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Tiêu chuẩn iso 11634 1996 scan

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Is0 1 1 634 First edition 1 996 l 2 l 5 Snowboard boots Interface with ski binding Chaussures de surf des neiges Zone de jonction avec /es fixations de skis Reference number IS0[.]

I s0 I N TERN ATI ON AL 1 634 STAN DARD Fi rst ed i ti on 996-l Sn owboard-boots - I nterface 2-l wi th ski -bi n di n g Chau ssu res de su rf des n ei g es - Zon e de j on cti on avec /es fi xati ons de ski s Referen ce I S0 n u m ber 1 634: 996(E) IS0 1 634:1 996(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard IS0 1 634 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 83, Sports and recreational equipment, Subcommittee SC 3, Ski bindings Annex A of this International Standard is for information only IS0 996 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-1 21 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii I N TERN ATI ON AL STAN DARD - Sn owboard-boots Th i s I S0 I S0 I n terface wi th 1 634: 996(E) ski -bi n d i n g Scope I n ternati on al of th e shaft Standard speci fi es of sn owboard-boots, the wi th di m en si ons an i n terface an d characteri sti cs for clam pi ng , to of the provi de i nterface defi ned zon e of the attachm ent sole and condi ti ons parts for th e covered by thi s provi si on s of th i s snowboard-bi n di ng There m ay be I n ternati on al I t appli es Alpi n e Th e ski -boots fol lowi n g possi bi li ty parti es of applyi n g 2768-l th e sn owboard-boot to the board, wh i ch are not yet i n I S0 5, and larger i n the 5355[1 ] and tou ri ng provi si ons whi ch , M on dopoi n t ski -boots i n I S0 system 9523 [21 tai ns : 989, At to th e ti m e of agreem en ts th e vali d m ost recen t I nternati on al General pu bl i cati on , throu gh th e based on th i s edi ti on of th e referen ce edi ti on I nternati on al stan dard in i ndi cated th i s was Standard i ndi cated text, consti tu te vali d Al l are below standards encou raged M em bers of to are su bj ect i n vesti g ate I EC and I S0 m ntai n Stan dards - tol eran ces Part 7: Tolerances for li near and an gu lar di m ensi on s wi thou t i ndi vi du al i n di cati on s pu rposes i n terface: of th i s Area I n tern ati on al wh i ch is in Standard, contact wi th the foll owi n g the defi ni ti on s appl y snowboard-bi ndi n g and wh i ch provi des the fu n cti on of snowboard-bi ndi n g lon gi tu di nal 3 beari n g 4 to the Defi n i ti on s For th e standard of cu rrently tolerance attach referen ce Standard an d reg i sters to of si zes are covered N orm ati ve revi si on , system s to sn owboard-boots I n tern ati onal I S0 other Standard m edi an su rface: plane: Su rface M i ddle of the boot plane of th e sole, sole wh i ch l on gi tu di n al i s i n contact and perpen di cu l ar wi th Req u i rem en ts Di m en si on s Th e snowboard-boot For general toleran ces sh al l see com ply I S0 wi th 2768-l the di m en si ons g i ven i n fi g u re a plane on wh i ch to the the beari ng boot su rface i s standi n g the I S0 1 4: 9 (E ) D i m en si o n s ‘? m i l l i m e tre s B-B A- A \ in \ c’ E \o / F -* A- - Ln a= O”to a) su rface - S h ad e d Th i s d i m en si o n N OTE ) o" Con tact 45 are as mm are beco m es th o s e val i d i n wh i ch th re e th e ye ars Fi g u re to l e ran ce s afte r - of e ve n n e ss pu bl i cati o n D i m en si on s of th i s of an d th e d i m e n si o n s I n te rn ati o n al 25 S tan d ard sn owboard - boot Z! I3 an d 34 + are I S0 val i d I S0 I S0 Desi g n 42 Shape I n addi ti on wi th to the parall el si de li nes i n fi g u res The boot M ou nti ng 23 Th e shaft m ou n ti n g bottom su rface wh ere the between fron t 60 m m of th e an d sole 75 m m has a conti n u ou s shape, wi de from u n ti l 45 m m altern ati ve th e front sh apes of the sol e are also all owed, (see the dashed and 3) Free space 22 desi g n wall s 1 634: 996(E) at th e h eel hee I sh al at the n ot exten d i nto the area wh i ch i s l i m i ted by th e ang le aof 0” to 30” poi n t poi n t for of the posi ti on i ng the bi ndi n g on th e snowboard sh al l be i ndi cated by a li ne on each si de of the boot Thi s l i ne sh al l be perm anent an d clearly vi si ble and i t sh al l i n di cate the centre of th e boot en gth Di m en si on s - / / Fi gu re - Test pattern for the boot toe (m axi m u m versi on) i n m i l l i m etres @ IS0 IS0 1 634:1 996(E) Dimensions in millimetres \ / - / / Figure -Test pattern for the boot toe (minimum version) Testing 5.1 General If not otherwise indicated, execute the testing under standard atmosphere (23 “C and 50 % relative humidity) with ordinary tolerances 5.2 Measuring free space at boot toe See figures and Marking Snowboard-boots that meet the requirements of this International Standard shall be marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer or importer The manufacturer is allowed to claim compliance of snowboard-boots with this International Standard by an additional reference to IS0 1 634, under his sole responsibility I S0 An n ex A (i nform ati ve) Bi bl i og raph y [I ] I S0 5355:1 991 , Alpi n e [Z] I S0 9523:1 990, Tou ri n g ski -boots ski -boots - Safety for adu lts requ i rem en ts - I nterface an d test wi th m ethods ski -bi ndi n g 1 634: 996(E) I S0 I CS 1 634: 996(E) 97 220 20 Descri ptors: Pri ce based sports equ ipm ent, on pages snowboards, boots, speci fi cati on s, di m en si on s, tests, m arki n g

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 15:53