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multi-criteria decision analysis

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vi CONTENTS2.5.3 Clusters and pivots for a large number of alternatives 48 3.2.1 Inner dependency in the criteria cluster 603.2.2 Inner dependency in the alternative cluster 63 4.3.4 Gro

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Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

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Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Methods and Software

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This edition first published 2013

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

1 Multiple criteria decision making 2 Multiple criteria decision making–Data processing.

3 Decision support systems I Nemery, Philippe II Title.

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2.5.3 Clusters and pivots for a large number of alternatives 48

3.2.1 Inner dependency in the criteria cluster 603.2.2 Inner dependency in the alternative cluster 63

4.3.4 Group decision and multi-scenario analysis 95

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6.2 Essential concepts of the PROMETHEE method 137

6.2.2 Unicriterion positive, negative and net flows 142

6.4.4 PROMETHEE I and PROMETHEE II ranking 166

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Jean-Marc Huguenin

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10.3.1 Building a spreadsheet in Win4DEAP 254

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Students and practitioners coming to the field, however, will be surprised by theplethora of alternative methods, overloaded by the array of software available, andpuzzled by the diversity of approaches that an analyst needs to choose from Forprecisely these reasons, this book is a very welcome event for the field AlessioIshizaka and Philippe Nemery have managed to provide an accessible, but rigorous,introduction to the main existing MCDA methods available in the literature.There are several features of the book that are particularly innovative First, itprovides a balanced assessment of each method, and positions them in terms of thetype of evaluation that the decision requires (a single choice among alternatives, theranking of all alternatives, the sorting of alternatives into categories, or the description

of consequences) and the level of preference information that each method requires(from utility functions to no preference information) This taxonomy helps bothresearchers and practitioners in locating adequate methods for the problems theyneed to analyze

Second, the methods are presented with the right level of formulation and atization for an introductory course This makes the book accessible to anyone with

axiom-a baxiom-asic quaxiom-antitaxiom-ative baxiom-ackground Reaxiom-aders who wish to leaxiom-arn in greaxiom-ater depth axiom-about axiom-aparticular method can enjoy the more advanced content covered ‘in the black box’ ofeach chapter

Third, the book illustrates each method with widely available and free software.This has two major benefits Readers can easily see how the method works in practicevia an example, consolidating the knowledge and the theoretical content They canalso reflect on how the method could be used in practice, to facilitate real-worlddecision-making processes

Fourth, instructors using the book, as well as readers, can benefit from the panion website (www.wiley.com/go/multi criteria decision analysis) and

com-the availability of software files and answers to exercises

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This book should therefore be useful reading for anyone who wants to learnmore about MCDA, or for those MCDA researchers who want to learn more aboutother MCDA methods and how to use specialized software to support multi-criteriadecision making

Gilberto Montibeller

Department of Management London School of Economics

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We are indebted to Kimberley Perry for her patience and constructive feedback whilereviewing the manuscript We would like to thank Ian Stevens and Alfred Quintano,who proofread a chapter

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Prof Roman Słowi´nski, Pozna´n versity of Technology; Dawid Opydo, BS Consulting Dawid Opydo; Tony Kennedy,Ventana Systems UK; Prof Boris Yatsalo and Dr Sergey Gritsyuk for their sugges-tions

Uni-We are grateful to the following organizations which granted us the permission toreproduce screenshots of their software: BS Consulting Dawid Opydo, Creative Deci-sion Foundations, Ventana Systems UK Ltd, Lamsade Universit´e Paris-Dauphine,Pozna´n University of Technology, BANA Consulting Lda, Smart-Picker, ObninskState Technical University of Nuclear Power Engineering, Prof Tim Coelli (TheUniversity of Queensland), Prof Michel Deslierres (Univerist´e de Moncton).Last, but not least, we would like to thank all our students who have provided uswith constant feedback and new ideas

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General introduction

1.1 Introduction

People face making decisions both in their professional and private lives A manager

in a company, for example, may need to evaluate suppliers and develop partnershipswith the best ones A household may need to choose an energy supplier for theirfamily home Students cannot ignore university rankings Often candidates for a jobvacancy are ‘ranked’ based on their experience, performance during the interview,etc

As well as ranking and choice problems, there are also classification problemsthat have existed since classical times In the fourth century bc, the ancient Greekphilosopher Epicurus arranged human desires into two classes: vain desires (e.g.the desire for immortality) and natural desires (e.g the desire for pleasure) Theseclassifications were supposed to help in finding inner peace Nowadays, classificationproblems occur naturally in daily life A doctor, for instance, diagnoses a patient

on the basis of their symptoms and assigns them to a pathology class to be able

to prescribe the appropriate treatment In enterprise, projects are often sorted intopriority-based categories Not long ago, a study showed that over 20 million Brazilianshave moved from the lower social categories (D and E) to category C, the firsttier of the middle class, and are now active consumers due to an increase in legalemployment (Observador 2008) Hurricanes or cyclones are sorted into one of thefive Saffir–Simpson categories based on their wind speed, superficial pressure andtide height

All of these examples show that delicate decision problems arise frequently.Decision problems such as ranking, choice and sorting problems are often complex asthey usually involve several criteria People no longer consider only one criterion (e.g.price) when making a decision To build long-term relationships, make sustainableand environmentally friendly decisions, companies consider multiple criteria in theirdecision process

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Methods and Software, First Edition Alessio Ishizaka and Philippe Nemery.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Table 1.1 Category of decision problems

Decision Time perspective Novelty Degree of structure Automation

Tactical medium term adaptive semi-structured middleOperational short term every day well defined high

Most of the time, there is no one, perfect option available to suit all the criteria:

an ‘ideal’ option does not usually exist, and therefore a compromise must be found

To address this problem the decision maker can make use of na¨ıve approaches such

as a simple weighted sum The weighted sum, described in Section 4.3.1, is a specialcase of a more complex method and can only be applied with the right precautions(correct normalization phase, independent criteria, etc.) to enable sensible outputs

In reality, this approach is unrefined as it assumes linearity of preferences which maynot reflect the decision maker’s preferences For example, it cannot be assumed that awage of £4000 is twice as good as one of £2000 Some people would see their utility

of preference improved by a factor of 5 with a wage of £4000 This cannot always bemodelled with a weighted sum

Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods have been developed to supportthe decision maker in their unique and personal decision process MCDA methodsprovide stepping-stones and techniques for finding a compromise solution They havethe distinction of placing the decision maker at the centre of the process They are notautomatable methods that lead to the same solution for every decision maker, but theyincorporate subjective information Subjective information, also known as preferenceinformation, is provided by the decision maker, which leads to the compromisesolution

MCDA is a discipline that encompasses mathematics, management, informatics,psychology, social science and economics Its application is even wider as it can beused to solve any problem where a significant decision needs to be made Thesedecisions can be either tactical or strategic, depending on the time perspective of theconsequences (Table 1.1)

A large number of methods have been developed to solve multi-criteria problems.This development is ongoing (Wallenius et al 2008) and the number of academicMCDA-related publications is steadily increasing This expansion is among othersdue to both the efficiency of researchers and the development of specific methods forthe different types of problem encountered in MCDA The software available, includ-

ing spreadsheets containing method computations, ad hoc implementations,

off-the-shelf, web or smartphone applications, has made MCDA methods more accessibleand contributed to the growth in use of MCDA methods amongst researchers and theuser community

The aim of this book is to make MCDA methods even more intelligible to

novice users such as students, or practitioners, but also to confirmed researchers.

This book is ideal for people taking the first step into MCDA or specific MCDAmethods The cases studies and exercises effectively combine the mathematical and

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practical approach For each method described in this book, an intuitive explanationand interpretation of the method is set out, followed by a detailed description ofthe software best suited to the method Free or free trial version software has beenintentionally chosen, as it allows the reader to better understand the main ideasbehind the methods by practising with the exercises in this book Furthermore, theuser has access to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing an ‘implementation’ ofeach method Software files and answers to the exercises can be downloaded from thecompanion website, indicated by the icon in the book The selected software andexercises allow the user to observe the impact of changes to the data on the results.The use of software enables the decision maker or analyst to communicate and justifydecisions in a systematic way

Each chapter contains a section (‘In the black box’) where scientific referencesand further reading are indicated for those interested in a more in-depth description

or detailed understanding of the methods Each chapter concludes with extensions of

the methods to other decision problems, such as group decision or sorting problems.

This first chapter describes the different type of decision problems to be addressed

in this book This is followed by the introduction of the MCDA method best suited

to solving these problems along with the corresponding software implementation

As several methods can solve similar problems, a section devoted to choosing anappropriate method has also been included The chapter concludes with an outline ofthe book

2 The sorting problem Options are sorted into ordered and predefined groups,called categories The aim is to then regroup the options with similar behaviours

or characteristics for descriptive, organizational or predictive reasons Forinstance, employees can be evaluated for classification into different cate-gories such as ‘outperforming employees’, ‘average-performing employees’and ‘weak-performing emplyees’ Based on these classifications, necessarymeasures can be taken Sorting methods are useful for repetitive or automaticuse They can also be used as an initial screening to reduce the number ofoptions to be considered in a subsequent step

3 The ranking problem Options are ordered from best to worst by means ofscores or pairwise comparisons, etc The order can be partial if incomparableoptions are considered, or complete A typical example is the ranking ofuniversities according to several criteria, such as teaching quality, researchexpertise and career opportunities

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4 The description problem The goal is to describe options and their quences This is usually done in the first step to understand the characteristics

conse-of the decision problem

Additional problem types have also been proposed in the MCDA community:

5 Elimination problem Bana e Costa (1996) proposed the elimination problem,

a particular branch of the sorting problem

6 Design problem The goal is to identify or create a new action, which willmeet the goals and aspirations of the decision maker (Keeney 1992)

To this list of problems the ‘elicitation problem’ can be added as it aims to elicitthe preference parameters (or subjective information) for a specific MCDA method.Moreover, when the problem involves several decision makers, an appropriate groupdecision method needs to be used

Many other decision problems exist, often combining several of the problemslisted above However, this book concentrates on the first four decision problems andpresents extensions of some of the methods that allow, for example, group, elicitationand description problems also to be addressed

To solve the problems defined in the previous section, ad hoc methods have been

developed In this book, the most popular MCDA methods are described along withtheir variants Table 1.2 presents these methods and the decision problems they solve.There are many more decision methods than those presented in Table 1.2, but thisbook confines itself to the most popular methods that have a supporting softwarepackage

Table 1.2 MCDA problems and methods

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Table 1.3 MCDA software programs

Ranking, description,


PROMETHEE – GAIA Decision Lab,

D-Sight, Smart Picker Pro,

Visual Promethee

ELECTRE Electre IS, Electre III-IV

Decision Lens, HIPRE 3+,RightChoiceDSS, Criterium,EasyMind, Questfox,ChoiceResults, 123AHP,DECERNS

Measurement System, DEASolver Online, DEAFrontier,DEA-Solver PRO, FrontierAnalyst

-Sorting, description FlowSort - FS-GAIA Smart Picker Pro

on the companion website

1.5 Selection of MCDA methods

Considering the number of MCDA methods available, the decision maker is facedwith the arduous task of selecting an appropriate decision support tool, and often

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the choice can be difficult to justify None of the methods are perfect nor can they

be applied to all problems Each method has its own limitations, particularities,hypotheses, premises and perspectives Roy and Bouyssou (1993) say that ‘althoughthe great diversity of MCDA procedures may be seen as a strong point, it can also

be a weakness Up to now, there has been no possibility of deciding whether onemethod makes more sense than another in a specific problem situation A systematicaxiomatic analysis of decision procedures and algorithms is yet to be carried out.’Guitouni et al (1999) propose an initial investigative framework for choos-ing an appropriate multi-criteria procedure; however, this approach is intended forexperienced researchers The next paragraphs give some guidance on selecting anappropriate method according to the decision problem, which will avoid an arbitraryadoption process

There are different ways of choosing appropriate MCDA methods to solve specificproblems One way is to look at the required input information, that is, the data andparameters of the method and consequently the modelling effort, as well as looking

at the outcomes and their granularity (Tables 1.4 and 1.5) This approach is supported

by Guitouni et al (1999)

If the ‘utility function’ for each criterion (a representation of the perceived utilitygiven the performance of the option on a specific criterion) is known, then MAUT(Chapter 4) is recommended However, the construction of the utility function requires

a lot of effort, but if it is too difficult there are alternatives Another way is by usingpairwise comparisons between criteria and options AHP (Chapter 2) and MACBETH(Chapter 5) support this approach The difference is that comparisons are evaluated

on a ratio scale for AHP and on an interval scale for MACBETH The decision makerneeds to know which scale is better suited to yield their preferences The drawback

is that a large quantity of information is needed

Another alternative way is to define key parameters For example, PROMETHEE(Chapter 6) only requires indifference and preference thresholds, whilst ELECTRE(Chapter 7) requires indifference, preference and veto thresholds There exist so-called elicitation methods to help defining these parameters, but if the user wants toavoid those methods or parameters, TOPSIS (Chapter 8) can be used because onlyideal and anti-ideal options are required If criteria are dependent, ANP (Chapter 3)

or the Choquet integral1can be used

The modelling effort generally defines the richness of the output One advantage

to defining utility functions is that the options of the decision problem have a globalscore Based on this score, it is possible to compare all options and rank them frombest to worst, with equal rankings permitted This is defined as a complete ranking.This approach is referred to as the full aggregation approach where a bad score onone criterion can be compensated by a good score on another criterion

Outranking methods are based on pairwise comparisons This means that theoptions are compared two-by-two by means of an outranking or preference degree.The preference or outranking degree reflects how much better one option is than

1 This method has not been described in this book because it is not supported by a software package.

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t u t u O d

h t e m A C M t u n i o f E s

pairwise comparisons on a ratio scale


ELECTRE Partial and complete ranking

(pairwise outranking degrees) indifference and preference thresholds PROMETHEE Partial and complete ranking (pairwise

preference degrees and scores) ideal option and constraints Goal programming Feasible solution with deviation score


no subjective inputs required Very LOW DEA Partial ranking with effectiveness


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Table 1.5 Required inputs for MCDA sorting methods

on a ratio scale

AHPSort Classification with

scoringindifference, preference

and veto thresholds

ELECTRE-TRI Classification with

pairwise outrankingdegrees

indifference and

preference thresholds

LOW FLOWSORT Classification with

pairwise outrankingdegrees and scores

another It is possible for some options to be incomparable The comparison betweentwo options is difficult as they have different profiles: one option may be better basedone set of criteria and the other better based on another set of criteria These incom-parabilities mean that a complete ranking is not always possible, which is referred to

as a partial ranking The incomparability is a consequence of the non-compensatoryaspect of those methods When facing a decision problem, it is important to definethe type of output required from the beginning (presented in Tables 1.4 and 1.5).Goal programming and data envelopment analysis (DEA) are also part of theMCDA family but are used in special cases In goal programming, an ideal goal can

be defined subject to feasibility constraints DEA is mostly used for performanceevaluation or benchmarking, where no subjective inputs are required

1.6 Outline of the book

Following this introduction, in which general concepts of MCDA are explained, ninechapters describe the major MCDA methods Each chapter can be read independently,and they are grouped into three sections, according to their approach:

r Full aggregation approach (or American school) A score is evaluated for each

criterion and these are then synthesized into a global score This approachassumes compensable scores, i.e a bad score for one criterion is compensatedfor by a good score on another

r Outranking approach (or French school) A bad score may not be compensated

for by a better score The order of the options may be partial because the notion

of incomparability is allowed Two options may have the same score, but theirbehaviour may be different and therefore incomparable

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r Goal, aspiration or reference level approach This approach defines a goal

on each criterion, and then identifies the closest options to the ideal goal orreference level

Most chapters are divided into four sections, with the exception of specific MCDAmethods, as extensions do not exist Specific objectives are as follows:

r Essential concepts The reader will be able to describe the essentials of the

MCDA method

r Software The reader will be able to solve MCDA problems using the

corre-sponding software

r In the black box The reader will understand the calculations behind the method.

An exercise in Microsoft Excel facilitates this objective

r Extensions The reader will be able to describe the extensions of the MCDA

methods to other decision problems, such as sorting or group decisions.The book concludes with a description of the integrated software DECERNS,which incorporates six MCDA methods and a Geographical Information System.Linear programming, the underlying method for MACBETH and goal programming,

is explained in the Appendix


Bana e Costa, C (1996) Les probl´ematiques de l’aide `a la d´ecision: Vers l’enrichissement de

la trilogie choix–tri–rangement RAIRO – Operations Research, 30(2), 191–216.

Guitouni, A., Martel, J., and Vincke, P (1999) A framework to choose a discrete multicriterion

aggregation procedure Technical Report.

Keeney, R (1992) Value-Focused Thinking: A Path to Creative Decision Making Cambridge,

MA: Harvard University Press

Observador (2008) The growth of class ‘C’ and its electoral importance Observador, 31

March, p 685

Roy, B (1981) The optimisation problem formulation: Criticism and overstepping Journal

of the Operational Research Sociey, 32(6), 427–436.

Roy, B., and Bouyssou, D (1993) Aide multicrit`ere `a la d´ecision: M´ethodes et cas Paris:

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Part I



Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Methods and Software, First Edition Alessio Ishizaka and Philippe Nemery.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Analytic hierarchy process

This chapter explains the theory behind and practical uses of the analytic hierarchy

process (AHP) method as well as its extensions MakeItRational, a software package

that helps to structure problems and calculate priorities using AHP, is described.Section 2.3 is designed for readers interested in the methodological background ofAHP Section 2.4 covers the extensions of AHP in group decision, sorting, scenarioswith incomparability and large size problems

The companion website provides illustrative examples with Microsoft Excel, and case studies and examples with MakeItRational.

2.2 Essential concepts of AHP

AHP was developed by Saaty (1977, 1980) It is a particularly useful method whenthe decision maker is unable to construct a utility function, otherwise MAUT isrecommended (Chapter 4) To use AHP the user needs to complete four steps toobtain the ranking of the alternatives As with any other MCDA method, the problemfirst has to be structured (Section 2.2.1) Following this, scores – or priorities, as theyare known in AHP – are calculated based on the pairwise comparisons provided bythe user (Section 2.2.2) The decision maker does not need to provide a numericaljudgement; instead a relative verbal appreciation, more familiar to our daily live, issufficient There are two additional steps that can be carried out: a consistency check(Section 2.2.3) and a sensitivity analysis (Section 2.2.4) Both steps are optional butrecommended as confirmation of the robustness of the results The consistency check

is common in all methods based on pairwise comparisons like AHP The supporting

software of MakeItRational facilitates the sensitivity analysis.

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Methods and Software, First Edition Alessio Ishizaka and Philippe Nemery.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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AHP is based on the motto divide and conquer Problems that require MCDA

tech-niques are complex and, as a result, it is advantageous to break them down and solveone ‘sub-problem’ at a time This breakdown is done in two phases of the decisionprocess during:

r the problem structuring and

r the elicitation of priorities through pairwise comparisons.

The problem is structured according to a hierarchy (e.g Figure 2.2) where the topelement is the goal of the decision The second level of the hierarchy represents thecriteria, and the lowest level represents the alternatives In more complex hierarchies,more levels can be added These additional levels represent the sub-criteria In anycase, there are a minimum of three levels in the hierarchy

Throughout this chapter, a shop location problem (Case Study 2.1) will be sidered to illustrate the different steps of the AHP process

con-Case Study 2.1

A businessman wants to open a new sports shop in one of three different locations:

(a) A shopping centre The shopping centre has a high concentration of a

variety of shops and restaurants It is a busy area, with a mix of customersand people walking around Shops regularly use large displays and pro-motions to attract potential customers As demand for these retail units islow, the rental costs are reasonable

(b) The city centre The city centre is a busy area, and a meeting point for

both young people and tourists Attractions such as dance shows, clownsand market stalls are often organized, which attract a variety of visitors.The city centre has several small shops located at ground level in historicalbuildings, which suggests high rental costs These shops have a highnumber of customers and are often in competition

(c) A new industrial area The new industrial estate is in the suburbs of the

city, where several businesses have recently been set up Some buildingshave been earmarked for small shops, but on the whole it has been dif-ficult to attract tenants, which means that rental costs are currently low.Customers of the existing shops mainly work in the area and only a fewcustomers come from the surrounding towns or cities to shop here.Given the description of the problem, four criteria will be considered in makingthe final decision (Table 2.1)

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Table 2.1 Criteria for shop location decision

min-be considered at this stage

Each lower level is prioritized according to its immediate upper level The priate question to ask with regard to prioritization depends on the context and some-times on the decision maker For example, in order to prioritize the criteria of level

appro-2 with regard to the goal ‘location of a sports shop’, an appropriate question wouldbe: ‘Which criterion is most important for choosing the location of the sports shopand to what extent?’ On the other hand, the alternatives in level 3 must be prioritizedwith regard to each criterion in level 2 In this case, an appropriate question would

Location of a sports shop

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Location of a sports shop

Visibility Competition

Industrial area Shopping centre City centre

Frequency Rental cost

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Figure 2.2 Traditional representation of the hierarchy.

be: ‘Which alternative is preferable to fulfil the given criterion and to what extent?’

In Case Study 2.1, five different prioritizations are required:

r four local prioritizations of alternatives with regard to each criterion and

r one criteria prioritization.

The aggregation of the local and criteria prioritizations leads to global prioritizations

As Figure 2.1 contains redundant information at the lowest level, the alternatives

in the hierarchy are often not repeated or are connected as in Figure 2.2

A priority is a score that ranks the importance of the alternative or criterion in thedecision Following the problem-structuring phase (see Section 2.2.1), three types ofpriorities have to be calculated:

r Criteria priorities Importance of each criterion (with respect to the top goal).

r Local alternative priorities Importance of an alternative with respect to onespecific criterion

r Global alternative priorities Priority criteria and local alternative prioritiesare intermediate results used to calculate the global alternative priorities Theglobal alternative priorities rank alternatives with respect to all criteria andconsequently the overall goal

The criteria and local alternatives priorities are calculated using the same nique Instead of directly allocating performances to alternatives (or criteria) as inthe other techniques from the American school (see MAUT, Chapter 4), AHP uses

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Table 2.2 The 1–9 fundamental scale

Degree of importance Definition

7 Very strong or demon-strated importance

9 Extreme importance

pairwise comparisons Psychologists often use this technique (Yokoyama 1921; stone 1927), for example, to evaluate the food preference of a cat by presenting twodishes at a time The cat indicates its preference by eating one dish The psycholo-gists argue that it is easier and more accurate to express a preference between onlytwo alternatives than simultaneously among all the alternatives The use of pairwisecomparisons (called paired comparisons by psychologists) is generally evaluated onthe fundamental 1–9 scale The conversion from verbal to numerical scale is given

Thur-in Table 2.2 Psychologists suggest that a smaller scale, say 1–5, would not give thesame level of detail in a data set, and that the decision maker would be lost in alarger scale: for example, on a scale of 1–100, it is difficult for the decision maker todistinguish between a score of 62 and 63 In practice, there is no fixed rule and otherscales have been proposed (Section 2.4.2)

The comparisons are collected in a matrix (Example 2.1)

Example 2.1 The comparison matrix in Figure 2.3 gathers the pairwise isons between the criteria All comparisons are positive The comparisons on the maindiagonal are 1 because a criterion is compared with itself The matrix is reciprocalbecause the upper triangle is the reverse of the lower triangle, for example visibil-ity is 1/4 as important as competition and competition is 4 times as important asvisibility

compar-The advantage of precision requires more effort, especially when there are a largenumber of criteria or alternatives The number of necessary comparisons for eachcomparison matrix is

n2− n

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Figure 2.3 Comparison matrix.

where n is the number of alternatives/criteria This formula can be explained as


r n2is the total number of comparisons that can be written in a matrix

r n of these represent the comparison of the alternative with itself (on the maindiagonal) The evaluation is 1 and therefore not required (shown in bold inFigure 2.3)

r As the matrix is reciprocal, only half of the comparisons are required Theother half are automatically calculated from the first half

For example, in Figure 2.3 we have n= 4, therefore the number of comparisons toprovide is (42− 4)/2 = 6.

Even though the squared number is reduced by n and divided by 2, the required

number of comparisons can be very high For example, 10 alternatives lead to 45 tions for each criterion The effort required to complete the matrix is time-consumingand can be discouraging In Section 2.5.3, ways to deal with this quadratic increase

ques-in the number of comparisons will be discussed

From these comparison matrices, the software will calculate the local and criteriapriorities; see Section 2.4.4, where the calculation of these priorities is explained.Finally, it aggregates these two priorities to establish the global priority Prioritiesonly make sense if they are derived from consistent or near-consistent matrices, and

as a result a consistency check must be performed, to which we now turn

When the matrix is complete, a consistency check may be performed to detect possiblecontradictions in the entries When several successive pairwise comparisons arepresented, they may contradict each other The reasons for these contradictions could

be, for example, vaguely defined problems, a lack of sufficient information (known

as bounded rationality), uncertain information or lack of concentration Suppose thatthe decision maker, as an example, gives the following pairwise comparisons:

r The shopping centre is two times more visible than the city centre.

r The city centre is three times more visible than the industrial area.

r The industrial area is four times more visible than the shopping centre.

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The third assertion is inconsistent as determined from the two first assertions; theindustrial area is six times more visible than the shopping centre (2× 3) Humannature is often inconsistent, for example, in football it is possible for the team atthe top of the table to lose against the team at the bottom of the table To allowthis inconsistent reality, AHP allows up to a 10% inconsistency compared to theaverage inconsistency of 500 randomly filled matrices A calculation is done by thesupporting software and indicates if a matrix needs to be reconsidered due to its highinconsistency (a detailed description is available in the black box Section 2.4.3)

The last step of the decision process is the sensitivity analysis, where the input data isslightly modified to observe the impact on the results As complex decision modelsare often inherently ill defined, the sensitivity analysis allows different scenarios to

be generated These different scenarios may result in other rankings, and furtherdiscussion may be needed to reach a consensus If the ranking does not change, the

results are said to be robust – otherwise they are sensitive The sensitivity analysis in

MakeItRational is performed by varying the weight of the criteria and observing the

impact on the global alternative priority

Exercise 2.1

The following multiple-choice questions test your knowledge of the basics of AHP.Only one answer is correct Answers can be found on the companion website

1 What does AHP stand for?

a) Analytic Hierarchy Program

b) Analytic Hierarchy Process

c) Analytic Hierarchical Programming

d) Analytical Hierarchy Partitioning

2 What is the typical Saaty scale?

a) A 1–5 scale

b) A 1–9 scale

c) A 1–10 scale

d) A 1–100 scale

3 What is the main purpose of AHP?

a) AHP prioritizes alternatives based on criteria and constraints

b) AHP assigns goals to alternatives

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c) AHP prioritizes alternatives based on criteria

d) AHP assigns criteria to alternatives

4 Pairwise comparisons in AHP are based on which scale?

The available AHP software has greatly contributed to the success of the AHP method.The software incorporates intuitive graphical user interfaces, automatic calculation ofpriorities and inconsistencies, and provides several ways of processing a sensitivityanalysis (Ishizaka and Labib 2009) At the time of writing there are several softwarepackages: Expert Choice, Decision Lens, HIPRE 3+, RightChoiceDSS, Criterium,EasyMind, Questfox, ChoiceResults and 123AHP, as well as the option of adapting

a template in Microsoft Excel (e.g see Exercise 2.3).

This section describes the AHP web software MakeItRational, available from

http://makeitrational.com This software was chosen because of its simplicity and thefree trial version available (Kaspar and Ossadnik 2013) The disadvantage of the free

version is that models cannot be saved, but as MakeItRational is an online software

package, it is automatically updated Data is stored on the web server, although aserver edition can be purchased, which allows the data to be saved on computer When

using MakeItRational, it is not necessary to know how priorities are calculated, only

what should be ranked This section describes the graphical user interface The four

steps introduced in Section 2.2 will be followed by navigating between the top tabs(Figure 2.5) of the software

For problem structuring, three tabs are necessary

r Project tab: Name the project (this is needed to save it) and enter a description(optional)

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r Alternatives tab: Enter a minimum of two alternatives.

r Criteria tab: Enter a minimum of two criteria.

The Evaluation tab in Figure 2.4 displays the pairwise comparisons needed to late the priorities The user first has to select the Goal in the left panel, and the rightpanel will ask for pairwise evaluations of the criteria For example, in Figure 2.4,

calcu-Competition has been evaluated as twice as important as Frequency When this step

is complete, the user will need to select the first criterion from the left panel, where

again the right panel will ask for pairwise comparisons In Figure 2.5, the City centre has been evaluated as 5 times as important as the Industrial area with regard to

Competition This process is repeated for each criterion.

MakeItRational allows a direct rating of the alternatives/criteria if they are already

known For example, in Figure 2.6, the exact frequency of people per hour for eachalternative is known; therefore the precise amount can be entered Note that thecriterion needs to be maximized For criteria to minimize, the score needs to be

inverted, for example x becomes 1/x If all evaluation preferences are rated directly,

then the weighted sum is used In this case, the decision maker needs to know the

utility function either implicitly or explicitly MakeItRational is able to support both

methods because they share several common features

Priorities will be automatically calculated by MakeItRational after a consistency


Figure 2.4 Pairwise comparisons of criteria in MakeItRational Reproduced by permission of BS Consulting Dawid Opydo.

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Figure 2.5 Pairwise comparisons of alternatives in MakeItRational Reproduced by permission of BS Consulting Dawid Opydo.

MakeItRational has various consistency checks represented by the icons on the left

pane of the tab (Figure 2.6) Table 2.3 explains the status

r The Complete status means that all pairwise comparisons have been tently entered

consis-r In the Enough status, not all pairwise comparisons are entered but those vided can be used to estimate the missing ones (Section This status can

pro-be used when a large numpro-ber of alternatives are evaluated in order to decreasethe number of required pairwise comparisons Therefore, comfortable compar-isons should be entered first

Figure 2.6 Direct rating of alternatives in MakeItRational Reproduced by sion of BS Consulting Dawid Opydo.

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Table 2.3 Preference status Reproduced by permission of BS Consulting DawidOpydo

Complete All judgements in the context of this criterion have

been provided The entered pairwise comparisonsare consistent (CR< 10%).

Enough There are some empty judgements in the context of

this criterion but weights/scores can be calculated.Inconsistency The entered pairwise comparisons are inconsistent

than 10% to be considered acceptable MakeItRational will recommend which

comparison to modify For example, in Figure 2.7, the most inconsistent

com-parison is between visibility and rental costs MakeItRational recommends

modifying the comparison to 4

Figure 2.7 Inconsistency and recommended comparisons Reproduced by sion of BS Consulting Dawid Opydo.

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r The Contradictory status indicates logically impossible cardinal preferences.

For example, I prefer the shopping centre to the city centre, I prefer the city

centre to the industrial area, and I prefer the industrial area to the shopping centre, which induces an impossible preference cycle:

shopping centre > city centre > industrial area > shopping centre.

r The Missing status indicates that not enough data has been provided to calculatepriorities

r The Error status indicates an error in the problem structuring: a criterioncontains only one sub-criterion or the problem contains only one alternative.Priorities will be calculated for the first four matrix statuses, but it is strongly rec-

ommended to revise pairwise comparisons for the Inconsistency and Contradictory


Figure 2.8 shows the global priorities of the alternatives with regard to the goal

‘Location selection for a sports shop’ The results are displayed with scores andstacked bar diagrams for better visualization It can be seen that the city centre isthe preferred alternative, especially because of its high frequency In the chart data

Figure 2.8 Global priorities in MakeItRational Reproduced by permission of BS Consulting Dawid Opydo.

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Figure 2.9 Local priority in MakeItRational Reproduced by permission of BS sulting Dawid Opydo.

Con-of Figure 2.8, it can be seen that frequency contributes 23.94 towards the total score

criteria The shopping centre scores very high on the frequency and visibility criteria.

Figure 2.10 displays the criteria priorities in a pie chart and the scores in the tablebeneath it

On the same Results tab, a sensitivity analysis in MakeItRational allows the impact

of the changes of one criterion weight over the global priority to be seen Forexample, in Figure 2.11, if the current rental costs weight of 18.1% is increased

to over 22.35%, then the preferred alternative is no longer the city centre but theindustrial area

Finally, the results can be collected in a report and downloaded in differentformats An example of a report can be downloaded from the companion website( Report_MakeItRational.pdf)

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Figure 2.10 Criterion priorities in MakeItRational Reproduced by permission of

BS Consulting Dawid Opydo.

Figure 2.11 Sensitivity analysis in MakeItRational Reproduced by permission of

BS Consulting Dawid Opydo.

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Exercise 2.2

In this exercise, the sports shop problem in Case Study 2.1 will be solved with the

MakeItRational software.

Learning Outcomes

 Structure a problem in MakeItRational

 Enter pairwise comparisons

 Understand the results

 Conduct a sensitivity analysis


a) Open the webpage http://makeitrational.com/demo The free version has thefull functionalities but the problem cannot be saved

b) Read the description of Case Study 2.1, on page 14

c) Give your decision project a name (Project tab).

d) Enter the alternatives (Alternatives tab).

e) Enter the criteria (Criteria tab).

f) Enter the pairwise comparisons (Evaluation tab) Are they consistent? g) Read your global ranking and conduct a sensitivity analysis (Results tab).

In most cases, the problem is not as well defined as in Case Study 2.1 The decisionmaker may have a vague idea of wanting to open a shop but without knowing theprecise alternatives and criteria A structure must be formed through brainstormingsessions, analysing similar problem studies and organizing focus groups etc Saatyand Forman (1992) have written a book describing hierarchical structures in variousAHP applications, which may be of use in the structuring process

This hierarchization of decision elements is important because a different structuremay lead to a different final ranking Several authors (P¨oyh¨onen et al 1997; Stillwell

et al 1987; Weber et al 1988) have observed that criteria with a large number ofsub-criteria tend to receive more weight than when they are less detailed

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Table 2.4 Food and drink quantities in two menus

et al 1992)

AHP, due to its pairwise comparisons, needs ratio scales, which, contrary tomethods using interval scales (Kainulainen et al 2009), require no units of compar-

ison The judgement is a relative value or a quotient a / b of two quantities a and b

having the same units (intensity, utility, etc.) Barzilai (2005) claims that preferencescannot be represented with ratio scales, because in his opinion an absolute zero doesnot exist, for example, temperature or electrical tension Similarly, Dodd and Done-gan (1995) have criticized the absence of zero in the preference scale in Table 2.2

On the contrary, Saaty (1994a) states that ratio scales are the only possibility foraggregating measurements in a commensurate (i.e same units) way (Example 2.2)

Example 2.2 Consider two lunch menus evaluated on two criteria of the quantity

of food and quantity of drinks (Table 2.4) The food quantity is considered twice asimportant as the drinks quantity The two menus can be compared on a ratio scale:

Menu BMenu A = 2 · 2

This result also indicates that menu B is better

However, if the scale is changed from litres to decilitres, the results change forthe interval scale,

Menu B− Menu A = 2 · (2 − 0.8) + (5 − 10) = −2.6,

but not for the ratio scale,

Menu BMenu A = 2 · 2



10 = 5.5.

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In order to correct this change, the weights should be adjusted as well:

of the 1–9 linear scale Lootsma (1989) argued that the geometric scale is preferable

to the 1–9 linear scale Salo and H¨am¨al¨ainen (1997) point out that the integers1–9 yield local weights that are unevenly dispersed so that there is lack of sensitivityTable 2.5 Different scales for comparing two alternatives

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Figure 2.12 Graph of judgement scales.

when comparing elements which are preferentially close to each other Based onthis observation, they propose a balanced scale where the local weights are evenlydispersed over the weight range [0.1, 0.9] Earlier, Ma and Zheng (1991) calculated

a scale where the inverse elements x of the scale 1/x are linear instead of the x in

the Saaty scale Donegan et al (1992) proposed an asymptotic scale avoiding the

boundary problem (e.g if the decision maker enters the pairwise comparison a ij =

3 and a jk= 4, they are forced into an intransitive relation because the upper limit

of the scale is 9 and they cannot enter a ik = 12) Ji and Jiang (2003) propose amixture of verbal scale and geometric scale The possibility of integrating negativevalues into the scale has also been explored (Millet and Schoner 2005; Saaty andOzdemir 2003a)

Figure 2.13 Graph of the judgement scales with the geometric and power scales omitted.

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Figure 2.12 and Figure 2.13 represent graphically the different scales of Table 2.5.Large differences are noted, which imply different final results (Ishizaka et al 2010).Among the proposed scales, the linear scale with the integers 1–9 and their recip-rocals have been used most often in applications It is also the only one implemented

in Expert Choice and MakeItRational Saaty (1980, 1991) advocates it as the best

scale to represent weight ratios However, the cited examples deal with objectivemeasurable alternatives like the areas of figures, whereas AHP treats mainly deci-sion processes on subjective issues It is technically much more difficult to verifythe effectiveness of scales through subjective issues Salo and H¨am¨al¨ainen (1997)demonstrate the superiority of the balanced scale when comparing two elements Thechoice of the ‘best’ scale is a hotly debated issue Some scientists argue that the choicedepends on the person and the decision problem (Harker and Vargas 1987; P¨oyh¨onen

et al 1997) Therefore, other scales would be welcomed in the AHP software

In Section 2.2.3, minimal consistency was necessary to calculate meaningful

pri-orities A matrix filled by the pairwise comparison a ij is called consistent if thetransitivity (2.2) and the reciprocity (2.3) rules are respected

Transitivity Rule:

where a ij is the comparison of alternative i with j.

Suppose a person likes an apple twice as much as an orange (a12 = 2) and an

orange three times as much as a banana (a23 = 3) If the person likes an apple six

times as much as a banana (a13= 6), the transitivity rule is respected

Reciprocity Rule:

a ij= 1

a ji


where i, j and k are any alternatives of the matrix.

If a person likes an apple twice as much as an orange (a12= 2), then they like an

orange half as much as an apple (a21= 1/2)

If we suppose that preferences p iare known, a perfectly consistent matrix

Ngày đăng: 24/04/2014, 15:36



