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Tiêu chuẩn iso 07139 1984 scan

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International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATlON.MEX,QYHAPO~HAR Cross-country Skis de fond - 06 termination First edition UDC Descriptors OPrAHM3A~MR IlO CTAH~APTM3A~MM~ORGANlSATlON skis - Determination INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION of elastic properties des carat t&is tiques @Iastiques - 984-1 2-01 685.363.2 : 620.1 72.21 : sport equipment, ski, Ref No cross country skis, tests, determination, IS0 71 39-1 984 (E) elastic properties Price based on pages Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard IS0 71 39 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 83, Sports and recreational equipment International Printed in Switzerland Organization for Standardization, 984 I N TERN ATI ON AL STAN DARD Cross-cou n try Scope and I S0 ski s fi el d of Determ i n ati on - appl i cati on of the test ski su pports Th i s I nternational m ethods ski s of to I ts the Standard determ in e purpose ski to speci fi es the i s to el asti c cal cu l ate laboratory properti es the resi stance the m easu rem ent of of defined end b) parts n om i n al Standard l ength a l oad greater appl i es than or to equ al cross-cou n try to ski s wi th standard m easu rem ent order to data, determ i ned ti on s or I n th i s ensu re and between pu bl ished by are recom m en ded l aboratory ski Standard data to the no attem pt qu al i ty of of i s made the an to relate The - sh al l a) cl am pi n g Determ in ation of the el asti c a Defi ni ti on s For the and - Term s defi ni ti on s 1) c) defi ni ti on s n om i nal and of length, spri ng I,, see constant, I S0 c, m ou nting poi nt, width 0, of the cl am pi ng of a radi u s of + N for between the of test the su p- mm and ski ; for m easu ri ng the defl ectionf the and mm m easu ri ng shovel rear spri ng of M P, In order to Apparatu s From of the of the of I S0 edge of the l ow-fri cti on to tou ch m easu ri ng 80 or 200 three flat j aw of the and ski three can be accu racy and j aw F, of the of 20 wi dth of at an as speci fi ed N for cl am pi n g mm of + adju stable devi ce diam eter the i n test and ski ; c) di ti oni ng com parabi l i ty data fl at whole devi ce and an F, rol l er the a width 5902) ; wi th forces a en su re intended test of whole devi ce the from on l y these si sti n g that fi gu re enough pu bl i cati on 6289 devi ce, Sam pli n g the of the it i s recom m ended foll owin g ski si zes to u se for : cm si zes the appli cati on one sh al l wh i ch i s m ost be sel ected for representati ve the for ski m odel con- ski withou t any for h cerned The cen tral apparatu s secti on for sh al l m easu rin g si st the spri n g constant of the of Al l m easu rem ents an ci l l ary a) two su pports, j u stabl e rol l ers 1) for appli cati on a l i n ear 50, accu racy m i d-way ram wi th devi ce + si st (see m eans wi de Ski s an F, whol e of ensu ring a load di stan ce proper- ti es 6289, One for the ski by IS the apparatus constants b) ski s with force m easu rin g appli cati on Al pi n e wi dth a devi ce i n sti tu - References 5902, devi ce test of a contact accu racy cl amped I S0 the tou ching cl am ps, has m easu rem ent m an u factu rers, I nternational i ts whol e ski ; appl i cati on a l i n ear wi th in others m easu rem ent the on rol l ers 50 cm procedu res com parabi l i ty properti es be supported l ow-fri cti on by m eans a wi dth a c) The of appl icati on bending I nternational can with (E) cross-cou n try ports Th i s el asti c 71 39-1 984 At wh i ch are 750 and between of presen t 20 at mm th e di am eter stag e of pl aced and 050 wide at a di stan ce mm, wi th enough to that sh al l be taken from a fi ni shed equ ipm ent i s ad- l ow-fri cti on Before ensu re at that testi ng, a tem peratu re the of test 23 ski + sh al l be conditi oned at l east OC a draft IS0 71 39-1 984 (E) Procedure of spring 6.1 Determination central section, CM constant Apply a pre-load of IO N Load the ski quasi-staticallyl) with a test load of F, = 40 N Read the deflection,&, in millimetres, caused by the test load Fs, within to s after the test load has been applied of the Place the ski on two supports set at a distance of 0,5 I, with the binding mounting point MP mid-way between the supports using the apparatus specified in 4.1 and shown in figure 6.3 Determination of shovel spring constant, of rear spring constant, CR Clamp the ski in the apparatus specified in 4.2 at a projected distance xMP - 0,25 I, from the tail as shown in figure Apply a pre-load of N Load the ski quasi-staticallyl) with a frvl, in test load of F, = 250 N Read the deflection, millimetres, caused by the test load, FM, within to s after the test load has been applied 6.2 Determination Apply a pm-load of N Load the ski quasi-staticallyl) with a in millimetres, test load of FR = 40 N Read the deflection,&, caused by the test load FR within to s after the test load has been applied cs Clamp the ski in the apparatus specified in 4.2 at a projected distance xMP + 0,25 IN from the tail as shown in figure - Dimensions 0,s N in miliimetres MP X MP Figure - Determination of spring constant of the central section, CM Dimensions X MP XMP+0,251 N (N - 200 Figure - Determination I) Th is means that the rate of deflection is less than 20 mm/min of shovel spring constant, es in millimetres IS0 71 39-1 984 (El Dimensions in millimetres 20 X M,-O,~S~N X MP Figure - Determination Expression of results For each property, calculate the single results of three tests, recording their mean The recommended unit for the spring constant, c, is newtons per millimetre (N/mm) Tolerances If data are published by the manufacturer with reference to this International Standard, the following tolerance range shall be observed : all spring constants * 20 % of rear spring constant, CR Test report The test report shall include the following particulars : a) reference to this International Standard; b) name of distributor or manufacturer; c) trade mark and model designation; d) nominal length; e) imprinted serial number; f) test results (see clause 7); g) any deviation from this International Standard with an explanation of the reason for the deviation This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:31