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© ISO 2016 Health and safety in welding and allied processes — Equipment for capture and separation of welding fume — Part 4 General requirements Hygiène et sécurité en soudage et techniques connexes[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15012-4 First edition 2016-06-15 Health and safety in welding and allied processes — Equipment for capture and separation of welding fume — Part 4: General requirements Hygiène et sécurité en soudage et techniques connexes — Équipements de captage et de filtration des fumées de soudage — Partie 4: Exigences générales Reference number ISO 15012-4:2016(E) © ISO 2016 ISO 15012-4:2016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) Page Contents Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Significant hazards 3.9 Requirements and verifications 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 Extraction device General Welding fume separation equipment Extraction devices Flexible arms, hoses and hoods Ducting properties Spark arrestor f Filter changing Waste handling Air mover Signals/indicators Exhaust and cooling air S ep aratio n e ficiency Filter cleaning sys tem Instructions for use Marking 10 Annex A (informative) Malfunctions and determination of minimum airflow 11 Bibliography 12 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved iii ISO 15012-4:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary in formation The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes, Subcommittee SC 9, Health and safety ISO 15012 consists of the following parts, under the general title Health and safety in welding and allied processes — Equipment for capture and separation o f welding fume : — Part 1: Requirements for testing and marking of separation efficiency — Part 2: Determination of the minimum air volume flow rate of captor hoods and nozzles — Part 3: Determination of the capture efficiency of on-gun welding fume extraction devices — Part 4: General requirements Requests for o fficial interpretations o f any aspect o f this International Standard should be directed to the Secretariat o f ISO/TC 44/SC via your national standards body A complete listing o f these bodies can be found at www.iso.org iv © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012 -4:2 016(E) Introduction Welding and allied processes generate fumes and gases which, if inhaled, can be harmful to human health Therefore, control of the fumes and gases generated is to be exercised to minimize worker exposure T he mo s t e ffe c tive me tho d o f control i s to c ap tu re the fu me s a nd gas e s clo s e to thei r s ou rce b e fore they enter a worker’s breathing zone or the general workplace environment Venti lation e qu ipment u s e d to c ap tu re the fu me s and ga s e s i s to b e fit for pur p o s e b e c au s e i ne fficient capture could result in high exposure and can be detrimental to workers’ health It is important f f warning of malfunction there ore th at it ad here s to defi ne d ma nu ac turi ng , materi a l s and de s ign T h i s p ar t o f I S O 01 defi ne s the genera l re qu i rements that are ne ce s s a r y to maintain exposure to fumes at acceptable levels re qu i rements for and gi ve s venti lation e qu ipment T h i s p a r t o f I S O 01 i s a typ e -B s tandard a s s tate d i n I S O 10 This part of ISO 15012 is of relevance, in particular, for the following stakeholder groups representing the ma rke t players with regard to mach i ner y s a fe ty: — machine manufacturers (small, medium and large enterprises); — he a lth and s a fe ty b o d ie s (regu lators , acc ident prevention orga n i z ation s , ma rke t s u r vei l lance, e tc ) O thers c an b e a ffe c te d b y the level o f mach i ner y s a fe ty ach ieve d with the me an s o f th i s p ar t o f I S O 01 b y the ab ove -mentione d s ta keholder group s: — mach i ne u s ers/emp loyers (s ma l l, me d iu m a nd large enter pri s e s) ; — mach i ne u s ers/emp loye e s (e g trade u n ion s , organ i z ation s for p e ople with s p e ci a l ne e d s) ; — service providers, e.g for maintenance (small, medium and large enterprises); — s umers (i n c a s e o f mach i ner y i ntende d for u s e b y s u mers) T he ab ove -mentione d s ta keholder group s have b e en given the p o s s ibi l ity to p ar tic ip ate at the d fti ng process of this part of ISO 15012 I n add ition, th i s p a r t o f I S O 01 i s i ntende d for s tandard i z ation b o d ie s el ab orati ng typ e - C s tandard s T he re qu i rements o f th i s p a r t o f I S O 01 c a n b e s upplemente d or mo d i fie d by a typ e - C s ta ndard For mach i ne s wh ich are covere d b y the s cop e o f a typ e - C s tanda rd and wh ich h ave b e en de s igne d a nd bu i lt accord i ng to the re qui rements o f that s tand ard, the re qu i rements o f that typ e - C s tandard ta ke precedence © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15012-4:2016(E) Health and safety in welding and allied processes — Equipment for capture and separation of welding fume — Part 4: General requirements Scope T h i s p ar t o f I S O 01 defi ne s the genera l re qu i rements exp o s u re to fu me s for venti l ation e qu ipment u s e d to control generate d b y weld i ng and a l l ie d pro ce s s e s I t appl ie s to the de s ign and manu fac tu re o f a l l p ar ts o f the e qu ipment i nclud i ng ho o d s , duc ti ng , fi lter u n its , r movers , s ys tem s that i n form o f unsafe operation and workplace practices to ensure safe working with regard to exposure Clause It does not cover electrical, mechanical and pneumatic hazards This part of ISO 15012 is applicable to the following: Sign i fic a nt h a z a rd s a re l i s te d in — lo c a l e xhau s t venti lation s ys tem s (LE V ) ; — mobi le and s tationar y e qu ipment This part of ISO 15012 is not applicable to the following: — genera l venti lation, r ma ke up or r movement s ys tem s; — a i r cond ition i ng s ys tem s; — s ep a ration o f ga s e s generate d b y or u s e d by weld i ng a nd a l l ie d pro ce s s e s; — LE V used for weld i ng and atmospheres; — grinding dust a l l ie d pro ce s s e s that generate re ac tive p o tenti a l ly explo s ive p a r ticle s a nd T h i s p a r t o f I S O 01 appl ie s to s ys tem s de s igne d and ma nu fac ture d a fter its publ ic ation Normative references T he fol lowi ng i nd i s p en s able c u ments , i n whole or i n p ar t, are normatively re ference d i n th i s c u ment a nd are for its appl ic ation For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c u ment (i nclud i ng any amend ments) appl ie s ISO 12100:2010, Safety ofmachinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction ISO 15012-1:2013, Health and safety in welding and allied processes — Equipment for capture and separation o f welding fume — Part 1: Requirements for testing and marking o f separation efficiency ISO 15012-2, Health and sa fety in welding and allied processes — Requirements, testing and marking o f equipment for air filtration — Part 2: Determination o f the minimum air volume flow rate o f captor hoods and nozzles ISO 15012-3, Health and safety in welding and allied processes — Requirements, testing and marking o f equipment for air filtration — Part 3: Determination o f the capture efficiency o f on-gun welding fume extraction © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) IEC 60204-1:2005, Safety ofmachinery — Electrical equipment ofmachines — Part 1: General requirements IEC 60335-2-69, Household and similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 2-69: Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for commercial use IEC 60695-2-12, Fire hazard testing — Part 2-12: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods — Glow-wire flammability index (GWFI) test method for materials Terms and definitions For the purposes o f this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 12100 and the following apply 3.1 welding fume separation equipment air filtration equipment, the purpose o f which is to separate particles generated by welding and allied processes from workplace air 3.2 filter cleaning system system designed to clean the filter o f welding fume separation equipment in order to restore the air flow rate through the filter when it is reduced by an accumulation o f welding fume particles 3.3 on-line filter cleaning system filter cleaning system operating while welding fume separation equipment is working 3.4 o ff-line filter cleaning system filter cleaning system operating a fter the air mover o f the filtration equipment is switched o ff 3.5 separation e fficiency by mass ratio o f the mass o f particles retained by welding fume separation equipment to the mass o f particles entering the equipment during a given period Note to entry: General in formation on test methods for determination o f separation e fficiency is described in EN 1093-6 and EN 1093-7 3.6 emission rate mass o f the particles emitted by the welding fume source per time Note to entry: Emission rate is expressed in milligrams per second 3.7 local exhaust ventilation LEV use of extraction to remove contaminated air at or near to its source 3.8 spark arrestor device, normally positioned at the intake o f welding fume separation equipment, used to prevent the damaging impact o f sparks and large particles on filter media Note to entry: Examples o f spark arrestors are cyclones, spin separators, ba ffles or sieves A spark arrestor may be designed to also protect against flame damage © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) 3.9 Extraction device 3.9.1 captor hood e quipment (movable or fi xe d) that generate s s u fficient r velo c ity at the s ou rce to c ap tu re a nd d raw i n the contaminated air 3.9.2 receiving hood p a s s ive e qu ipment (movable or fi xe d) , norma l ly p o s itione d ab ove a ho t pro ce s s , where the contam i nate d r i s prop el le d i nto it b y pro ce s s -i nduce d r movement 3.9.3 enclosure chamber fu l ly or p a r ti a l ly enclo s e d s p ace where the pro ce s s ta ke s place, de s igne d to contai n and prevent the escape of hazardous substances into the workshop air 3.10 welding fume airborne particles generated during welding S i g n i f i E xp o s u re to C ontrol c a n t h fume s a z a r d s and gas e s generate d b y weld i ng and a l l ie d pro ce s s e s c an b e de tri menta l to he a lth o f e xp o s u re c an u s ua l ly be ach ieve d us i ng venti lation e quipment but any fai lure o f th i s equipment, such as poor design and the use of parts made of unsuitable materials, can result in reduced ex trac tion e fficienc y and hence over e xp o s u re and i l l he a lth C om mon he a lth e ffe c ts i nclude re s pi rator y d i s e as e, but exp o s u re to c a rc i no gen ic s ub s tance s du ri ng the weld i ng o f a l loye d materi a l s c an o cc ur and s l l b e s idere d T he re qu i rements o f the venti lation e qu ipment a re dep endent on the level o f control ne ce s s ar y 5.1 R e q u i r e m e n t s a n d v e r i f i c a t i o n s General M ach i ner y sha l l comply with the s a fe ty re qu i rements and/or pro te c tive/ri s k re duc tion me as u re s i n Clause In addition, the machine shall be designed according to the principles of ISO 12100 for relevant but no t s ign i fica nt h a z ard s wh ich are no t de a lt with b y th i s p ar t o f I S O 01 5.2 Welding fume separation equipment All parts and materials used in the manufacture of welding fume ventilation equipment shall withstand intended to be used the cond ition s (therma l , me ch an ic a l , U V rad i ation) pre s ent i n the envi ron ment i n wh ich they are Veri fic ation s l l b e p er forme d by exa m i ni ng the ma nu fac turer ’s data she e ts , the i n s truc tion ma nua l, and b y re ferri ng to the ma nu fac turer ’s long-term e xp erience with re s p e c tive device s © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) 5.3 Extraction devices 5.3.1 General Non-metallic hoods shall be made o f materials o f low flammability Verification shall be per formed by examining compliance with the glow-wire end product test GWEPT: 550 according to IEC 60695-2-12 (glow-wire test temperature of 550 °C) 5.3.2 Captor hoods Captor hoods shall comply with the requirements o f ISO 15012-2 5.3.3 Receiving hoods An air volume flow rate su fficient to remove all the fumes received shall be employed NOTE The air volume flow rate required depends on the thermal flow generated by the welding process, the vertical distance between fume source and hood, and the dimensions of the receiving hood Verification that no fume escapes shall be per formed qualitatively by visual inspection using a welding fume source See also Annex A NOTE conditions 5.3.4 A possible method for visual inspection is using a dust lamp (Tyndall e ffect) under worst case welding Enclosures (chambers) During fume generation and for a pre-determined clearance period a fterwards, there shall be an inflow o f air through all openings su fficient to prevent any escape o f fumes to the external environment Verification that no fume escapes shall be per formed qualitatively by visual inspection with the welding process operating The required flow rate shall be recorded See also Annex A NOTE The flow rate can be di fferent for di fferent welding parameter/material combinations NOTE A possible method for visual inspection is using a dust lamp (Tyndall e ffect) under worst case welding conditions 5.3.5 On-gun extraction devices On-gun extraction devices shall comply with ISO 15012-3 5.4 Flexible arms, hoses and hoods M o v e m e n t o f f l e x i b l e a r m s It shall be possible (see Figure 1) to move a flexible arm in any direction using a force not exceeding 60 N at the handhold of the hood: a) with the arm at 70 % of its maximum range; b) at a point c, 300 mm ± 100 mm above ground level; c) in the directions shown in Figure 1, over a range that is 10 % of the maximum range The movement in the Z-direction may follow an arc with radius a NOTE I f flexible arms not fulfil the requirements, risk o f incorrect use or non-use will increase because o f ergonomic reasons NOTE The handhold is the point on the hood intended to be touched for movement © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) The arm shall retain their position over the entire operating range after the force has been removed Veri fic ation that the arm i s e as i ly movable sh a l l b e ach ieve d b y me a s urement o f force s and th at it re ta i n s its p o s ition b y vi s ua l i n s p e c tion Key a b c 70 % of the maximum range Starting point of movement Point of force measurement Figure — Example of a moving force test setup 5.4.2 Hoses Non-me ta l l ic p a r ts s l l b e made o f materi a l s o f low fla m mabi l ity Veri fic ation s l l be p er forme d by exam i n i ng compl ia nce IEC 60695-2-12 (glow-wire test temperature of 550 °C) NO TE with G WE P T: 550 accord i ng to T he u s e o f m ater i a l s o f h igher fl a m m ab i l ity c a n re s u lt i n d a m age to the ho s e le ad i ng to re duce d a i r flow at the e x trac tion p oi nt a nd hence p o o r e x trac tion e ffic ienc y 5.5 Ducting properties The ducting shall a) allow access for inspection and maintenance (e.g hatches), b) b e s i ze d, by c a lc u lation, to ach ieve a s u ffic ient r velo city to m i n i m i ze s e d i mentation, a nd c) b e made o f me ta l or o f materia l s o f low flam mabi l ity © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) NO TE Fo r weld i ng a nd a l l ie d pro ce s s e s , a n a i r velo c ity b e twe en 10 m/s a nd m/s i n the duc t i s u s u a l l y s idere d to b e s u ffic ient P rop er aero dyn a m ic de s ign o f duc ti ng , j u nc tion s , b end s , j o i nts , e tc , help s to m i n i m i z e sedimentation, pressure drop and noise A rounded, rather than right angled, cross-section is preferred M o der n centra l s ys tem s o ften h ave auto m atic d a mp ers NO TE conver ter for the fi lter s ys tem N or m a l l y, s uch a s ys tem i s de s igne d for e ach wo rkp l ace a nd m ayb e a for a s p e c i fic nu mb er o f p l ace s to b e u s e d at fre quenc y the s a me ti me I f th at nu mb er o f p l ace s i s ac tive , the a i r velo c ity i s e xp e c te d to re ach the de s ign velo c ity I f fe wer pl ace s a re u s e d , the a i r velo c ity wi l l b e lower T h i s i s co n s idere d to b e accep tab le b e c au s e the s e ttl i n g s p e e d o f weld i n g fu me Veri fic ation i s ver y low a nd s o there wi l l b e no t to o much s e d i mentation i n the duc ti ng s ys tem th at the duc ti ng compl ie s with the ab ove re qu i rements s l l be p er forme d b y vi s ua l i n s p e c tion and me a s u rement o f the r velo city, e g accord i ng to I S O 6 or I S O 169 11 o f low Veri fic ation flam mabi l ity s l l p er forme d be by e xam i n i ng according to IEC 60695-2-12 (glow-wire test temperature of 960 °C) compl i ance with G WE P T: 960 5.6 Spark arrestor I f the s ep aration e fficienc y cou ld b e comprom i s e d by s p arks or la rge, ho t or abra s ive p a r ticle s re ach i ng the fi lter me d i a, the weld i ng fu me s ep aration e quipment s l l b e fitte d with a s p ark arre s tor Veri fic ation s l l e s tabl i sh whe ther s ep aration e ffic ienc y ca n b e comprom i s e d a nd, there fore, whe ther a s p ark arre s tor i s to b e fitte d I f s o, e s tabl i s h that the s p ark arre s tor i s pre s ent by vi s ua l i n s p e c tion S 5.7.1 e p a r a t i o n e f f i c i e n c y General T he s ep a ration e ffic ienc y re qu i re d i s de term i ne d b y the i ntende d u s e o f the u n it Po s s ib le mo de s of operation are: exhaust air (5.7.2), recirculated air (5.7.3) and a combination of recirculated and exhaust air NO TE In s o me co u ntr ie s , n ation a l re gu l ation s de fi ne recirculated air and recirculation of air is prohibited E x h a u s t a i r ( a i r f l o w d i s c h a r g e d t o t h S ep a ration e qu ipment th at i s u s e d e xclu s ively dust class L as given in IEC 60335-2-69 5.7.3 e a t m for o s p the h e r e qu a l ity re qu i rements for e xh au s t air a nd ) e xhau s t r sha l l have fi lters that comply at le as t to Recirculated air (extract air that is returned to the workplace) Equipment for fumes not containing carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or substances toxic to reproduction (CMR) S ep a ration e qu ipment that i s exclu s ively u s e d of the following a) for fu me s no t contai n i ng C M R s ub s tance s sh a l l b e either E qu ipp e d with fi lter me d i a complyi ng to at le a s t du s t cla s s M given i n I E C 3 -2 - 69 T he a i r sh a l l no t b e able to b yp a s s the fi lter element as shown b y vi s ua l i n s p e c tion u s i ng e g limestone or plaster NO TE T he te s t cou ld b e c a r rie d out b y s ucki ng i n p l a s ter or l i me s tone du s t i nto the e x trac tion s ys tem and visual inspection of the clean air side for traces of plaster or limestone b) T he whole u n it sh a l l have a s ep a ration e ffic ienc y o f > % , te s te d accord i ng to the te s t pro ce du re described in ISO 15012-1:2013, Clause © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) Equipment for fumes where CMR substances are expected For separation equipment used when CMR substances are expected (welding o f high alloyed steels), the separation e fficiency shall comply with ISO 15012-1, i.e have a separation e fficiency o f the total unit o f at least 99 % NOTE ISO 15012-1 specifies a method for testing equipment for the separation o f welding fume generated by a defined welding process in order to determine whether its separation e fficiency meets the specified requirements It re fers to the whole separation unit not only to filter elements 5.8 Filter cleaning system I f welding fume separation equipment is fitted with a filter cleaning system in order to restore air volume flow rate, it shall be designed so that emissions o f airborne particles into the workplace atmosphere are minimized during filter cleaning Cleaning o f the filter shall not cause emissions o f welding fume discharged from the intake by a reverse o f air flow or from leakages on the body o f the welding fume separation equipment Con formity shall be checked by visual inspection 5.9 Filter changing Welding fume separation equipment shall be designed so that filters can be changed from outside o f the filter housing or from its clean air side Con formity shall be checked by visual inspection NOTE There is a high risk o f exposure to suspended welding fume, i f the equipment is not designed in that way 5.10 Waste handling For welding fume separation equipment utilizing adequate containers or bags, it shall be possible to replace the containers or bags while minimizing suspension of collected welding fume The containers or bags shall be able to withstand the stresses o f transportation, even when filled to their maximum capacity, and it shall be possible to seal them tightly to eliminate the risk o f suspension of collected welding fume Filter waste boxes or bags used for collection of particles should not be reused Such boxes or bags shall be labelled for one-time use Con formity shall be checked by visual inspection 5.11 Air mover Air movers shall be attached in a way that minimizes the risk o f welding fume emissions I f an air mover is installed in front o f the filter, it should be ensured that no leaks in the duct between the air mover and filter exist by which welding fume can be emitted NOTE For LEV, it is state o f the art to install the air mover a fter (regarding the direction o f flow) the filter Con formity shall be checked by visual inspection For air movers powered by three-phase electric motors, it shall be possible to determine and adjust, i f necessary, correct direction o f rotation in order to reach a su fficient air flow Con formity shall be checked by visual inspection The equipment shall be designed in a way that an unintentional reversal o f air flow is prevented Con formity shall be checked by reversing the motor rotation, a reverse o f air flow shall not occur © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) 5.12 Signals/indicators 5.12.1 General requirements for all equipment Weld i ng fume s ep aration e qu ipment u s e d for s ep aration o f weld i ng fu me sha l l b e fitte d with i nd ic ators and control units showing correct operation or malfunction of the device, as malfunctions can cause f f f f f Annex A together with their most common causes z ardou s op eration cond ition s or the u s er M a l u nc tion o e quipment sh a l l b e i nd ic ate d b y a cle a r vi s ua l or acou s tic wa rni ng s igna l Two typ e s o ma l u nc tion s a re p o s s ible and a re s hown i n Vi s ua l warn i ng s igna l s sha l l work with a pu l s e fre quenc y b e twe en , H z and H z , em itti ng yel low or yel low- orange l ight Vi s ible warn i ng s igna l s sha l l b e i n s ta l le d i n s ide or ne arb y the worki ng are a o f welders in order to be recognized when the light is on NOTE EN 842 provides additional guidance for visual danger signals This standard might also be part of national legislation I f a n acou s tic wa rni ng device i s i n s ta l le d, it sh a l l work with i n an aud io - fre quenc y b e twe en 0 H z and 000 Hz and have a pulse time between 0,5 s and s The A-weighted sound pressure level shall be between dB and 20 dB higher than the m-surface sound pressure level of the welding fume separation equipment Signals/indicators for normal operation — For LE V: prop er op eration o f a LE V sh a l l b e i nd ic ate d b y a control la mp em itti ng gre en l ight — For dampers on devices for capturing: for c ap ture e qu ipment fitte d with a manua l shut o ff damp er, the h and le s l l b e a l igne d with the for automatic da mp ers , the p o s ition sh a l l b e i nd ic ate d cle arly vi s ible to the u s er as op en or clo s e d damper position; C on form ity sh a l l b e che cke d b y vi s ua l i n s p e c tion Warning signals for malfunction S ep aration e quipment sh a l l b e fitte d with a device th at i nd ic ate s that the fi lter ne e d s s er vice (manua l or automatic cle a n i ng or repl acement) When any ma l fu nc tion exi s ts , the control l amp sh a l l no t em it green light and the warning signals shall be active C on form ity sha l l b e che cke d b y s i mu lati ng a ma l func tion i n order to te s t the signal fu nc tion o f the wa rni ng 5.12.2 Additional requirements for equipment used for separation of carcinogenic substances C arci no genic s ub s tance s extraction duct NO TE re qu i re mon itori ng , at e ach i nd ividua l work pl ace, o f r flow rate in the T he a i r flow rate i s me a s u re d i nd i re c tl y, u s u a l l y b y me a s u r i n g the duc t p re s s u re Warning signal for malfunction I f the r flow rate i n the extrac tion duc t i s i n s u fficient, it s l l b e i nd ic ate d b y a cle ar vi s ua l or acou s tic warning signal C on form ity sh a l l b e che cke d b y s i mu lati ng a ma l func tion i n order to te s t the signal fu nc tion o f the wa rn i ng © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) 5.13 Exhaust and cooling air Weld i ng fu me s ep aration e qu ipment s l l b e de s igne d and manu fac tu re d i n a way that the e xhau s t and the co ol i ng a i r o f the mo tor c an b e d i re c te d away equipment from any p ers on s worki ng i n the vici n ity o f the Fu r ther exh au s t and co ol i ng a i r s l l no t d i s p ers e du s t s e ttle d on the flo or a nd/or on wa l l s T he velocities of the exhaust and of the cooling air shall not exceed m/s at a distance of 1,5 m around the weld i ng fu me s ep arator, b e twe en a lower me as u rement pla ne at a height o f m m ab ove the flo or level and a n upp er me as u rement p lane at a height o f m ab ove the flo or level C on form ity s l l b e che cke d by vi s ua l i n s p e c tion and me as u ri ng the r velo city Instructions for use The manufacturer shall provide information regarding the optimum use of extraction devices in an instruction manual E ffe c tive op eration o f a c ap tor ho o d dep end s pro ce s s where weld i ng fume pri mari ly on its p o s ition i ng toward s the s ou rce/the i s em itte d , and its c ap tu re z one dep end i ng on the a i r velo city and the design of the capture device In order to ensure adequate capture, the user needs information about the manual Requirements on the technical performance of capturing devices are given in 5.3.2 to 5.3.4 u s e o f the device a nd its op ti ma l p o s itioni ng T h i s sh a l l b e gi ven b y the manu fac tu rer i n the i n s truc tion C on form ity s l l b e che cke d b y vi s ua l i n s p e c tion NO TE O n- g u n e x trac tion de vice s a re covere d b y I S O 01 -3 The manufacturer shall provide information regarding the inspection of hoses for damages affecting the e xtrac tion e ffic ienc y T he i n s truc tion s for us e sh a l l cover ever y l i fe pha s e o f the e qu ipment (from as s embl i ng to placi ng out of operation) a) The instructions for use of welding fume separation equipment shall include information about the following: 1) the intended use of the equipment, e.g for welding and allied processes not for gouging and grinding; 2) u s e able i f fu me s conta i n i ng C M R s ub s tance s are exp e c te d, e g generate d b y weld i ng h igh a l loye d s te el s or weld i ng s u mable s with more th an % (C r, Ni) ; or 3) b) on ly i f fume s no t contai n i ng C M R s ub s tance s a re e xp e c te d, e g weld i ng o f u na l loye d s te el T he corre c t u s e o f ex trac tion s device s , e g a c ap tor ho o d, s hou ld b e d ia me tric a l ly p o s itione d s o that the fu me i s d rawn away from the welders ’ bre ath i ng z one c) The meaning of indicators and warning signals d) T he mai ntenance pro ce du re s , e g cle an i ng and cha ngi ng o f the fi lter, was te nd l i ng , ch angi ng o f expendable parts e) The temperature and atmosphere conditions for operation and storage In case of unavoidable residual risks, there shall be an information in the manual with an advice, how to hand le it, p ar tic u la rly re gard i ng the h and l i ng o f z a rdou s s ub s ta nce s NOTE There are different requirements contained in national laws for carcinogenic substances in the exhaust air (e.g in some countries, it is not allowed to bring back the cleaned air into the workshop, other countries allow to bring back the cleaned air if the welding fume separation equipment is tested and marked W3 according to ISO 15012-1) © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) Marking Each machine shall be marked in a distinct and permanent manner in accordance with ISO 12100:2010, 6.4.4 and IEC 60204-1:2005, 16.4 I f the requirements o f this part o f ISO 15012 are met, the manufacturer may label the equipment as being in compliance with this part of ISO 15012 I f the requirement o f ISO 15012-1:2013, Clause regarding separation e fficiency is met, the manufacturer may label the equipment W3 as shown in ISO 15012-1:2013, Annex A If welding fume separation equipment is usable for separation of carcinogenic substances, it shall be labelled W3 according to ISO 15012-1 10 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) Annex A (informative) M a l f u n c t i o n s a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f m i n i m u m a i r f l o w Tables A.1 and A.2 describe the most common malfunctions and the determination of the minimum r flow Table A.1 — Malfunctions Type of malfunction Most common causes of malfunctions Single place capturing system — incorrect fan wiring I n s u fficient a i r flow, i e le s s th a n the m i n i mu m a i r flow to c ap tu re Central capturing system fu me Additional to the malfunctions of s i n gle s ys tem s: — clo gge d fi lter or duc ti ng — damaged dampers — damaged ducting — damaged fan or controller — to o m a ny d a mp ers o p en — fa i lu re converter I n s u fficient fi ltratio n , i e e vidence of fu me a b l — fi lter b yp a s s e d e A — Types of capturing device Captor hoods Receiving hoods and enclosures O n- gu n e x trac tio n s ys tem s © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved fre quenc y — da m age d fi lter down s tre a m o f the fi lter T o f the D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f m i n i m u m a i r f l o w Determination In accordance with ISO 15012-2 Vi s u a l l y de ter m i ne d at com m i s s io n i ng s tage In accordance with ISO 15012-3 11 ISO 15012-4:2016(E) Bibliography [1] [2] ISO 2602, Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval ISO 3966, Measurement o f fluid flow in closed conduits — Velocity area method using Pitot [3] ISO 5167 (all parts), Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in [4] [5] [6] ISO 5801, Industrial fans — Performance testing using standardized airways ISO 7731, Ergonomics — Danger signals for public and work areas — Auditory danger signals ISO 14341, Welding consumables — Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded metal arc [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] static tubes circular cross-section conduits running full welding o f non alloy and fine grain steels — Classification ISO 16911, Stationary source emissions — Manual and automatic determination o f velocity and volume flow rate in ducts ISO 17916, Safety of thermal cutting machines EN 842, Safety of machinery — Visual danger signals General requirements, design and testing EN 1070, Safety of machinery — Terminology EN 1093-1, Safety of machinery — Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances Selection o f test methods [12] EN 1093-3, Safety of machinery — Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances Test bench method for the measurement o f the emission rate o f a given pollutant [13] EN 1093-6, Safety of machinery — Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances Separation efficiency by mass, unducted outlet [14] EN 1093-7, Safety of machinery — Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances Separation efficiency by mass, ducted outlet 12 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 15012-4:2016(E) ICS  25.160.30 Price based on pages © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2023, 18:17