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Tiêu chuẩn iso 00561 1989 (1992) scan

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 561 Second edition 1 989 1 2 01 Corrected and reprinted 1 992 05 1 5 Coal preparation plant Graphical symbols Appareils uti l is& dans la prgparation des charbons Symboles g[.]

I S0 I N TE RN ATI ON AL 561 STAN D ARD Secon d edi ti on 89 - 2- 01 Corrected an d repri n ted 992-05-1 Coal Apparei l s preparati on u ti l i s& dan s la pl an t prg parati on - des G raph i cal ch arbon s - Sym bol es sym bol s g raph i q u es Referen ce s0 561 n u m ber : 89 (E! IS0 561 : 989 (E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard IS0 561 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 27, Solid mineral fuels This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 591 : 9741 , of which it constitutes a minor technical revision IS0 1989 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genhve 20 Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii I s0 561 : 989 (El I ntrodu cti on The symbols with the inclu ded following a) the and shou ld i tems b) the i n th is I nternational Standard have been selected in accordance principles: of be plant listed identified shou ld on symbols shou ld symbols shou ld be widely used for coal preparation purposes flowsheets; be easy to draw and readily distingu ishable from one another; c) the operation of involved, where are standardized is preferably should give not some represent indication the of appearance the of principle any of particular the type machin e; d) a single distingu ishable It bu t expected simplify stru ction the from that any the exchange and symbol represents nationally, operation one general of it is of the coal of between preparation of i tems that national adoption information of a grou p preferable the for which I S0 separate symbols symbols are readily symbols the basic those symbols concerned in with thi s the standard design, will con- pl ant iii I NTERNATI ONAL Coal I S0 STANDARD preparation plant - Graphical Scope I S0 This I nternational Standard (see preparation I S0 specifies 924) and basic other symbols diagrams for use relating to in 351 l-3 : 984, symbols for The references following reference standards i n this Standard At valid text, the All agreements investigate of the ti m e on the standards registers contain constitu te of standards based to tain I S0 thi s currently provisions provisions su bject the to I nternational of valid th is 351 interconnection revision, the Members m ost of I nternational a) Coalpreparation plant - parties to recent fu nctions - Part 3: and Detailed diagrams l-l : 977, - in c) Standards and Symbolic measu rement representation control - adopted for drawing the symbols by general, or the from or shall fine to be shown by thick lines the and lines; frowlines the left the ri ght; shall and enter shall the symbol leave the from symbol where plant, and 7: Basic more the than n u mber one of produ ct entry and enters exit or arrows leaves shall an i tem be varied accordingly conven- fu nctions Part plant downwards - NOTE Process be symbols main - flowsheets instru mentation shall of : flow above editions I S0 the b) encouraged I EC and Principfes drawing conventions produ ct indicated and are for symbols relevant I S0 control representation throu g h I nternational editions Standard applying below which, of publication, are possibility indicated of 924 : 975, for i nstru ment following of tions measu rement Symbolic Convention standard were Process - plant Normative The (El coal : 989 symbols instru mentation flowsheets 561 Symbols relating I nternational I S0 351 l-2 Basic and to process Standards controls See for can be obtained example I S0 from 351 l-l, I S 351 l-3 re- qu i remen ts I S0 351 -Z : MM, instru mentation sion of basic Process - Symbolic requirements measu rement representation control - functions Part 2: symbols and Exten- The basic following symbols and an alphabetical index are given in the pages I S0 561 : 989 (El _- Nn _- 1 Wag on Tu b Sym bol u Wag on ti ppl er g Tu b ti ppl er g Aeri al ropeway -? ! Conveyor h =1 , Conveyor, a) On e b) Two scraper d i sch arg e d i sch arg es ‘7 + a) El evator b) I S0 N o 10 11 12 989 (El screw Bu n ker Bu n ker a) Stockpi l e b) Layered Bu cket i! 1 (d rai n ag e) stockpi l e -f+ 13 : Sym bol I tem Con veyor, 561 wh eel + recl m er I 14 Feeder L- Pi cki n g bel t I S0 561 : 989 (El No 16 Item Picking tabl e Symbol (circular) -?17 Rotary breaker 9- 18 De-duster -Y 19 Dust aspiration poin t A 20 Dust collector 21 Crusher I SO No 22 Item 561 :1 989 (E) Svmbol I Pulverizer + 23 Screen, grizzl y or bar v- 24 Screen a) On e b) Two u n der-produ ct u n der-produ ct y b- b) 25 Screen (dou bl e a) One b) Two deck) u n der-produ ct - un der-produ ct - - v k?= a) 26 Screen (partitioned a) One b) Two b) deck) un der-produ ct u nder-product - -e B ?- Pz al b) I S0 661 :1 969 (E) item No 27 Screen, Symbol dewatering a) One b) Two un der-produ ct u nder-product a) 28 Sieve Curved b) ben d sieve a) Si ng le b) Doubl e a) 28 Fixed screen 30 Water spray 31 Pu mp sum p 32 Pu m p 33 Vacuum pu m p b) \\\ c u d IS0 561 : 989 (E) No 34 Fan 35 Compressor 36 Dry cleaner a) Two product bl Three product 37 Jig Item Symbol ,L&I.y; - a) Two product bl Three product + 38 0000 Concentrating table 3% a) b) J - 39 Trough washer k 40 IDense medium separator a) Two product b) Three product +- al k b) I S0 561 : 989 (E) No 41 Item Cyclone separator a) Two b) Three (dense Symbol medium) produ ct produ ct ?-T a) 42 Cyclone 43 Mechanical 44 Cyclone separator (water b) on ly) ?classifier e classifier T 45 Cyclone 46 Spitzkasten thickener -Y- I S0 47 Thickener 48 Settl in g : 983 (E) Symbol Item No 561 cone Conical settl i n g 49 Settl i n g pon d 50 Conditioner tank -@ - 51 52 Froth flotation a) Two b) Three Drum cel l s produ ct product fil ter al Vacuum b) Pressure a) Vacuum b) Pressure I S0 561 : 989 (El No 54 Item Pressure Symbol fil ter lllllll- - 55 Screen-bowl 56 Solid-bowl 57 Basket 58 Mixer centrifug e centrifug e cen trifu ge (m u l ti pl e com ponents) k 10 58 Dryer, th ermal 60 Mixing tan k (m u l ti pl e components) I S0 61 : 989 (El Sym bol Item No 561 Distributor w 62 Spli tter box i YY 63 Magnetic separator (medium) F 64 Magnetic 65 Weigher 66 Mechanical separator (tramp iron) sampler 77 67 I Reagent feeder J 68 Pressure bel t fil ter I- D- 11 I S0 561 : 989 (E) No 69 Item Sym bol Spi ral a) Two b) Three produ ct produ ct Ia e a) 70 12 Probability screen b) I S0 Alphabeti cal i ndex A aerial ropeway of elevator reagent feeder rotary basket centrifug e bucket wheel reclaimer bu nker bu nker (drainage) fan _ 13 feeder 10 fixed screen 11 froth flotation 34 cell s 14 29 51 screen 35 com pressor tabl e conical conveyor screen conveyor, scraper conveyor, screw _ screen, g rizzly stockpile 21 M 28 classifier cyclone separator (dense medium) 41 magnetic separator (medium) cyclone separator (water on ly) 42 magnetic separator (tramp cyclone thickener 45 D dense separator discfilter (pressure) disc (vacuum) mechanical classifier mechanical sampler (m ul ti pl e mixing tank pon d tan k, _ 23 26 _ _ 70 48 48 28 69 46 55 48 cen tri fuge 25 conical 56 Spitzkasten spl itter 62 12 47 38 box components) T 63 43 thickener 66 trou g h 58 tu b 60 tu b _ washer ti ppl er vacuum pickin g bel t 61 picking 52 pressure bel t dru m fi lter (vacuum) 52 pressure fil ter 36 probability _ 58 pulverizer 19 pu m p 20 pu m p _ thermal poin t V 53 (pressure) collector _ settl i ng ben d P fi lter d u st 24 64 components) (m u l ti pl e dru m aspiration iron) 40 53 distri bu tor d u st deck) 18 de-duster cleaner 44 mixer dry bar cen trifu ge stockoile cyclone dryer, 12 or cone spiral layered 17 27 probabi lity solid-bowl deck) (partitioned settl i ng sieve curvedsieve fil ter 37 L 48 cru sh er mediurr (dou ble settl i ng 50 tank dewatering screen-bowl 38 _ settl i n g jig 67 : screen, screen, J C conditioner S screen concentrating breaker F 57 (E) R : 989 item s E 561 tabl e 16 68 54 70 wagon 22 wagon 32 water 31 weigher (circular) fi lter screen _ _ _ _ _ su m p _ _ 33 pu m p 15 W ti ppl er spray 30 65 13 I S0 561 U DC 622 33 Descriptors Price : 989 based (E) : 66 01 : minerals on 13 pages an d : 003 62 ores, solid fu el s, coal, coal preparation, i ndu strial facilities, g raph ic sym bols

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:04
