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api - cooling tower

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Trang 1



‘There are exhibits placed in the center of the book that will be referred to later in the program They should be removed and set aside now so

that they will be handy when needed



1 Á reñnery uses as much as 25 barrels of water for every barrel

of crude processed

A 200,000-barrel-a-day refinery might use as much as ——_ — barrs water

Of all the water used by a refinery, 80 to 90% is used as cool-

ant to absorb — _—— _ energy : 3 Look at tnis heat exchanger



As the liquid travels through the pipe, the heat from the liquid is exchanged or transferred to the 7 4 Heat always travels from areas of higher temperature to areas

of (higher/lower) temperature

5, Water can absorb only so much heat

As water becomes hotter, its effectiveness as a coolant (in- creases /decreases)

6 After a while, the temperature of the water becomes so high

that it can no longer absorb _ from the hot


7 The water in this heat exchanger works as a coolant only as

long as it is than the liquid being cooled

8 Maximum cooling is achieved by constantly replacing hot

Trang 2

10 11 18 14 lỗ 16 1i

In order to provide for further cooling, two things are possible First, the hot cooling water can be discharged and

with fresh water

Or, the hot coolïng water can be and reused for further cooling

The amount of water needed for cooling in a large refinery is in the range of (thousands/millions) of barrels per day Drawing millions of barrels of water per day from the water

supply would be extremely

The amount of water needed is so large that many water sup- plies (would/would not) be able to provide enough

Arefinery must be careful about the quality of the water it discharges

Discharging millions of barrels of hot water per day might cause a — ——— — problem

Cooling the hot water enables the refinery to water over and over again

The best way to handle hot water is to (discharge it/cool and reuse it)

Hot water is cooled for reuse in special cooling


Trang 3




As one section of the steel rod becomes hot, the rod (conducts/ does not conduct) the heat to the colder sections

In this example, the heat transfer from section A to C (occurs/

does not occur) by conduction

Conduction occurs when heat or thermal energy flows through a substance from a._== toa temperature region 24,,Suppose a hot bar of steel is placed in contact with a cold one 25 26 27 28, 29 30 COLD BAR HOT BAR POINT OF CONTACT A The heat energy from bar A (will transfer/will not transfer) to bar B

The cold bar becomes hot first at the point of Then, the heat is transferred through the bar by Another method of heat transfer is convection



The burner heats the water in the vessel (all at once/at the

bottom only)

As the water at the bottom of the container gets hot, it be-

comes less dense

A volume of hot water weighs (more/less) than the same volume of cold water

As the water at the bottom of the vessel gets hot, it will (float

to the top/stay at the bottom)

Trang 4

31 Convection is the transfer of thermal or heat energy by actual within a substance

82 Heat transfer also occurs in another way

If you bring your hand near any hot object you (feel/do not feel) the heat from it

33 Usually, solids, liquids or gases have a high enough tempera-

ture to emit or yadiate_ energy

34 This method of heat transfer or flow is called (convection/



„ 85 There are three methods of heat transfer: radiation, conduc- tion, and

86 Heat flowing within a substance from a higher temperature region to a lower temperature region is being transferred by 37 This shows a flame heating the bottom opening of a duct & jo HOT AIR tứ COLD AIR

As it enters, the cold air absorbs thermal energy and becomes 88 As the air becomes hot, it rises and leaves the duct, taking its

Trang 5

HOW COOLING TOWERS COOL WATER Results of Evaporation 40, 41 42 43 44 4ã 46 47 48 f 49 50 51 “ Some form of energy is required for any movement or change in matter

To boil water, a source of energy is needed

The molecules in any body of water move due to the heat

in them

The speed of the molecules depends upon the amount of heat energy in them The more heat, the the

molecules move

In any body of water, some molecules move faster than others

The molecules which move faster have (more/less) heat energy

Some molecules move fast enough to break away from the body of water and mix with the air

The molecules that break away first have a (higher/lower) amount of heat energy

As the molecules leave the body of water, they take their energy with them

The molecules that remain have a lower level of heat energy With a lower level of energy, these molecules move (slower/ faster)

In order for them to escape from the body of water, the slow- moving molecules have to ïm speed

Adding heat energy to the molecules will cause them to move Once moving fast enough, the molecules will escape This )

is evaporation - -ư_——

After partial evaporation, a body of water (is cooler/stays the same)

Cooling towers are designed to expose hot water to the air This (allows/ does not allow) partial evaporation of the water This partial evaporation (cools/does not cool) the water What Affects Evaporation



In order for water to evaporate, it (needs/does not need) to be in contact with air

Trang 6

54 5B 56 57 58 59 60

The more water molecules that leave a body of water at a given time, the (faster/slower) the rate of evaporation

These two basins contain the same amount of water


The rate of evaporation is faster from basin (A/B)

The faster the rate of evaporation from a body of water, the (faster/slower) the body of water will cool

Cooling towers are designed to provide the hot water with a _ surface-to-air contact

The hotter the water, the more (fast/slow) -moving molecules in it

Hot water will evaporate —————— — _ than cold water

Atmospheric pressure (exerts/does not exert) pressure on a

body of water

7 61, Atmospheric pressure (resists/does not resist) the molecules escaping from a body of water

- 62 It is easier for water molecules to leave a body of water at (high/low) atmospheric pressures

63 As air acquires moisture (water molecules), its humidity 64 Air can hold only a certain amount of water molecules If it

becomes water saturated, it will no longer water molecules

⁄ 65 The higher the humidity of the air in contact with the water, the the rate of evaporation

Review , #

66 Hot water evaporates ata (higher/lower) rate than cold water / 87 Which of the following affect the rate of water evaporation: /

a) humidity of the air

Trang 7


68 In the early days of continuous processing, no attempt was

made to cool process water Water that was cool already was ® taken into the plant from the outside, then disearded when hot,

Z When a plant was loeated near a river or stream, the cool water 8 3 was taken into the plant upstream and released _ downstream -; „ 69 When a plant was not located near a river, the water was taken

from a pond Hot process water was returned to the pond từ, iN surface and cooled by surface exposure to the _ air, or atmosphere 70 The open pond cooling system was eventually modified HEAT EXCHANGER SPRAY POND COOLING SYSTEM In this system, hot cooling water is over the sprayed pond surface

71 By spraying the hot water, more water-to- — air

surface contact is reached

72 With a larger water-to-air surface contact, the rate of evapora-

tion (increases /decreases) increases

573 However, wind could blow away the sprayed water, resulting

in water and damage to nearby structures loss

é 74 The spray pond system was also modified

To reduce water loss due to drift, and to prevent property se

Trang 8

75 76 TH 78 79 80 The air contacting both of these ponds is at the same humidity level NO WIND HUMID AIR WIND A B

As evaporation occurs, the air in contact with the water becomes (more/less) saturated

As the air becomes more saturated, the rate of evaporation

The air over pond B never becomes saturated because it is

constantly being with new air

The rate of evaporation is more constant in pond (A/B) The rate of evaporation in the open pond, the spray pond, and the spray type cooler is greatly affected by the prevailing The rate of evaporation is also affected by the of the air Atmospheric Cooling Towers 81 82 84 85 ⁄ 86

Exhibit 1 shows an atmospheric cooling tower

This cooling tower, like a pond system, depends on the velocity and the relative _

of the air

Some of the wind entering the tower is carried upward, but

most of the wind blows straight the tower The wind flow through the tower is interrupted and changed

by the _and bars,

The louvers help direct wind and also prevent water The hot air and water vapors leaving the top of the tower

have to pass through the

Some atmospheric cooling towers have adjustable sections of

and drift to aid in the

control of air flow

Trang 15

88 89 90 91 - 98, 98, 94 95 ⁄ 96: 97 98 99

The longer contact of water with air causes quicker and faster —_ — _ thanina spray pond

Due to evaporation and drift, there is some water a

which has to be replaced with makeup

As the quantity of air passing up and through the cooling tower changes, water loss due to evaporation and drift

The longer air remains in a cooling tower, the (more/less)

moisture it absorbs

the more moisture the air contains, the ‘faster/slower) it

accepts more moisture

In order to get maximum evaporation in a cooling tower, the air should pass through (quickly /slowly)

Look at this drawing


IRí ÿ

More evaporation will take place in tower (A/B)

For best operational results, atmospheric cooling towers should be placed so that the prevailing wind blows through

the (shortest /longest) dimension of the tower

In an atmospheric cooling tower, a 10-mile-per-hour wind will cause (more/less) cooling than a 1-mile-per-hour wind

Without wind, an atmospheric cooling tower operates (more efficiently /less efficiently)

Atmospheric cooling towers are designed to operate best under the normal prevailing wind conditions at each site

If wind velocity is much higher than normal, there will bea higher than normal loss of water due to (drift /evaporation) High winds will cause water to be blown from atmospheric cooling towers Such towers are placed so that’ water blown

Trang 16

100, Z 101 7 102 103 104 Whenever water is cooled by evaporation, there is always some water

When cooling water 10°F by evaporation, one percent of the water is lost due to evaporation In cooling 100 gallons of water 10°F, a tower loses gailon(s) of water

due to

Drift loss is usually about 0.2% of the water flow or about gallon(s) per 100 gallons

Makeup water is is used to replace water loss due to _, , or leaks

If there are no leaks and a cooling tower cools 100 gallons of water 10°F, there will be gallon(s) of water loss due to evaporation and gallon(s) due to drift Review 105 106 107 108 109, „ 110

An atmospheric cooling tower depends upon wind

and the relative of the air for effective operation The spray of water falling down the tower is broken up into Small droplets by _mmL._ bars,

In atmospheric cooling towers, evaporation and drift are major causes of water

For best operational results, the atmospheric cooling towers

are placed so that the prevailing wind blows through the (shortest /longest) dimension of the tower

Atmospheric cooling towers usually operate hest at (high/ moderate) wind velocities

The towers are located so that water blown from them will not nearby buildings or equipment

Natural-Draft Cooling Towers 111



Heat in a furnace causes hot flue gases to flow through the stack causing a draft

Trang 17

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 “121 122 123 124

The splash bars break the falling water into fine drops in order to provide better air-to- contact

Some of the heat in water transfers to the air As the air heats up, it becomes (lighter /heavier)

‘When it is light enough, the air _ in the chimney “ne heateu air is replaced with cold air that enters the tower

through the

Because of its design, a natural-draft tower (does/does not) depend as much on the wind direction as the atmospheric tower

The temperature of the air inside the chimney is always

than the atmospheric temperature This difference in temperature causes a constant to exist The natural-draft cooling tower (needs/does not need) drift eliminators Makeup water is needed to replace water loss due to leaks and

Louvers or baffles at times are installed around the air inlet of the natural-draft tower

nh louvers or baffles (can/cannot) control the amount of

air entering the tower

By regulating the amount of air entering the tower, the amount of cooling due to can be regulated

Mechanical-Draft Cooling Towers 125 126 127 128 129

Atmospheric cooling towers depend upon the natural flow of up and across the falling water

Natural-draft cooling towers create an upward flow of through the falling water

Exhibit 8 shows a forced-draft cooling tower The air flow through the falling water is produced by

The internal construction of a forced-draft cooling tower is similar to an atmospheric tower, but the sides are-

Trang 18

130 131 132 133 134

The cooling of the water in all towers depends mainly on the amount and of air passing through

Fans used in forced-draft cooling towers should produce a large of air with a low velocity

Both mechanical-draft and atmospheric towers are provided

with = sto prevent water loss

due to air velocity -

If one or more of the fans is shut down, the cooling rate is

due to low -to-water contact

The degree of cooling can be adjusted by controlling one.or more of the — and the rate of —_———— fiow

Induced-Draft Cooling Towers 185 186 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144

In a forced-draft cooling tower, the fans (push ‘pull) the air through the tower

Look at Exhibit 4 In the induced-draft cooling tower, the fan is located at the of the tower

As the fan rotates, it (pulls/pushes) the air through the tower The air is driven upward.from the top of the tower, where it can be carried away easily by the

This reduces the possibility of wet air reentering the at the bottom

Exhibit 5 shows two types of induced-draft cooling towers The tower with its sides open is the — type

In the counterflow type, the largest part of the tower has sides

In a tower with solid sides, the induced air travels most of the time in (the same direction as/an opposite direction from) the

falling water `

Both towers have movable side louvers to regulate the


In both towers, the air volume flowing through the tower is

Trang 19

i-Cell Cooling Towers

Large cooling towers are usually constructed in cells or sections which can be operated independently

The cooling capacity of a multi-cell cooling tower can be de-

creased by taking one or more _-_— out of service sections, or cells This is g lower side view of an atmospheric cooling tower


The drawing indicates that the tower has — _— cells three 47 If a tower with only one cell needs cleaning or repairs, the

entire tower has to be ———— ——— _—- shut down

48, Any cell can be operated independently If one cell in a multi- cell tower must be shut down, the entire tower (must also be/

need not be) shut down need not be


149 An atmospheric cooling tower depends greatly upon the

natural velocity for effective operation wind *

150 The natural-draft tower is constructed in such a way that it

causes its own draft

(151 Mechanical-draft towers depend upon motor-driven

: to force the air through them ‘fans

159 The induced-draft tower (pushes /pulls) air through the tower pulls 158, A tower with fans at the bottom is (an induced /a forced) a forced

-draft tower

154 All cooling towers cool water primarily by the : process of * evaporation

155 The rate‘of evaporation of water depends upon the water

surface-to-air contact and on the relative —————————— humidity of the air

Trang 20

156 (67 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172

The greater the water-to-air surface contact, the the rate of evaporation

The greater the water-to-air contact, the more is accomplished

- The splash bars in cooling towers break up the spray of water into smaller droplets as well as prolonging the water-to-

+ contact

If the air passing through a cooling tower is water-saturated to the maximum, there (will ‘wil] not) be any cooling due to


If there is no evaporation taking place, but the air is cooler than the water, there will be (no,some) cooling due to con-

duction, convection, and radiation

In a cooling tower there is always some cooling of water due to conduction, convection, and

However, most of the cooling of water in a cooling tower is accomplished by

In any other type of cooling tower, drift eliminators are needed to minimize water because of the wind

However, in a natural-draft cooling tower, drift eliminators

_(are/are not) used

Any cooling tower is subject to water losses produced by drift, leaks, and evaporation

These losses are compensated for by water In mechanical-draft towers, the volume of air passing through the tower can be adjusted by controlling one or more of the

Controlling the volume of air passing through the tower (controls/does not control) the amount of cooling

It is easier to control the amount of cooling in a(n) (atmos- pheric/mechanical-draft) cooling tower

Mechanical-draft towers (can/cannot) regulate or control the amount of air passing through the tower

They cannot control the relative of the air They cannot control the temperature of the

used for cooling

Trang 21

nstruction Materials 3 76 TT 178 179 180 181 182 188 184 185

When iron is exposed to water and the oxygen in the air, it

- In a cooling tower, practically all parts are exposed to and

Iron and carbon steel are used to a very limited extent in cooling tower construction because they corrode or rust

(rapidly /slowly)

The best grades of California redwood are used because they resist corrosion caused by _ and

Metals which resist corrosion are used in certain parts of red-

wood towers Copper-coated nails resist

Cast-iron is used in anchoring members that hold the tower

on its concrete basin, but it does corrode and has to be occasionally

Brass bolts, washers, and nuts are used because they also corrosion and rust

Fir wood is used as well as redwood because it resists rot due

to moisture Like fir, synthetic materials such as tensile, fiber- glass, and other plastics resist moisture rot (poorly,’well) Although some wood resists corrosion and rot and has rela-

tively little expansion due to heat, wood swells when it absorbs water and when it dries

Expansion and contraction from either temperature change

or water content change can

Treating the tower wood with creosote increases its resistance to oth water-logging and moisture

Synthetic materials are (more/less) damaged by corrosion, water-log and rot than wood

Regardless of the material used in construction, cooling towers,

like other reñnery units, should be _ _ peri-

odically for structural soundness

Cooling Tower Mechanical Equipment

186 The fans on forced- and induced-draft towers are driven by




The pressure necessary to circulate the cooling water through

the plant cooling water system is provided by direct-acting steam or motor-driven _-. -

Trang 22

189 The operator must lubricate equipment regularly and — _ all equipment daily for other conditions which require repair or replacement


190 The most important factor in any kind of cooling tower is how fast the water

191 Therefore, any condition which prevents water from evapo- rating _mWms _ the efficiency of the cooling tower

192 Air contains moisture or water vapor

On a damp day, the air holds (a lot of /very little) water 198 If the air surrounding a cooling tower is very humid, the water

in the cooling tower does not evaporate as much as it would if the air was

194 On damp, humid days, a cooling tower works (better than/ not as well as) it does on dry days

195 One factor that affects the rate of evaporation is the amount

of _ in the air in contact with the water

Absolute and Relative Humidity

196 Air becomes denser as the temperature decreases

Air is densest when temperatures are (very hot/very cold)

197 More moisture can be contained in air if it is less dense

Very cold air can contain (more/less) moisture than hot air

198 Temperature (is/is not) an important factor in measuring humidity

199 Here is one way to express humidity measurements

Suppose we have a humidity measurement that reads 1 pound

of water in 10 pounds of air This reading is expressed as (degree of saturation/weight per given volume)

200 Pound is an expression of a specific quantity

1 pound and 10 pounds are (relative/absolute; expressions of quantity 201 Humidity expressed as weight per quantity is (relative/ absolute) humidity 202 Temperature is not considered in measurements of absolute humidity

Trang 23

ecessary to know how much more _ the air water

: Suppose we have a humidity reading that says air at 85° holds f of the maximum it could hold at that temperature

degree of saturation bf This humidity reading is given as a percentage of maximum

RR humidity <x 2 given temperature

Humidity expressed as a percentage ci maximum humidity at

a given tempereture is (relative/absolute) humidity relative 206 A relative humidity reading (does does not) give an indica- does

tion of how much more water air can absorb :

207 If air holds all the water vapor it can hold at any temperature,

it is said to be saturated

208 The relative humidity of air at the point of saturation is

Jo 100

909 As relative humidity inereases, evaporation ————— ` decreases 210 The performance of a cooling tower (increases/decreases) as decreases

the relative humidity increases

211 Relative humidity is the (least/most) important variable af- most fecting the performance of cooling towers

Dry-and Wet-Bulb Temperatures

Trang 24

'218 14 215 216 217 218

Because the wick is saturated with water, the thermometer it covers is called a -bulb thermometer

Evaporation has a cooling effect

If the water in the wick of the wet-bulb thermometer is evaporating, it will show a (warmer/cooler) temperature than the other thermometer

The faster evaporation occurs, the (greater/less) difference

there will be in the readings

Evaporation will occur faster if the air surrounding the wick is (moist/dry)

In dry air, the wet-bulb reading is always (lower /higher) than the dry-bulb reading

Suppose the dry bulb reads 90°F and the wet bulb reads 75°F 100% 90% 80% 70% 90 60% 3s CALS 50% 2 5 20 AAA wo 3 i ‘ L] 20% 5 a ễ 70 + 7 WA 20% = L an wi 4 L pt F |] = _u LZ L⁄ 5 3 ¬ a - wv Zee ⁄2 Ƒ A + ˆ i ⁄⁄4 || oA [| > 50 60 70 80 90 100


The chart shows that the relative humidityis —— _ Ø,

219 If the dry bulb reads 60°F and the wet bulb reads 60°F, the


relative humidity is —_ — _%

Trang 25

A sling psychrometer also measures relative humidity GAUZE WICK ORY BULB

Tyo Ta0 lsat col sa eal ro eo eo Noon VGT 9T goi roi gọi

The operator whirls the sling psychrometer in the outside atmosphere after saturating the wiek with ` 22 If the atmosphere is not saturated, there will be

readings on the two thermometers

28, When the wet bulb reads lower than the dry bulb, it is because water has _ from the wick

24, Evaporation causes

25 Cooling tower performance is (highest /lowest) when wet-‘and % dry-bulb temperatures are equal

26 Even when the air is saturated in the tower, some cooling occurs by convection and conduction

Therefore, cooling towers do not depend entirely on to accomplish cooling

227 When the outside air is cooler than the water being cooled, some cooling oceurs due to radiation, " _ and , even though none occurs due to evaporation 128, "eventhough no evaporation occurs, if the air is cooler than the

_ water; heat is transferred from the water to the

229, The heated air then carries the heat with it out of the tower


230 Cooling towers are never 100% efficient

If the wet-bulb temperature is 65°F, that would be the mini- mum approach temperature of the water

The lowest possible water temperature after cooling with the above condition would be (60°F /above 65°F)

Trang 26

Winter Operation 282 233 234 285 236 237 238 239 240 241, 22, 243, 245 246 Ai 248

The degree of cooling in cooling towers in part depends on the amount of air flowing through the

In addition, if the air is hot and humid, the degree of cooling is (more/less) than when the air is cold and dry

Low air temperature may result in too much

Water freezes at 32°F

In winter, air temperature well below 32°F may cause cooling

water to on parts of the cooling tower Because of more cold air contact, water broken up into small

droplets freezes (faster,‘slower) than if it was in a solid stream Ice formations may

splash bars the passages between The operator has to watch for formation of ice around the fan If ice builds up around the fan too much, it may shut off the flow of

Incold weather, moisture-filled air is likely toform on the fan blades and other moving parts

This may cause overloading of the fan motor and costly The operator needs to know how to prevent

‘formation in the tower and on moving parts

One way to control freezing is to limit the quantity of cold

entering the tower

In atmospheric towers, adjustable louvers can limit the intake of

To limit the intake of air in induced-and forced-draft towers, thế —————— can be sÌowed or shut down

Decreasing the pitch of the fan blades will also reduce the intake

If ice has formed in the fill deck, it can be melted by reducing

the amount of cold entering the tower

Trang 27

249 On a foreed-draft tower, the fan pushes the air into the (top “bottom) of the tower i at viên, bottom

250 Reversing the pitch of the fan blades causes air to be (pushed :_ 4 into/sueked out of) the tower sucked out of 251 Since the air in the tower is hot, reversing the fan (can/cannot) can

elt an ice buildup " 252 The quantity of air flowing through the forced- or induced- draft tower can be controlled:

by shutting off one or more _ —— fans

by changing the pitch or direction of rotation of fan

; and blades

by changing the of fan motors speed

Review and Summary

253 Cooling towers are needed in modern refineries to reduce the s temperature of cooling water Cooling water needs cooling so a that it can again be used in exchangers to: :

condense petroleum ; vapors

cool products enough so that they do not go off specification in storage due to heat; and to products to cool

pressure- or fire-safe storage temperature

254 Cooling towers depend mostly on the (conduction of heat `? ig from water to air/partial evaporation of water) partial evaporation of wat

.* +

255 Evaporation depends on water-to- contact air

256 The most important condition affecting the rate of evapora-

tion is the (temperature/relative humidity) of the air relative humidity .257, Atmospheric cooling towers depend primarily upon the pre- „ Vailing

for performance wind 258 The natural-draft tower is designed in such a manner that the

; heat of hot water causes a through it draft


259 In foreed- and induced-draft cooling towers, the draft is

'® caused by motor-driven


260 The draft in forced- and induced-draft cooling towers is

(easier/harder) to control than the draft in atmospheric easier Y\ tOWers

z 261 Redwood and fir is used in the construction of cooling towers

“because it resists wet rot

Trang 28

292 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 271 272 2738 Ideally, metal parts of the towers should be highly to corrosion

Metal parts are coated with special — — toiïn- crease their corrosion resistance

The operator should keep alert to evidence of excessive and wet

Cooling towers perform best when the air passing through them: is cool.and (dry/wet)

Hygrometers and psychrometers are instruments used in

determining the of the air

If there is no difference in the temperature reading of a dry- and wet-bulb thermometer, the relative humidityis _— —_%, At 100% relative humidity, there will be (some/no) cooling due to evaporation

Even though there might not be any cooling due to evapora- tion, a cooling tower will still cool water slightly due to

radiation, and


270 In cold climates, where temperatures get below freezing, the operator must guard against theformation of

in the tower as well as the fans

A natural-draft tower (needs/does not need) drift eliminators

All other towers have

reduce loss of water due to wind to

Makeup water is needed in cooling towers to replace water loss due to leaks, and




.1 HaO is a chemical symbol for water It shows that a water 2

molecule is a compound made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of

Trang 29

ị a * 14 1 hã tử 8ubstance Sp Ht Substance Sp Ht Am 0.24 Kerosine 0.50

sie’ Aleohol 0.60 Lead 0.08

Ễ Aluminum 0.22 Lube Oil 0.45 Brass 0.091 Mercury 0.038 - 0.098 Steam 0.48 0.20 Stone 0.192 0.21 Tin 0.055 0.032 Water 1.00

Tce 0.51 Wood (avg.) 0.42

Tron (steel) 0.115 Zine 0.098

8 The drawings show different changes that water can undergo


BELOW 32° F 32°F TO 212°F ABOVE 212°F These changes are (chemical/physical)

4, Whether water is a solid, liquid, or vapor, its molecules are still composed of two —————— atoms and one


5.eHeating or cooling water causes it to change state from one form to another Changing the state of water is only a change

6 A chemical change occurs only when atoms or molecules change from one substance into a

substance nentirely —_—_—

7, Water does not undergo chemical change easily Chemically, it is relatively (stable/unstable)

8: Water also has a good heat capacity That means that it has .a good capacity to absorb - 9 BTU stands for British Thermal Unit It is a measurement of quantity of energy

0 Specific heat is the number of BTU’s required to raise the tem-

Trang 30

12 To raise the temperature of 2 pounds of kerosine by 1°F ¢ Tequires BTU 1 13 When any liquid or fluid is used as a coolant, it absorbs heat energy from the material being cooled

14 Asa coolant absorbs heat energy, its temperature rises ee 15 Raising the temperature of 1 gallon of kerosine a certain

amount requires (more/less) heat than raising a gallon of less water the same amount

16 A substance with a high specific heat can absorb (more/less) more heat per degree of temperature change than a substance with

a low specific heat

17 A substance with a high specific heat should make a (good/ poor) coolant


18 Water can dissolve many things Water is normally a (good/ poor) solvent |

good 1

19 Many tiny, insoluble particles, such as grains of sand, rust, and calcium carbonate, become suspended in water 1 Water can contain two kinds of solids: (1) dissolved solids and (2) solids suspended, or undissolve Review 20 Water is made up of two —_ atoms and one hydrogen atom oxygen

21 Chemically speaking, water is (stable/unstable: stable

22 Water makes a good coolant because it has a a l high specific heat

23 Because of its properties, water can and dissolve

carry various solids

24 The two types of solids that can be found in water are ,

and solids dissolved ; suspended


“25 The makeup water used in refineries comes from natural i

sources such as rivers, lakes, and wells

Such waters are likely to contain both ———_— _and dissolved - = fectly clear solids even though they may appear per- suspended

Trang 31

26 Because the water circulates many times through pipes, ex- changers, cooling towers, and basins, it picks up (more/less) solids

27 .The total solids increase because the water

_, alittle bit of the substances it contacts 28," When water evaporates, it (takes/does not take) the solids with it

“29, After partial evaporation, the solids tend to concentrate in '“'the remaining water Cooled water leaving a cooling tower has (more.‘less) total solids per gallon than the hot water „ entering the tower

30, The circulating water in a cooling system has (more/less) total solids than the fresh makeup water

id: l

SIỂ So, the discarding of some cooling water and the addition of 2Ñ makeup water tends to keep the total volume of solids

: (up/down)

582 Suspended solids tend to settle out in sections of the cooling eo where the velocity of the water is (slowed /increased)

“Some dissolved solids are less soluble in hot water than in cold & ,water When the water beeomes hot, these dissolved solids

+, beeome solids

34 Caleium and magnesium carbonate are less soluble in hot is water than in cold water When cooling water goes through “gp heat exchanger, calcium and magnesium carbonate become ack solids

When water containing calcium and magnesium carbonate is boiled in a vessel, form on the sides and bottom of the vessel

6.The same thing happens when the water passes through a


‘Deposits or scales formed in the tubing of heat exchangers will (increase/decrease) heat transfer

*98, The ‘buildup of deposits in an exchanger, regardless of the $3 cause or source of the deposit, is called fouling Fouling makes

, neeessary

ï periodie

đại Coarse, suspended solids also cause wear in narrow passages lệ -.:or turns in the flow This kind of wear is (erosion/corrosion) 40 If too much buildup of solids is permitted in a cooling tower,

Trang 32

41 Tiny, microscopic plants sometimes thrive in cooling water


These tiny growths, often green in color, require light in order to grow They start growing on the walls of (closed/open) parts of the system

42 Parts of the growth break away from the walls and start floating in the water _ They become part of the


48 They can plug narrow passages in the system and damage

wood in the :

44, These are biological, or living, substances To control or stop their growth they have to be

45 The biological growths are algae and slime There are a number of varieties; all cause _ to cooling systems 46 Cooling water, in addition to dissolved solids and suspended

solids, contains some dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide

which are (solids/gases)

47 It is not the water in the system that causes corrosion, erosion,

and fouling

It is the dissolved — ,, suspended solids, and dissolved


48 Waters from different water sources are likely to contain kinds and quantities of solids and gases

49 The chemical analyses and the physical tests made on the

different waters are likely to be

50 The chemist prescribes what the operator must do to keep the cooling water in good `

51 The operator may be required to make a few simple tests and change his _ of the water as the test may indicate 52 Because each cooling system is different and the natural make-

up water is different, methods of treatment are


:ð8 If it is necessary for the operator to make certain tests on cooling water, his supervisor will arrange for the necessary instructions and —_—— ——_—— for the test : ‘54, Chemists use two measures to express the quantity of various

@ impurities in water: grains per gallon (gr./gal.) and parts per * million (PPM)

Trang 33

' 55 Cooling water analyses usually are reported in PPM 50 PPM total solids means that in one million pounds of water there are pounds of suspended and dissolved solids


+ B6, There are both suspended and dissolved solids in the natural “makeup water These solids increase in the cooling tower water ; because of

and because of the treating

* chemicals that are added

-B7¿ Some small increase of both kinds of solids also comes from the basins, pipes, and wood in the cooling system

58." If there is so much suspended solid matter in water that it * can be seen easily, the water is turbid Turbid water has a (high /low) PPM of suspended solids, The solids are (more/less) likely to settle out

ˆ80, One way to settle out the solids would be to (speed up/ slow down) the flow of the water

61 One process for removing suspended solids from the water by -eausing them to settle out is called sedimentation

«The process uses a sedimentation basin which is large enough X3 r “pe

so that the flow of water through it is extremely

: 62 Then the particles of suspended solids can drop to the bottom of the basin due to (gravity /pressure) fins / 68 Clear water is drawn from near the (top/bottom) of the basin É '

‘64 If the basin is being used continuously, sediment must be ‘' removed from the bottom of the basin

165 If a battery of two or more sedimentation basins is used, the

flow through at least one can be completely

gee , »

66 If the flow is stopped completely, suspended particles settle + Jaster/slower)

Trang 34

Mechanical and Chemical Clarifiers 68 68 70 71 72, 78 14 1 Mechanical clarifiers take up less space than sedimentation basins VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE CHEMICAL FEED INLET OUTLET LAUNDEAR ' |_ OUTLET TT =— HARD WATER INLET SLUDGE §LUDGE OUTLET SCRAPERS

Here, turbid water and coagulating chemicals are fed in through (the same inlet/different inlets)

The design of the clarifier causes the chemicals to be thor- oughly with the raw, turbid water

Aluminum compounds such as aluminum sulfate, sodium

aluminate, and iron compounds, such as ferrous sulfate and ferric chloride, are coagulants

When added to turbid water with other chemicals, they speed


Coagulants with other chemicals form a spongy floc which settles rapidly, taking with it sediments, algae particles, and other suspended

The chemicals coagulate the suspended solids so that they become heavy enough to settle quickly to the

of the clarifier tank

The solids pile up as sludge on the bottom of the clarifier tank A rotating scraper moves the sludge toward the center where it can enter the sludge


Because the chemicals speed up the settling, these clarifiers require (more/less) space than a sedimentation basin

Trang 35


76 Suspended solids can be removed from water by filtering the solids out Filters work by either gravity or pressure OPEN TO ATMOSPHERE SAND GRAVEL WATER INLET T=—— BACKWASH OUTLET FILTERED WATER OUTLET BACKWASH INLET Thisisa filter, 77 Note that the tank for this filter is completely enclosed BACKWASHING FILTER eR SS : FILTERED PUMP [ 4 WATER i er BACKWASH OUTLE filter "This isa

78.:Both gravity and-pressure filters can produce backwash

số Water can be forced back in the ————— —_dìirection 3¿z‡o normal flow,

19 ‘The solids trapped in and on the filter bed are backwashed or ty: flushed into the disposal system

80 Filters are usually installed in batteries of two or more so that

Trang 36

Hardness 81 -88, 83 85

Hard water is water which contains dissolved Distilled water does not contain either dissolved solids and gases or suspended solids and gases It is therefore (soft/hard) Rain water is not entirely soft because it picks up some hard-

ness from thé solids and gases in the nee

Natural water from wells, lakes, and streams is often quite hard When the water is heated, some of the dissolved solids in the watér form insoluble sin the equipment The hardness itself does not cause corrosion in the system, but the deposits create a condition favorable tO

by other impurities in the water Scale Control 86 87, 88 89, 90 91

Cooling water conditioning is necessary to prevent or minimize qcorrosion, fouling, and formation in heat

‘exchanger equipment

The dissolved solids which cause calcium and magnesium hardness also cause scale formation if the cooling water be- comes (hotter/colder)

Calcium and magnesium scale on heat exchanger tubes significantly reduces the transfer of through

the tube walls

Scale also reduces the flow of fluid through the heat exchanger shell, completely plugging some or all of the exchanger

if it is not removed

The formation of scale makes the equipment less efficient and makes costly — necessary

There are three widely used methods for conditioning water against scaling

Trang 37


The softening reaction is accomplished by feeding in chemicals such as-lime and soda ash and mixing them with the water dw bys means “98 This softener uses heat as well as chemicals ae HARD WATER INLET * CHEMICAL INLET TREATED WATER TO FILTERS SLUDGE SLUDGE BLOW-OFF ` is , There (is/is no) mechanical mixing hae

đi Heat speeds up the softening reaction

Trang 38

96 97 98 99 100 101 102

If the processing rate for both hot- and cold-process units is the same, the size of the (hot/cold) unit can be smaller Heat makes the softening reaction more complete

For a given amount of processing time, the water from a (hot/cold) unit is likely to be softer

Because its reaction is faster and more complete, chemical costs for the hot-process unit are usually (higher/lower) than the costs for the cold unit

The amount of chemicals used depends, however, on the

hardness of the raw 2

Generally, the higher the hardness of the raw water, the

(higher/lower) the chemical costs to soften the water

Zeolites, chemicals that produce ion exchange, are also used - to soften water JON EXCHANGE UNIT REGENERANT TANK (SODIUM CHLORIDE BRINE)

“In this kind of softener, the water (intimately mixes with/

passes through) the zeolite

An ion is an atom that either has extra electrons or is missing some electrons

An ion exchange involves one substance collecting ions from, or giving up ions to, another substance

Trang 39

108 104 105 106 107 108 109

Usually, the zeolite has sodium ions attached to it

When hard water passes through the zeolite, the sodium ions of the zeolite exchange with calcium or magnesium ions of

the raw

With calcium or magnesium removed, the water is now than it was

When all the sodium attached to the zeolite has been removed, the zeolite (can still.’can no longer) exchange ions

Suppose a sodium chloride brine is flushed through the

saturated zeolite

There (now can be ‘still can’t be) an ion exchange The zeolite now exchanges or ions with the brine

The brine gives up ions to the zeolite

With sodium once more attached to it, the zeolite is re- activated ~ Tt can (once again/still no longer) softeri water passed through 110 11 "112, "118 1 115 _for them to settle out and form scale 116 117 a

The zeolite can only be reactivated a certain number of times

Eventually, the zeolite must be

Zeolite softeners yield much softer water than is usually

needed in a-cooling system

Their use is generally limited to providing very soft boiler feed water and some of the watter in the

cooling system

Sulphuric acid also can be used in water to control scale Sulphuric acid is highly

Therefore, the quantity of acid added to the water has to be carefully -

The sulphuric acid acts on scale-forming substances to keep them dissolved in the water

This means that adding sulphuric acid to the water makes

scale-forming substances (more/less) soluble `

So long as these substances remain soluble, it is (easy /difficult)

Retarding the rate at which scale-forming substances settle out (speeds up/slows down) the formation of scale

Another way to control the formation of scale is to blow down or discard some cooling water continuously

Trang 40


3 Cooling water corrodes by destroying the metal which it

1 Perfectly pure water is not corrosive

Cooling water corrodes because there are dissolved and gases in it “

) Dissolved solids in the natural makeup water become con- centrated because of which takes place in the cooling tower

i, Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide are picked up from the —_—— — in the cooling tower

Carbon dioxide causes the water to become acidic Acidic water is (corrosive/non-corrosive)

3 Oxygen in contact with iron causes oxidation or

\ These forms of corrosion are in part eliminated by using corrosion-resisting in construction of parts which come in contact with cooling water

” But, using expensive metals entirely is more costly than the water to lessen its tendency to corrode metal

„ One way to treat the water to prevent corrosion is to inhibit or stabilize the water chemically so that it will not attack

7, Another approach is to treat the water so that it deposits a thin, protective film on the . _ of the metal

thodic Protection

3, The tarnishing of polished metal is a form of

3 Oxidation of the metal occurs in dry air Water is not involved in the corrosion This kind of corrosion is called dry

) Because water is involved, the kind of corrosion which occurs in cooling systems is (wet/dry) corrosion

1 During wet corrosion, two reactions occur at the same time _Metal passes into the water and hydrogen passes out of the

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2014, 15:27