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© ISO 2016 Plastics — Biobased content — Part 4 Determination of biobased mass content Plastiques — Teneur biosourcée — Partie 4 Détermination de la teneur en masse biosourcée INTERNATIONAL STANDARD I[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16620-4 First edition 2016-12-15 Plastics — Biobased content — Part 4: Determination of biobased mass content Plastiques — Teneur biosourcée — Partie 4: Détermination de la teneur en masse biosourcée Reference number ISO 16620-4:2016(E) I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 2016 ISO 16620-4:2016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 16620-4:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms 3.3 Abbreviated terms Principle 4.1 Product groups 4.2 Group I products 4.3 Group II products 4.4 Natural constituents 4.5 Monomers and additives Rules for allocation of elements Group I products 6.1 Statement 6.2 Sampling 6.3 Determination of the biobased carbon content and elemental composition 6.3.1 Procedure f 6.4 Validation criteria of the biobased mass content 6.5 Examples of application of the decision scheme 6.6 Test report 7 Group II products 7.1 Statement 7.2 Sampling 7.3 Determination of the biobased carbon content 7.3.1 Procedure f 7.4 Validation criteria of the biobased mass content 7.5 Example of application of the decision scheme 10 7.6 Test report 10 Annex A (informative) Example of format for reporting results for Group I products 11 Terms and definitio ns Symb o ls 6.3 Variab ility o tes t res ults 7.3 Variab ility o tes t res ults Annex B (normative) Calculation of the biobased carbon content and biobased mass content for Group II products 12 Annex C (informative) Example of format for reporting results for Group II products 13 Bibliography 14 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n iii ISO 16620-4:2016(E) Foreword I SO (the I nternational O rganiz ation for Standardiz ation) is a worldwide federation of national s tandards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has b een es tablished has the right to b e represented on that committee I nternational organi zation s , governmental and non- governmental, in liaison with I SO, al so take p ar t in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f elec trotechnical s tandardi z ation T he procedures used to develop this cument and those intended for its fur ther maintenance are describ ed in the I SO/I E C D irec tives , Par t I n p ar ticu lar the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial ru les of the I SO/I E C D irec tives , Par t (see www iso org/direc tives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the I SO l is t of p atent declarations received (see www iso org/p atents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not cons titute an endors ement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about I SO ’s adherence to the World Trade O rganization ( WTO) principles in the Technical B arriers to Trade (TB T ) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword html T he committee res p ons ible for this document is I SO/ TC 61 , chemical properties Plastics, A lis t of al l p ar ts in the I SO 16 62 series can b e found on the I S O webs ite iv I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Sub committee SC , Physical- ISO 1662 0-4:2 016(E) Introduction Increased use of biomass resources for manufacturing plastics products is effective in reducing global warming and the depletion of fossil resources Cu rrent pla s tic s pro duc ts are comp o s e d of biob as e d s ynthe tic p olymers , fo s s i l-b as e d s ynthe tic p olymers , natu l p olymers a nd add itive s that c a n i nclude biob a s e d materia l s “B iob a s e d pla s tics ” re fer to pl as tics th at conta i n materia l s whol ly or p ar tly o f bio gen ic origi n In ISO 16620 series, the “biobased content” of biobased plastics refers to the amount of the biobased c arb on content, the a mount o f the biob a s e d s ynthe tic p olymer content or the amou nt o f the biob a s e d mas s content on ly This document is harmonized with EN 16785-1:2015 [12] © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n v I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16620-4:2016(E) Plastics — Biobased content — Part 4: Determination of biobased mass content Scope T h i s c ument s p e ci fie s a me tho d o f de term i n i ng the biob a s e d mas s content i n pl as tics pro duc ts , b as e d on the rad io c arb on ana lys i s and elementa l ana lys i s T h i s c ument i s appl ic able to p las tic pro duc ts and pl as tic materi a l s , p olymer re s i n s , monomers or additives, which are made from biobased or fossil-based constituents This method is applicable, provided that the plastic product contains carbon element and that a statement giving its elemental composition and its biobased mass content is available Normative references T he fol lowi ng c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s c u ment For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s ISO 16620-2:2015, Plastics — Biobased content — Part 2: Determination of biobased carbon content Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms 3.1 Terms and definitions For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the term s and defi nition s given i n I S O 16 62 -1 apply ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp/ 3.2 Symbols 14 C C H N O mB xB carbon isotope with an atomic mass of 14 s ymb ol for element c a rb on s ymb ol for element hyd ro gen s ymb ol for element n itro gen s ymb ol for element ox ygen biobased mass content, expressed as a percentage of the total mass of sample biobased carbon content, expressed as a percentage of the total mass of the sample © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 16620-4:2016(E) xTC total carb on content, expres sed as a p ercentage of the total mas s of the s ample xT H to ta l hyd ro gen content, e xpre s s e d a s a p ercentage o f the to ta l ma s s o f the s ample xT N total nitrogen content, expres s ed as a p ercentage of the total mas s of the s ample xTO to ta l ox ygen content, e xpre s s e d as a p ercentage o f the to ta l mas s o f the s a mple W mas s of a s ample, expres sed in grams 3.3 Abbreviated terms CL fidence level TC total carb on TH to ta l hyd ro gen TN total nitrogen TO to ta l ox ygen Principle 4.1 Product groups For the purp ose of this document, two groups of pro duc ts are dis tinguished as fol lows: a) Group I pro duc ts a re ob tai ne d by chem ic a l or biolo gic a l re ac tion(s) ; b) Group I I pro duc ts are ob tai ne d b y m i xi ng Group I pro duc ts without chem ic a l or biolo gic a l re ac tion Natural cons tituents (4.4) can b e used to pro duce Group I produc ts or as cons tituent(s) of Group I I pro duc ts 4.2 Group I products T h i s me tho d , s upp or te d b y r u le s de s c rib e d i n C lause , cons is ts in a) the de term i nation o f the biob as e d c arb on content and elementa l comp o s ition o f the pro duc t b y u s i ng the rad io c arb on ana lys i s and elementa l ana lys i s re s p e c tively (6 ) , and b) the comp arison b etween 1) the data of the s tatement (6 1) compris ing the comp os ition and the origin ( biob as ed and/or fos s il resources) of the pro duc t, and 2) NO T E the data re s u lti ng from the rad io c a rb on a na lys i s a nd elementa l a na lys i s o f the pro duc t (6 ) T he “s tatement” i n the s ens e of th i s cu ment i s to b e d i s ti ngui she d from the “declaration” of the biob as ed mas s content res u lti ng of th i s metho d, wh ich i s i n the s cop e of I S O 16 62 -5 1) 4.3 Group II products T his method cons is ts in a) the de term i nation o f the biob as e d c arb on content o f the pro duc t b y u s i ng the rad io c a rb on ana lys i s (7 ) , and 1) To b e published I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) b) the comparison between 1) the data of the statement (7.1) comprising the composition and the origin (biobased and/or fossil resources) of the product, and 2) the data resulting from the radiocarbon analysis o f the product (7.3) NOTE The “statement” in the sense of this document is to be distinguished from the “declaration” of the biobased mass content resulting of this method, which is in the scope of ISO 16620-51) 4.4 Natural constituents This method is not needed for the determination of the biobased mass content in natural constituents (e.g natural polymers) wholly derived from biomass The biobased mass content of a natural constituent is equal to 100 % The biobased carbon content of a natural constituent, expressed as a percentage of the total carbon content, is equal to 100 % NOTE This differentiates the calculation of the biobased mass content according to this document from the calculation o f the biobased synthetic polymer content according to ISO 16620-3, where the biobased synthetic polymer content o f a natural constituent is % (see ISO 16620-1:2015, Clause 4) 4.5 Monomers and additives In case of monomers and additives for which the composition and raw material(s)/chemical(s) from which they are made are known, and whose chemical identification is unequivocal, the method may consist only in a determination o f the biobased carbon content The biobased mass content may be validated by applying the validation criteria (6.4), considering only the biobased carbon content Rules for allocation of elements NOTE According to the current state o f the art, it is not possible by isotopic measurements to establish a distinction between elements originating from biomass and elements originating from non-biomass for elements such as oxygen, hydrogen or nitrogen For a product/constituent o f a product obtained by chemical or biological reaction(s) (Group I), the ollowing rules shall apply: f a) i f the reactants are exclusively derived from biomass, the biobased mass content o f the product/constituent o f the product is 100 %; b) if none of the reactants is derived from biomass, the biobased mass content of the product/constituent o f the product is %; c) i f the reactants are derived from both biomass and non-biomass, the following conventions apply: 1) i f oxygen (O) and/or hydrogen (H) and/or nitrogen (N) element(s) is(are) bound to a carbon structure derived from biomass, its(their) fraction is(are) considered to be part(s) of the biobased mass content; 2) element(s) other than C, H, O and N elements are not considered in this document EXAMPLE Esters derived from the condensation o f an acid with a primary alcohol keep the O element coming from the alcohol © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 16620-4:2016(E) Group I products 6.1 Statement T he s tatement to b e provided with the produc t under cons ideration shal l include a) information related to the relevant chem ical or biological reac tion(s) and the raw material s/chemical s from which the produc t is made, b) c) a complete elemental comp os ition of the pro duc t ( x the biob ased carb on content ( B 1) x 1TC x 1TH x 1TO , , x 1TN ) , and m ), o f the product, obtained by and biob ased mas s content ( calculation, following the rules defined in C lause NO T E and B1 T he biob as e d carb on content can b e expres s ed on the b as i s of to ta l organ ic carb on ( TO C ) or to ta l carb on ( TC ) or to ta l mas s NOTE In this document, “biobased carbon content” re fers to “biobased carbon content by mass, expressed as a p ercentage of the to ta l mas s ” m ) is expressed by mass of dry matter For produc ts which contain water, the biob ased mas s content ( B1 EXAMPLE Poly(ethylene terephthalate) obtained by polycondensation o f terephthalic acid from fossil resources with biobased ethylene glycol (see Table 1) T a b l e — E x a m p l e o f c a Fraction l c u l a t i o n f o r p o l y ( e t h y l e n e t e r e p h t h a l a t e ) C H O To ta l % % % % Fo s s i l frac tion (from terephtha lic acid) 50,0 ,1 16 , 6 ,7 Biobased fraction (from ethylene glycol) 12 ,5 ,1 16 , 31,2 To ta l 62 , 4, 33,3 10 , x 1TC x 1TH x 1TO x m B1 = 62 , % = 12 ,5 % B1 = 31 , % = 4, % = 33,3 % 6.2 Sampling T he s amples shal l b e representative of the produc t under cons ideration I f avai lable, produc t s ampling pro cedures for the determination of the biob ased carb on content and elemental comp os ition shal l b e used and the detail s shal l b e cumented 6.3 Determination of the biobased carbon content and elemental composition 6.3.1 Procedure D etermine the biob ased carb on content of the s ample according to I SO 16 62 -2 x E xpres s the biob ased carb on content ( B2 ) D etermine the contents of total carb on ( as a p ercentage of the total mas s of the s ample x 2TC ), hydrogen ( x 2TH ), oxygen ( x 2TO ) and/or nitrogen ( x 2TN ) of the sample according to suitable standard analytical methods I f other element(s) is(are) present, its(their) content(s) may be also determined I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) For determining the total carbon content and organic carbon content, test methods as described in ISO 609, ISO 8245, ISO 10694, ISO 15350, ISO 17247, ASTM D5291-02, ASTM E1019-11 or EN 13137 may be used, as applicable The oxygen content shall be obtained by analysis and not by calculation [i.e by subtraction o f the C, H and N contents from the total content (100 %)] Express the contents of total carbon ( x 2TC ), hydrogen ( x 2TH ), oxygen ( x 2TO ) and/or nitrogen ( x 2TN ) as percentages of the total mass of the sample For the validation (6.4), use the test results, expressed by mass of dry matter 6.3.2 Variability o f test results The results obtained by the analytical methods can di ffer from the stated values for the following reasons: a) the composition o f the product can present variability due to its natural origin; EXAMPLE Natural fatty acids used in the production o f fatty acid esters b) the production process can be, to a certain extent, a cause o f variability o f the composition o f the final product; c) the analytical methods are also a source o f uncertainty, as follows: 1) ±3 % o f the measured value for the biobased carbon content; 2) ±0,4 % o f the measured value for the total carbon, total oxygen or total nitrogen content; 3) ±0,2 % o f the measured value for the total hydrogen content 6.4 Validation criteria of the biobased mass content Determine the gaps between the values given in the statement (6.1) and values resulting from testing (6.3.1) for the biobased carbon content, total carbon content, total hydrogen content, total oxygen content and/or total nitrogen content, as relevant For the validation o f the biobased mass content, apply the decision scheme according to Figure For monomers and additives, see also 4.5 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) a Percentage related to the total mass of the sample Figure — D ecision scheme for Group I products EXAMPLE For confidence level 2, 52 % is rounded down to 50 % and 57 % is rounded down to 55 % EXAMPLE For confidence level 3, 48 % is rounded down to 40 % and 42 % is rounded down to 35 % I f nitrogen and/or oxygen element(s) is(are) not present in the molecule, it(they) is(are) not taken into account I f the stated biobased carbon content is lower than the biobased carbon content obtained by testing, then the gap is to be considered as fulfilling the criteria for confidence level EXAMPLE Stated biobased carbon content: 53,2 %, biobased carbon content obtained by analysis: 56,5 %, gap between the two values: 3,3 % As the stated value is lower than the value obtained by analysis, the confidence level to be applied is for this value EXAMPLE In case o f poly(ethylene terephthalate) (see 6.1 , EXAMPLE), N is not present in the molecule; there fore N cannot be taken into account The validation is done by comparing the values o f the biobased carbon content, as well as the TC content and the TH content The TO content may also be considered instead o f the TC content or TH content 6.5 Examples of application of the decision scheme Examples are given in Tables , and I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) Table — E xample Biobased carbon content % 25,0 25,9 Total carbon % Stated values 50,0 Measured values 49,8 Gap between xB1 xB2 x 1TC − x 2TC the stated and measured values 0,2 Criteria for CL ±0,4 Yes Yes Validated value for the biobased mass content: 56 % Total Total hyd ro gen % ox ygen % − x 1TH − x 2TH 44,4 44,6 x 1TO − x 2TO − ,9 − ,1 −0,2 ≤3 C r iter i a s ati s fie d 5,6 5,7 ±0,2 Yes Biobased mass content % 56 ±0,4 Yes Table — E xample Biobased carbon content % 40,8 40,1 Total carbon % Stated values 53,0 Measured values 52,1 Gap between xB1 xB2 x 1TC − x 2TC the stated and measured values +0,7 +0,9 Criteria for CL ±1,0 Yes Yes Validated value for the biobased mass content: 50 % − ≤ 4, C r iteri a s ati s fie d Total Total hyd ro gen % ox ygen % 9,0 8,8 x 1TH − x 2TH +0,2 ±0,5 Yes 24,2 22,5 x 1TO − x 2TO +1,7 ±1,0 No Biobased mass content % 52 Table — E xample Biobased carbon content % 47,2 42,2 ± Total carbon % Stated values 50,2 Measured values 47,5 ± Gap between xB1 xB2 x 1TC − x 2TC the stated and measured values +5 +2,7 Criteria for CL ±2 Yes No Validated value for the biobased mass content: 60 % − ≤6 C r iter i a s ati s fie d 6.6 Total Total hyd ro gen % ox ygen % 7,2 7,9 x 1TH − x 2TH − ,7 ±1 Yes 42,6 40,8 x 1TO − x 2TO +1,8 ±2 Yes Biobased mass content % 67 - Test report The test report shall include at least the following information: a) a re ference to th i s c u ment, i e I S O 16 62 - 4; b) a l l i n formation ne ce s s ar y c) the pro duc t group , i e Group I; d) the s tatement, a s defi ne d i n for comple te identi fic ation o f the pro duc t under s ideration; 6.1 (m B1 , xB1 , x 1TC , x 1TH , x 1TO , x 1TN ), expressed as a percentage of total ma s s o f the s ample; e) me tho d u s e d for the de term i nation o f the biob a s e d c arb on content, © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n e g I S O 16 62 -2 : 01 , Me tho d C; ISO 16620-4:2016(E) f) x the value res u lting from tes ting of the biob ased carb on content ( the to ta l mas s o f the s a mple; for B2) , expres sed as a p ercentage of the de term i nation o f the elementa l comp o s ition; g) ana lytic a l me tho d s u s e d h) the meas ured values for each present element C , H , O and/or N ( x 2TC x 2TH x 2TO x 2TN , , , ) , expres sed as a p ercentage, o f the to ta l m as s o f the s ample; i) m the validated value for the biob ased mas s content ( B) , expres sed as a p ercentage of total mas s of the d rie d s ample matter; j) any add itiona l i n formation, i nclud i ng de ta i l s o f any deviation s from the te s t me tho d s and any op eration s no t s p e c i fie d i n th i s c u ment wh ich cou ld h ave h ad a n i n fluence on the te s t re s u lts; k) the identi fic ation o f the te s ti ng lab orator y p er form i ng the te s t; l) the date of the tes t Annex A gives an example of a format for rep or ting the res ults for Group I pro duc ts Group II products 7.1 Statement T his metho d is appl icable, provided that each of the cons tituents of the pro duc t, excep t the natural cons tituent(s) (4.4) , i f a ny, have b e en fi rs t ana lys e d accord i ng to C lause , and the s tatement giving the biob ased mas s content of each cons tituent has b een val idated T he s tatement to b e provided with the produc t under cons ideration shal l include: a) information related to the pro duc tion pro ces s and the raw materials/chemical s from which the pro duc t is made, b) x the val idated biob ased carb on content ( m the biob ased mas s content ( B , i) B , i) b ased on a tes t rep or t according to I SO 16 62 -2 and of each of the biob ased cons tituents of the pro duc t b as ed on a tes t rep or t according to , excep t for natu l s tituent(s) ; c) x the biob as ed carb on content ( m B 1) and the biob ased mas s content ( B1) o f the pro duc t, ob ta i ne d b y calcu lation according to Annex B m For produc ts which contain water, the biob ased mas s content ( B ) i s expre s s e d b y ma s s o f dry matter 7.2 Sampling T he s amples shal l b e representative of the produc t under cons ideration I f available, produc t s ampling pro cedures for the determination of the biob ased carb on content shal l b e us ed and the detai ls shal l b e documented 7.3 Determination of the biobased carbon content 7.3.1 Procedure D etermine the biob ased carb on content of the s ample according to I SO 16 62 -2 x E xpres s the biob ased carb on content ( B2 ) as a p ercentage of the total mas s of the s ample For the validation (7.4) , u s e the te s t re s u lts e xpre s s e d b y ma s s o f d r y matter I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) 7.3.2 Variability o f test results The results obtained by the radiocarbon method can di ffer from the stated values for the following reasons: a) the composition o f the product can present variability due to its natural origin; b) the production process can be, to a certain extent, a cause o f variability o f the composition o f the final product; c) the radiocarbon method is also a source o f uncertainty: ±3 % o f the measured value 7.4 Validation criteria of the biobased mass content Determine the gap between the value given in the statement (7.1) and value resulting from testing (7.3.1) for the biobased carbon content For the validation o f the biobased mass content, apply the decision scheme according to Figure a Percentage related to the total mass of the sample Figure — D ecision scheme for Group I I products EXAMPLE For confidence level 2, 52 % is rounded down to 50 % and 57 % is rounded down to 55 % EXAMPLE For confidence level 3, 48 % is rounded down to 40 % and 42 % is rounded down to 35 % © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) 7.5 Example of application of the decision scheme E X AM PLE Stated va lue for the biob as e d mas s content: % Stated va lue for the biob as e d carb on content: % Me as ure d va lue for the biob as e d carb on content: 4 % Gap b e twe en s tate d va lue a nd me a s u re d va lue: % − 4 % = % (i n co n fidence le vel ) Va l idated va lue for the biob as ed mas s content: % 7.6 Test report T he tes t rep or t shal l include at leas t the fol lowing information: a) a re ference to th i s c u ment, i e I S O 16 62 - 4; b) a l l i n formation ne ce s s ar y c) the pro duc t group, i e Group I I ; d) the s tatement, a s defi ne d i n 7.1 ; e) the calcu lated value of the biob ased carb on content ( for comp le te identi fic ation o f the pro duc t u nder s ideration; x ma s s o f the s a mple; f) m the calcu lated value of the biob ased mas s content ( o f the s ample; g) metho d used for the determination of the B) , B 1) , expres sed as a p ercentage of the total expres sed as a p ercentage of the total mas s biob ased carb on content (e g ISO 16 62 -2 : 01 , M e tho d C ) ; h) the to ta l mas s o f the s a mple; i) x the value res u lting from tes ting of the biob ased carb on content ( B2) , expres sed as a p ercentage of the val idated value of the biob ased mas s content, expres sed as a p ercentage of the total mas s of the d rie d s a mple matter; j) any add itiona l i n formation, i nclud i ng de ta i l s o f any deviation s from the te s t me tho d s and any op eration s no t s p e c i fie d i n th i s c u ment wh ich cou ld h ave h ad a n i n fluence on the te s t re s u lts; k) the identi fic ation o f the te s ti ng lab orator y p er form i ng the te s t; l) the date of the tes t Annex C gives an example of a format for rep or ting the res u lts for Group I I pro duc ts 10 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) Annex A (informative) Example of format for reporting results for Group I products Table A.1 — E xample of format for reporting results S ample: Stated biobased mass content, m B (provided by the producer or his representative) Stated value for biobased carbon content, xB1 (provided by the producer or his representative) Measured value for biobased carbon content, xB2 Gap between the stated and measured value, xB1 − xB2 Confidence level for biobased carbon (based on the gap: xB1 − xB2 ) Stated value for total carbon content, x 1TC (provided by the producer or his representative) Measured value for total carbon content, x 2TC Gap between the stated and the measured total carbon content, x 1TC − x 2TC Confidence level for total carbon (based on the gap: x 1TC − x 2TC ) % CL % Stated value for the total hydrogen content, x 1TH (provided by the producer or his representative) Measured value for the total hydrogen content, x 2TH Gap between the stated and measured total hydrogen content, x 1TH − x 2TH Confidence level for total hydrogen (based on the gap: x 1TH − x 2TH ) Stated value for the total oxygen content, x 1TO (provided by the producer or his representative) Measured value for the total oxygen content, x 2TO Gap between the stated and measured total oxygen content, x 1TO − x 2TO Confidence level for total oxygen (based on the gap: x 1TO − x 2TO ) Stated value for the total nitrogen content, x 1TN (provided by the producer or his representative) Measured value for the total nitrogen content, x 2TN Gap between the stated and measured total nitrogen content, x 1TN − x 2TN Confidence level for total nitrogen (based on the gap: x 1TN − x 2TN ) Assigned final confidence level (use defined confidence levels for 14 C and two best confidence levels out o f the remaining four elements: C, H, N, O) Validated value o f the biobased mass content accordingly to assigned final confidence level [m B or m B rounded down depending on the confidence level (6.4)] © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 11 ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) Annex B (normative) Calculation of the biobased carbon content and biobased mass content for Group II products B.1 Calculation of the biobased carbon content Calculate the biobased carbon content, as a percentage of the total mass of the sample, using Formula (B.1): n ∑ Wi ⋅ x B,i x B = i =1 W (B.1) where xB i s the biob a s e d c arb on content, e xpre s s e d a s a p ercentage o f the to ta l ma s s o f the s ample; xB , i is the biobased carbon content of the constituent (i), expressed as a percentage of the Wi i s the ma s s o f the s tituent (i) , expre s s e d i n gra m s; W i s the to ta l mas s o f the s a mple, e xpre s s e d i n gram s; n is the number of constituents of the sample B.2 mas s o f the s tituent (i) ; Calculation of the biobased mass content Calculate the biobased mass content using Formula (B.2): n ∑ Wi ⋅ m B,i m B = i =1 W (B.2) where mB is the biobased mass content of the product expressed as a percentage of the total mass of s a mple; m B,i is the biobased mass content of the constituent (i), expressed as a percentage of the mass o f the s tituent (i) ; 12 Wi i s the ma s s o f the s tituent (i) , expre s s e d i n gram s; W i s the to ta l ma s s o f the s ample, expre s s e d i n gra m s; n is the number of constituents of the sample I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) Annex C (informative) Example of format for reporting results for Group II products Table C — E xample of format for reporting results S ample: Stated biobased mass content, m B Stated value for biobased carbon content, xB1 representative) Measured value for the biobased carbon content, xB2 Gap between the stated and measured value, xB1 xB2 % CL % ( p rovide d b y the p ro ducer o r h i s repre s entative) ( pro vide d b y the p ro ducer o r h i s − C o n fidence le vel fo r b iob a s e d c a rb on ( b a s e d on the gap: xB1 xB2 ) − Va l id ate d va lue o f the b iob a s e d m a s s content accord i n gl y to a s s igne d fi n a l m B or m B fidence le vel [ rou nde d down dep end i n g on the fidence le vel ( © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 7.4)] 13 ISO 662 0-4: 01 6(E) Bibliography [1] [2 ] [3 ] [4] 60 9, Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — High temperature combustion method ISO I S O 82 45 , Water quality — Guidelines for the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) 10 69 4, Soil quality — Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis) ISO I S O 5 , Steel and iron — Determination oftotal carbon and sulfur content — Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method) [5 ] I S O 16 62 -1 : 01 , [6 ] ISO [7 ] I S O 16 62 -5 [8] I S O 172 47, [9] AS TM D52 91-10 , [10] AS TM E1019 -11 , [11] [1 ] 2) 14 Plastics — Biobased content — Part 1: General principles 16 62 -3 , Plastics — Biobased content — Part 3: Determination of biobased synthetic polymer content Plastics — Biobased content — Part 5: Declaration of the biobased carbon content, biobased synthetic polymer content and biobased mass content 2) , Coal — Ultimate analysis Standard test methods for instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Petroleum Products and Lubricants Standard Test Methods for Determination of Carbon, Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Oxygen in Steel, Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys by Various Combustion and Fusion Techniques E N 3 7, Characterization of waste — Determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in waste, sludges and sediments E N 16785 -1 : 01 , Bio-based products — Bio-based content — Part 1: Determination of the biobased content using the radiocarbon analysis and elemental analysis To b e published I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2023, 18:15