KẾT QUẢ MÔ HÌNH Variable | Obs Mean Std Dev Min Max + GDP growth~e | 567 2216547 0970763 0937768 6346 FDIVND | 567 5 14e+13 1 11e+14 0 7 30e+14 Population | 567 1382730 1146408 290000 7818200 Export V[.]
KẾT QUẢ MƠ HÌNH Variable | Obs Mean Std Dev Min Max -+ GDP_growth~e | FDIVND | 567 2216547 0970763 -.0937768 567 5.14e+13 1.11e+14 Population | 567 1382730 6346 7.30e+14 1146408 290000 7818200 Export_VND | 560 2.53e+13 7.24e+13 5.89e+14 Import_VND | 565 2.51e+13 7.61e+13 8.55e+08 5.62e+14 -+ Government~D | Inflation | Exchange_r~e | 566 5.73e+12 8.65e+12 4.67e+11 7.72e+13 567 1.149848 6344922 Fdi_dummy (2) PCI (3) Inflation (4) 15.467 567 18416.26 1897.173 15987.55 20933.42 (1) 10 -0.073** 0.05** -0.13 GDP_growth 0.01*** -0.05** 0.12 (5) Ln(Infrastructure) -0.09** 0.28 -0.10* -0.11 (6) Exchange_rate -0.08** 0.20 -0.11 -0.22 0.43 (7) Ln(Export) -0.07** 0.40 -0.03** -0.03** 0.65 0.32 (8) Ln(import) 0.02** 0.35 0.03** -0.02** 0.58 0.10* 0.78 (9) openness 0.02** 0.27 0.09* 0.09* 0.34 0.06* 0.59 0.62 -0.24 0.31 -0.09* -0.07* 0.61 0.72 0.51 0.37 0.26 (10) Ln(domestic Investment) Note: This table shows the Pearson correlation matrix of all the main variables used in this study All the variables are defined in Table ***, ** and * indicate the significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively Source SS Model 5.0830e+30 df F(7, 551) MS Number of obs = = 212.43 7.2615e+29 Prob > F = 559 0.0000 Residual 1.8835e+30 551 Adj R-squared Total 6.9666e+30 558 FDIVND Coef GDP_growth_rate -3.15e+13 Population 572648.4 Export_VND 8498033 Import_VND 2035215 GovernmentExpenditureVND 2.85176 Inflation -1.65e+12 Exchange_rate 7.13e+08 _cons 3.89e+12 Variable Import_VND Export_VND Government~D Population Exchange_r~e GDP_growth~e Inflation Mean VIF VIF 5.61 4.50 3.88 3.65 1.12 1.05 1.02 2.98 1/VIF 0.178209 0.222146 0.257786 0.273990 0.892655 0.955957 0.981193 3.4184e+27 = 1.2485e+28 Std Err 2.60e+13 4104608 0725209 0766706 5610463 3.91e+12 1.38e+09 2.82e+13 R-squared 0.7262 Root MSE t P>t -1.21 0.226 0.14 0.889 11.72 0.000 2.65 0.008 5.08 0.000 -0.42 0.673 0.52 0.605 0.14 0.890 = 0.7296 = [95% Conf -8.26e+13 -7489946 7073521 052919 1.749709 -9.33e+12 -1.99e+09 -5.15e+13 5.8e+13 Interval] 1.96e+13 8635243 9922545 354124 3.953812 6.03e+12 3.42e+09 5.93e+13