Microsoft Word STL Cheat Sheet by Category doc Siemens S7 Statement List (STL) by category Bit logic A And AN And Not O Or ON Or Not X Exclusive Or XN Exclusive Or Not FN Edge Negative FP Edge Positiv.
Siemens S7 Statement List (STL) by category Bit logic A And AN And Not O Or ON Or Not X Exclusive Or XN Exclusive Or Not FN Edge Negative FP Edge Positive ( ) Nesting = Assign R Reset S Set NOT Negate RLO SET Set RLO (=1) CLR Clear RLO (=O) Save RLO in BR SAVE Register Convert BTI ITB BTD ITD DTB DTR INVI INVD NEGI NEGD NEGR CAW CAD RND TRUNC RNDRND+ BCD to Integer Integer to BCD BCD to Integer Integer to Double Integer Double Integer to BCD Double Integer to Floating-Point Ones Complement Integer Ones Complement Double Integer Twos Complement Integer Twos Complement Double Integer Negate FloatingPoint Number Change Byte Sequence in ACC1 Word Change Byte Sequence in ACC1 Double Round Truncate Round to Lower Double Integer Round to Upper Double Integer Note: For Compare and Math I Integer (16 bit) Double Integer D (32 bit) Real – Floating R Point (32 bit) Compare ==I ==D ==R I D R >I >D >R >=I >=D >=R