INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 1 0620 First edi tion 1 995 04 01 Dried sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L ) Speci fication Marjolaine sbchee (Origanum majorana L ) Spki fications Reference number ISO 1 0[.]
I SO I N TERN ATI ON AL 0620 STAN DARD Fi rst edi ti on 995- 04- 01 Dri ed sweet maj oran a Marj ol ne sbchee marj oram L ) - ( Ori gan u m Speci fi cati on (Ori ganu m maj orana L ) - Spki fi cati ons Referen ce n u mber I SO 0620: 995( E) ISO 0620:1 995(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard ISO 10620 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 34, Agricultural food products, Subcommittee SC 7, Spices and condimen ts Annexes A and B of this International Standard are for information only ISO 1995 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland I NTERNATI ONAL Dri ed STANDARD sweet I SO I SO marj oram (Ori ganum maj orana L ) 0620: 995(E) - Speci fi cati on Scope Thi s I nternati onal dri ed sweet Standard marj oram as bunches speci fi es requi rements (Ori ganum (bouquets) and maj orana L ) for both as rubbed Descri pti on Dri ed of sweet the Lami aceae and Recommendati ons rel ati ng to age and transport are gi ven the condi ti ons i n annex of stor- A l ength Normati ve the The references fol l owi ng Standards through reference of thi s I nternati onal ti on, are the edi ti ons subj ect based to on to val i d of I EC and of of Al l to and most Spi ces re- regi sters of of moi sture - Determi - condi ments - Determi - and condi ments - Determi - are gathered ends of the Bouquets pl ant onl y dry Spi ces and condi ments De termj na tj on Spi ces, condi ments of vol a ti l e oi l ten t greyi sh in The and hai ry fl owers as to col our mm in dependi ng l eaves on have obl ong erect mm are both opposi te, surfaces spoon-shaped spi kel ets in on The bracts cl usters on stal ks marj oram the l eaves Odour Dri ed consi st root and onl y Rubbed of the marj oram whol e dry consi sts of fl owers and The shal l peci al l y from sweet t method Sampl i ng the - and herbs - l eaves from from marj oram eye or wi th and I O, thi s fact any agreeabl e rusti c forei gn moul ds, shal l practi cal l y and aromati c and odour such shal l i nsects, be free free rodent (corrected, at-y i n any parti cul ar x an warm, and es- musti ness fragments naked have i s characteri sti c, free Freedom i nsects fl avour odour be Dri ed Determi - and marj oram Vi si on) I SO 6571 : 984, are fami l y secti on, Requi rements i nsect I SO 948: 980, of l i vi ng - En trai nmen whi te wi thout condi ments t - and the fl avour and tonten or content and purpl i sh l eaves pl ant bl unt Square cul ti var the cur- ash Spi ces the ovate, of of bel ow ash of aci d-i nsol ubl e of to are any L , encouraged the condi ments matter The from maj orana Standards i ndi cated mai ntai n Sterns green ori gi n obtai ned agreements are appl yi ng publ i ca- Standards Spi ces I SO 939: 980, nati on val i d whi ch, provi si ons ti me Parti es Standard I SO Spi ces of extraneous of total were the Standards I nternati onal I SO 930: 980, nati on the provi si ons consti tute At and possi bi l i ty of I SO 928: 980, nati on Standard I nternati onal I SO 9271 982, nati on text, i ndi cated the edi ti ons Members rentl y contai n thi s revi si on, thi s i nvesti gate cent in The and is Ori ganum branchi ng obl ong, marj oram speci es from from moul d dead contami nati on i f necessary, magni fi cati on case etc I f the vi si bl e for as may i n the test to abnormal be magni fi cati on be menti oned and i nsects, necessexceeds report 0 ISO ISO 10620:1995(E) 4.3 Extraneous matter For the purposes of this International Standard, all that does not belong to the marjoram plant and all other extraneous matter of animal, vegetable or mineral origin shall be considered as extraneous matter The total percentage of extraneous matter shall not exceed % (m/m) in rubbed marjoram and % (m/m) in bouquets when determined by the method specified in ISO 927 In rubbed marjoram, the proportion of stalks and other Parts, excluding flower tops, whose dimensions exceed IO mm in length or mm in diameter shall not be more than % (m/m) when determined by the method specified in ISO 927 4.4 Chemical requirements Dried sweet marjoram shall comply with the requirements specified in table when tested by the specified methods Sampling Sampling shall be carried out as specified in ISO 948 Test methods Samples of dried sweet marjoram shall be analysed to ensure conformity with the requirements of this International Standard by following the methods of physical and Chemical analysis specified in 4.2 to 4.4 as weil as in table The volatile oil content shall be determined on an unground Sample Table - Chemical requirements Characteristic Packing and marking 7.1 Packing Dried sweet marjoram shall be packed in clean and Sound Containers made of a material which does not affect the product but which protects it from the ingress or loss of moisture and volatile matter NOTE Hessian or multi-ply Paper Sacks (sometimes plastic-lined) are most commonly used 7.2 Marking The following particulars shall be marked directly on each package or shall be marked on a label attached to the package: a) name of the product and tradename; b) name and address of the Producer or packer, or trademark; c) code or batch number; d) net mass; e) producing country; f) destination, i.e name of the port or of the City; and, if required, g) any other information requested by the purchaser, such as the year of harvest and the date of packing (if known); h) reference to this International Standard of dried sweet marjoram Test method I SO An n ex 0620: 995(E) A (i nformati ve) Recommen d at i on s A l Packag es stored i n covered of dri ed sweet premi ses, su n, rai n an d excessi ve A Th e storeroom rel ati ng marj oram wel l protected to shal l from be the storage an d to be ful l y provi si ons A ant odou rs other way an d vermi n as to protected Venti l ati on gi ve g ood be dry, agai nst shal l transport cl osed shal l be condi ti ons u n der d amp mad e for be h andl ed condi ti ons fu mi gati on Sui tabl e of store- rooms heat shal l an d be Venti l ati on free entry from of i nsects adj u sted duri ng u npl eas- dry an d i n su ch weath er a su ch Packag es a way or other an d an y of shi ps) that sou rces other shal l they are protected of excessi ve contami nati on heat, an d transported from the rai n, u npl easan t (especi al l y i n the in su n odou rs hol ds I SO 0620: 995(E) Annex B (i nformati ve) Bi bl i ography [1 ] I SO 1 08: 992, Spi ces and condi ments - Determi nati on of non-vol ati l e [2] I SO 208: 982, Spi ces and condi ments - Determi nati on of fi l th [3] I SO 2825: 981 , Spi ces and condi ments - Preparati on of a ground ether Sampl e extract for anal ysi s This page intentionally left blank I SO 0620: 995(E) I CS 67 220 Descri ptors: Pri ce based agri cul tural on pages products, aromati c pl ants, seasoni ngs, herb, marj oram, speci fi cati ons, marki ng, packagi ng, storage