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Tiêu chuẩn iso 01634 2 1987 scan

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INTERNATIONAL IS0 634-2 STANDARD First edition 987-06-01 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION MEXAYHAPOAHAR OPrAHl43AlJWI n0 CTAHAAPTMBA~MM Wrought strip copper and copper alloy plate, sheet and Part 2: Technical conditions of delivery for plate and sheet for boilers, pressure vessels and heat-exchangers Plaques, t6le.s et bhndes en cuivre et en alliages de cuivre corroy&s Partie 2: Conditions techniques de livraison des plaques et t6les pour chaudikres, pression et Bchangeurs thermiques appareils Zs Reference number IS0 634-2: 987 (E) I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard IS0 634-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 26, Copper and copper alloys With IS0 634-1 , it cancels and replaces IS0 634 : 974, of which they constitute a technical revision Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated Q International Organization Printed in Switzerland I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n for Standardization, 987 INTERNATIONAL IS0 634-2 : 967 (E) STANDARD Wrought copper and copper alloy plate, sheet and strip Part 2: Technical conditions of delivery for plate and sheet for boilers, pressure vessels and heat-exchangers Scope and field of application This part of IS0 634 specifies the technical conditions of delivery for wrought copper and copper alloy plate and sheet for boilers, pressure vessels and heat-exchangers, currently available in commercial quantities For the purpose of this part of IS0 634, the definitions for copper and copper alloys in IS0 97-1 and for plate and sheet in IS0 97-3 as well as the principles for designation in IS0 1 90-I and IS0 1 90-2 apply For technicalconditions of delivery for plate, sheet and strip - for general purposes, see IS0 634-1 ; - for strip for springs, see IS0 634-3 References 2.1 Definitions IS0 97, Copper and copper alloys - Part I: Materials - Part 3: Wrought products Terms and definitions 2.2 Designations IS0 1 90, Copper and copper alloys - Code of designation - Part 1: Designation of materials - Part 2: Designation of tempers 2.3 Chemical composition IS0 426, Wrought copper-zinc alloys - Chemical composition and forms of wrought products - Part : Non-leaded and special copper-zinc alloys - Part 2: Leaded copper-zinc alloys IS0 426, Wrought copper-aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and forms of wrought products IS0 429, Wrought copper-nickel alloys - Chemical composition and forms of wrought products IS0 337, Wrought coppers (having minimum copper content of 9995 %I - Chemical composition and forms of wrought products 2.4 Technical conditions of delivery IS0 634, Wrought copper and copper alloy plate, sheet and strip - Part : Technical conditions of delivery for plate, sheet and strip for general purposes - Part 3: Technical conditions of delivery for strip for springs 2.5 Methods of test 2.5.1 Sampling IS0 4739, Wrought copper and copper alloy products - Selection and preparation of specimens and test pieces for mechanical testing 2.5.2 Tensile testing IS0 6692, Metallic materials - Tensile testing 2.5.3 Hardness testing IS0 6507-1 , Metallic materials - Hardness test - Vickers test - Part : HV5 to HV1 00 IS0 6666, Metallic materials - Hardness test - Rockwell test (scales A - B - C - E - F - G - H - K1 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n I S0 634- 2: 967 Orderi ng (E) h eat i nformati on treatment fi l m Th e pu rch aser i nformati on shal l state on hi s i nqui ry resi du al mi ssi bl e an d order the fol l owi ng u n l ess qu anti ty; b) desi gnati on of the materi al an d temper requ i red not l i ght l ubri cant be cau se otherwi se for rej ecti on i s normal l y A superfi ci al presen t an d i s per- speci fi ed Methods di men si on s: thi ckness, wi dth, l ength of test ( see tabl e 2) ; an d tol erances Sampl i ng Sel ecti on an d preparati on mech an i cal I S0 shal l : a) c) or testi ng of test speci men s shal l be carri ed ou t an d test pi eces for in accordan ce wi th 4739 Requ i rements Th e l ot si ze shal l be su bj ect Th e Chemi cal chemi cal as speci fi ed composi ti on composi ti on shal l i n th e I nternati onal Tabl e - compl y wi th Stan dards Chemi cal I f not th e requ i remen ts referred to i n tabl e Chemi cal Coppers Copper- zi n c al l oys I S0 426-l I Copper- al u mi n i u m al l oys I S0 428 I S0 337 Tensi l e Th e test shal l wi th mechani cal I S0 426-2 of strength, fi ci ent Th e 0, man datory 0, proof n ot sh eet compl y wi th the pri nci pl es el on gati on are th e are mi ni mu m h ardn ess for are gi ven h avi n g that For pl ate an d sh eet shal l be ou t i n accordan ce wi th I S0 6832 ou t i n accordan ce wi th I S0 6567- l i n accordan ce wi th I S0 6508 testi ng Vi ckers hardness be carri ed Rockwel l su f- Th e test shal l val u es for ten- hardness be carri ed ou t Retests h ardn ess, onl y If taken from and both th e l ot I S0 634 accordi n g the be two to test meet d eemed pi eces wh i ch were the speci fi cati on n ot to compl y for wi th ori gi nal l y an y reason , thi s part of i n tabl e ou tsi de gi ven th ese ran g es may i n tabl e I f on e of the two to u pon was thi s part between of I S0 su ppl i er 634, an d the pu r- test pi eces taken ori gi nal l y fai l s to meet the speci fi cati on, pi eces tol erances ag reed of a l ot fai l shal l shal l from be taken the shal l taken , from be taken propri ate On e for an y reason , of th ese pl ate or sh eet from ori gi nal l y wi th drawn tol erances be carri ed tensi l e general l y Wi ckers i nformati on thi cknesses th e properti es Di mensi ons an d refer- I taken pl ate I Pl ate an d for of th e materi al for are gi ven properti es sampl i ng stress an d el ongati on val u es B scal e) Mechan i cal an d requ i remen ts approxi mate Rockwel l stress the condi ti on rate of properti es 634 embodi es proof to defi ne si l e strength, Th e I S0 th e pi ece per l ot for each of th e tests testi ng Hardness part speci fi ed I and Th e test shal l Thi s su ppl i er red to i n an d as appropri ate I S0 429 Copper- n i ckel al l oys Mandatory between composi ti on i n accordance otherwi se sh eet shal l be on e test composi ti on Materi al s to th e ag reemen t an d pu rchaser the from u n l ess l ot an oth er wh i ch that by the two pl ate suppl i er sampl e from tests shal l be carri ed Sh ou l d both of th e n ew test from two test the l ot fu rther pi eces th e fai l ed test shal l test be pi ece or sh eet h as been Th e oth er test pi ece th e same l ot Al l ap- pi eces pass the tests, th e out ch aser 4 Surface l ot qual i ty wi th Th e pl ates j u ri ous an d sh eets defects shal l Di scol orati on I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n be cl ean, wh i ch sou n d an d free from i s characteri sti c i n- of proper represen ted thi s pi eces d eemed part of fai l , th e by th e I S0 l ot test pi eces 634 Sh ou l d represen ted n ot to compl y wi th thi s shal l be d eemed to compl y ei ther of th e addi ti onal by th e part of test I S0 pi eces 634 shal l test be IS0 634-2: 987 (E) Temper Table - Mandatory Tensile 0.2 Proof strength stress Rln Rp02 N/mm2 N/m/n2 min Thickness mm Cu-DHP M CuZn4OPb M M I I to 20 to 20 I 25 00 00 I I I 340 300 300 I 2to over to 40 I 280 280 390 I 90 90 240 I to 00 31 I 05 I I I 340 325 340 325 400 I 40 25 25 00 200 I I I I I CuZn20A1 I M I 2to1 I over I 2to75 >75 to 25 I 2to I CuZn38Snl M 0 HAR CuAl5 HA HA CuAl8Fe3 I CuAlSNilFe2 I I 2to1 over over I 45 50 I I I to 30 3to > to 30 I I I I I 31 380 345 3to50 over 50 I I 485 450 I I 205 95 I to 00 I 490 I 80 to 50 50 to 90 over 90 I 620 585 550 CuAIlONiBFe4 0 CuNilOFelMn M M HA I CuNi3OMnlFe 1 I 2to over to 25 to 90 to 25 I 300 280 270 320 320 I I I 115 50 40 1 250 230 205 I I I I 30 I Vickers HV approx Hardness Rockwell B scale approx A5 % min 40 35 40 - I 30 30 - I I 90 80 80 - I 70 70 11 25 25 62 15 I I I I I 70 I 85 I 80 I 85 I 80 I 25 110 41 62 80 05 85 38 59 43 30 30 40 I I 40 35 25 28 28 30 30 18 I I I I I 40 20 25 20 05 loo 60 I properties Elongation I HAR I CuZn28Snl I 21 220 I mechanical 30 30 25 35 35 35 35 18 I I 40 25 30 I I I 35 35 8 10 10 10 25 20 30 20 25 20 30 20 30 55 55 I 35 I I I I I 35 25 25 20 20 I I I I I 48 38 38 43 41 43 74 70 70 65 50 40 85 80 75 80 75 75 00 35 30 30 54 95 I 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n I S0 634- 2: U DC 669 : 621 Descri ptors Pri ce 987 (E) based : wrou g h t on pag es I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n produ cts, copper produ cts, metal pl ates, sh eet metal , speci fi cati ons

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:25

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