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6003 International Standard I NTERNATI ONAL ORGANI ZATI ON FOR STANDARDI ZATI ~E~YH~~HAR OWAHWAUHR n0 CTAHL1 APTH3AUH~RGANI SATl ON I NTERNATI ONALE DE NORMALI SATI ON of mass and polar moment Alpi ne skis - Determi nati on method of inertia - Laboratory measurement skis alplirs - Dhermi nati on Second edition - UDC m 363 : 531 Xl Descriptors de la masse et du moment d7nerti e polalie - M&ode de mesurage en laboratoi re ~0701 : sports equi pment, : 531 231 skis, alpine skis, tests, Ref No laboratory tests, determination, moment of inertia, I S060034984 (El mass, test equipment Pri ce based on pages Foreword IS0 (the International Organizati on for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of developing International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical commi ttees Every member body interested in a subject for whi ch a technical commi ttee has been authori zed has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work Draft International Standards adopted by the technical the member bodies for approval before their acceptance the IS0 Council International Standard IS0 6003 was developed Sports and recreational equi pment, and was August 983 It has been approved by the member Austri a Czechoslovaki a Egypt, Arab Rep of Finland France No member body expressed Thi s second edition @ International Printed in Switzerland bodies of the following Germany, India Italy Japan Poland di sapproval countries: South Africa, USA USSR F R of the document for Standardization, to by by Techni cal Commi ttee ISO/TC 83, circulated to the member bodi es in cancels and replaces the first edition Organization commi ttees are circulated as International Standards 984 (i.e IS0 6003-1 980) Rep of I NTERNATI ONAL IS0 6003-1 984 (E) STANDARD Alpine skis - Determination of mass and polar of inertia - Laboratory measurement method Scope and field of application Thi s International Standard specifies methods for mass and polar moment 4.4 Measuri ng devi ce in accordance sisting of the following parts: laboratory measurement of inertia of alpine skis If laboratory measurement data are determined and published by the ski manufacturer or other institutions, standard measurement procedures are recommended to ensure comparability Thi s International Standard also specifies a tolerance range which shall be met by the measurement data of all manufactured skis, if for the speci fic model length measurement data are published by the manufacturer of the ski NOTE - The appropriate measurement data ski length should be given with the published It i s not the purpose of this International Standard to evaluate the measurement data with regard to their influence on the qual ity of the ski Reference IS0 554, Standard atmospheres testing - Specifications for conditioning and/or mass of ski, m: The mass of a finished manufactured 3.1 without any mounted parts, expressed in kilograms ski 3.2 polar moment of inertia, I: The mass moment of inertia, expressed in ki logram metres squared, of the ski about its centre of gravity Apparatus 4.1 Wei ghi ng 4.2 Fulcrum, device, accurate for locating 4.3 Ti me measurement at least 0,l s devi ce of gravity (stop watch), con- The recommended di mensi on for e i s 25 mm and the mass of the clampi ng devi ce shall be less than 0,l kg 4.4.2 Top plate C, with two holes separated by the distance 2il; for the fixation of filaments B The plate C shall be fixed on a stiff, horizontal beam 4.4.3 Two filaments B, with equal length I, whi ch connect the top plate with the clampi ng device The ratio d,: I shall di mensi on be approximately : 40 Wi th the recommended df = 25 mm; the length I shall be 000 mm The filaments shall be made of materi als with low elongation and high strength (for example tennis string, silk fishing line) The di ameter Sampli ng of the filaments shall be not more than I,0 mm and conditioning 5.1 In order to ensure comparability it i s recommended to use one of the following ski si zes if data of measurements are published : 50, 80 or 200 cm From these three si zes the one whi ch the tested model shall be selected i s most representative for 5.2 All measurements according to this International Standard shall be taken from a finished manufactured ski without any mounted parts to & 0,02 kg the centre with the figure, 4.4.1 Cl ampi ng devi ce A (see the figure), consisting of two cl ampi ng fixtures The top clampi ng fixture has a hole with a mark to locate the centre of gravity and a further two holes at a distance e from the centre mark for fixation of the filaments B Definitions moment of the ski accurate to 5.3 All measurements according to this International Standard shall be taken with a measuri ng device, whi ch has been conditioned in a standard atmosphere 20/65 IS0 554 (i.e the devi ce shall be placed in this atmosphere for at least 24 h before measurement) IS0 60034984 (El Calibration of measuring device Differences in construction between the different measuring devices can lead to different measurement results, which deviate from the theoretical accurate value of the polar moment of inertia In order to compensate such deviations it is recommended determine a correction factor c for each measuring device, correct the measured data and improve reproducibility to to The correction factor is determined from the ratio of the calculated polar moment of inertia to the measured polar moment of inertia of a bar of steel with dimensions 0,l cm x cm x 70 cm The theoretical formula I th polar moment of inertia, Jth, is calculated by the Mount the ski in the clamping device A (4.4.1 ) in such a way that the centre of gravity mark is in the centre of the hole of the top clamping fixture midway between the two filaments The longitudinal centre axis shall be perpendicular to a line drawn between the two filaments B (see the figure) Let the ski come to rest suspended in the device Eliminate any swinging motion It is important that the test area be free of air movement, as this affects test accuracy With the hand, rotate the ski horizontally about its axis of gravity Lateral displacement of the centre of gravity exceeding mm shall be avoided The twist angle should be approximately 25O After displacement the ski is released to swing freely around the perpendicular axis through the centre of gravity The time required for the ski to complete five cycles is recorded with the by stop watch (4.3) The time, T, for oscillation is determined m(a2 + b2) ~- = 12 T= recorded time where a is the length of the bar in metres; b is the width of the bar in metres; m is the mass of the bar in kilograms value and the measured Using this theoretical by tion factor , c, can be determined 8.1 value the correc- I is the theoretical is the measured This factor should polar moment polar moment fall within If this factor lies outside be checked and brought national Standard the mass, m, of the ski in kilograms Polar moment of inertia of the ski in kilogram metres of inertia where a range of 0,9 and ,l of this range, the test equipment shall into closer conformity with this Inter- the mass of the ski with the weighing T is the period of oscillation, m is the mass of th e finished any ancillary parts, in kilograms g is the acceleration squared ; device (4.1 ) Place the ski on the fulcrum (4.21 , to determine the centre of gravity, until it balances The centre shall be marked with a cross sign of the ski of inertia; Procedure Measure Report of results The pola r moment of inertia, I, expressed squared, is given by the form ula where I Mass 8.2 I th c=- Expression manufactured due to gravity, df is the half distance between the top plate, in metres; is the length in seconds; of the filaments, in metres the filaments in metres ski Per second measu red on / I I III I I ti C Top plate B Fi l aments A Cl ampi ng devi ce I II! d Centre of gravity A Cl ampi ng devi ce Fi l aments Hole to locate the centre of gravity di splacement 5o” l Fi gure - Measurement devi ce for the determi nati on of the polar moment of inertia IS0 60034984 (-El 9.1 Measurement mass : polar moment 9.2 IO Tolerances Tolerances on published + 0,02 kg + 0,02 kgm2 data If data are published by the manufacturer International Standard, the following observed : mass : polar moment of inertia: report The test report tolerances of inertia: Test with reference to this tolerances shall be + 0% + 0% shall include the following a) reference b) name of the manufacturer; cl model d) nominal e) registration to this International information: Standard; designation; length; number of the ski; f) any deviation from th is International Sta ndard explanation of the reason for the deviation with an Th i s pag e i n ten ti on al l y l eft bl an k Th i s pag e i n ten ti on al l y l eft bl an k

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:06