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Tiêu chuẩn iso 01388 6 1981 scan

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I n tern ati on al St an d ard I N TERN ATI ON AL ORG AN I ZATI ON FOR S TAN D ARD l ZATI ON M E ) ( ( CI YH AP O~ H AR ‘it t Et h an ol Part Eth an ol Fi rst U DC for ri : u sag e ed i t i on - r ~ ‘: \ ‘, i n du stri al Test i n du stri ei ‘ ” ‘:i ? for - OP~ AH bl AL( M R * 1” u se m i sci bi l i ty Mkt h od es d ’ essai - Parti e : : CTAt i ~ APTl Al Wl ORG AN l SATl ON ; c {, ‘, ,, *i , I N TE RN ATI ON ALE DE N ORM ALI S ATI ON i * wi th 881 Met h od s Ess de of test - wat er mi sci bi l i tk ri Seau 981 - 1 - 01 66 72 : 543 862 Descri ptors ! _I ’ - fl f@ *4#i4 b i n du stri al produ cts, Ref eth an ol s, tests, mi xt u res, No I S0 8/6 - ( E) water El :: Pri ce based on pag es Foreword I S0 (the I nternati onal Organi zati on nati onal standards i nsti tutes nati onal Standards i s carri ed body i nterested ri ght to and be Draft I nternati onal member the I S0 been that for wi th by before The techni cal al so the thei r work take of federati on devel opi ng commi ttees commi ttee I nternati onal I SO, adopted approval I S0 a techni cal commi ttee l i son Standards through whi ch i s a worl dwi de bodi es) has set organi zati ons, part techni cal i n the member up has the governmental work commi ttees acceptance of I nter- Every been are as I nternati onal Standard and was I S0 3BW6 ci rcul ated approved by the to was the devel oped member member bodi es by Techni cal bodi es of the in ci rcul ated to Standards by I SO/TC 47, Commi ttee February fol l owi ng countri es : Germany, Austri a Hungary South Bel gi u m I ndi a Swi tzerl and Brazi l I tal y Bul gari a Korea, Chi na Netherl ands Czechosl ovaki a Phi l i ppi nes France Pol and I nternati onal mendati on body expressed Standards R 386- 970, I nternati onal I S0 of Organi zati on i n Swi tzerl and di sapproval 386/l whi ch for to they F R 980 Austral i a member Pri nted out for Standardi zati on) member Counci l Chemi stry, I t has in bodi es I nternati onal on non- governmental , the No i n a subj ect represented for ( I S0 Romani a Afri ca, Rep of Thai l and Rep of I S0 of Uni ted Ki ngdom U SSR the document 3W1 consti tute Standardi zati on, cancel a techni cal 981 and repl ace revi si on I S0 Recom- I NTERNATI ONAL Ethanol Part Thi s for i ndustri al : Test Scope and part of I S0 of eth an ol for fi el d for of 388 speci fi es i ndustri al Thi s docu men t I S0 STANDARD shou l d u se - m i sci bi l i ty Meth ods wi th a test for mi sci bi l i ty wi th water u se be read i n conj u ncti on wi th I S0 3881 ( see th e an n ex) - Procedu re Test porti on Take ml of th e l aboratory bet ween 2 test (E) water appl i cati on of 388/6- 981 th e i nterested sampl e or a di fferent vol u me ag reed parti es Test Pri nci pl e Pl ace th e test porti on Addi ti on of water an d exami n ati on to a test porti on, for u n der speci fi ed condi ti ons, opal escen ce an d di l ute wi th temperatu re (5 I ) i n on e of th e Nessl er cyl i nders water to abou t to th e 20 ‘?I 00 ml mark Mi x (4 I ) , an d adj u st Pl ace 00 ml of water th e i n the oth er Nessl er cyl i nder Reagent Exami n e the cyl i nder opal escen ce, Du ri n g th e test, u se onl y di sti l l ed water or water of equ i val ent puri ty ti on, contai ni n g agai nst u si ng th e secon d a bl ack Nessl er cyl i nder sol uti on wi th contai ni ng verti cal l y si de for i l l umi na- water as th e standard Apparatus Ordi n ary l aboratory apparatu s, Expressi on of Two matched Nessl er resul ts an d Report th e di l uti on-rati o th e test backg rou n d cyl i nders, of capaci ty 00 ml absen ce of th e test porti on an d th e presen ce or of opal escen ce IS0 388/6-1 981 (E) IS0 Publications Annex relating to ethanol for industrial use IS0 388/I - General IS0 388/2 - Detection of alkalinity or determination of acidity to phenolphthalein IS0 388/3 - Estimation of content of carbonyl compounds present in small amounts - Photometric method IS0 388/4 - Estimation of content of carbonyl compounds present in moderate amounts - Titrimetric method IS0 388/5 - Determination of aldehydes content - Visual calorimetric method IS0 388/6 - Test for miscibility with water IS0 388/7 - Determination of methanol content [methanol contents between 0,Ol and 0,20 % ( V/ VII - Photometric method IS0 388/8 - Determination method of methanol content [methanol contents between 0,lO and I,50 % (V/ IS0 388/g - Determination of esters content - Titrimetric method after saponification IS0 388/1 - Estimation of hydrocarbons content - Distillation method IS0 388/1 - Test for detection of furfural IS0 386/1 - Determination of permanganate time v)l - Visual calorimetric

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:24


