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© ISO 2017 Soil quality — Sampling — Part 107 Recording and reporting Qualité du sol — Échantillonnage — Partie 107 Enregistrement et notification INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18400 107 First edition 20[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18400-107 First edition 2017-01 Soil quality — Sampling — Part 107: Recording and reporting Qualité du sol — Échantillonnage — Partie  107:  Enregistrement  et  notification Reference number ISO 18400-107:2017(E) © ISO 2017 ISO 18400-107:2017(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) Page Contents Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions General Sampling plan Field activities 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.3 Technical requirements Site data Sample description Sampling Transport and storage I dentificatio n Instructions to the laboratory Final reporting Bibliography © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved iii ISO 18400-107:2017(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 190, Soil quality, Subcommittee SC 2, Sampling This first edition o f ISO 18400-107, together with ISO 18400-101 and ISO 18400-104, cancels and replaces ISO 10381-1:2002, which has been technically revised The ISO 18400 series is based on a modular structure and cannot be compared to ISO 10381-1 clause by clause A list of all parts in the ISO 18400 series can be found on the ISO website iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) Introduction Assembly o f the field data and its presentation in an easily readable and understandable form in the sampling report is an essential precursor to understanding the laboratory results and their proper presentation and interpretation in the overall investigation report Documentation and data management related to sampling within an investigation programme consist o f reporting the sampling procedures, recording field data and observations, and describing the samples Usually, the results from examinations o f samples are used to gain in formation about the total material or population the samples were taken from For a final assessment, a wide variety o f in formation sources will be used The sampling report deals with five major activities: — the instruction o f the sampler and any deviation from the sampling plan; — the field observations and measurements; — the instructions for testing and analysis; — comments on sources o f uncertainty; — comments on accuracy, precision and variability The degree o f detail o f in formation required depends on the objectives o f the sampling programme This has to be defined in the sampling plan This document is part of a series on sampling standards for soil The role/position of the International Standards within the total investigation programme is shown in Figure © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved v ISO 18400-107:2017(E) Figure — Links between the essential elements of an investigation programme NOTE The numbers in circles in Figure NOTE Figure de fi ne the key elements (1 to ) o f the i nve s tigation p ro gra m me d i s p l ays a gener ic p ro ce s s wh ich c a n b e a mende d when ne ce s s a r y vi © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18400-107:2017(E) Soil quality — Sampling — Part 107: Recording and reporting Scope T h i s c u ment s p e c i fie s the m i n i mu m i n formation re qu i re d purpose of the investigation T he prep a ration of the overa l l ISO/IEC 17025:2005, 5.10.3) i nve s tigation rep or t for is a s a mpl i ng rep or t i ndep endent o f the no t covere d by th i s c u ment (s e e Normative references fol lowi ng T he c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s c u ment For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d app l ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s ISO 11074, Soil quality — Vocabulary Terms and definitions For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the term s and defi nition s given i n I S O 10 74 apply ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso org/obp NO TE I S O 10 74 de fi ne s the term s “s a mp l i n g re cord” a nd “s a mp l i ng rep or t” a s s ynonym s , fo r i n m a ny field s o f app l ic atio n , there i s no s h a r p d i s ti nc tion b e twe en them With i n th i s c u ment “re cord” or “re co rd i n g” a re used fo r the gather i ng o f raw d ata i n the field on l y I n a l l o ther c a s e s , “rep or t” or “rep or ti ng” a re u s e d General T he s a mpl i ng rep or t de a l s with five maj or ac tivitie s: — the i n s tr uc tion o f the s a mpler (accord i ng to the s ampl i ng pl an) and a ny deviation s (see Clause — rep or ti ng the field ac tivitie s , i nclud i ng ob s er vation s and me a s urements (s e e — the i n s truc tion s — from the plan ); identi fic ation for te s ti ng a nd ana lys i s to the l ab orator y (s e e o f any p o tentia l a nd ac tua l u ncer tai ntie s Clause ari s i ng Clause ); ); from the s a mpl i ng (i nclud i ng i n formation on are as that cou ld no t b e s a mple d) ; — gatheri ng i n formation on anyth i ng that m ight a ffe c t acc u rac y, pre c i s ion and variabi l ity o f the te s t results The sampling report should mention that the report has been prepared in accordance with this document © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) The sampling report should be available to relevant sta ff working on the project (these sta ff includes those engaged in fieldwork, pretreatment, analysis and assessment) at all the stages above The field in formation should be presented in a neat and legible form, because data sheets are not always retyped, but are submitted to the client and/or filed in their original form All reports should be properly cross-re ferenced The sampling report is a factual report All interpretations and conclusions belong to the overall investigation report that will be elaborated later and are not within the scope of this document Photographs o f the site and the samples are use ful for identification and when available should be part of the report Much site derived data including observations on trial pits and boreholes are now recorded electronically on site The resulting files should also be part o f the report Sampling plan The sampling plan (see ISO 18400-101) and the observations and recordings of the sampler (see Clause 6) form the basis of the sampling report Therefore, the sampling report shall refer to the objectives o f the investigation programme and to the sampling plan Usually, the sampling plan provides at least the following in formation concerning sampling: a) a description o f the available background in formation on the site and material to be sampled; b) a list o f the participants involved and their specific interest in the sampling programme; c) the objectives o f sampling; d) the sampling procedure (sampling approach and technique) including handling, preservation, packaging and storage, as well as considerations relating to QA/QC, health and sa fety precautions; e) a list o f analyses and tests to be per formed on the samples, together with the consequential requirements for sampling [e.g type and size o f sample(s) required] A detailed sampling plan should speci fy all the in formation that is required for each sample be fore the sampling starts Any deviation from the agreed sampling plan shall be documented and justified in the sampling report (including authority for the deviations) and be mentioned in the overall investigation report too Field activities 6.1 Technical requirements The contents o f the sampling records and the sampling report depend on the sampling objectives To avoid repetitions, it is useful to differentiate between the information that has to be documented for each individual sample and the information that is common to all of the samples The following data shall be documented according to the sampling plan: a) the name o f sampling personnel; b) the location o f the site/plot (su fficiently precise for another person to find it without further guidance including coordinates and elevation) and site re ference number or site name; c) the precise location from which the sample was taken including depth and, if applicable, side or rom bottom o f a trial pit (this might include coordinates); f d) a comprehensive description of the relevant details and features of the site/plot (see 6.2 ); © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) e) the date and time o f sample collection and/or site observation; f ) the field measurements (records, results); g) the observations during sampling; h) the weather conditions at the time and prior to sampling, including air temperature, precipitation, sunshine, cloud, etc.; i) the type o f device used to take the sample; j) a record o f the origin and generation o f the sample (the sampling procedure); k) area o f sampling plot or sampling area (e.g map, a field sketch); l) list o f samples (number o f samples and their labelling); m) list o f analyses that will be per formed; n) the sample amount (e.g by using the prepared container, bottles, estimating the volume and mass); o) whether the individual soil samples were kept separate or pooled into composite samples; p) sample handling: packaging, storage, transport, (including the time elapsed between sampling, transport and post-sampling handling, or until transfer of the sample to another responsible person); q) pretreatment in the field (see ISO 18400-201); r) sa fety requirements concerning the samples; s) any other factor that might influence the results o f subsequent testing and assessment; t) confirmation that any change to the sampling plan made in the field that might a ffect the quality o f the results was properly authorised; u) quality control measures per formed The documentation o f the in formation listed above ensures the potential value o f the laboratory results is fully realized A lack o f in formation about the sampling and the samples cannot be compensated for during later stages of the investigation 6.2 Site data Site data shall be documented according to the specifications o f the sampling plan This usually includes: — sur face relie f features o f the site; — appearance o f the sur face (vegetation, sealing, etc.); — signs o f erosion and soil movement; — details about land use, including past and present uses o f the site; — current site plan, for example, the presence o f concrete or tarmac pathways, o f buildings and remains of demolished buildings, vegetation, refuse, domestic pipelines and underground tanks and services; — geology o f the site; — hydrology o f the site, in particular the groundwater regime and fluctuations, soil water conditions, sea water incursions; — any other features and events which might influence the interpretation o f the data gathered; © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) — details of sources of information, which have been consulted (including references to background/source material) D e ta i le d i n formation on a l l the ab ove as p e c ts i s u s ua l ly avai lable i n the rep or t o f the prel i m i na r y i nve s tigation wh ich shou ld h ave pre ce de d any s ite works (s e e I S O 0 -10 C on s e quently, on ly s u m ma r y i n formation from devi ation s ne e d be i nclude d in the 1) s ampl i ng and ISO 18400-202 1) ) rep or t H owever, any what was e xp e c te d on the b a s i s o f the prel i m i nar y i nve s tigation rep or t or add itional information should be noted A plan of the site shall be part of the report Additional documentation, e.g photos and site characterization, is recommended 6.3 Identification E ach s ample s l l b e gi ven a un ique identi fic ation (s e e I S O 0 -10 : 017, ) NO TE T he identi fic ation c a n b e either nu mb ers or le tters o r b o th NOTE In cases where the data obtained from a sample is meant for long-term storage in data banks, the s a me s a mp le nu mb er i s to b e u s e d th roughout the who le s a mpl i ng , a n a l y tic a l a nd e va lu ation p ro ce du re NO TE It convention a l reference 6.4 m ight be C a r te s i a n adva ntage o u s s ys tem s to i nclude or Un ivers a l x- a nd y- co o rd i n ate s Tra n s vers e M erc ator o f the (U TM )] lo c atio n in the o f s a mp le s a mp le or igi n nu mb er for [e g qu ick Sample description S ample s s l l b e de s crib e d i n the field NO TE M a ny ob s er vatio n s o f ch a rac ter i s tic s o f the m ater i a l to b e s a mp le d c a n b e m ade d i re c tl y i n the field T he s e a re u s u a l l y ver y help fu l for the i nter pre tatio n o f the re s u lts o f l ab orator y a n a lys i s , for p l au s ib i l ity control , for estimations of the representativeness of the samples and of the spatial distribution of characteristics Among these are: — colou r; — s i s tenc y, homo geneity, gra i n s i ze; — s tituents/comp onents to b e identi fie d vi s ua l ly a nd u s i ng a magn i fyi ng gla s s; — obvious odour NO TE I n add ition to the s a mp le de s c rip tion , it m ight b e ne ce s s a r y to de s c r ib e the s oi l typ e a nd s oi l pro fi le (see ISO 25177) T here are s evera l ways to de s crib e a s ample, either a s an i nd ividua l s ample or a s p ar t o f a pro fi le S ampl i ng for agric u ltu l, i n formation and fol lows ge o te ch n ic a l , envi ron menta l d i fferent me tho d s and regu lation s pu rp o s e s re qu i re s d i fferent or s cienti fic for c umentation T he typ e o f de s crip tion that i s re qu i re d s hou ld b e s tate d cle arly i n the defi n ition o f the obj e c tive s T he de s c rip tion shou ld, i n addition, include as a minimum: — whe ther the s ample i s d i s tu rb e d or u nd i s tu rb e d; — whe ther a s i ngle or comp o s ite s a mple; i f comp o s ite, give the nu mb er and d i s tribution o f s ampl i ng p oi nts; — volu me o f s ample; — moi s tu re s tatu s o f s a mple when col le c te d; 1) Under preparation © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) — qualitative in formation about the samples, to reflect subjective observations, for example, smell, pore distribution in undisturbed soil cores, or other observations Categories might include: — not detectable (below detection limit); — detectable; — readily detectable 6.5 Sampling The sampling technique (see ISO 18400-102) shall be documented NOTE Details o f the sampling technique are entered for the benefit o f analysts/interpreters because they might affect the results The depth o f the sample shall be recorded; for details, see ISO 25177 Any pretreatment in the field such as sample divisions shall be documented Sa fety precautions taken during sampling should be documented Any pretreatment o f the sample(s) in the field should be in accordance with ISO 18400-201 6.6 Transport and storage The type o f the container shall be indicated Transport and storage (see ISO 18400-105) information to be documented is: — transport conditions, e.g cooled, frozen; — the time and place o f delivery to the laboratory; — confirmation o f receipt by laboratory Any special health and sa fety measures necessary during transport and storage shall be documented Instructions to the laboratory The minimum in formation from the field to the laboratory (chain o f custody) is: a) name o f contact person; b) the date and time o f sample collection; c) list o f samples (number o f samples and their labelling); d) the sample amount (e.g by using the prepared container, bottles, estimating the volume and mass); e) whether the individual soil samples were kept separate or pooled into composite samples; f) sample handling: packaging, storage, transport, (including the time elapsed between sampling, transport and post-sampling handling, or until transfer of the sample to another responsible person); g) results from field measurements that might influence the sample pretreatment, the measurement process, or the interpretation o f the measurement results; h) any other factor that might influence the results o f subsequent testing and assessment; i) sa fety requirements concerning the samples © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) Final reporting All the information indicated above should be incorporated in the sampling report © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) Bibliography Geotechnical  investigation  and  testing  —  Identification  and  classification  o f  soil  —  Part  1:  Identification  and  description [1] ISO 14 8 -1 , [2 ] ISO [3 ] I S O 14 , [4] I S O/ I E C [5 ] ISO [6 ] I S O 0 -1 , [7 ] ISO Geotechnical  investigation  and  testing  —  Identification  and  classification  o f  soil  —  Part  2:  Principles  for  a  classification 14 8 -2 , Geotechnical  investigation  and  testing  —  Identification  and  classification  o f  rock 170 : 0 , laboratories 0 -1 0 , standards 0 -1 , techniques [9 ] I S O 0 -1 [1 ] I S O 0 -1 , [1 1] I S O 0 -1 , [1 ] I S O 0 -2 , [1 ] I S O 0 -2 Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  105:  Packaging,  transport,  storage  and  preservation  o f  samples Soil quality — Sampling — Part 106: Quality control and quality assurance Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  201:  Physical  pretreatment  in  the  field 2) , Soil quality — Sampling — Part 202: Preliminary investigations ISO 18400-2032) , Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  203:  Investigation  of  potentially  contaminated  sites [1 ] I S O 0 -2 , [1 ] I S O 0 -2 [1 ] Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  102:  Selection  and  application  o f  sampling  Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  103:  Safety 2) , Soil quality — Sampling — Part 104: Strategies I S O 0 -1 , [17 ] Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  100:  Guidance  on  the  selection  o f  sampling  Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  101:  Framework  for  the  preparation  and  application  o f  a  sampling  plan [8 ] [14] General  requirements  for  the  competence  o f  testing  and  calibration  Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  204:  Guidance  on  sampling  o f  soil  gas 2) , Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  205:  Guidance  on  the  procedure  for  investigation  o f  natural,  near-natural  and  cultivates  sites ISO 0 -2 2) , Soil  quality  —  Sampling  —  Part  206:  Guidance  on  the  collection,  handling  and  storage  o f  soil  for  the  assessment  o f  biological  functional  and  structural  endpoints  in  the  laboratory I S O 517 7, Soil quality — Field soil description 2) Under preparation © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 18400-107:2017(E) ICS  13.080.05 Price based on pages © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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