again C To see you again at the party on a nice day again is my purpose D I'm looking forward to seeing you again at the party Read each passage carefully and choose the best answer The cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris was a masterpiece of Gothic architecture The craftsmanship was of rare excellence, even by the standards of the Middle Ages The cathedral's distinctive western facade is a fine example of the Gothic use of functional decoration Like an ancient Greek temple, all ornaments are integrated parts of the whole structure The construction of Notre Dame spanned approximately a century Work began in 1163, and by 1200 the choir, transept and nave were completed, and the western facade was under construction In 1230, the whole top of the construction was rebuilt More windows were added, and the clerestory windows were made taller to provide more light New flying buttresses provided greater stability The towers were completed in 1250 and capped with molded cornices These squared-off towers with no spires were unique in medieval architecture At this time, the transept was extended by a bay at either end, and immense rose windows were built into the north and south facades Seven chapels were built between the buttresses on either side of the nave By 1270, exterior work was entirely completed 61 The word cathedral at the beginning of paragraph is closest in meaning to … - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG A pagoda B church C temple D shrine 62 According to the author, architectural standards of the Middle Ages were … those of our modern time A less complex than B more delicate than C much stricter than D less beautiful than 63 The Gothic use of functional decoration can be most obviously recognized through the cathedral's A distinctive western faỗade B craftsmanship of rare excellence C resemblance to an ancient Greek temple D architectural standards of the Middle Ages 64 What is/ are similar in the construction of Notre Dame and ancient Greek temples? A Decoration B Structures C Function D Ornaments 65 The verb spanned at the beginning of the second paragraph can be best replaced by … A bridged B spent C lasted D started 66 In fact, it took totally … years to finish the construction of Notre Dame A 37 B 67 C 100 D 107 67 The very first part(s) of the building to be completed was/ were its … A choir, transept and nave B western facade C whole top D various kinds of windows 68 People had to add more windows and make the clerestory windows taller because … A they wanted to increase the building's height B it was rather dark inside the structure then C they wanted to increase the building's width D it was very dark outside the structure then 69 The word capped at the beginning of paragraph is most probably equivalent to … A furnished B put on C covered D tried on 70 The work … the newly-built structure was the last accomplishment of Notre Dame's construction A outside B beside C inside D aside Read each passage carefully and choose the best answer At 3:20 p.m, Moscow time, on July 15, 1975, spaceship Soyuz 19 manned by my good friend, flight engineer Valery Kubasov and myself, lifted off from Baikonur, the Soviet launching site Seven and a half hours later, when it was night in Moscow and broad daylight in the United States, the U.S spaceship Apollo lifted off from Cape Canaveral manned by our American colleagues Thomas Stafford, Vance Brand and Donald Slayton On July 17, Apollo approached the Soviet ship, and at 7:12 p.m., Moscow time, the two spacecraft linked up On July 18 and 19, the mixed U.S - Soviet crew carried out common tasks On July 21, the Soviet spaceship landed 54 kilometers northeast of the town of Arkalyk of the Soviet Union And on July 25, the U.S one splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, about 600 kilometers off Hawaii 71 The word manned at the beginning of the paragraph is equivalent to … A operated B humanized C nominated D personalized 72 Which of the following is the American craft? A Soyuz B Canaveral C Apollo D Baikonur 73 We can infer from the excerpt "Seven and a half hours … the United States" that Moscow and the United States are located on …… hemisphere(s) A the same B opposite C only one D similar 74 The word colleagues means people who … job(s) A numerous B different C various D identical 75 How many astronauts were there in the common tasks? A Two B Three C Four D Five 76 The word mixed in the middle is closest in meaning to … A stirred B combined C blended D assembled 77 How long did the project last? A Seven and a half hours B Ten days C Seven and a half days D Ten hours 78 After finishing the project, … A both spaceships came back to the earth successfully B only the Soviet spaceship came back to the earth successfully C both spaceships failed to come back to the earth D only the U.S spaceship came back to the earth successfully 79 The phrase the U.S one at the end of the paragraph most probably refers to … A the project B Soyuz C the astronauts D Apollo 80 The most suitable title for this reading passage is… A Apollo - Soyuz, a Successful Space Project B U.S - Soviet, a Political Combination C Baikonur - Canaveral, International Launching Sites D Arkalyk - Hawaii, Wonderful Landing Venues The end - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG SCĐ: Điểm: M«n TiÕng Anh TUYỂN SINH ĐẠI HỌC 2007-2008 Lu ý: - ThÝ sinh dùng bút tô kín ô tròn mục số báo danh mà đề thi trớc làm Cách tô sai: - Đối với câu trắc nghiệm, thí sinh đợc chọn tô kín ô tròn tơng ứng với phơng án trả lời Cách tô : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 07:27


