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DONG NAI UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT  RESEARCH WRITING THE INFLUENCE OF COVID-19 ON UNTRAINED-EMPLOYEES FINANCIAL ISSUSES IN BIEN HOA CITY Author(s):  Nguyen Thi Van Dung Class: NNA 10A Instructor: Le Phuoc Ky, Ph.D 2021 Table of Contents Pages ABSTRACT CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The real state of COVID-19 in Vietnam Background of the study Statement of the problem .2 Purpose of the study .2 Definition of key terms II LITERATURE REVIEW The search process Result of the search III METHODOLOGY The research method The research subjects .5 Data collection instruments Data collection procedure Data analysis IV FINDINGS .7 Sample characteristics Results V DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION Discussion Recommendations Conclusion 10 REFERENCES 11 APPENDIX 14 Abstract: Vietnam is one of the countries that has suffered heavily due to the COVID -19 pandemic since 2021 In particular, the most vulnerable subjects are untrained workers The lockdown lasts for months, so they won't be able to survive if their salaries go too low There are many factors that affect their unstable employment and cause them to consider how they will pay for the expenses incurred while at home This study aims to highlight the reality of workers' lives when their budget is exhausted as well as the remedies that the Vietnamese government has implemented in policies to support workers Keywords: Untrained employees, financial issues, COVID-19, the Vietnamese government, social security policy Introduction In December 2019, an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown origin was reported in Wuhan, Hubei province, China After isolating genes of the virus and analyzing its genome in respiratory cells, the researchers declared that it was related to SARS-CoV, therefore called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) According to Ciotti et al (2020), since the World Health Organization showed the danger of a pandemic on March 12, 2020, the whole world has been forced to pay a substantial sum of money for human lives lost, economic repercussions, and increased poverty There is no escaping the fact that Vietnam is also one of the countries that has been badly hit by COVID-19 since 2020 The Real State of COVID-19 In Vietnam The recent thorny problem revolves around the coronavirus disease and its influences Although the Vietnamese government was good at controlling the number of people infected in 2020, the disease is getting more and more complex due to the strong development of multiple COVID-19 variations As a result, the immediate task needs to be resolved to be economically stable as well as safe for people's health The epidemic has had a massive impact; not just in terms of property loss but also in terms of casualties Background of the Study Dong Nai province - one of the places with an abundant labor force, gathered workers from all over to find jobs However, in the second quarter of 2021, this place entered a state of emergency due to the strong development of the epidemic One of the areas that has been seriously affected is Bien Hoa City, where more than 1.2 million people live Those people who are enduring massive damage caused by COVID-19 in Bien Hoa City are almost entirely untrained workers.  Statement of the Problem Untrained workers' lives become increasingly difficult when they lose their jobs and must pay for the expenses acquired while staying at home for an extended period of time Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to investigate the source of financing of laborers is affected by covid-19 Not only they have no job, but they also must pay for the incurred money at home What will they if their financial situation becomes increasingly challenging? Specifically, the study would like to give a survey that answers the following questions: How is the monthly income of untrained employees in Bien Hoa affected by the pandemic? How have these workers done to cope with? What have the local government done to help them survive the pandemic? Definition of Key Terms Untrained employees someone who is untrained has not been taught the skills that they need for a particular job The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Social Security any government system that provides monetary assistance to people with an inadequate or no income Living expenses expenditures necessary for basic daily living and maintaining good health They include the main categories of housing, food, clothing, healthcare, and transportation Subsidy is a form of financial aid or support extended to an economic sector (business, or individual) generally with the aim of promoting economic and social policy 7 Literature Review The economic problems of labor are an area of interest in society that has drawn much attention from other research as well as the objective assessment of epidemic impact As a result, this research is to clearly implement a finding process about the particular information in the case of how workers dealt with it during this period of social distancing and the Vietnamese government's responses to the labor market The Search Process In the search for relevant related studies, Google Scholar is one of the most primarily utilized search engines for finding related information The majority of searches rely on the online journals: Communist Journals, Psychology and Education Journal, Asian Journal of Economic and Banking, Journal of Applied Public Economics, Journal of Applied Social Science, which included the following key words: outbreak risk, the influence of Coronavirus, the pandemic, untrained workers Besides these journals, the research had been finding database from the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences library, publications of International Labor Organization, Ho Chi Minh International Political Academy Result of the Search Fan et al (2018) estimates that the annual number of deaths from the global influenza pandemic could reach 720 000, with pandemic risk losses totaling 500 billion United States Dollars, or 0.6 percent of global income However, to the damage of the COVID pandemic, this seemingly large sum now appears to be greatly underestimated (Goodell, 2020) Specifically, Goodell (2020) has shown that COVID-19 is creating unprecedented economic devastation, as indicated by the United States spending 2.2 trillion dollars compared to the 750 billion dollars bailout package during the global financial crisis The pandemic's other effects are significant, not only on the economy; other issues related to the pandemic include educational disruption, school closures, domestic violence, loss, and a high unemployment rate (Sinyor et al., 2021) 8 In Vietnam, according to General Statistics Office (2021) the groups of the most vulnerable people in the labor market include untrained workers, migrant workers, and women There were 540 thousand job losses among the 9,1 million people negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; 2,8 million people stopped working or producing; 3,1 million people were reduced to part-time jobs; and 6,5 million laborers reported a reduction in income These numbers demonstrate that the unemployment rate is its highest in 10 years, and that a substantial number of vulnerable workers are concentrated (Nguyen et al., 2020) Similarly, the International Labour Organization (2021) indicated that they not only lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they also put up with huge damages for having no vacation or sick leave mechanisms and are less protected by normal social security A study by Acs and Karpman (2020) found that one-third of workers are entitled to benefits within a specified period, otherwise when the period expires, they will not receive them and the process becomes more difficult when they reapply According to Nguyen (2016) and Le (2021), the social security policy ensures the minimum livelihood goals of the vulnerable population in many fields, such as poverty reduction, employment problems, social assistance, and creating conditions for people to get more culture, health, and education Nguyen, T (2020) confirmed that to overcome the difficult period before the economic impact of the epidemic, the Vietnamese government quickly introduced monetary, fiscal, and social security policies to help people 9 Methodology To know more in detail about laborers' daily lives, this study will be carried out on an investigation around Bien Hoa city area Specifically, each step is going to be documented fully, from who the objects are and how collecting information from the interviewee to solving the data output All of the information is received by the supporting devices, so the participant's words become clear evidence of having the correct information The Research Method A qualitative research design is utilized for the analysis of collected information on related issues in this study The Research Subjects The participants are untrained-employees in Bien Hoa city who have no job due to social distancing 2021 They are seriously enduring the affects when they can't make a living for paying the costs incurred In particular, the subjects are divided into groups that include male and female workers ranging in aged 18 to 55 To participate in the investigation, three primary occupations are carried out: auxiliary workers, rental cook, and carpenter workers The research relied on the information of ten different participants to be able to give objectively result in Bien Hoa City Data Collection Instruments The written notes are used to emphasize the important points in their answers Besides, another instrument that this research also relied on was audio recording and video recording to be able to observe their situation and give the right assessments Finally, the laptop will be input at the end, where data will be entered and analyzed based on the interviewees' responses Data Collection Procedure The process of data collection will be conducted in steps First, the researcher finds employees in and around flea markets in the Bien Hoa area, where they are supposed to be most 10 concerned by the large labor force When choosing the proper person, the researcher gave the relevant question to the interviewer Sayings from participants are taken note of clearly to make it easy to have genuine data for the research And some important points should be highlighted, as well as compare between data from direct interviews and the details on the Internet Furthermore, their voices are recorded clearly Meanwhile, the camera is set up to save each person's family circumstances Finally, the collected data is transferred to the laptop, specifically, Microsoft Work, which will be supported for conducting the study Data Analysis In this study, the data will be analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics, which include the variables: age, gender, job, family circumstances, monthly income, the challenges, incurred money, and subsidy policies 11 Findings The workers indicated the clear aspects of what they had received and lost in the COVID pandemic In addition, they both have the same interest in how the government assisted them The conclusions also rely on the result of the interview to clarify the problem and the purpose of the research Sample Characteristics The total in this study consists of 10 participants who are divided into main groups: female workers and male workers All of these people range in age from 35 to 50 Results Due to social distancing, all of them were forced to stay at home for months in a row in 2021, and they also did not have a job at the time According to the study of their family situation, they all have their own families and have left their hometown to seek a decent job in Bien Hoa City In the process of researching the influences that result in damages the employees are dealing with The findings of the study from the data collected of interviews indicated three related main themes: the monthly income of untrained employees, the solutions to financial difficulties, social security policies of Vietnam All of the interviewees agreed that they had not had any income since the outbreak Before that, the minimum wage for them was a range of million (Vietnamese Dong) per month, but the number of salaries was getting lower and lower They discussed two reasons why losing a job that results in a diminishing income First, the participants mentioned cutting labor down where they were working because of not having enough money to hire workers The majority of them assumed that they couldn't find any other jobs for that reason Second, the area where they live or work has been blocked off when someone is suspected of being infected with COVID 12 Therefore, they certainly become objects who have to stay at home to be monitored by the local government To resolve their financial issues, which could be more and more serious, they had to cut the cost of living as effectively as possible In particular, there are two ways One of which is restricting their food purchases, utilizing technological gadgets such as televisions, electric fans, or even using less water to avoid paying a large sum of money every month In addition, some participants must apply for a government subsidy package for untrained employees who have lost their jobs If they not know or not register themselves with the area manager, they will definitely lose the right to this allowance Because the date and time of the subsidies are not widely communicated by their local authority to the residents in the area Most of them are aware of the funds available to them since their neighbors or relatives remind them to apply Workers expressed some interest in what the government is putting into an effort to improve people's living standards The group of women agreed that although they were not getting unemployment benefits due to not paying the subsidized insurance contributions, the government provided them with assistance to help them survive the epidemic First, the government subsidized workers with money To implement the government policy, the area started with the support package was 1,500,000 (Vietnamese Dong) per three months for those who lost job In addition, they mentioned receiving a major staple food in this assistance package People who are infected by COVID-19 will be provided medicine such as antipyretics and some vitamin C, and the health agency often come and test them Especially, every week, there is a minivan carrying rice, fish sauce, soy sauce, greens, noodles, corn, potatoes, and obviously they will share equally with every single household 13 Discussion, Recommendations, Conclusion This research will analyze the information obtained from the interviewee as well as the data that is found on the internet and in journals Then, it explains the financial difficulties of untrained workers, whether there are huge distinctions in Bien Hoa employees from other places or not, and the government policies that genuinely guaranteed the development of this area The study was based on the above analysis, which resulted in giving solutions that assist people restrict the struggle for money and jobs At the end, the study will be summarized in the most general terms so as to give comments objectively about the true status of financial concerns among untrained employees in Bien Hoa City during the outbreak Discussion In the process of studying, the result from the interview is similar to the data referred to before, which includes the real state of economy in pandemic (Carter, Anh & Notter, 2020; Tri & Tam, 2021), the rate of unemployment (Acs, Karpman, 2020; Nguyen et al., 2020), challenges to the income (Piyapromdee & Spittal, 2020), life of workers, and the policy of the Vietnamese government (Le, 2021) Despite having the similarities between findings in this study and existing literature, there is still one point that hasn't been cleared up According to Lee (2020), the Vietnamese government has given the support and subsidy packages to enterprises to retain workers and minimize layoffs, but it seems that the vast majority of workers haven't found any jobs that need labor at this time Recommendations The results of the study suggest that the high rate of untrained employees losing jobs is due to not having an essential herd community This thing shows that the Vietnamese government should take more care of vaccinating for uneducated workers in particular and labor in general at the top of their priorities It not only quickly creates herd immunity, but also restores the economy in the labor market 14 The subsidy package that the government gives to each local needs to be informed clearly of which objects will be received and also of the day and location Areas control the number of inhabitants based on the terms of resolutions and then evenly divide for labors Conclusion Through the research of workers' financial issues, it was indicated that the problems they have had with losing jobs also include paying for living expenses in social distancing As a result, the Vietnamese government is working on urgent solutions to ensure that labor restrictions are influenced as much as possible This study revealed how untrained employees have to deal with being out of work for long periods of time, and they express their interest when the government supports them with a subsidy package Based on the findings, society is always concerned about the genuine status of a laborer's living conditions The government, in particular, is and has been providing the finest conditions in medical, food, financial, and housing circumstances for all unskilled workers This study recommends that the government needs to speed up vaccinations so that the labor market can be restored and workers can have some peace of mind about their jobs as well as their finances In order to maintain the finances of workers that help them survive this pandemic, the help of society is not small, both to ensure the safety of people's health and to avoid economic damage It is a dilemma that requires smooth coordination between those who issue orders (the government) and those who implement them (the people).  15 References Acs, G., & Karpman, M (2020) Employment, income, and unemployment insurance during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Urban Institute, 1-11 Employment, Income, and Unemployment Insurance during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from the May 14–27 Coronavirus Tracking Survey (urban.org) Ciotti, M., Ciccozzi, M., Terrinoni, A., Jiang, W C., Wang, C B., & Bernardini, S (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 57(6), 365-388 https://doi.org/10.1080/10408363.2020.1783198 Do, C Q (2020) Quick impact assessment of COVID-19 pandemic on the key economic sectors: responses, adjustment and resilence of business and workers International Labour Organization, 1-50 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What have you done to cope with your financial problems? How has your local government assisted you in surviving the pandemic? ... left their hometown to seek a decent job in Bien Hoa City In the process of researching the influences that result in damages the employees are dealing with The findings of the study from the. .. found on the internet and in journals Then, it explains the financial difficulties of untrained workers, whether there are huge distinctions in Bien Hoa employees from other places or not, and the. .. lost in the COVID pandemic In addition, they both have the same interest in how the government assisted them The conclusions also rely on the result of the interview to clarify the problem and the

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 05:21

