Exercise Exercise Chapter 8 THE HABITAT OF HC IN SEDIMENT BASINS 1/ Give one example in which a basin''''s depocenter, its topographic low point, and its point of maximum basement subsidence will not, in[.]
Exercise Chapter 8: THE HABITAT OF HC IN SEDIMENT BASINS 1/ Give one example in which a basin's depocenter, its topographic low point, and its point of maximum basement subsidence will not, in all likelihood, coincide 2/ Relate the following features to either convergent or divergent plate tectonic processes: A upwelling in the asthenosphere B suture zone C failed arm rift D large-scale transcurrent (strike-slip) fault motion E active continental margin F passive continental margin 3/ What is the sequence of events which leads to the development of a new ocean basin and the splitting apart of continents? 4/ Name the two basin types, among the ten developed in our classification scheme, that dominate world's conventional petroleum reserves Name the three basin types that only rarely have yielded giant-field production and which not occur among the world's most petroleum-rich basins 5/ 5.1 What two major groups of basins, each containing several of our ten basin types, yield petroleum mostly from shallow wells, at depths of less than kilometers? 5.2Which two of the ten basin types usually produce petroleum from depths exceeding kilometers or more? 6/ What two basinal settings lead to enrichment in natural gas? 7/ What is required in order to obtain giant gas fields in a basin? 8/Using the classification scheme developed in Sections 7.6 to 7.11, name the basin type(s) associated with each of these regions: A — California B _ — the continental shelf off eastern North and South America C — small oceans and inland seas D — Precambrian shield areas with low, peneplained topography E — both the Andes Mountains of South America and the Tethyan trend (Alpine Mountains to Himalayas) F — point where a failed arm rift meets an ocean basin G — the Pacific "Ring of Fire" island-arcs 9/ Name the two types of cratonic basins Which of the two usually has the greater petroleum potential? 10/ Sketch the geometry of the following basin types in the boxes , both in map view and cross section ( Figure 1)