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Nuclear air handbook

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J ERDA 76-21 Distribution Categories UC-11, 70 NUCLEAR AIR CLEANING DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND TESTING OF HIGH-EFFICIENCY AIR CLEANING SYSTEMS FOR NUCLEAR APPkATlON /- C A Burchsted This document is J E Kahn PUBLICLY RELEASABLE - % W A B Fuller Authorizing Official Date: 5- -0 C 'rmi was prepared as an m o u n t of work sponsored by the United S t a t u Covernrnent Neither the United Stater nor the United S t l t u Energy Research and Dcvelopmnt Adminirtntion, nor Of their employetr, nor any of their contractors wbmnlncton or their employees makes any w r n n t y cxpreu or implied, or assumes any l e d liability responsibility for the aceuraey, cornplcteness 01 usefulness of any information, spparatlu product or pmeeu dirdorcd, 01 represents that its we wauld not infringe privately owned rights ir Contract No W -7405-e ng - OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 OPERATED BY U N I O N CARBIDE CORPORATION FOR THE ENERGY RESEARCH A N D DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 'DISTRIBUTIONOF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof The views and opinions of authors expressed herein not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products Images are produced from the best available original document Foreword to Second Edition This handbook is a revision of ORNL/NSIC-65, Design, Construction, and Testing of High-Efficiency Air Filtration Systems for Nuclear Application, which was issued in January 1970 For simplification, the title has been shortened to Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook, and the report has been issued under an ERDA number of ANSI Committee N45-8 who, perhaps unknowingly, supplied certain data and served as a sounding board for some of the concepts presented in the handbook We wish to thank the many vendors and ERDA contractors who supplied drawings and photographs used in the book We also acknowledge the work of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Technical Publications Department, particularly that of the Composition and Makeup groups, that of R H Powell who provided editorial assistance, and especially that of P J Patton who edited and coordinated publication of this handbook The new edition updates the information of the orginal volume, corrects some errors that appeared in it, and adds some new material, particularly in the areas of sand filters, deep-bed glass fiber filters, and requirements for plutonium and reprocessing plants Although A B Fuller was unable to contribute directly to this edition, his earlier material on singlefilter installation and glove boxes has been largely retained, though rewritten and updated With this issue, J E Kahn of the Union Carbide Corporation Nuclear Division’s (UCCND) Engineering staff joins the writing team, contributing particularly in updating the material on glove boxes and writing the sections on sand filters and deep-bed glass fiber filters in Chap Others who have contributed to this edition include J C Little, UCCND Engineering, and a host of reviewers who provided technical evaluation of the draft Particular thanks are due Dr M W First of the Harvard University School of Public Health, and Mr Humphrey Gilbert, consultant to the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and former safety engineer with the U.S Atomic Energy Commission, for their detailed and thorough review of the complete draft Others who reviewed the complete draft were J F Fish, chairman of ANSI Committee N45-8; J C Little, UCCND Engineering; J C Dempsey, ERDA Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Production; A B Fuller, president of Fuller Engineering; and J T Collins of NRC Thanks are also due to the members Reviewers who contributed in the technical review of particular sections of the handbook include R L Alley, American Warming and Ventilating Company J E Beavers, Union Carbide Corporation Nuclear Division R R Bellamy, Nuclear Regulatory Commission R E Blanco, Oak Ridge National Laboratory P J Breman, Union Carbide Corporation Nuclear Division C L Cheever, Argonne National Laboratory J C Elder, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory A G Evans, Savannah River Laboratory H F Farquhar, Lau Blower Company S S Freeman, Mound Laboratory R T Goulet, Cambridge Filter Corporation R K Hilliard, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory D J Keigher, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory C Lambert, Bechtel Power Corporation F D Leckie, Nuclear Containment Systems, Inc H A Lee, Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company J Lipera, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory R A Lorenz, Oak Ridge National Laboratory W Ng, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 111 Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Coqtractors’ National Association A A Weintraub, Energy Research and Development Administration R E Yoder, Rocky Flats Plant D P Zippler, Savannah River Plant W C Schimdt, Atlantic Richfield Hanford ComPanY F R Schwartz, Jr., North American Carbon Company A Shacter, U.S Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground-EA C A Burchsted Oak Ridge, Tennessee March 31, 1976 iv Foreword to First Edition This handbook fills a large gap in the literature concerning air cleaning and filtration, the gap that encompasses design, construction, and testing of very high-efficiency air cleaning systems The project was originally conceived by Mr Humphrey Gilbert of the USAEC and was sponsored by the Division of Reactor Development and Technology of the USAEC In preparing for the project we surveyed aircleaning systems at atomic energy facilities and industrial installations throughout the United States and Canada We visited AEC production reactors, commercial power reactors, laboratories, radiochemical plants, reactor fuel manufacturers, clean rooms, equipment manufacturers, and one chemical-biological warfare installation The purposes of these visits were to review current practices in high efficiency air cleaning and to define the problems in operating, maintaining, and controlling contamination release from very high-efficiency aircleaning systems from experienced people who were dealing with such problems daily The handbook reflects a consensus of our findings in these travels, in addition to information gleaned from the available literature The handbook is addressed primarily to designers and architectengineers We frequently observed a lack of communication and feedback from people with problems in the field to designers Our intention is to bring to the attention of designers of future systems the kind of problems that an operator faces and what he, the designer, must to preclude or alleviate them We have purposely pointed out some poor practices in current design in addition to our recommendations in the hope that such practices will go no further To give “do’s’’ without “don’ts” may encourage some designers to offer a poor design because he mistakenly believes that “it worked before.” Those who have contributed to the handbook number literally in the hundreds and include those we consulted with and those who have given of their time in reviewing drafts or have supplied specific bits and pieces of information We take this opportunity to thank the many friends we have made in the course of this project, particularly for their candidness in discussing problems and ways of solving those problems, and for their help in supplying photographs and information In particular we want to thank Mr Humphrey Gilbert and I Craig Roberts of the USAEC for their guidance, W B Cottrell of ORNL for his help in getting the book published, T F Davis of the USAEC‘s Division of Technical I n f o r m a t i o n for his assistance in indexing the material, J H Waggoner of ORNL for doing the illustrations, and Dr M W First of Harvard University for his meticulous page-by-page review of the draft and suggestions for this final issue, C A Burchsted A B Fuller Oak Ridge, Tennessee July 10, 1969 V n Preface evaluate it, and to provide guidance to the engineer and technologist in the design of future facilities.The book is an update of the earlier ORNL/NSIC-65, issued through the Nuclear Safety Information Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and has been prepared under the direction of the ERDA Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Production The previous edition has received worldwide recognition as the authoritative text in the field of nuclear air cleaning system design We believe that publication of this new edition by ERDA is a significant contribution to the technical literature This handbook is another step in the continuing effort of the Energy Research and Development Administration to ensure the safe operation of nuclear facilities Gaseous effluents from these facilities are among the more difficult to control, and the AEC, now ERDA, has long carried on an intensive program aimed at their effective control The record of this program is available in the proceedings of the biennial AEC Air Cleaning Conferences, the first of which was held in 1952 and the fourteenth to be held this year in Idaho These proceedings,and numerous technical reports issued on this topic describe research, development, and experience in sp’ecific facilities In most cases they d o not provide general or coordinated guidance for the designer The purpose of this handbook is to draw on the wealth of background data available, to digest and Frank P Baranowski, Director Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Production, Energy Research and Development Administration vi Contents FOREWORD TO SECOND EDITION 111 FOREWORD T O FIRST EDITION v PREFACE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Purpose and Scope 1.3 Design Considerations 1.4 Space Considerations vii 1 1.5 System Flexibility 1.6 Coordination of Design and Construction 1.7 Cost Considerations 1.8 Purpose of the Handbook 1.9 Glossary 1.9.1 Dictionary of Acronyms 1.9.2 Units of Measure and Metric Equivalents Used in This Handbook 1.9.3 Terms and Phrases 5 SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS 12 Introduction 12 Environmental Considerations 12 12 2.2.1 Zoning 3 4 2.2.2 Airborne Particulates and Gases 2.2.3 Moisture 2.2.4 Heat and Hot Air 2.2.5 Corrosion 2.2.6 Vibration 19 20 20 21 Operational Considerations 2.3.1 Operating Mode 2.3.2 Filter Change Frequency 2.3.3 Building Supply Filters 2.3.4 Prefilters 2.3.5 Operation to High Pressure Drop 2.3.6 Underrating 2.3.7 Uniformity of Airflow 2.3.8 Maintainability, Testability 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 vii 17 2.4 System Configuration-Nomenclature 2.4.1 Component 2.4.2 Air Cleaning Unit 2.4.3 Air Cleaning System 2.4.4 Ventilation System 2.4.5 Filter or Adsorber Bank 2.4.6 Array 2.4.7 Air Cleaning Stage 2.4.8 Installed Capacity 2.4.9 Shgle-Component Air Cleaning Unit 2.4.10 Single-Path System 2.4.1 Parallel System 2.4.12 Segmented System 2.4.13 Redundant System 2.4.14 Branched System 2.4.15 Isolable Unit 2.4.16 Compartmented Unit 2.5 Emergency Considerations 2.5.1 Shock and Overpressure 2.5.2 Fire and Hot Air 2.5.3 Power and Equipment Outage 2.5.4 Air Cleaning System Layout Considerations 2.6 Multistage Filtration 2.6.1 Series Redundancy 2.6.2 Increased Decontamination Factor (DF) 2.7 Air Sampling INTERNAL COMPONENTS 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 31 31 33 34 34 37 37 38 40 42 3.1 Introduction 42 3.2 HEPA Filters 3.2.1 Performance Characteristics 3.2.2 Construction 3.2.3 Weight of HEPA Filters 32.4 Mechanical Properties 3.2.5 Fire Resistance 3.2.6 Environmental Properties 3.2.7 Costs 42 42 44 46 46 48 48 3.3.3 Construction 3.3.4 Fire Resistance 3.3.5 Hot Air Resistance 3.3.6 Maintenance Considerations 3.3.7 Operational Considerations 3.4 Radioiodine Adsorbers 3.4.1 Introduction 3.4.2 Performance of Adsorption Systems 3.4.3 Adsorber Unit Design and Construction 3.4.4 Adsorbents 51 53 53 54 54 54 54 50 3.3 Prefilters 50 3.3.1 Classification 50 3.3.2 Performance 50 ? Vlll 55 58 60 3.4.5 Inorganic Adsorbents 3.4.6 Adsorption System Design 3.5 Demisters 3.5.1 Introduction 3.5.2 Demisters for Reactor Applications 3.5.3 Performance 3.5.4 Normal Off-Gas Demisters for Radiochemical Service HOUSING DESIGN AND LAYOUT 4.1 Introduction 61 62 64 64 65 66 69 74 74 4.2 Component Installation 4.3 HEPA Filter Adsorber Cell and Demister Mounting Frames 4.3.1 Structural Requirements 4.3.2 Mounting Frame Configuration 4.3.3 Frame Fabrication 4.3.4 Filter Clamping and Sealing 4.3.5 Filter Support 75 77 78 79 81 84 88 4.4 Size and Arrangement of Filter and Adsorber Banks 4.4.1 Vertical Filter Banks 4.4.2 Horizontal Filter Banks 4.4.3 Location of Filters on Mounting Frame 4.4.4 Size of Banks 4.4.5 Arrangement of Banks 4.4.6 Floor Plan of Filter Banks 90 90 92 92 94 94 94 4.5 Housings 4.5.1 General 4.5.2 Arrangement and Location 4.5.3 Steel Housings 4.5.4 Masonry and Concrete Housings 4.5.5 Seal Between Mounting Frame and Housing 4.5.6 Housing Floor 4.5.7 Housing Doors 4.5.8 Housing Drains 4.5.9 Housing Leaktightness 4.5.10 Other Housing Requirements 4.5.11 Paints and Coatings 95 95 95 98 100 101 101 102 105 105 105 106 EXTERNAL COMPONENTS 5.1 Introduction 109 109 Ductwork 5.2.1 Functional Design 5.2.2 Mechanical Design 5.2.3 Engineering Analysis 5.2.4 Materials of Construction 5.2.5 Paints and Protective Coatings 5.2.6 Hangers, Supports, and Anchors 5.2.7 Acoustic Treatment of Duct 5.2.8 Duct Leakage 109 109 109 114 115 115 115 115 116 5.2 ix Appendix I) Seismic Design and Qualification of ESF Air Cleaning Systems’ D INTRODUCTION Ducts and housings (including their pressure boundary welds and flanged connections), and filter mounting frames and doors (including door frames) of housings, should be designed to withstand, without buckling or rupture, the forces associated with equipment accelerations, relative distortions of connected parts, and relative distortions of building elements to which they are anchored External components of the system (e.g., ducts, housings, and fans), insofar as practicable, should be rigidly anchored to major building elements (walls, floors, partitions) These building elements have sufficient stiffness that it can be assumed that the interaction of the air cleaning system on the building is negligible, and that the motion of the building element can be considered as the only input to the system Where this type of anchoring is not practicable (e.g., as with ductwork), lateral bracing or other means to minimize movement of the external component must be provided External components of the same system should be anchored to the same building element Where this is not possible, the motion produced in the building element experiencing the greatest motion under the influence of an earthquake should be used to determine the accelerations of all segments of the system or subsystem When parts of the system are anchored to more than one building element, displacements of the anchor points of different parts of the system should be considered as 180” out of phase and must be added to establish the maximum stresses in connections and other parts of the system that could be affected by the differential loading Connections and anchors must be designed to accommodate simultaneously the combined horizontal, vertical, twisting, and bending motions Expansion joints, expansion loops, or other means of providing flexibility while preserving the leak integrity of the system, may be used where necessary D.2 COMPONENT QUALIFICATION Maximum accelerations, displacements, and relative-velocity changes that can be tolerated by manufactnred components (fans, filters, adsorbers, dampers, etc.) without damage or failure of function should be determined as a function of frequency by the manufacturer or the system designer Qualification may be either by testing inaccordance with Sect D.4 or mathematical analysis in accordance with Sect D.5 if possible A component vulnerability spectrum should be prepared from the test or analytical data to show the maximum displacements and accelerations that the equipment can tolerate, as a function of frequency, without damage or loss of function Qualification of the equipment may be based on either ( ) comparison of the component vulnerability spectrum with the response spectrum of the building element to which the component is anchored or ( ) demonstration of the operability of the equipment following the test Natural frequencies of the equipment, installed and operated as it will be in service, should be determined if possible, but may be ignored if proven to be less than 0.3 Hz or greater than 30 Hz Anchors, attachments, and connections between runs of duct, dampers (valves), and fans (including motor and motor mount), must be designed to transmit the forces associated with the accelerations induced in the air cleaning system and the relative distortions of the building elements to which the external components of the system are anchored - D.3 BUILDING-ELEMENT RESPONSE SPECTRUM The designer should be furnished with or should compute, for each building element of interest, the maximum accelerations, displacements, and relative velocity changes, as a function of frequency, that can be expected in the building element as a result of the design basis earthquake N J Mason and P J Lama, “Seismic Control for Floor Mounted Equipment,” Hem Piping Air Cond 48(3), 97-104 (1976) 275 27 D.4 TESTING Components or the complete system may be qualified by testing under simulated earthquake conditions The item to be tested is mounted on a biaxial or triaxial vibration generator in a manner that simulates the intended service mounting, and vibratory motion is applied independently to each of the perpendicular axes Displacement induced in the vertical axis should be considered to be at least 0.67 times the displacement in the major horizontal axis The magnitudes of horizontal acceleration and displacement are those magnitudes for which the item is to be qualified Where practicable, it is recommended that the accelerations, displacements, and relative velocity changes be the maximums which the equipment can tolerate without loss of function For fans, motors, dampers, and other operating devices, sufficient monitoring devices must be used to thoroughly evaluate performance during and after testing; monitoring devices must be located on the equipment or test assembly so that the maximum response is always obtained Test are made a t several sinusoidal frequency steps representative of the range of frequencies for which the item is to be qualified, at the natural frequency, or at a number of predetermined frequencies as outlined below D.4.1 Exploratory Vibration Test An exploratory test should first be made, using a sinusoidal steady-state input of low magnitude, to determine the presence and location of any natural frequencies within the range of 0.1 t o 60 Hz, or the frequency range stated in the project specification The test should include a minimum of two sweeps at a maximum sweep rate of Hz and a minimum acceleration of 0.1 g, with dwell at resonance for at least 30 sec and dwell for at each natural frequency If no resonating frequencies are found, the item may be analyzed statically or may be tested (1) by a continuous test (Sect D.4.2),(2) by sine-beat test (Sect D.4.3), or (3) by a multiple-frequency test (Sect D.4.4) If one or more resonant frequencies are found in the exploratory test, the design of the component should, if possible, be modified to move the resonating frequencies above 30 Hz or the maximum frequency for which the item is to be qualified, then tested in accordance with Sect D.4.2 If the item cannot be readily modified, a performance test should be made at the resonant frequency at an amplitude of at least the corresponding value for that frequency from the response spectrum for the building element of interest Items having resonance frequencies below Hz require special consideration because available vibration generators may not be adequate to produce the required dynamic forces The item may be modified to increase the resonating frequency to a level where testing by the sine-beat method is possible; otherwise, sufficient testing and analysis must be carried out to verify the structural and functional integrity of the item D.4.2 Continuous Test A continuous sinusoidal motion corresponding to the maximum acceleration to which the item is to be qualified, at the frequency for which the item is to be qualified, is imposed for a length of time conservatively consistent for the service for which the item will be used, during which the item is operated to demonstrate its ability to perform its function The duration of test is specified in a detailed test procedure The item is mounted on the vibration generator in a manner that is representative of its installation under service conditions The vibratory forces are applied to each of the three major perpendicular axes independently unless symmetry justifies otherwise Sufficient monitoring equipment must be used to accurately evaluate performance before, during, or after the test, depending on the nature of the item to be tested D.4.3 Sine-Beat Test The test is made by inducing sine beats of peak acceleration corresponding to that for which the item is to be qualified, at the frequency and amplitude of interest The duration and amplitude of the beat for each test frequency must be chosen to produce a magnitude equivalent to that produced by the particular buildingelement response, with appropriate damping factors For a test a t any given frequency, five beats of ten cycles per beat are normally used, with a pause between the beats so that no significant superposition of motion will result Mounting of equipment and instrumentation is described in Sect D.4.2 D.4.4 Multiple-Frequency Test The item is tested over the frequency range of to 60 Hz at a maximum sweep rate of Hz The input at any given frequency is equal to at least the corresponding frequency of the response spectrum 277 for the building element of interest for the operating basis earthquake (OBE) Section D.4.2! discusses the mounting of equipment and instrumentation D.4.5 Documentation The test and analytical procedures and any modifications of the item must be documented, together with complete results of operational tests conducted during or after the vibration test, as applicable D.5 MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS Components or the complete system may also be qualified by a mathematical analysis The objective of the analysis is to predict the stresses, displacements, and deflections that will develop in critical parts of the component or system as a result of the specified input or time-history motion applied at the base (anchor points) of the component or system by an earthquake The problem is defined by the physical properties of the system to be analyzed; its mass, stiffness, and damping characteristics; and the timevarying accelerations, displacements, and relative velocity changes introduced at its foundation (anchor points) If the mass of the component or system is large relative to the mass of the building element to which it is attached, or if the item is not anchored rigidly to a building element, the interaction of the system on the building element must be considered; the system is dynamically analyzed as a multidegree-of-freedom mathematical model The item (component or system) may be modeled as a series of discrete mass points connected by mass-free members, with sufficient mass points to ensure adequate representation of the item as it is supported in the building structure The resulting system may be analyzed using the response spectra model analysis technique or a timehistory (modal or step-by-step) analysis technique A stress analysis is then made using the inertial forces or equivalent static loads obtained from the dynamic analysis for each vibration mode If the response spectrum analysis technique is used, the seismic design stress may usually be obtained by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual modal stresses; the absolute sum of the responses should be taken, however, for closely spaced, inphase vibration modes In the analysis, each of the two major horizontal directions is considered separately and simultaneously with the vertical direction in the most conservative manner If the mass of the component or system to be analyzed is small relative to the mass ofthe building element to which it is anchored, the supported component or system may be treated as a lumpedmass, multidegree-of-freedom system, having an input at its foundation (anchor points) equal to the motion of the building element to which it is attached (i.e., no interaction assumed) The analysis must include an evaluation of the effects of the calculated stresses on mechanical strength, alignment (if critical to proper operation of the air cleaning system), and operational (functional) performance of the components and the system as a whole Maximum displacements at critical points must be calculated and interference or plastic deformation determined and evaluated If the natural frequency of the item (component or‘ system) is less than 0.2 Hz or more than 40 Hz,the item may be analyzed statically The seismic forces on each element of interest of the item are obtained by concentrating its mass at its center of gravity and multiplying it by the appropriate maximum floor acceleration Operating, live, and dead loadings are added to the seismic loadings in their appropriate directions Displacements may be the limiting factor and must be accounted for in the design analysis The following damping values may be used: D.6 DOCUMENTATION Type of system For SSE Welded Bolted 5.0 7.0 For SSE ‘12 2.0 5.0 The selected method or methods of seismic analysis, mathematical models and their natural frequencies, input time-histories and corresponding response spectra, damping values, and allowable stress criteria must be shown in a safety analysis report, together with results of all tests and analyses The documentation must give details which demonstrate that the item meets specified requirements when subjected to the seismic motion for which it is to be qualified Analytical procedures should be described in sufficient detail to be readily auditable by persons knowledgeable in such analyses Analytical and test results should be certified by a licensed professional engineer qualified in the analysis of such systems Bibliography REGULATORY GUIDES (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) Division 1, Power Reactors 1.29 Seismic Design Classification, August 1973 1.33 Quality Assurance Program Requirements, November 1972 1.48 Design Limits and Loadings f o r Seismic Category I Fluid Systems Components, May 1973 1.52 Design, Testing and Maintenance Criteria f o r Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption System Units of Light- Water-cooled Nuclear Power Plants, June 1973 1.78 Assumptions for Evaluating the Habitability of a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous Chemical Release, June 1974 1.95 Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release, February 1915 Division 3, Fuels and Materials Facilities 3.9 Concrete Radiation Shields, June 1913 3.12 General Design Guidef o r Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants, August 1913 3,14 Seismic Design Classification f o r Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants, October 1913 3.16 General Fire Protection Guidef o r Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants, January 1974 3.18 Confinement Barriers and Systems f o r Fuel Reprocessing Plants, February 1914 3.20 Process Offgas Systems f o r Fuel Reprocessing Plants, February 1974 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10 CFR 20 Standards f o r Protection Against Radiation 10 CFR 50 Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 10 CFR 100 Reactor Site Criteria CODES AND STANDARDS American National Standards ANSI B31 Pressure Piping ANSI N 101.6 Concrete Radiation Shields ANSI N45.2 Requirements f o r Quality Assurance Programs ,for Nuclear Power Plants ANSI N509 Standard f o r Nuclear Power Plant Air Cleaning Units and Components ANSI N510 Standard f o r Testing of Nuclear Air Cleaning Systems 218 279 ANSI N512 Protective Coatings (Paints)f o r the Nuclear Industry ANSI 29.2 Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM A36 Specification f o r Structural Steel ASTM A240 Specification f o r Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip ASTM A245 Specification f o r Flat-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets ASTM A380 Recommended Practice f o r Cleaning and Descaling Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems ASTM A479 Specification f o r Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes ASTM A499 Specification f o r Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Bars and Shapes ASTM A500 Specification f o r Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes ASTM D1056 Specification f o r Sponge and Expanded Cellular Rubber Products ASTM D3467 Method of Test f o r Carbon Tetrachloride Activity of Activated Carbon ASTM D3466 Method of Test f o r Ignition Temperature of Activated Carbon ASTM D2652 Definitions of Terms Relating to Activated Carbon ASTM D2854 Method of Test j%r Apparent Density of Activated Carbon ASTM D2862 Method of Test f o r Particle Size Distribution of Granular Activated Carbon ASTM D2866 Method of Test f o r Total Ash Content of Activated Carbon ASTM D2867 Method of Test f o r Moisture in Activated Carbon ASTM E l l Specification f o r Wire-Cloth Sieves f o r Testing Purposes Air Moving and Conditioning Association AMCA 210 Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans f o r Rating AMCA 500 Test Methods f o r Louvers, Dampers, and Shutters AMCA 99 Standards Handbook American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers ASHRAE 52-68 Method of Testing Air Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation f o r Removing Particulate Matter Institute of Environmental Sciences (formerly American Association for Contamination Control) AACC CS-I Standard f o r HEPA Filters AACC CS-2 Standard f o r Laminar Flow Clean Air Devices AACC CS-6 Testing and Certification of Particulate Clean Rooms AACC CS-8 Standard f o r High Efficiency Gas-Phase Adsorber Cells National Fire Protection Association NFPA 11A Standard f o r High Expansion Foam Systems 280 NFPA l B Standard f o r Synthetic Foam and Combined Systems NFPA 12A Standard f o r Halogenated Fire Extinguishing Agent Systems-Halon NFPA 68 Explosion Venting NFPA 90A Standard f o r Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems NFPA 91 Blower and Exhaust Systems, Dust, Stock and Vapor Removal or Conveying NFPA 12 Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems NFPA 13 Installation of Sprinkler Systems 1301 Underwriters’ Laboratories UL-586 Safety Standard f o r High Efficiency Air Filter Units UL-900 Safety Standard f o r Air Filter Units Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association SMACNA Low Velocity Duct Construction Standards SMACNA High Velocity Duct Construction Standards SMACNA Manual f o r the Adjustment and Balancing of Air Distribution Systems Military Specifications MIL-F-5 1068 Filter, Particulate, High Efficiency, Fire-Resistant MIL-F-5 1079 Filter Medium, Fire-Resistant, High Efficiency ERDA Standards RDT E9-1 HEPA Filters RDT M 16-1 Gas-Phase Adsorbents f o r Trapping Radioactive Iodine and Iodine Compounds RDT M16-3 HEPA Filter Medium, Glass Fiber American Society of Mechanical Engineers A S M E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect V , Nondestructive Examination A S M E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect 111, Nuclear Power Plant Components A S M E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect I X , Welding and Brazing Qualifications OTHER DOCUMENTS American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Industrial Ventilation, current issue T L Vs-Threshold Limit Values f o r Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment, current issue American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers current issue A S H R A E Handbook and Product Directory-Equipment, A S H R A E Handbook and Product Directory-Handbook of Fundamentals, current issue A S H R A E Handbook and Product Directory-Applications, current issue 28 A S H R A E Handbook and Product Directory-Systems, current issue Air Moving and Conditioning Association Fan Application Manual International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings of the Symposium on Airborne Radioactivity, 1966 Proceedings of the Symposium on Treatment of Airborne Radioactive Wastes, 1968 Techniquesf o r Controlling Air Pollution f r o m the Operation of Nuclear Facilities, Safety Series No 17, 1966 Air Filters f o r Use at Nuclear Facilities, Technical Reports Series No 122, 1970 AEC and ERDA Reports Proceedings of the biennial AEC/ ERDA Air Cleaning Conferences, 1952 to present Proceedings of the Rocky Flats Symposium on Safety of Plutonium Handling Facilities, USAEC Report CONF-710401, Dow Chemical Co , April 1971 R E Ackley et al., Aging, Weathering, and Poisoning of Impregnated Charcoals Used f o r Trapping Radioiodide, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-2860, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, March 1970 C J Barton, A Review of Glove Box Construction and Experimentation, USAEC Report ORNL-3070, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1961 W L Belvin et al., Final Report, L)evelopment of Fluoride-Resistant HEPA Filter Medium, ERDA Report TID-26649, August 1975 E C Bennett and D E Strege, Evaluation of Weathered Impregnated Charcoalsf o r Retention of Iodine and Methyl Iodide, USAEC Report UIVI-39, United Nuclear Industries, July 1973 A H Dexter, A G Evans, and L R Jones, Confinement ofAirborne Radioactivity, ERDA Report DP-1390, Savannah River Laboratory, October 1975 W C Durant et al., Activity Confinement System of the Savannah River Plant Reactors, USAEC Report DP1071, Savannah River Laboratory, August 1966 N B Garden (ed.), Report o n Glove Boxes and Containment Enclosures, USAEC Report TID-16020, AEC Health and Safety Laboratory, June 1962 W S Gregory, HEPA Filter Effectiveness During Tornado Conditions, USAEC Report LA-5352-MS, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1973 W S Gregory and G A Bennett, Ventilation Systems Analysis During Tornado Conditions, USAEC Report LA-5894-PR, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1975 G H Griwatz et al., Entrained Moisture Separators f o r Fine Particle Water-Air-Steam Service; Their Performance, Development, and Status, USAEC Report MSAR-71-45, MSA Research Corp., March 1971 R A Juvinall et al., Sand-Bed Filtration of Aerosols: A Review of Published Information on their Use in Industrial and Atomic Energy Facilities, USAEC Report ANL-7683, Argonne National Laboratory, June 1970 J E Mecca and J D Ludwick, In-Place Testing of the Hanford Reactor Charcoal Confinement Filter Systems Using Iodine Tagged wiih Iodine-131 Tracer, USAEC Report DUN-SA-105, Douglas United Nuclear, Inc., June 1969 D R Muhlbaier, Standardized Nondestructive Test of Carbon Beds f o r Reactor Confinement Applications, USAEC Report DP-1082, Savannah River Laboratory, 1967 282 J R Murrow, Plugging of High Efficiency Filters by Water Spray, USAEC Report TID-4500, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1967 J B Owen, Control of Personnel Exposure to External Radiation in a Plutonium Chemical Plant, USAEC Report RFP-1254, Dow Chemical Co., 1968 A H Peters, Application of Demisters and Particulate Filters in Reactor Containment, USAEC Report DP812, Savannah River Laboratory, 1962 M A Thompson, Rocky Flats Glovebox Safety Studies, USAEC Report RFP-1547, Dow Chemical Co., 1971 R D Rivers and J L Trinkle, Moisture Separator Study, USAEC Report NYO-3250-6, American Air Filter Co., June 1966 C C Wright et al., The Evaluation of Substitutive Filter Framing Materials in Corrosive Environments, USAEC Report K-TL-81, Union Carbide Corp., 1970 0 Yarbro et al., Effluent Control in Fuel Reprocessing Plants, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-3899, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, March 1974 Reports of Other Organizations W D Burch and T A Arehart, “Safety Review Procedure for Hot-Cell and Radiochemical Processing Facilities at ORNL,” Proc 15th Con$ Remote Syst Technol., American Nuclear Society, 1967 C A Burchsted, “Fire Prevention and Control in Nuclear Air Cleaning Systems,” Proc A m Nucl SOC Winter Meet., Washington, D.C., Nov 1972, American Nuclear Society D A Collins et al., The Development of Impregnated Charcoals f o r Trapping Methyl Iodide at High Humidity, TRG Report 1300(W), United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, London, 1967 V R Deitz and C A Burchsted, Survey of Domestic Charcoalsf o r Iodine Retention, NRL Memo Report 2960, Naval Research Laboratory, January 1975 S E Smith et al., Protection Against Fire Hazards in the Design of Filtered Ventilation Systems of Radioactive and Toxic Gas Process Buildings, UKAEA Report AWRE 0-241 65, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, Berkshire, England, 1965 J W Thomas, “Particle Loss in Sampling Conduits,” Proc Annu Conf Internat Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1967 C J Trickler, N Y B Engineering Letters, New York Blower Co., Chicago T E Wright et al., High Velocity Filters, USAF Report WADC 55-457, ASTIA Document No AD-142075, Donaldson Co., Inc., 1957 Books Manual of Steel Construction, American Institute of Steel Construction, current issue Steel Structures Painting Manual, Steel Structures Painting Council, Pittsburgh, current issue System Design Manual, Carrier Corp., 1960 Welding Handbook, American Welding Society, current issue C N Davies, Air Filtration, Academic Press, New York, 1973 C D Morgan et al., Human Engineering Guide to Equipment Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963 T Rockwell 111 (ed.), Reactor Shielding Design Manual, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Princeton, 1956 N I Sax, Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 4thed., 1975 Q I 283 i G N Walton et al., Glove Boxes and Shielded Cells, Butterworth and Co., Ltd., London, 1967 P A F White and S E Smith, High Efliciency Air Filtration, Butterworth and Co., Ltd., London, 1964 P A F White and S E Smith, Inert Atmospheres, Butterworth and Co., Ltd., London, 1962 W E Woodson and D W Conover, Human Engineering Guide f o r Equipment Designers, University of California Press, 1966 Journal Articles P Dergarabedian and F Fendell, “A Method for Rapid Estimation of Maximum Tangential Wind Speed in Tornados,” Mon Weather Rev 99, 143-45 (February 1971) P Dergarabedian and F Fendell, “One- and Two-Cell Tornado Structure and Funnel Cloud Shape,” J Astronaut Sci 21, (July-August 1973) C R Schmitt, “Carbon Microspheres as Extinguishing Agent for Metal Fires,” J Fire Flammability , 223-34 (July 1974) N J Mason and P J Lama, “Seismic Control for Floor Mounted Equipment,” Heat Piping Air Cond 48(3), 97-104 (1976) Index* Abbreviations and acronyms list of, 1.9.1 Acronyms and abbreviations list of, 1.9.1 Adhesives specifications for HEPA filter, Appendix A.4.2.4 Adsorber banks definition of, 2.4.6 Adsorbers (see Charcoal adsorbers and Inorganic adsorbers) Air cleaning stage definition of, 2.4.7 Air cleaning system definition of, 2.4.3 Air cleaning systems (see Emergency air cleaning systems, High-efficiency air cleaning systems, and Portable air cleaning systems) Air cleaning unit definition of, 2.4.2 Air sampling for performance testing of high-efficiency air cleaning systems, 2.7 Air-supply filters for nuclear facilities, 2.3.3 Bank systems arrangement of, 4.1,4.4.5 floor plan of, 4.4.6 horizontal, size and arrangement of, 4.4.2 size and arrangement of charcoal adsorber, 4.4 size and arrangement of HEPA filter, 4.4 size of, 4.4.4 vertical, size and arrangement of, 4.4.1 Branched system definition of, 2.4.14 Buildings air-supply filters, 2.3.3 Canyons air cleaning requirements, 2.2.1 *Prepared by Theodore F Davis, ERDA Technical Information Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Cases corrosion resistance of HEPA filter, 3.2.6 for HEPA filters, 3.2.2 moisture resistance of HEPA filter, 3.2.6 Caves air cleaning requirements for, 2.2.1 Clamps for charcoal adsorbers, 4.3.4 for HEPA filters, 4.3.4 Charcoal density of adsorber grade, 3.4.4 hardness of adsorber grade, 3.4.4 physical properties of adsorber grade, 3.4.4 sources of adsorber grade, 3.4.4 Charcoal adsorbers airflow capacity of, 3.4.2 airflow capacity testing of, 8.2.3 airflow distribution testing of, 8.2.4 airflow resistance of, 3.4.2 adsorbents for, sampling and testing of, 8.3.4 aging or weathering of, 3.4.2 bank systems of, size and arrangements of, 4.4 capacity of, 3.4.2 change frequency for, 2.3.2 charcoal sources for, 3.4.4 clamping to mounting frames, 4.3.4 construction of, 3.4.3 design of, 3.4.3,3.4.6 efficiency of, 3.4.2 fire hazards in, design for protection against, 2.5.2 heat effects on, 2.2.4 ignition temperature of, 3.4.2 in-place testing of, 8.3.2 in-place testing of, design considerations for, 8.2.5 in-place testing of multistage, 8.3.3 installation of, 4.2 moisture effects on, 2.2.3 mounting frames for, 4.3 mounting frames for, configuration of, 4.3.2 mounting frames for, fabrication of, 4.3.3 mounting frames for, leak testing of, 8.2.2 mounting frames for, structural requirements of, 4.3.1 285 d 286 performance of, 3.4.2 sealing to mounting frames, 4.3.4 surveillance testing of, 8.3 testing frequency for, 8.3.5 visual inspection of, 8.4 Compartmented unit definition of, 2.4.1 Component definition of, 2.4.1 Control systems for glove boxes, 7.5.3 Dampers acceptance testing of, 5.3.5 classification of, 5.3.1 control system for, 5.3.4,5.6.2 design of, 5.3.3 fabrication of, 5.3.3 inlet vane, 5.6.3 specifications for, 5.3.1 Deep-bed glass-fiber filters design and operation of, 9.7.2 disposal of spent, 9.7.5 Deep-bed sand filters design and operation of, 9.6.1 disposal of spent, 9.6.4 plugging of, 9.6.3 Demisters airflow distribution testing of, 8.2.4 design of, 3.5.2 installation of, 4.2 knitted fabric type, 3.5.3 mounting frames for, 4.3 mounting frames for, configuration of, 4.3.2 mounting frames for, fabrication of, 4.3.3 mounting frames for, structural requirements of, 4.3.1 nonwoven fiber mat type, 3.5.3 packed-fiber type, 3.5.4 perforated-plate type, 3.5.4 performance of, 3.5.3 use in postaccident cleanup systems for reactors, 3.5.2 use with charcoal adsorbers, 3.5 use with HEPA filters, 3.5 wave-plate type, 3.5.3 DOP aerosol generator for in-place testing of HEPA filters, 8.3.1 Ducts anchors for, 5.2.6 engineering analysis of, 5.2.3 functional design of, 5.2.1 hangers for, 5.2.6 leak testing of, 8.2.1 leaktightness of, 5.2.8 mechanical design of, 5.2.2 protective coatings for, 5.2.5 protective paints for, 5.2.5 radiation shielding of, 9.3 sound proofing of, 5.2.7 supports for, 5.2.6 Earthquakes effects on high-efficiency air cleaning systems, 9.4.1, Appendix D Emergency air cleaning systems design of, 6.5.3 Entrainment separators (see Demisters) Face guards specifications of HEPA filter, Appendix A.4.2.6 Fans capacity requirements of, 5.4.4 installation of, 5.4.6 installation of multiple systems of, 5.4.3 location of, 5.4.7 maintenance of, 5.4.5 performance requirements of, 5.4.2 reliability of, 5.4.5 variable speed control, 5.6.4 Filter bank definition of, 2.4.5 Filter media corrosion resistance of HEPA, 3.2.6 for HEPA filters, 3.2.2 moisture resistance of HEPA, 3.2.6 radiation resistance of HEPA, 3.2.6 Frames for HEPA filters, 3.2.2 Freon use in testing of charcoal adsorbers, 8.3.2 Fuel reprocessing plants air cleaning systems for, 9.9 air cleaning system for, cost comparison of, 9.9.6 Barnwell, air cleaning system for, 9.9.2 for HTGR fuels, air cleaning system for, 9.9.5 for LMFBR fuels, air cleaning system for, 9.9.3 Fume hoods HEPA filters for, 6.5.2 Gaskets adhesives for HEPA filter, 3.2.2 for HEPA filters, 3.2.2 specifications for HEPA filter, Appendix A.4.2.5 Glossary, 1.9 dictionary of acronyms and initialisms, 1.9.1 Q 287 Glove boxes air cleaning requirements for, 2.2.1 airflow requirements for, 7.2.3 control systems for, 7.5.3 design of, 7.1.1 evolved gases from, dilution of, 7.2.1 exhaust cleanup requirements for, 7.2.7 exhaust fdters for, inside location of, 7.3.2 exhaust filters for, outside location of, 7.3.3 exhaust HEPA filters for, 7.3.1 exhaust manifolds for, 7.2.6 exhaust requirements for, 7.2.4 explosion protection of, 7.5.1 filter replacement, 7.4 filter systems for, design of, 7.3 fire protection of, 7.5.1 heat dissipation requirements of, 7.2.2 HEPA filters for, DOP testing of, 7.5.4 HEPA filters for, selection of, 7.3.5 inert atmospheres for, 7.5.2 inlet HEPA filters for, 7.3.4 instrumentation for, 7.5.3 prefdters for, 7.3.6 pressure-surge relief in, 7.2.5 protective atmospheres for, 7.5.2 radiation shielding for, 7.5.5 vacuum-surge relief in, 7.2.5 ventilation systems for, 7.2 Hanford Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility air cleaning system for, description of remotely maintained, 9.2.8 HEPA filters airflow capacity of, 3.3.3 airflow capacity testing of, 8.2.3 airflow distribution testing of, 8.2.4 airflow resistance of, 3.2.1, 3.3.3 bank systems of, arrangement of, 4.1,4.4 care and handling of, Appendix C cases for, corrosion resistance of, 3.2.6 cases for, moisture resistance of, 3.2.6 casing materials for, 3.2.2 change frequency for, 2.3.2 changing of single systems of, bagging method for, 6.2.3 clamping to mounting frames, 4.3.4 classification of, Appendix A.2 construction of wood- and steel-cased, 3.2.2 construction specifications for, Appendix 4.3 corrosion of, 2.2.5 corrosion resistance of, 3.2.6 cost of, 3.2.7 decontamination factor of multistage, increase of, 2.6.2 definition of, 3.2 design and uses of cylindrical, 6.4 dust-holding capacity of, 3.2.1,3.3.3 efficiency of, 3.2.1 efficiency of, effect of airflow uniformity on, 2.3.7 efficiency requirements of, 1.3 environmental properties of, 3.2.6 face guards for, specifications for, Appendix A.4.2.6 filter media for, 3.2.2 filter media for, corrosion resistance of, 3.2.6 filter media for, moisture resistance of, 3.2.6 filter media for, radiation resistance of, 3.2.6 fire hazards in, design for protection against, 2.5.2 fire resistance of, 3.2.5 frame materials for, 3.2.2 for fume hoods, 6.5.2 gasket adhesives for, 3.2.2, Appendix A.4.2.5 gaskets for, 3.2.2 for glove boxes, 7.3.4,7.3.5,7.5.2 handling of, Appendix C.5 heat effects on, 2.2.4 hot air resistance of, 3.2.6 housing for single systems of, 6.2 in-place testing of, 8.3.1 in-place testing of, design considerations for, 8.2.5 in-place testing of multistage, 8.3.3 inspection of, post delivery methods for, Appendix C.2 inspection of, visual methods for, 8.4 installation of, 4.2, Appendix C.6 installation of, human factor aspect of, 6.5.1 installation of single systems of, 6.2.1,6.3 location on mounting frames, upstream vs downstream, 4.4.3 mechanical properties of, 3.2.4 moisture effects on, 2.2.3 moisture protection of, demisters for, 3.5 moisture resistance of, 3.2.6 mounting frame materials for, Appendix A.2 mounting frames for, mounting frames for, configuration of, 4.3.2 mounting frames for, fabrication of, 4.3.3 mounting frames for, leak testing of, 8.2.2 mounting frames for, structural requirements of, 4.3.1 operation to high pressure drop, 2.3.5 overpressure in, resistance to, 3.2.4 288 packaging and shipping of, Appendix C performance characteristics of, 3.2.1 performance requirements of, Appendix A.4 plugging resistance of, 3.2.6 purchase documents for, Appendix A.7 quality assurance requirements for, Appendix A S radiation resistance of, 3.2.6 sealants for, 3.2.2, Appendix A.4.2.4 sealants for, hot air resistance of, 3.2.6 sealing to mounting frames, 4.3.4 separators for, 3.2.2 separators for, corrosion resistance of, 3.2.6 separators for, hot air resistance of, 3.2.6 separators for, moisture resistance of, 3.2.6 separators for, qualification test for corrosion resistance of, Appendix A.A separator materials for, Appendix A.2 separator materials for, qualification test for moisture resistance of, Appendix A.A series redundancy in multistage, 2.6.1 service life of, effect of overrating on, 2.3.6 service life of, effect of prefdters on, 2.3.4 service life of, effect of underrating on, 2.3.6 shipping of, Appendix C.3 shipping of, packaging methods for, Appendix C.l shipping of, preparation for, Appendix A.6 shock resistance of, 3.2.4 size of, 3.2.1, Appendix A.2 specifications for, Appendix A storage of, Appendix C.4 supports for, 4.3.5 testing frequency for, 8.3.5 testing of, post delivery methods for, Appendix C.2 testing of, surveillance techniques for, 8.3 use in glove box exhaust systems, 7.3.1 weight of, 3.2.3 High-efficiency air cleaning systems acceptance testing of, 8.2 air intakes for, 5.5 component installation for, 4.2 components of, definitions of, 2.4 control systems for, description of automatic, 5.6.5 control systems for, description of central, 5.6.6 cost consideration for, 1.7 cost estimation of, forms for, Appendix B dampers for, 5.3 deep-bed glass-fiber filters, 9.7 deep-bed sand filters, 9.6 demisters for use in, 3.5 design and construction of, coordination of, 1.6 design considerations for, 1.3 design of emergency, 6.5.3 design of fuel reprocessing plant, 9.9 design of portable, 6.5.3 design of remotely maintained, 9.2 ductwork for, 5.2 earthquake protection of, 9.4.1, Appendix D emergency design considerations for, 2.5 environmental considerations for, 2.2 equipment failure in, design for protection against, 2.5.3 exhaust stacks for, 5.5 fans for, 5.4 filter change in, frequency of, 2.3.2 filters used in, 1.3 fire control in, 9.5.4 fire detection in, 9.5.3 fire protection of, 9.5 flexibility of, I flexibility of, 1.5 housings for, 4,8.2.1,9.3 instrumentation for, 5.6.7 internal components of, layout considerations for emergency situations, 2.5.4 maintainability of, 2.3.8 maintenance of, 2.3.8 maintenance of, remote methods for, 9.2 mechanical shock in, design for protection against, 2.5.1 mechanical vibrations in, 2.2.6 moisture effects on, 2.2.3 operating modes for, 2.3.1 overpressure in, design for protection against, 2.5.1 performance testing of, air sampling techniques for, 2.7 power outage in, design for protection against, 2.5.3 smoke protection of, 9.5 space considerations for, 1.4 stacks for, 5.5 testability of, 2.3.8 tornado protection of, 9.4.2 zoning for, 2.2.1 High-efficiency particulate air fdters (see HEPA filters) Hot cells air cleaning requirements of, 2.2.1 air cleaning systems for, description of remotely maintained, 9.2.9 Housings construction of single HEPA filter, 6.2.2 design and layout of, design of masonry and concrete, 4.5.4 Q n 289 design of steel, 4.5.3 doors for, 4.5.7 drains for, 4.5.8 floor materials for, 4.5.6 installation of single HEPA filter, 6.2.4 leak testing of, 8.2.1 leaktightness of, 4.5.9 paints and coatings for, 4.5.1 radiation shielding of, 9.3 sealing to mounting frames, 4.5.5 for single HEPA filter systems, 6.2 Inert atmospheres for glove boxes, 7.5.2 Inorganic adsorbers for radioiodine, 3.4 Installed capacity definition of, 2.4.8 Instrumentation for glove boxes, 7.5.3 Isolable unit definition of, 2.4.1 Measuring units metric equivalents for, 1.9.2 Mechanical vibrations effect on high-efficiency air cleaning systems, 2.2.6 Mist eliminators (see Demisters) effect on HEPA filters, 2.2.3,3.2.6 Moisture separators (see Demisters) Mounting frames clamping to charcoal adsorbers, 4.3.4 clamping to HEPA filters, 4.3.4 configuration of, 4.3.2 fabrication of, 4.3.3 for charcoal adsorbers, 4.3 for demisters, 4.3 for HEPA filters, 4.3 leak testing of charcoal adsorber, 8.2.2 leak testing of HEPA filter, 8.2.2 materials for, Appendix A.2 sealants for HEPA filter, Appendix A.4.2.4 sealing to charcoal adsorbers, 4.3.4 sealing to HEPA filters, 4.3.4 sealing to housings, 4.5.5 seals for, 4.3.4 structural requirements for, 4.3.1 Nuclear facilities air cleaning requirements for different zones of, 2.2.1 air-supply filters for, 2.3.3 Parallel system definition of, 2.4.1 Particulates and gases distribution in urban air, 2.2.2 Penetrometers for in-place testing of HEPA filters, 8.3.2 Portable air cleaning systems design of, 6.5.3 Prefiters airflow capacity of, 3.3.3 airflow capacity testing of, 8.2.3 airflow distribution testing of, 8.2.4 airflow resistance of, 3.3.3 change frequency for, 3.3.6 classification of, 3.3.1 construction of, 3.3.3 corrosion resistance of, 3.3.6 cost of, 3.3.7 design of, 3.3.3 dust-holding capacity of, 3.3.3 effect on HEPA filter service life, 2.3.4,3.3.7 efficiency of, 3.3.2 fire resistance of, 3.3.4 for glove boxes, 7.3.5 hot air resistance of, 3.3.5 maintenance considerations for, 3.3.6 moisture effects on, 2.2.3 moisture resistance of, 3.3.6 performance of, 3.3.2 plugging of, 3.3.6 Protective atmospheres for glove boxes, 7.5.2 Radioiodine removal from air streams, inorganic adsorbers for, 3.4 removal from gas streams, charcoal adsorbers for, 3.4 use in testing of charcoal adsorbers, 8.3.2 Radioisotopes hazard classification of, 2.2.1 Reactors air cleaning systems for, 9.8 control rooms of, air cleaning systems for, 9.8.6 postaccident f t t e r cleanup systems for, use of demisters in, 3.5.2 radioactivity containment, design of air cleaning systems for, 9.8 Reactors (Brookhaven) air cleaning system for, description of remotely maintained, 9.2.2 290 Reactors (Hanford Production) air cleaning system for, description of remotely maintained, 9.2.3 Reactors (HFIR) air cleaning system for, description of remotely maintained, 9.2.4 Reactors (high-temperature gas-cooled) postaccident containment of, air cleaning systems for, 9.8.4 Reactors (light water) postaccident containment of, air cleaning systems for, 9.8.3 Reactors (LMFBR) postaccident containment of, air cleaning system for, 9.8.5 Reactors (Savannah River) air cleaning system for, description of remotely maintained, 9.2.5 Redundant system definition of, 2.4.13 Sealants for charcoal adsorbers, 4.3.4 for HEPA filters, 3.2.2,4.3.4 for HEPA filters, hot air resistance of, 3.2.6 for HEPA filters, specifications for, Appendix A.4.2.4 Segmented system definition of, 2.4.12 Separators corrosion resistance of HEPA filter, 3.2.6 corrosion resistance of HEPA filter, qualification test for, Appendix A.A for HEPA filters, 3.2.2, Appendix A.2 hot air resistance of HEPA filter, 3.2.6 moisture resistance of HEPA filter, 3.2.6 Silver nitrate adsorption and retention of radioiodine, 3.4.5 Silver zeolite adsorption and retention of radioiodine, 3.4.5 Single-component air cleaning unit definition of, 2.4.9 Single-path system definition of, 2.4.10 Smoke protection of high-efficiency air cleaning systems, 9.5 Stacks design of, 5.5.2 Standardized terms and phrases definitions of, 1.9.3 Terms and phrases definitions of, 1.9.3 Thorium-Uranium Recycle Facility air cleaning system for, description of remotely maintained, 9.2.7 Tornados effects on air cleaning systems, 9.4.2 Units of measure metric equivalents for, 1.9.2 Ventilation system definition of, 2.4.4 n

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