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Ioe grade 5 tỉnh

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1 speaking festival/ take part in/ school English/ Will you/ next Saturday? → 2 going to/ isn’t/ stay/ in a hotel / He → 3 How long does it take you to ready in the morning? 4 Is/ near/ a stadium/ the[.]

speaking festival/ take part in/ school English/ Will you/ next Saturday? → going to/ isn’t/ stay/ in a hotel./ He → How long does it take you to ready in the morning? Is/ near/ a stadium/ there/ his factory? → My sister/ chocolate / come/ after lunch./ always has → in/ by letter./ We/ stay/ touch → COM_LETE Children _ be careful when they cross the road are must have I _ a kite yesterday afternoon 10 the town./ find a modern/ hotel in/ It is/ difficult to → 11 What will the weather be like tomorrow? – It’ll be very cold and _ wind windy hot storm 12 has/ sceneries./ beautiful/ lots of/ My country → 13 Katie’s hobbies _ playing badminton and going shopping 14 My teacher/ took/ last week./ a lot of photos/ on her holiday → 15 Mr Smith/ tomorrow./ be/ at the meeting/ won’t → 16 twice/ brush/ a day./ your teeth/ You should → 17 She needs/ vegetable/ bottle of/ oil and/ some rice → 18 Odd one out: classroom teacher doctor farmer 19 _ANUARY 20 Where’s Tom? – He’s _ work 21 Agatha Christie was an English detective _ Her novel “ The Murder of Roger Ackroyd” was considered as one of the best novels ever 22 Today is the last day of school It is summer VACATION 23 PART_ 24 August is the hottest _ this year 25 How many hours _ a day? he works is he work does he work does he works 26 They sometimes _ morning exercise at 5.30 27 They / began/ forest./ in the/ to race → 28 We are playing blind man’s in the playground 29 Linda is twenty years old Jenny is eleven years old Jenny is than Linda 30 Is the bank next _ the post office 31 in/ 1066?/ Who/ King of England/ became → 32 Which sentence is correct? There aren’t any oranges on the table On the table aren’t there any oranges There aren’t oranges on any the table There on the table aren’t any oranges 33 What are you doing? - _ are planting some trees (We Us Our Ours) 34 We have/ such a happy/ fishing village./ delightful little / time in this → 35 has an/ school/ The/ excellent/ library → 36 _ colour are your daughter’s shoes? – They are brown Which Who What How 37 Tommy is France He’s French 38 have breakfast/ to school./ going/ before/ You should → 39 Lien spends too much money _ clothes and shoes (at to for on) 40 Please tell me _ about your study (many more few much) 41 _ are you doing? – I’m watching sports on TV 42 What is your sister doing? – She is playing the p upstairs Can you hear the melody of the “Blue Danube” 43 I can’t help you I’m _ good at English 44 Her hat is beautiful It means It’s a beautiful hat It’s a hat beautiful She has a beautiful hat She has a hat beautiful 45 Let’s go to the post _ I need to send some letters 46 Thanks for helping me carry that box - pleasure I am Mine My No 47 They would like some milk _ dinner (in at for of) 48 We learn about poems and novels in _ History Literature Physics Chemistry 49 We _ a beautiful lantern in Mid-Autumn Festival next Sunday will going to make are going to make make go to make 50 Lan and John are penpals They _ each other twice a month are writing write wrote writes 51 Little / is playing/ his toy car./ with/ John → 52 He gave up _ three years ago He often smoked two packs of cigarette a day 53 John has a bike but he never c _ to work because it is far from his house 54 There _ much beer in the glass (isn’t aren’t hasn’t doesn’t have) 55 Who are they staying _? – Their parents 56 their houses aren’t/ school every/ They walk to/ far from school./ day because → 57 Mary’s mother made a new skirt _ her last week 58 Does he/ need half/ two oranges?/ beef and/ a kilo of → 59 AL_UD 60 Elisa is _ something on her book (writing writing wrote writes) 61 Japanese by yourself./ learn/ It is/ for you to/ difficult → 62 Let _ get some bread for you ( I me mine my) 63 Would you like some toys _ your children? (to in on for) 64 Who is the main _in the story “The Adventures of Pinocchio”? 65 I have enough food in the house, so I needn’t _ to the supermarket tomorrow to go will go go going 66 Classmate/ from Singapore./ We are/ going to have/ a new → 67 Some people eat meat (do never don’t never no 68 Joe’s father has a _ of coffee in the morning 69 You should _ in bed until your fever goes away 70 Susan/ speak?/ language/ does/ Which → 71 FE_ALE 72 Put the computer on the TABLE 73 We must stay here _ 8.30 to 74 These apples are mine and those are (she’s she is 75 the dentist/ visit/ You should/ at least/ times a year → 76 yesterday/ I cleaned/ those shoes/ but they are/ dirty now → 77 I would like to be a nurse because I’d like to look after 78 from London/ did/ they travel/ How/ Madrid ? → 79 his party/ begin?/ does/ time/ What → 80 We _ going to go to Huong Pagoda this week 81 We/ keep fit./ morning/ exercise regularly to/ → 82 Meet in/ the school/ gate./ We can/ front of → 83 see/ a movie/ We are/ tonight./ going to → 84 When it becomes hot, people often feel _ hungry thirsty happy worried 85 old./ Tim and Ken/ both/ 11 years/ are → 86 We spend a lot of money _ clothes (to on with 87 BI_TH 88 at my school./ music/ different/ There are/ clubs → 89 Goodbye! – Bye, _ you later 90 Yesterday/ Linda/ her birthday party./ invited me/ to → 91 bedtime?/ often do/ your mother/ What does/ before → 92 Phuong lives _ her grandparents in Bat Trang Village (on 93 Odd one out: festival week year month 94 They are _ a new house near the lake 95 _ does your brother work? – He works in Ho Chi Minh City 96 My dad HAS a pumpkin 97 with his friends/ in winters./ skiing/ Tim/ sometimes goes → 98 Stand , please 99 Peter _ any jackets in his bedroom hasn’t has got don’t have doesn’t have 100 I’m going to show some Indonesian at the party 101 I don’t like vegetables _ my sister does 102 His idea is quiet different mine 103 sailing/ never go/ in the/ We/ winter → never) her hers) at) with of to) very interesting./ in he summer/ is/ swimming/ Going → often has/ before/ a big breakfast/ going to school./ Michael SAN_WICH Peter is watching some p _ with his friends in his room a glass/ I’d like/ please./ of milk, / sandwich and → Are there people in the garden? (some not any one) Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently: bean bread head ready 111 Mrs Lien is at the store She some things buy buys to buy is buying 112 wear/ They/ in the winter./ warm clothes/ often → 113 SINGAPOR_AN 114 tonight / have/ We don’t / much homework/ to → 115 develop their/ Should all/ outdoors and/ children play/ social skills? → 116 badminton/ in the morning./ sometimes/ He/ plays → 117 Tom prefers eating cooking 118 There are high buildings in Thailand (many lot of a lots of much) 119 Would she like _? The cup of iced coffee a cup of coffee iced a cup of iced coffee The cup of ice coffee 120 My mother uses the _ to cook pumpkin soup 121 John’s brother has a big flat on the fourth of the building 122 they/ have breakfast?/ usually/ What time/ → 123 What language _? – English does he speak he speaks is he speak has he speak 124 In spring, it is warm _ beautiful 125 anything/ Is there/ in/ the clothes/ basket? → 126 his homework/ for three hours/ Frank/ yesterday evening./ did → 127 “Harry Potter” is on at on HBO Let’s _ at my house and _ together gather/ watching gathering/ watching gathers/ watches gather/ watch 128 When doing exercise, you s wear comfortable clothing 129 My family often goes _ a picnic at weekend 130 Life in the countryside is pe _ 131 time/ did/ What/ you get/ there? → 132 What is dessert, Mom? (to for of from) 133 Don’t _ noise The kid is sleeping 134 What’s the weather _? – It’s cloudy 135 CAS_ETTE 136 their kites/ They sometimes/ in the/ fly/ park → 137 to the zoo/ often walk/ in 15 minutes./ from my house/ I → 138 fables of children in/ the world./ is one of/ Aesop’s famous/ “The Tortoise and the Hare” → 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Who/ is/ phoning/ at the moment?/ you → Hoang goes to school _ foot every day ROU_D _? - My parents What are you writing to Whose are you writing to Which are you writing to Who are you writing to 143 can speak/ Mrs Green’s/ three/ family members/ languages → 144 at my/ house./ I’ll be/ Tomorrow/ grandparents → 145 When _ your family come back from the holiday? – Next week does is will was 146 Odd one out: sail stay throw desert 147 – Do you know the author of “Adventures of a Cricket”? – To Hoai, of course It’s a piece of _ ( candy pizza cake story) 148 I don’t like orange _ I like lemonade 149 Close/ books and/ your/ listen to/ my questions → 150 BET_EEN 151 She often _ a bath in the evening 152 My family is having m in the dining room 153 your son/ usually have/ does/ What/ for breakfast? 154 Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently: book pool stool school 155 Are you in my Art class? – Yes, I _ ( ‘m am ‘re A&B) 156 Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently: knife book chicken like 157 I will go to the supermarket to _ some vegetables 158 Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently watches washes misses lives 159 Hai has to _ an aspirin because he has a headache 160 My mother is an English teacher and my father is a _ 161 My grandpa is but my grandma is light 162 can find/ in almost/ every big city./ Today, you/ fast food restaurants → 163 her/ Her mother/ many new clothes/ often buys/ at weekends → 164 _ you like some coffee, Mary? – No, thanks 165 What’s the matter _ you? – I cut to/ myself at/ myself with/ myself with/himself 166 She is going to learn how to use a in the class 167 Are you ready the exam? ( for on to with) 168 I brush my teeth a breakfast, lunch and dinner 169 They are happy with their new HOUSE and they don’t want to leave 170 _ are you going to stay here? – For a week 139 140 141 142 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 How often How long How many How far Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently: bus but picture up What you often your free time? (in at on will we go this summer? – We will go to Co To Island Where How What Which free time/ any/ these days./ I don’t/ have → They/ in /the evening./ at home/ aren’t there and/ I’ll/ photo./ take your/ Stand We sang and danced _ at School Music Festival happy happily happyly happiest is/ very interested/ in My little brother/ cartoons → – What’s the weather like today? – It’s _ When _ your family buy a new house? – Next month (did will How _ money you have? with) does) ... to/ my questions → 150 BET_EEN 151 She often _ a bath in the evening 152 My family is having m in the dining room 153 your son/ usually have/ does/ What/ for breakfast? 154 Which word has the... packs of cigarette a day 53 John has a bike but he never c _ to work because it is far from his house 54 There _ much beer in the glass (isn’t aren’t hasn’t doesn’t have) 55 Who are they staying... book pool stool school 155 Are you in my Art class? – Yes, I _ ( ‘m am ‘re A&B) 156 Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently: knife book chicken like 157 I will go to the supermarket

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2023, 02:17
