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Tiêu chuẩn iso 10406 1 2015

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10406-1 Second edition 2015-01-15 Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement of concrete — Test methods — Part 1: FRP bars and grids Polymère renforcé par des fibres (PRF) pour l’armature du béton — Méthodes d’essai — Partie 1: Barres et grilles en PRF Reference number ISO 10406-1:2015(E) © ISO 2015 ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2015 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@iso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 10406-1:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword v 10 11 12 Scope Normative references Terms, definitions, and symbols General provision concerning test pieces Test method for cross-sectional properties 5.1 Test pieces 5.2 Test method 5.3 Calculations 5.4 Test report Test method for tensile properties 6.1 Test pieces 6.2 Test equipment 6.3 Test method 6.4 Calculations 6.5 Test report 11 Test method for bond strength by pull-out testing 13 7.1 Test pieces 13 7.2 Testing machine and devices 15 7.3 Test method 16 7.4 Calculations 17 7.5 Test report 17 Test method for performance of anchorages and couplers 18 8.1 Test method for performance of anchorages 18 8.2 Test method for performance of couplers 19 8.3 Test report 19 Test method for long-term relaxation 20 9.1 Test pieces 20 9.2 Testing frame and devices 21 9.3 Test temperature 21 9.4 Test method 22 9.5 Calculations 22 9.6 Test report 23 Test method for tensile fatigue 23 10.1 Test pieces 23 10.2 Testing machine and devices 23 10.3 Test temperature 24 10.4 Test method 24 10.5 Calculations 25 10.6 Test report 25 Test method for alkali resistance 25 11.1 Test pieces 25 11.2 Immersion in alkaline solution 26 11.3 External appearance and mass change 26 11.4 Tensile test 27 11.5 Calculations 27 11.6 Test report 28 Test method for creep failure 29 Terms and definitio ns Symb o ls © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved iii ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.5 12.6 12.7 Test pieces 29 Testing frame and devices 29 Test temperature 29 29 Test method 29 Calculations 30 Test report 30 13 Tens ile cap acity Test pieces 31 Testing machine and devices 31 Test temperature 32 Test method 33 Calculations 33 Test report 33 f Test pieces 34 Testing unit and devices 34 Test method 35 Calculations 35 Test report 35 Test method for transverse shear strength 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 T e s t m e T e s t m e t h o d o f r f l e x u r a l t e f n s i l e p r o f p e r t i e s Test pieces 36 Testing device 37 Test method 37 Calculations 38 Test report 38 t h o d o r t h e c o e f i c i e n t o l o n g i t u d i n a l t h e r m a l e x p a n s i o n b y t h e r m o - mechanical analysis 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 iv © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 10406-1:2015(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation o f national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the di fferent approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules o f the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as in formation about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see the following URL: Foreword — Supplementary in formation The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 71, Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete, Subcommittee SC 6, Non-traditional reinforcing materials for concrete structures This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10406-1:2008), which has been technically revised ISO 10406 consists o f the following parts, under the general title Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement of concrete — Test methods: — Part 1: FRP bars and grids — Part 2: FRP sheets © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10406-1:2015(E) Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement of concrete — Test methods — Part 1: FRP bars and grids Scope T h i s p ar t o f I S O 10 s p e ci fie s te s t me tho d s appl ic able to fibre -rei n force d p olymer (F RP) b a rs and grids as reinforcements or pre-stressing tendons in concrete Normative references T he fol lowi ng i nd i s p en s able c uments , i n whole or i n p ar t, are normatively re ference d i n th i s c u ment and are for its appl ic ation For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition c ite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c u ment (i nclud i ng any a mend ments) appl ie s I SO 91: 0 , Plastics — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional measuring equipment: Micrometers for external measurements — Design and metrological characteristics I S O 611 , I S O 478 , Laboratory glassware — Graduated measuring cylinders I S O 75 0 -1 , Metallic materials — Verification ofstatic uniaxial testing machines — Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines — Verification and calibration of the force-measuring system I S O 3 -1 , Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional measuring equipment — Part 1: Callipers; Design and metrological characteristics Terms, definitions, and symbols 3.1 Terms and definitions For the pu rp o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the fol lowi ng term s a nd defi n ition s apply 3.1.1 alkalinity cond ition o f havi ng or contai n i ng hyd rox yl (OH -) ion s; conta i n i ng a l ka l i ne s ub s tance s N o te to entr y: I n conc re te , the i n itia l a l ka l i ne envi ron ment h a s a p H ab o ve 3.1.2 anchorage reinforcement latticed or spiral reinforcing steel or FRP connected with the anchorage and arranged behind it 3.1.3 anchoring section end p a r t o f a te s t pie ce where an a nchorage i s fitte d to tran s m it lo ad s test section © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved from the te s ti ng mach i ne to the ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) average load average of the maximum and minimum repeated load (stress) bending angle angle forme d by the s traight s e c tion s o f a te s t pie ce on either s ide o f the defle c tor bending diameter ratio ratio o f the ex terna l d ia me ter o f the defle c tor s ur face i n contac t with the FRP b a r, and the nom i na l diameter of the FRP bar bending tensile capacity tensile load at the moment of failure of the test piece c o e f f i c i e n t o f t h e r m a l e x p a n s i o n average co e fficient o f l i ne ar therma l exp an s ion b e twe en given temp eratu re s N o te to entr y: T he average o f the gi ven temp eratu re s i s ta ken a s the rep re s entati ve temp eratu re c o n t i n u o u s f i b r for genera l term e conti nuou s fibre s o f materi a l s s uch a s c arb on, aram id , a nd glas s 10 coupler device coupling tendons 11 creep failure capacity lo ad c aus i ng fai lu re a fter a s p e c i fie d p erio d o f ti me N o te to entr y: I n p a r tic u l a r, the lo ad c au s i ng fa i lu re fa i lu re from the s ta r t o f a s u s ta i ne d lo ad a fter m i l l ion hou rs i s re fer re d to a s the m i l l io n-hou r c re ep c ap ac ity 1 creep failure strength s tre s s c au s i ng fai lu re a fter a s p e ci fie d p erio d o f ti me N o te to entr y: I n p a r tic u l a r, the lo ad c au s i ng failure strength fa i lu re from the s tar t o f a s u s tai ne d lo ad a fter m i l l ion hou rs i s re fer re d to a s the m i l l io n-hou r c re ep 13 creep failure time time between the start of a sustained load and failure of a test piece 14 creep failure failure occurring in a test piece due to a sustained load 15 creep s train differential change in length per unit length occurring in a test piece due to creep 16 creep ti me - dep endent de formation o f an FRP b a r s ubj e c te d to a s u s tai ne d lo ad at a s ta nt temp eratu re © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 10406-1:2015(E) 3.1.17 section of an FRP bar that is bent and maintained at the required bending angle and bending diameter ratio d e f l e c t e t o d s e c t i o n 3.1.18 d e f l e c r device u s e d to mai ntai n the p o s ition, a lter the b end i ng angle, or a l leviate the s tre s s concentration s i n the F RP b ar and wh ich i s s ome ti me s i n s ta l le d i n the defle c te d s e c tion 3.1.19 fatigue strength ma xi mu m rep e ate d s tre s s at wh ich the te s t pie ce e s no t 3.1.20 f i b r e - r e i FRP n f o r c e d p o comp o s ite materi a l, l y m e fai l at the pre s c rib e d numb er o f c ycle s r mou lde d a nd h ardene d to the i ntende d sh ap e, s i s ti ng o f conti nuou s fibre s i mpregnate d with a fibre -bi nd i ng p olymer 3.1.21 frequency nu mb er o f lo ad i ng (s tre s s i ng) c ycle s i n s du ri ng the te s t 3.1.22 FRP bar comp o s ite materi a l forme d i nto a long , s lender s truc tu l s hap e s u itable for u s e a s rei n forcement i n concre te and s i s ti ng pri ma ri ly o f longitud i na l u nid i re c tiona l fibre s b ou nd a nd s hap e d b y a rigid p olymer re s i n materia l 3.1.23 gauge length straight portion along the length of a test piece used to measure the elongation using an extensometer or a similar device 3.1.24 grid two - d i men s iona l ( pla na r) or th re e - d i men s iona l (s p ati a l) rigid a rray o f i ntercon ne c te d F RP b a rs that form a continuous lattice that can be used to reinforce concrete 3.1.25 load amplitude load (stress) amplitude one-half of the load (stress) range 3.1.26 load (stress) range difference between maximum and minimum repeated load (stress) 3.1.27 maximum repeated load (stress) maximum load (stress) during repeated loading 3.1.28 maximum tensile force ma xi mu m ten s i le lo ad s u s tai ne d b y a te s t pie ce du ri ng the ten s i le te s t 3.1.29 minimum repeated load (stress) minimum load (stress) during repeated loading © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 10406-1:2015(E) 3.1.30 nominal cross-sectional area value obtained upon dividing the volume o f the FRP specimen by its length 3.1.31 nominal diameter diameter of FRP calculated assuming a circular section 3.1.32 nominal peripheral length peripheral length of the FRP that forms the basis for calculating the bond strength and that shall be determined separately for each FRP 3.1.33 number of cycles number of times the repeated load (stress) is applied to the test piece 3.1.34 relaxation stress relaxation time-dependent decrease in load in an FRP held at a given constant temperature with a prescribed initial load applied and held at a given constant strain 3.1.35 relaxation rate percentage reduction in load relative to the initial load a fter a given period o f time, under a fixed strain Note to entry: In particular, the relaxation value a fter million hours (approximately 114 years) is re ferred to as the hundred-year relaxation rate 3.1.36 repeated load (stress) load (stress) alternating cyclically between fixed maximum and minimum values 3.1.37 S-N curve curve plotted on a graph with repeated stress on the vertical axis and the number o f cycles to fatigue failure on the horizontal axis 3.1.38 tendon FRP resin-bound construction made o f continuous fibres in the shape o f a tendon used to rein force concrete uniaxially Note to entry: Tendons are usually used in pre-stressed concrete 3.1.39 thermo-mechanical analysis TMA method for measuring de formation o f a material as a function o f either temperature or time, by varying the temperature o f the material according to a calibrated programme, under a non-vibrating load 3.1.40 TMA curve graph with temperature or time represented on the horizontal axis and de formation on the vertical axis 3.1.41 ultimate strain strain corresponding to the maximum tensile force © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) 1 Storage of test pieces Store the te s t pie ce s ca re fu l ly and pro te c t aga i n s t a l l de form ation, he ati ng , a nd e xp o s ure to u ltraviole t l ight, wh ich c an c au s e change s to preparation of test pieces 1 the materia l prop er ties o f the te s t pie ces du ri ng s a mpl i ng a nd Length of test pieces T he leng th o f the te s t s e c tion s l l no t b e le s s than 10 m m, nor le s s tha n ti me s the nom i na l d ia me ter o f the FRP b ar For a s trande d F RP b ar, the leng th sh a l l b e i n accordance with the ab ove provi s ion s and not less than times the strand pitch 1 Number of test pieces Tes t at le as t five te s t pie ce s for pre - and p o s t-i m mers ion ten s i le te s ti ng I n the event that a te s t pie ce fai l s at, or s l ip s out o f, the a nchori ng s e c tion, a n add itiona l tes t s hou ld b e c arrie d out on a s ep arate te s t pie ce taken from the same lot as the failed test piece 1 Immersion in alkaline solution 1 Preparation of alkaline solution The alkaline solution used for immersion shall have the same composition as the pore solution found i n the conc re te T he s olution shou ld have a n i n itia l pH ab ove For exa mple, the comp o s ition o f the a l ka l i ne s olution s i s ts o f , g o f NaO H and 2 ,4 g o f KOH i n l o f deion i ze d water 1 P r e v e n t i o n o f i n f i l t r a t i o n o f s o l u t i o n i n t o t e s t p i e c e I n order to prevent the i n fi ltration o f the s olution vi a the end s o f the te s t pie ce s duri ng i m mers ion, co at b o th end s o f the te s t pie ce s with ep ox y re s i n and a l low to c u re 1 Immersion temperature T he s p e ci fie d temp eratu re for i m mers ion sha l l b e ° C ± ° C 1 Mounting of test piece M ou nt the te s t pie ce on the i m mers ion app a ratu s I f ne ce s s ar y, a ten s ion i ng lo ad, for example, a lo ad level corre s p ond i ng to the des ign s tre s s o f F RP rei n forcement, sha l l b e appl ie d to the te s t pie ce P revent the alkaline solution from absorbing CO2 from the air and from the evaporation of water during immersion 1 Period of immersion T he s p e ci fie d i m mers ion p erio d sha l l b e one month 1 Post- immersion treatment Wash the test piece in water after immersion 1 External appearance and mass change 1 Inspection of alkaline solution Me as u re the pH va lue o f the a l ka l i ne s olution b e fore and a fter the a l ka l i re s i s tance te s t 26 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 0406-1 : 01 (E) 1 External appearance Examine the external appearance o f the test piece be fore and a fter the alkali resistance test, for comparison o f colour, sur face condition, and change o f shape I f necessary, the test piece may be sectioned and polished, and the condition o f the cross-section examined using a microscope 1 3 Measurement of mass change A fter immersion, remove from the test piece the ends to which the epoxy resin was applied; dry the test piece and measure the mass until the mass is constant Calculate the rate o f percentage mass loss, RΔm , using Formula (13):  ( m L ) − ( m L1 )   × 100 m L0   R ∆m =  where m0 L0 m1 L1 (13) is the mass be fore immersion, expressed in grams; is the length be fore immersion, expressed in millimetres; is the mass a fter immersion, expressed in grams; is the length o f test piece from which both ends have been removed a fter immersion, expressed in millimetres 1 Tensile test 1 4.1 Testing machine and devices Testing machine and devices shall be in accordance with the provisions in Clause 1 4.2 Test temperature and test method The test temperature and test method shall be in accordance with the provisions in Clause 1 Calculations 1 General Assess the material properties o f FRP bar only on the basis o f test pieces undergoing failure in the test section I f tensile failure or slippage takes place at the anchoring section, disregard the data Additional tests should be carried out until the number o f test pieces failing in the test section is not less than five © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 27 ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) 1 Tensile capacity retention rate C a lc u late the ten s i le c ap acity re tention rate, digits according to Formula (14): Ret = where Ret, e xpres s e d i n p ercent, with a pre ci s ion to two s ign i fic ant Fu1 × 100 Fu0 (14) Fu1 i s the ten s i le c ap acity a fter i m mers ion, expre s s e d i n new ton s; Fu0 i s the ten s i le c ap acity b e fore i m mers ion, e xpre s s e d i n new ton s 1 Test report The test report shall include the following items: a) basic information: — name, sh ap e, date o f manu fac tu re, and lo t numb er o f F RP te s te d; — typ e o f fibre a nd fibre -bi nd i ng materi a l; — nu mb ers or identi fic ation m arks o f te s t pie ce s; — de s ignation, nom i na l c ro s s- s e c tiona l are a, a nd d ia me ter; — date o f s tar t a nd end o f i m mers ion; b) information related to alkaline solution immersion: — — comp o s ition o f a l ka l i ne s olution, pH , temp erature, i m mers ion p erio d, and ti me; ten s ion i ng lo ad and ratio o f ten s ioni ng lo ad to nom i na l ten s i le c ap ac ity (i f ten s ion i ng i s no t c arrie d out, th i s — fac t s hou ld b e no te d) ; re cord o f ob s er vation o f e xterna l app e a rance a nd rate o f mas s lo s s; c) information related to tensile testing: — — te s t temp eratu re a nd lo ad i ng rate; average and s ta ndard devi ation o f the i m mers e d te s ts , and ten s i le c ap acity — for c ap ac ity (s treng th) average ten s i le rigid ity and average You ng’s mo du lu s and ten s i le rigid ity and You ng’s mo du lu s 28 ten s i le for — u lti mate s trai n — ten s i le cap ac ity re tention rate; — s tre s s- s trai n c u r ve for i m mers e d and non- e ach i m mers e d and non-i m mers e d tes t pie ce; for for i m mers e d and non-i m mers e d te s ts , e ach i m mers e d and non-i m mers e d te s t pie ce; a l l i m mers e d a nd non-i m mers e d te s t pie ce s , and average u lti mate s trai n; for a l l i m mers e d and non-i m mers e d te s t pie ce s © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 0406-1 : 01 (E) Test method for creep failure Test pieces 1 Preparation, handling, and dimensions of test pieces Test piece shall be prepared and handled in accordance with the provisions in Clause 2 Number of test pieces Te s t at le as t th re e te s t pie ce s for e ach te s t cond ition I f a te s t pie ce fai l s at, or sl ip s out o f, the anchori ng s e c tion, a n add itiona l te s t s hou ld b e c arrie d out on a s ep a rate tes t pie ce ta ken failed test piece from the s ame lo t as the 2 Testing frame and devices 2 Testing frame and devices T he te s ti ng fra me and device s sh a l l b e c ap able o f mai nta i n i ng s tant a nd s u s tai ne d lo ad, even i f the test piece deforms 2 Anchorage The anchorage shall be in accordance with the provisions in Clause 2 Extensometer and strain gauge The extensometer and strain gauge shall be in accordance with the provisions in Clause 2 Measurement of time T he p as s age o f ti me du ri ng the te s t s l l b e me as u re d with appropri ate e qu ipment (ti mer, e tc ) with an acc urac y o f with i n % o f the elap s e d ti me Test temperature T he temp eratu re shou ld be with i n the range 20 °C ± temperature of 27 °C ± °C is applicable for warm countries °C , excep t i n s p e ci a l c i rc u m s tance s T he Tensile capacity T he ten s i le c ap acity sha l l b e c a lc u late d i n accorda nce with the provi s ion s i n Clause Test method Mounting of test piece and gauge length Mounting of the test pieces and gauge length shall be in accordance with the provisions in Clause Loading from — Ta ke c are duri ng lo ad i ng to prevent the te s t pie ce — Per form the lo ad i ng promp tly and re cord the i n iti a l lo ad i ng ti me © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved b ei ng s ubj e c te d to a ny s ho ck or vibration 29 ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) — The creep test measurement is considered to start at the moment when the prescribed loading to the test pieces has been completed — The creep force shall not be allowed to decrease by % or more from the nominal figure Selection of sustained loads to be applied — Conduct the creep tests for not less than five sets o f load ratio conditions, selected on the basis o f the tensile capacity — One set o f load ratio conditions shall be such that three test pieces not fail a fter 000 h o f loading Measurement of creep strain Creep strain shall be recorded automatically by a recorder attached to the testing machine I f no recorder is attached to the testing machine, measure and record the creep strain a fter the following times have elapsed: min, min, min, min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, h, 1,5 h, h, h, 10 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, and 120 h; and subsequently, every 24 h with a minimum o f one measurement every 120 h Calculations 6.1 Handling of data Assess the material properties o f FRP bars only on the basis o f test pieces undergoing failure in the test section I f tensile failure or slippage has clearly taken place at the anchoring section, disregard the data; additional tests should be carried out until the number of test pieces failing in the test section is not fewer than three Disregard data o f test pieces breaking at the start o f loading In such cases, record only the applied load and the creep failure time, but exclude them from the data; it is not necessary to per form additional tests 6.2 Load ratio/creep failure time curve For each test piece subjected to creep test, the load ratio/creep- failure time curve shall be plotted on a semi-logarithmic graph where the load ratio is represented on an arithmetic scale on the vertical axis and the creep- failure time, expressed in hours, is represented on a logarithmic scale on the horizontal axis 6.3 Creep failure line chart Prepare a creep- failure line chart based on the creep load ratio, R Yc , and calculate the best-fit line for the graphed data using the least-squares method according to Formulae (12) and (15): R Yc = k a − kb ⋅ log t (15) Test report The test report shall include the following items: a) name, shape, date o f manu facture, and lot number o f FRP tested; b) type o f fibre and fibre-binding material; c) numbers or identification marks o f test pieces; d) designation, nominal cross-sectional area, and diameter; e) date o f test, test temperature; 30 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 0406-1 : 01 (E) f) typ e and name o f te s ti ng g) typ e and name o f anchorage; h) average ten s i le c ap acity a nd ten s i le c ap ac ity (s treng th) i) i n itia l lo ad i ng ti me; j) lo ad ratio/cre ep k) c re ep s trai n/ti me c u r ve l) formu la for fai lure frame and device s; for e ach te s t pie ce; ti me c u r ve; for e ach tes t pie ce; derivation o f the approxi mation l i ne a nd its co e ffic ient o f de term i nation Test method for transverse shear strength Test pieces 1 Preparation of test pieces Te s t pie ce s sha l l no t b e s ubj e c te d to any pro ce s s i ng a nd sh a l l b e a s s traight as p o s s ible S everely b ent test pieces should not be used Handling of test pieces When ob tai n i ng and prep ari ng te s t pie ce s , avoid a l l de formation, he ati ng , and outdo or e xp o s u re to u ltraviole t l ight, wh ich c a n c au s e change s to the materia l prop er tie s o f the te s t s e c tion o f the te s t pie ce 3 Length of test pieces Test pieces shall be of constant length regardless of the nominal diameter of the FRP bars The length sh a l l no t b e le s s th an five ti me s the she a r pla ne i nter va l a nd no t more than 0 m m Number of test pieces Te s t at le as t th re e te s t pie ces I f a tes t pie ce s hows s igni fic a nt pu l l- out o f fibre s , i nd ic ati ng that no t due to s he ar, an add itiona l te s t shou ld b e c a rrie d out on a s ep arate te s t pie ce ta ken lot as the failed test piece from fai lure is the s ame Testing machine and devices Testing machine The testing machine should conform to the requirements of ISO 7500-1 The testing machine shall have f f f loading at the required loading rate The testing machine shall also be capable of giving readings of loading accurate to within % during the test a lo ad i ng c ap acity i n exce s s o 2 the ten s i le c ap ac ity o the te s t pie ces and sh a l l b e c ap able o applyi ng Shear testing apparatus The shear-testing apparatus (see Figures to 9) shall be constructed so that a rod-shaped test piece is she are d on two pl ane s more or le s s s i mu lta ne ou sly b y two blade s (e dge s) convergi ng a long the face s p er p end ic u lar to the a xi a l d i re c tion o f the te s t pie ce T he d i s c rep anc y i n the a xia l d i re c tion b e twe en the upp er a nd lower blade s s l l b e o f the order o f m m to , m m, and sha l l b e made as s ma l l a s p o s s ible T he s p e ci fie d d i s ta nce b e twe en she a r pla ne s sha l l b e m m © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 31 ISO 10406-1:2015(E) P A A- A A t t + 2δ t t Key push-in cutter test piece test piece holder Figure — Double shear test machine (transverse shear test) Figure — Combinations of test pieces and test machine contact surfaces T G Key upper blade lower blade Figure — Conceptual diagram of contact stresses from the test apparatus acting on the test piece 13.3 Test temperature T he temp eratu re shou ld genera l ly b e with i n the nge o f ° C to ° C T he s p e c i fie d te s t temp eratu re for test pieces sensitive to temperature shall be 20 °C ± °C The temperature of 27 °C ± °C is applicable for warm countries 32 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 0406-1 : 01 (E) Test method 4.1 Mounting of test piece Mount the test piece in the centre o f the shear apparatus, touching the upper loading device No gap should be visible between the contact surfaces of the loading devices 4.2 Loading rate The specified loading rate shall be such that the shearing stress increases at a rate o f 30 N/mm /min to 60 N/mm2/min Apply loading uni formly without subjecting the test piece to shock 4.3 Scope of test Continue loading until the test piece fails Record the failure load with a precision o f three significant digits It should be noted that loading can decrease temporarily due to the presence o f two rupture faces Calculations Handling of data Determine failure, whether or not it is due to shear, by visual inspection I f the pull-out o f fibres is obvious, disregard the data; additional tests shall be carried out until the number o f test pieces failing due to shear is not less than three Shear strength Calculate the shear strength, τs , expressed in newtons per square millimetre, with a precision o f three significant digits according to Formula (16): τs = Ps 2A (16) where Ps is the shear failure load, expressed in newtons; A is the nominal cross-sectional area o f the test piece, expressed in square millimetres Test report The test report shall include the following items: a) name o f FRP; b) type o f fibre and fibre-binding material; c) numbers or identification marks o f test pieces; d) designation, nominal cross-sectional area, and diameter; e) date o f test, test temperature, loading rate; f ) interval between double shear faces and contact sur face geometry; g) shear failure load for each test piece, average shear failure load and shear strength; h) failure mode of each test piece © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 33 ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) T e s t m e t h o d f o r f l e x u r a l t e n s i l e p r o p e r t i e s 4.1 Test pieces 4.1 Preparation and handling of test pieces Prepare and handle test pieces in accordance with the provisions in Clause 4.1 Length of test pieces The length of the test piece shall be the length of the test section added to the length of the anchoring s e c tion T he leng th o f the tes t s e c tion sha l l b e no t le s s than 10 m m from the anchorage s to the defle c te d s e c tion, a nd no t le s s than ti me s the nom i na l d ia me ter o f the FRP b a r For a n F RP b ar i n s trand form, as an add itiona l cond ition, the leng th s l l b e no t le s s than ti me s the s trand pitch 4.1 Number of test pieces The number of test pieces shall not be fewer than three for each test condition (combination of bending d iame ters and b end i ng a ngle s) I f the te s t pie ce cle arly fai l s at, or s l ip s out o f, the a nchori ng s e c tion under the ten s i le c ap ac ity o f % , a n add itiona l te s t s l l b e p er forme d on a s ep arate te s t pie ce ta ken from the same lot 4.2 Testing unit and devices 4.2 Testing unit The testing unit (see Figure 11 failure ) s l l i nclude a lo ad i ng device, lo ad i nd ic ator, anchorage holder, a nd defle c tor T he te s ti ng mach i ne sha l l a l s o have a s tr uc tu re c ap able o f conti nui ng the te s t up to the ten s i le 4.2 Loading device T he lo ad i ng device sha l l have a lo ad i ng c ap acity i n exce s s o f the ten s i le c ap acity o f the te s t pie ce and sha l l b e c ap able o f applyi ng lo ad i ng at the re qu i re d lo ad i ng rate 4.2 Load indicator T he lo ad i nd ic ator s l l b e c ap able o f d i s playi ng lo ad s with an acc u rac y o f no t le s s tha n % o f the lo ad , up to the fai lu re fai lure o f the te s t pie ce 4.2 Anchorage holder T he anchorage holder sha l l b e s u ite d to the ge ome tr y o f the te s t pie ce and sha l l b e c ap able o f acc u rately transmitting loads from the testing machine to the test piece It shall be structured so as to transmit on ly a xi a l lo ad s to the tes t pie ce, without tran s m itti ng either tors ion or fle xu l D e f l e c t o force r T he defle c tor sha l l b e c ap able o f mai ntai n i ng the re qu i re d b end i ng angle a nd b end i ng d ia me ter du ri ng the te s t u nti l fai lu re o f the te s t pie ce T he s ur face o f the defle c tor i n contac t with the te s t pie ce sha l l b e robust and smooth See Figure 10 4.2 Test temperature T he s p e ci fie d te s t temp erature sh a l l b e with i n the nge ° C to ° C u n le s s o ther wi s e agre e d T he te s t temperature for test pieces sensitive to temperature variations shall be 20 °C ± °C The temperature of 27 °C ± °C is applicable for warm countries 34 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 0406-1 : 01 (E) 4.3 Test method 4.3 Test preparation The bending diameter and bending angle shall be set appropriately for the test This combination, then, forms a single test condition As a specification configuration, only one deflected section shall be set up in the test piece 4.3 Mounting of test piece Take care when mounting the test piece on the testing unit to maintain the required bending angle and bending diameter at the deflected section during the test 4.3 Loading rate The standard loading rate shall be a constant strain rate equivalent to % strain per minute ± 0,5 % 4.3 Scope of test Apply loading until failure o f the test piece Measure and record the load and failure location and record the time of failure 4.4 Calculations 4.4.1 Handling of data Assess the material properties o f FRP bar only on the basis o f test pieces undergoing failure in the test section In cases where tensile failure or slippage has clearly taken place at the anchoring section under the tensile capacity o f 95 %, disregard the data 4.4.2 Bending tensile capacity Calculate the average, maximum, and minimum bending tensile capacity for each set o f test conditions 4.5 Test report The test report shall include the following items: a) name, shape, date o f manu facture, and lot number o f FRP tested; b) type o f fibre and fibre-binding material; c) numbers or identification marks o f test pieces; d) designation, nominal cross-sectional area, and diameter; e) date o f test, test temperature, loading rate; f ) condition o f sur face o f FRP bar (material, thickness, configuration, etc., o f any coating); g) bending angle, external diameter o f sur face position o f deflected section, bending diameter ratio, material and sur face configuration; h) bending tensile capacity for each test piece; i) j) location and mode o f failure for each test piece; number o f test pieces for each set o f conditions in 14.5 g), average, maximum, and minimum bending tensile capacity © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 35 ISO 10406-1:2015(E) Key bending diameter bending angle FRP bar F i g u r e — E x a m p l e o f d e f l e c t o r Figure 11 — Photo of testing unit and devices T e s t m e t h o d f o r t h e c o e mechanical analysis f f i c i e n t o f l o n g i t u d i n a l t h e r m a l e x p a n s i o n b y t h e r m o - 15.1 Test pieces 15.1.1 Pretest curing of test pieces P rior to te s ti ng , te s t pie ce s sha l l b e kep t a relati ve hu m id ity o f (5 ± 10) for a m i n i mu m o f h at a temp eratu re o f ° C ± ° C and % , under cla s s temp erature and relative hu m id ity cond ition s , i n accorda nce with I S O 91 : 0 , C lau s e , un le s s o ther wi s e agre e d T he te s t pie ces sh a l l then norma l ly 36 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 0406-1 : 01 (E) be kept for 48 h at the maximum test temperature in order to eliminate strain resulting from bending and for dehumidification and deaeration Dimensions of test pieces The specification test piece cut from the FRP bar shall be 20 mm in length, with a round or square cross- section having a diameter or breadth of not more than mm Number of test pieces The number of test pieces shall not be fewer than three Testing device Testing device The thermomechanical analysis (TMA) apparatus used for testing shall be capable o f measuring in compression mode, o f maintaining a constant atmosphere around the test piece, and o f raising the temperature of the test piece at a constant rate 2 Calibration of testing device Sensitivity calibration o f the displacement gauge shall be carried out periodically using either an external micrometer in accordance with ISO 3611, or a micrometer attached to the testing machine Calibration of the temperature gauge shall be carried out using a pure substance of known melting point Installation of testing device The TMA apparatus shall be installed in a location that is not subject to vibration during testing Test method The test procedure is as follows a) Clean the test piece, gauge rod, and test platform and place the test piece upright and, i f possible, bonded to the platform b) Place the gauge rod in the centre o f the test piece, with no pressure applied c) The atmosphere around the test piece shall consist o f dry air (water content not more than 0,1 % mass fraction) or nitrogen (water content not more than 0,001 % mass fraction, oxygen content not more than 0,001 % mass fraction), maintained at a flow rate in the range o f 500 ml/min to 100 ml/min d) Apply the load gently to the tip o f the gauge rod at room temperature; the temperature shall first be lowered to °C, then raised to 60 °C, unless otherwise agreed, and the full process o f displacement of the test piece shall be recorded e) The rate of temperature increase shall not be more than °C/min f) The compressive stress acting on the test piece shall be around mN/mm © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 37 ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) Calculations C o e f f i c i e n t o f t h e r m a l e x p a n s T he co e fficient o f therma l e xp an s ion, i o n αsp , expre s s e d i n re cipro c a l de gre e s C el s iu s , o f the te s t pie ce within the measured temperature range T1 to T2 shall be calculated according to Formula (17): ( α sp = ∆Lspm − ∆L refm where Δ L spm ) (17)  L0 × (T2 − T1 )  + α set is the difference in the length of test piece between temperature T1 and temperature T2 , expre s s e d i n m icrome tre s; Δ Lrefm L0 i s the d i fference i n leng th o f the s p e c i fication tes t pie ce temperature T1 and temperature T2 for leng th c a l ibration b e twe en , expre s s e d i n m icrome tre s; i s the leng th o f the te s t pie ce at ro om temp eratu re, expre s s e d i n m icrome tre s; T2 for i s the ma xi mu m temp eratu re c a lc u lation o f the co e fficient o f therma l e xp an s ion, norma l ly ° C; T1 i s the m i n i mum temp erature for c a lc u lation o f the co e fficient o f therma l e xp an s ion, norma l ly ° C; αset i s the co e fficient o f therma l e xp an s ion c a lc u late d for length calibration between temperatures T1 and T2 Celsius For app aratu s i n wh ich the te s t pie ce and s p e ci fic ation te s t pie ce s i mu lta ne ou s ly, Δ 4.2 Lrefm shall be equal to in Formula (17) the s p e ci fic ation te s t pie ce for , e xpre s s e d i n re cipro c a l degre e s for leng th c a l ibration a re me a s ure d Rounding-off of numerical values E ach o f the co e fficients o f therma l exp a n s ion s l l b e c a lc u late d to s i x de ci ma l place s (10 −7 ) , and the average va lue rou nde d o ff to five de ci ma l place s (10 − ) I f the average va lue i s le s s than , it s l l b e e xpre s s e d acc u rately to s i x de ci ma l p lace s (10 −7 ) 5 Test report The test report shall include the following items: a) name, sh ap e, date o f manu fac tu re, and lo t nu mb er o f F RP te s te d; b) typ e o f fibre and fibre -bi nd i ng materi a l; c) nu mb ers or identi fic ation marks o f te s t pie ces; d) de s ignation, nom i na l c ro s s - s e c tiona l are a, a nd d i ame ter; e) date o f te s t; f) d i men s ion s o f te s t pie ce s; g) pre te s t c u ri ng me tho d; h) typ e o f te s ti ng mach i ne; i) typ e o f a mbient atmo s phere du ri ng te s t and flow rate; 38 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 0406-1 : 01 (E) j) name o f substance used for temperature calibration and measurements taken; k) type o f specification test piece for length calibration; l) temperature range for which the coe fficient o f thermal expansion was measured and representative temperature; m) TMA curve for each test piece; n) coe fficient o f thermal expansion for each test piece and average coe fficient o f thermal expansion © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 39 ISO 040 6-1 : 01 (E) ICS  91.100.30;83.120 Price based on 39 pages © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:38