DONG NAI UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT RESEARCH WRITING THE REASON CAUSING TRAFFIC’S ACCIDENT IN BIEN HOA CITY Author(s): Tạ Tường Vy Nguyễn Ngọc My Vũ Đức Thắng Class: SPA 10A Instructor: Lê Phước Kỳ, Ph.D 2022 OUTLINE Abstract: Tạ Tường Vy CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION: Nguyễn Ngọc My CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW: Nguyễn Ngọc My CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY : Tạ Tường Vy CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS: Tạ Tường Vy CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION : Vũ Đức Thắng References : Vũ Đức Thắng, Nguyễn Ngọc My Appendices: Vũ Đức Thắng Table of Contents Abstract Chapter 1: Introduction Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Chapter 2: Literature Review The Search Process Result of the Search on the Topic Chapter 3: Methodology The Research Subjects Data Collection Instruments Data Collection Procedure Data Analysis Chapter 4: Findings Sample Characteristics Results Chapter 5: Discussion, Recommendations and Conclusion Discussion Recommendations Conclusion 10 References 11 Appendices 14 List of Tables Table 1: Gender, age, of people who live in Bien Hoa city Table 2: The proportion of people who have ever witnessed an accident or not List of Figures Figure 1: The level of accident Figure 2: The related vehicles cause traffic accidents and is an indication of traffic violence Figure 3: The reason people still traffic violation & Affect Abstract The development of modern life leads to higher and higher living and travel needs, which is why traffic accidents have been more widespread and significantly increased in recent decades The fundamental goals of this research are to identify the causes of traffic accidents, the consequences, and some proposed solutions The method chosen to carry out this study is the quantitative method The valuation survey was conducted by the Bien Hoa city resident population from 16 to over 30 years old related to traffic accidents in Bien Hoa Based on the survey data, errors when registering traffic, manifestations, and violations were found The main reason comes from the people's awareness of participating in traffic, the common manifestation is the use of stimulants when participating in traffic: alcohol, drugs, so on, can't control the behavior since then unfortunate accidents Traffic accidents are a complicated social issue with devastating consequences The functional sectors need to strictly handle traffic violations Key terms: Traffic accident, cause, reasons, people living in Bien Hoa city, solution Chapter 1: Introduction Background of the Study Over the past decades, and significantly in peacetime, many governments have focused on developing economies One of the elements directly contributing to the development process is the modernization of road systems and transport infrastructures, which are demonstrated in many major cities in developing countries, especially advanced countries Therefore, the urban population is growing at a much faster rate than the population as a whole in many countries By 2050, the world's urban population is expected to grow from 54% to 66% urban (United Nations, 2015) As a result of increasing urbanization, the number of people and goods that need to be moved across cities is higher than ever By applying definitions using harmonized and consistent population data, it emerges that the world is much more urbanized (Pesaresi et al, 2016) Moreover, Europe's level of urbanization is expected to increase to approximately 83.7% in 2050 (United Nations, 2018), while similar increasing trends are observed for the rest of the world This situation creates a significant stress on the existing transport infrastructure, which pushes the authorities to more focus on the development of road and transport systems Consequently, raising people's living standards and people easier to move In contrast, the velocity of circulation of a means of transportation has been increasing, and the proportion of traffic accidents has significantly increased, which causes many negative problems for societies Every 30 seconds, someone in the world dies in a traffic accident, and every second someone is injured (World Health Organization, 2009) Deaths from road traffic crashes have increased to 1.35 million a year That’s nearly 700 people dying on the world’s roads every day (World Health Organization, 2009) In this research, a survey of people who have lived in Bien Hoa would be undertaken to determine the reasons for traffic accidents in the city and to find solutions to minimize the number of road accidents 2 Statement of the Problem Since the COVID-19 outbreak, travel restriction policies have been widely adopted by cities across the world It is broadly observed that the travel-restriction policies and measures resulted in a significant reduction in the overall frequency of road traffic accidents In March and April of 2020, the number of road traffic accidents in Tarragona, Catalonia decreased by 74.3% (Saladié et al., 2020) Over a similar period, the number of accidents in Santander, Spain also fell by a relative 67% (Aloi et al., 2020) In Louisiana, US, the stay-at-home order led to a 47% decrease in road traffic accidents Athens saw a 41% reduction in overall accidents, with early morning crashes (0:00 – 5:00 AM) having the largest reduction, at 81% (Katrakazas et al., 2020) Based on the numbers presented above, although the travelrestriction policies are widely conducted across the world, traffic accidents have become a problem for the entire society and have become a common occurrence In general, most traffic accidents cause disastrous consequences for humans, their family victims, and society as a whole, not only in Bien Hoa Traffic accidents are regarded as one of the most dangerous threats to human life and health The consequences are terrible, impacting not only the spirit but also easily leading to poverty, backwardness, and disease because in up to 70% of cases, the number of victims among young people, the foundation of life, is caused by it It also has the effect of making people frightened to go out, which has become a major concern in society as a whole Purpose of the Study This study intends to determine the following purposes: Discover the elements leading to road traffic accidents in Bien Hoa City, and then recommend solutions to reduce traffic accidents as well as measures to minimize a victim for their injuries caused by the traffic accident Recommandé pour toi Suite du document ci-dessous 04 Đề Văn Hóa Anh - The culture of England is sometimes difficult to separate clearly from the culture Tiếng anh 100% (1) Phrases often used in ielts speaking 10 Tiếng anh 100% (1) Listening - Speaking Revision Social 100% (1) Chapter 2: Literature Review The search process In the process of searching for relevant research papers, the main search engines used are: Google Scholar, Google, Scientist Direct, and DuckDuckgo There are also other relevant articles searched in the Journal of Surgical Research, the journal of United State, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and the Global Status Report on Road Safety All searches were performed using the following keywords: traffic accidents, cause, and reasons Result of the search on the topic The major human errors that have proven to be key factors in 80 to 90% of all traffic accidents include "distraction," "taking one's eyes off the road while driving"; "inattentiveness"; "switching one's consciousness from driving to other things"; and "false perception," causing recognition mistakes in traffic due to visual illusions (Yamada et al., 2008) A report released by the World Health Organization shows that 5% to 35% of all road deaths around the world are reported as alcohol-related (WHO, 2018) Evidence has been found that alcohol-impaired motorcyclists are almost twice as likely to be involved in single-vehicle crashes than in multiple-vehicle crashes (Sarmiento et al., 2020; Creaser et al., 2009 ) There have been several incidents in recent days of drug-positive drivers who, when tested, objected vehemently, fled for considerable distances, and pressed charges The above-mentioned is the awareness of humans when participating in traffic and experiencing it Based on the study presented above, the objective factors that cause traffic accidents only account for 10% to 20% of the total, which proves that humans must raise awareness when joining traffic People's understanding of traffic regulations, and traffic culture, is still minimal dealing with unexpected situations, there is a lack of knowledge as well as skills 4 Chapter 3: Methodology The most suitable method is the quantitative research method Because the goal of this study is to survey the opinions of citizens who live in Bien Hoa City The research subject The participants in this study include the people who live in Bien Hoa city The survey form was taken by 51 citizens who are living in Bien Hoa city (including 28 females, 21 males, and people of different genders) The subjects have an age range of 16 to over 30 The sample does not include people under 14 years old who not drive Data Collection Instruments The quantitative research method is a type of research often used to probe and get opinions from many people, thereby finding out the cause of traffic accidents and suggesting a solution to reduce them Data for this study was collected by an online survey using Google Form software and sent to the people living in Bien Hoa The survey form includes 10 questions, and most of the questions are answered by multiple choice These questions ask participants about their experiences when they encountered a road accident, the level of conduct that led to a traffic accident, the primary causes of traffic accidents, traffic violations, and suggestions for reducing accidents Data Collection Procedures After discussing, listing, and agreeing on all questions, the survey questionnaire was designed using the utility software Google Form And the questionnaire was sent to all people who live in Bien Hoa in two different ways that will be used for this purpose: Messages or emails This survey form was sent out on April 1, 2022, and ended on April 15, 2022 In the end, a total of 51 people completed the survey Responses will be automatically sent to the researcher The researchers then synthesize and process the collected data using a piece of software Google Form 5 Data analysis After the survey is finished, the system will automatically send the answer back to the surveyor This process involves checking data on Google Forms to identify misrepresented items, typos in the answer, and any gaps not filled in by respondents The collected data will be tabulated and sorted to determine the primary cause of the majority of traffic accidents Then, show the solution to reduce road accidents 6 Chapter 4: Findings This chapter will present the results of the survey conducted for the research paper on the causes of traffic accidents in Bien Hoa City Sample Characteristics As stated in the subject of the study, this survey was conducted by 51 people from 16 to over 30 years old living in Bien Hoa city Overall, out of a total of 51 respondents, more than 28 are female, accounting for more than 55% of the total number of participants 21 people are male, accounting for 41% And people of different genders account for 4% In addition, people who are from 16 to 20 years old around 23.53% (12 people), while people who are from 20 to 30 years old are 58.82% (30 people), and 17.65% (9 people) are over 30 years old Table 1: Gender, and age of people who participated in the survey Gender Female 55% Male 41% Others 4% Age From 16 to 20 years old 23.53% From 20 to 30 years old 58.82% Over 30 years old 17.65% T h e L e v e l o f Tr a f f i c ’s A c c i d e n t normal 37% serious 29% 8% dead 26% Not yet witnessed 40% 20% 0% Result Figure 1: The level of accident The number of people who have witnessed traffic accident is very significant, accounting for 90% The survey found that people broke traffic laws frequently (49.01%), rarely (31.37%), and never (19.61%) the number of people who have never witnessed one is very low, accounting for only 10% Accidents happen frequently in the Bien Hoa region It is considered one of the most severe disasters that endanger human life and health This is an alarm for the traffic situation in Bien Hoa The people have been witnessed or not? Not yet 10% Have seen 90% Frequency of traffic violators Frequently 49.01% Rarely 31.37% Never 19.61% Table 2: The proportion of people who have ever witnessed an accident or not The severity of traffic accidents in Bien Hoa Nearly half of the 37% are at normal levels The severity is also fairly high, accounting for 29% of all cases, and the fatality rate can reach 26% This is a concerning figure that has sparked debate in society and among traffic officers in particular People who have never observed a traffic accident account for only 8% of the population According to data, the severity of traffic accidents is growing, which is due in part to Bien Hoa City residents' lack of a feeling of traffic law enforcement The frequency of traffic violations and common Related vehicles 6.00% 2.00% 19.00% 14.00% 59.00% Motobike Car Truck Coach Others violations when participating in traffic are figured out 8 Sign violent 13.00% 21.00% Regular vehicle-related causes of traffic accidents show Drunk Driving Spee ding a nd running a red light line out and dodging in and out on the stre et 35.00% 16.00% without a helmet 15.00% without a license that a motorcycle is the main factor in the accident (nearly 59%), in which many motorcycles are old or not meet technical or safety requirements The rate of trucks causing accidents is 19% Cars account for less than trucks at 5%, coaches account for only 6%, and the other vehicles that can cause accidents are just 2% The types of violations include line out and dodging in and out on the street at 15%, without a helmet at 35%, driving while drunk at 21%, driving without a license at 13%, speeding and running a red light at 16% Moreover, people who participate in traffic are not conscious of those who not know the law but still participate in it, and those who understand it but still intentionally violate it, which leads to serious consequences for themselves, their families, and the whole society Figure 2: The related vehicles cause traffic accidents and are an indication of traffic violence People still violate traffic laws because they not have enough awareness and understanding of traffic laws, accounting for 58.82%, and people still intentionally breaking the law, accounting for 41.18% Besides, the violation of traffic laws is the cause of accidents accounting for 74.51%, in other cases, it affects everyone around is 25,49% 9 The Reason People Still Traffic Violation & Affect 0.75 People Still Traffic Violation Traffic violation affect 059% 041% 0 La ck o f a wa reness intentio na lly 000% ca use a ccident 000% 0.25 Peo ple a round Figure 3: The reason people still traffic violations & Affect Chapter 5: Discussion, Recommendation, and Conclusion Discussion The findings of this study are consistent with the current literature on the causes of traffic accidents (Yamada et al., 2008; Sarmiento et al., 2020; Creaser et al., 2009) They all point out the causes of traffic accidents: use of stimulants, poor consciousness in traffic, use of stimulants, and alcohol when participating in traffic The results of the above studies show that the allocation of the traffic sign system is unreasonable, as is the serious deterioration of the roads, in particular, and the infrastructure system in general People's lack of knowledge about traffic regulations and the lack of a traffic culture in responding to unexpected situations, lack of knowledge and skills will lead to traffic accidents with very heavy consequences Recommended for Research findings indicate that traffic accidents are increasing, which is a potential danger, creating a negative mentality for every citizen when participating in traffic In the era of internet technology development, we must promote propaganda to the people through social networks in order to raise people's awareness when participating in traffic Strictly handle traffic violations, especially intentional violations The functional sectors need to periodically check the driver's health, not issue driving licenses to people who are addicted to alcohol, beer, and other 10 stimulants Traffic police need to strengthen patrolling and handle violations In fact, many people violate the road traffic laws at night, so it is necessary to strengthen patrol and control at night to punish violators This is something that policymakers should consider to reduce traffic accidents Conclusion Extensive research has been conducted on various aspects of traffic accidents, including the causes of traffic accidents, the age of the frequent offenders, and the manifestations and behaviors of traffic violations However, the reality shows that very few people understand the main cause of traffic accidents, leading to difficulties in overcoming it This study has shown specific reasons for the causes of traffic accidents and their behavioral manifestations Based on the above studies, people can see the causes and consequences of traffic accidents, thereby improving the awareness of traffic safety There are solutions to reduce the number of accidents to a minimum All of this not only helps the conductors in Bien Hoa in particular and the people of the country, in general, understand the causes of traffic accidents in order to have reasonable and timely solutions to prevent them This will contribute to the development of the country 11 References Aloi et al., 2020 A Aloi, B Alonso, J Benavente, R Cordera, E Echániz, F González, C Ladisa, R Lez ama-Romanelli, Á López-Parra, V Mazzei, L Perrucci, D Prieto Quintana, A Rodríguez, R Sudo Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on urban mobility: empirical evidence from the city of Santander (Spain) [Report] Sustainability 2020, 12 (9), p.3870 Creaser et al., 2009 J.I Creaser, N.J Ward, M.E Rakauskas, C Shankwitz, E.R Boer Effects of alcohol impairment on motorcycle riding skills [Report] Accid Anal Prev., 41 (5) (2009), pp 906-913, J.M Sarmiento et al Alcohol/illicit substance use in fatal motorcycle crashes (2020) [Journal], pp 36 Journal of Surgical Research (2020) Katrakazas et al., 2020 12 C Katrakazas, E Michelaraki, M Sekadakis, G Yannis A descriptive analysis of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on driving behavior and road safety Transp Res Interdiscip Perspect., (2020), [Report] p 100186 Kiichi Yamada et al Yumie Minakami, Keisuke Suzuki, (2008) Analytical Study of Human Errors causing Traffic Accidents from the view point of Consciousness [Report], pp 8526 Pesaresi et al., Pesaresi M, Melchiorri M., Siragusa A., Kemper T., “Atlas of the human planet 2016” “Nuclear Graphite” In: Nightingale, R (Ed.) EU Publications, Brussels [Report], pp.2 Retrieved from Saladié et al., 2020 Ò Saladié, E Bustamante, A Gutiérrez COVID-19 lockdown and reduction of traffic accidents in Tarragona province, Spain [Report], p 13 United Nations (2015) United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2015 [Report], pp 336 Retrieved from United Nations (2018) United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2018) World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, Online Edition [journal], Vingilis, et al., 2020 E Vingilis, D Beirness, P Boase, P Byrne, J Johnson, B Jonah, D.L Wiesenthal Coronavirus disease 2019: what could be the effects on road safety? [Report] Accid Anal Prev., 144 (2020), p 105687 World Health Organization (2009) Global Status Report on Road Safety [Book], pp.9 World Health Organization (2018) Global status report on road safety 2018, Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018 (WHO/NMH/NVI/18.20) 14 Appediences How old are you? Under 20 ages From 20 to 30 ages Over 30 ages What is your gender? Female Male Others Have you ever witnessed a traffic accident? Never Have seen Have you ever seen a citizen who traffics violation? Frequently Rarely Never Why people still traffic violations? Not having enough awareness and understanding of traffic laws Still intentionally breaking the law Does traffic violation affect or not? Not affect Main reasons cause traffic accident Affect everyone around What is the level of an accident? 15 Haven’t witnessed Normal Serious Death What are the manifestations of traffic safety violations that you often see? Drunk driving Speeding and running a red light Line out and dodging in and out on the street Without a helmet Without a license What are the vehicles involved, causing accidents that you often see? Car Truck Coach Motorbike Others 10 What should we to limit traffic accidents? Reminders and propaganda Penalties for people who knowingly break road safety laws should be increased