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//SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM Radar Systems, Peak Detection and Tracking //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM This book is dedicated to my best friend and my wife, Dr Marjorie Helen Kolawole Your unfailing support has been a constant source of joy and strength You are the loveliest of women //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM Radar Systems, Peak Detection and Tracking Michael O Kolawole, PhD OXFORD AMSTERDAM BOSTON LONDON NEW YORK PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM Newnes An imprint of Elsevier Science Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 First published 2002 Copyright # 2002, Michael Kolawole All rights reserved The right of Michael Kolawole to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1T 4LP Applications for the copyright holder's written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 7506 57731 For information on all Newnes publications visit our website at www.newnespress.com Typeset by Integra Software Services Pvt Ltd, Pondicherry, India www.integra-india.com Printed and bound in Great Britain Preface Acknowledgements Untitled Notations Part I Radar Systems Essential relational functions 1.1 Fourier analysis 1.2 Discrete Fourier transform 1.3 Other useful functions 1.4 Fast Fourier transform function 1.5 Norm of a 1.6 Summary Appendix 1A Understanding radar fundamentals 2.1 An overview of radar system architecture Antenna physics and radar measurements 3.1 Antenna radiation 3.2 Target measurements 3.3 Summary Appendix 3A arrays Antenna array 4.1 Planar shifter 4.2 Phase steering 4.3 Beam spacing 4.4 Inter-element 4.5 Pattern multiplication array 4.6 Slot antenna 4.7 Power and time budgets 4.8 Summary The radar equations 5.1 Radar equation for conventional radar 5.2 Target fluctuation models 5.3 Detection probability 5.4 Target detection range in clutter 5.5 Radar equation for laser radar of merit 5.6 Search figure 5.7 Radar equation for secondary radars 5.8 Summary Appendix 5A Noise in Doppler processing Part II Ionosphere and HF Skywave Radar The ionosphere and its effect on HF skywave propagation 6.1 The admosphere 6.2 The ionosphere 6.3 Summary radar Skywave 7.1 Skywave geometry 7.2 Basic system architecture 7.3 Beamforming 7.4 Radar equation: a discussion 7.5 Applications of skywave radar 7.6 Summary Part III Peak Detection and Background Theories Probability theory and distribution functions 8.1 A basic concept of random variables 8.2 Summary of applicable probability rules 8.3 Probability density function 8.4 Moment, average, variance and cumulant 8.5 Stationarity and ergodicity 8.6 An overview of probability distributions 8.7 Summary theory Decision 9.1 Tests of significance 9.2 Error probabilities and decision criteria 9.3 Maximum likelihood rule 9.4 Neyman-Pearson rule 9.5 Minimum error probability rule 9.6 risk rule Bayes minimum 9.7 Summary 10 Signal-peak detection 10.1 Signal processing 10.2 Peak detection 10.3 Matched filter 10.4 Summary Part IV Estimation and Tracking 11 Parameter estimation and filtering 11.1 Basic parameter estimator 11.2 Maximum likelihood estimator 11.3 Estimators a posteriori 11.4 Linear estimators 11.5 Summary 12 Tracking 12.1 Basic tracking process tracking 12.2 Filters for 12.3 Tracking with PDA filter in a cluttered environment 12.4 Summary References Glossary Index //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± 10 ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM Preface This book is written to provide continuity to the reader on how radar systems work, how the signals captured by the radar receivers are processed, parameterized and presented for tracking, and how tracking algorithms are formulated Continuity is needed because most radar systems books have been written that concentrate on certain specialized topics assuming a prior knowledge of the reader to background principles In most cases extended references are given to the understanding of the topics in question This can be frustrating to practitioners and students sorting through books to understand a simple topic Hence this book takes a thorough approach to ramping up the reader in the topical foundations Advanced topics are certainly not ignored Throughout, concepts are developed mostly on an intuitive, physical basis, with further insight provided through a combination of applications and performance curves The book has been written with science and engineering in mind, so that it should be more useful to science and communications professionals and practising electrical and electronic engineers It could also be used as a textbook suitable for undergraduate and graduate courses As a practitioner and teacher, I am aware of the complexity involved in the presentation of many technical issues associated with the topic areas This is the main reason why the book builds up gradually from a relatively low base for the reader to have a good grasp of the mathematics, and the physical interpretation of the mathematics wherever possible before the reader reaches the advanced topics, which are certainly not ignored but necessary in the formulation of tracking algorithms; gives sufficient real-life examples for the reader to appreciate the synergy involved and have a feel for how physical abstractions are converted to quantifiable, real events or systems; where real-life matters cannot be linked directly to physical derivations, gives further insight through a combination of applications and performance curves In most cases, those seeking qualitative understanding can skip the mathematics without any loss of continuity Professionals //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± 11 ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM Preface xi in the field would greatly appreciate the background knowledge mathematics, sufficient for them to follow the advanced sections with very little difficulty; presents a number of new ideas which may deserve further investigation In general, readers of this book will gain an understanding of radar systems' fundamental principles, underlying technologies, architectures, design constraints and real-world applications To be able to cover all relevant grounds, the book contains 12 chapters, divided into four parts Each part represents topics of comparable relevance Part I contains five chapters The chapters are structured in a way that gives the reader a continuum in the understanding of radar systems Each chapter is somehow self-sufficient However, where further knowledge can be gained, applicable references are given Chapter provides the essential functional relations, concepts, and definitions that are relevant to radar systems' development and analysis and signal peak detection This approach is taken to provide the basic groundwork for other concepts that are developed in subsequent chapters The areas covered are sufficiently rich to provide a good understanding of the subject matter for non-specialists in radar systems and associated signal processing The next four chapters concentrate on radar systems Discussions on radar systems evolve from basic concept and gradually increase to a more complex outlook The author believes that mastering the fundamentals permits moving on to more complex concepts without great difficulty In so doing, the reader would learn the following: The basic architecture of radar systems, receiver sensitivity analysis, and data acquisition and/or compression issues as well as the applications of radar in Chapter Chapter examines the physics of an antenna, which is a major item in radar systems design It starts from the perspective of a simple radiator, the division of radiation field in front of an antenna into quantifiable regions and further discusses the principle of pulse compression Pulse compression allows recognition of closely spaced targets as well as enabling range measurements when transmitting with signal pulses and a train of pulses Chapter shows how the extension of the simple radiator's radiation property to an array of radiators including slot antennas can achieve a higher gain as well as the freedom to steer the array antenna in any preferred direction Chapter explains how radar equations are developed recognizing the effect of the environment on the conventional, laser and secondary radar performance and the detection of targets of variable radar cross-sections and mobility //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± 12 ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM xii Preface Part II comprises two chapters: and When a wave traverses the regions comprising the atmosphere it results in the degradation of signal-target information due to spatial inhomogeneities that exist and vary continuously with time in the atmosphere The spatial variations produce statistical bias errors, which are an important consideration when formulating and designing a high frequency (HF) skywave radar system Chapter explains how these errors are quantified including the polarization rotational effect on the traversing wave Chapter explains the design consideration and performance of the skywave radar The issue of what the true nature of data is and what to with data acquired by radar becomes relevant after the data, which might have been corrupted prior to being processed, has been processed Data processing involves the transformation of a set of coordinated physical measurements into decision statistics for some hypotheses These hypotheses, in the case of radar, are whether targets with certain characteristics are present with certain position, speed, and heading attributes To test the trueness of the hypotheses requires knowledge of probability and statistical and decision theory together with those espoused in Chapter ± the reader will therefore be in a better position to know the other processes involved in signal-peaks detection Hence, Part III is structured into three chapters: 8, and 10 Chapter reviews some of the important properties and definitions of probability theory and random processes that bear relevance to the succeeding topics in Part IV By this approach, the author consciously attempts to reduce complex processes involved in synthesizing radar system signals to their fundamentals so that their basic principles by which they operate can be easily identified The basic principles are further built on in Chapter 12 to solve more complex, technical tracking problems Chapter investigates one type of optimization problem; that is, finding the system that performs the best, within its certain class, of all possible systems The signal-reception problem is decoupled into two distinct domains, namely detection and estimation Detection problem forms the central theme of Chapter 10 while estimation is discussed in Part IV, Chapter 11 Detection is a process of detecting the presence of a particular signal, among other candidate signals, in a noisy or cluttered environment Part IV contains two chapters ± 11 and 12 ± covering parameter estimation and radar tracking Estimation is the second type of optimization problem and exploits the several parallels with the decision theory of Chapter Three estimation procedures are considered, namely maximum likelihood, a posteriori, and linear estimation Tracking is the central theme of Chapter 12 and it brings to the fore all the concepts discussed in previous chapters For example, target tracking now turns the tentative decision statistics, discussed in Chapters and 11, into more highly refined decision statistics The probability theory discussed in Chapter is expanded on to solve the problem of uncertainty in track initiation and establishment as well as data association //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-CH012.3D ± 345 ± [313±347/35] 18.12.2002 9:32PM Summary 345 yn nÀ Dy n 1; 2; ; Ny 12:118 The values of r for each observation (xi , yi ) are then calculated at all yn points (ii) Compute for N measurements from N consecutive scans, resulting in a set of r values Denote these values by ri yn xi cos yn yi sin yn 12:119 where i 1, 2, , N and n 1, 2, , Ny (iii) Calculate the average of r over all i at each of yn points Denote this average by Calculate the maximum deviation of r from their average by Dr yn maxfri yn À hri yn ig 12:120 (iv) Search over all yn s and obtain the minimum of the deviation Dr minfDr yn g 12:121 If Dr is less than a predetermined threshold, say g0 , the detection of a straight-line trajectory is claimed, and a new track is initiated, otherwise discarded 12.3.6 Conclusion Complete information has now been assembled to start a PDA filter tracker for both non-manoeuvring and manoeuvring targets in cluttered environments It has been demonstrated in the preceding developments that the PDA tracking technique is a suboptimal Bayesian algorithm whose formulation includes a priori probability of obtaining a target measurement The a priori probability is also the detection probability: the probability that the target is detected The absence of certainty in sensor measurement data ensures the inclusion of the event probability as a means of introducing qualified weightings on the measurement data This assures a reasonable interpretation of resulting tracks 12.4 Summary This chapter has examined the basic tracking principles including the commonly utilized tracking filters: ab, abg and Kalman These filters are of the fading memory type, which can be implemented recursively //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-CH012.3D ± 346 ± [313±347/35] 18.12.2002 9:32PM 346 Tracking For operational purposes, higher accuracy is demanded of the tracking system The use of `improved probability data association' filters attempts to produce a workable and efficient tracker in a cluttered environment An important developmental area that requires further attention is the development of a robust initiation algorithm that considerably reduces clutter-initiated tracks within a reasonable specified time This chapter is intended to provide a significant basis for an enhanced development of a practical tracker, which is clearly an active area of investigation Problems A rigid communication satellite is to be tracked in all weather The satellite has moment inertia of Im with an applied torque Tr acting along the direction of rotation The equation of motion is written as y Im t Tr t w t where rotational angular acceleration of the satellite y y angle of the satellite w process noise with zero mean and unity variance; that is mw and  à s2 E w(t)wT (t) w By first-order state-space form ! ! ! ! ! _ y t Tr t w t y t _ t y t 0 1 Im Im y |{z} |{z} |{z} |{z} |{z} |{z} _ x t Aà x t Bà u t wà t Or _ x t Aà x t Bà u t wà t If the angle y is sampled on every time interval Dt and the applied torque remains constant over the sampled period, then the continuous-time mode can be written in discrete form as x k 1 Ax k Bu k Q And the measurement equation: y k Cx k R where the measurement noise v(k) is assumed random with zero mean and variance //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-CH012.3D ± 347 ± [313±347/35] 18.12.2002 9:32PM Problems 347  à R E v kvT k s2 m P Dt  à s2 Q E wà wT w R à Im Dt A eDtAà B Dt Dt 2 Dt Bà eDtAà dt Dt Q Dt2 S Dt Dt2 Dt 54 Dt Suppose Dt s, s2 104 and Im 1, plot the satellite trajectory for m the next 40 s If s2 is varied between 102 and 106, what significant changes will you m observe in the target's trajectory? 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interference, meteor, lightning and even other objects in the vicinity of the target(s) of interest that could mask the true identification and quantification of the target(s) signatures Compression The process of converting an input data stream (the source stream, or the original raw data) into a smaller data stream (the output, or the compressed stream) Correlation A process of determining the mutual relationships that exist between several functions or signals If the measurement is the average self that exists within a signal, then the correlation is called the autocorrelation function But measurement that exists between different signals is called the cross-correlation function Critical frequency The limiting frequency at which the reflections of radio waves begin to disappear for a specific ionospheric layer Cumulant A random variable whose moment properties cannot be described about the origin Data association The procedure used to imply the origin of measurement uncertainties //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-GLOSSARY.3D ± 356 ± [355±358/4] 18.12.2002 9:33PM 356 Glossary Data conditioning A means of bringing the spectrum of the signal close to that of white noise by rejecting any unwanted data from the signal before analysis starts Data processing The transformation of a set of coordinated physical measurements into decision statistics for some hypotheses Detection The technique by which the signature of a target can be discerned among various background features Entropy The quantity of data transmitted per second, or the average selfinformation per transmitted symbol Error The difference between the estimate and the actual Estimate An arithmetic mean of a set of observations: the parallel of decision Estimator A formula, or a procedure, for deriving from a sample or set of observations to generate an estimate EUV Stands for the extreme ultraviolet The spectral band that is responsible for ionization in the E and F regions of the ionosphere Event A combination of possible outcomes Extraordinary wave One of the two magneto-ionic components associated with a characteristic wave that propagates through the ionosphere having a polarization property ± the second component is called the ordinary wave FFT Stands for the `fast Fourier transform' It is an efficient algorithm for the numerical computation of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) with a minimum computation time Filtering A process of understanding the status of a system at a particular instant FOM Stands for `figure of merit' It is a measure of radar capability Gating A technique of rejecting unlikely observation-to-track pairings Geographic latitude Latitude measured from 0 at the Earth's equator up to 90 at its pole, positive to the north, negative to the south Gyromagnetic frequency The electron frequency above the Earth's magnetic field Hour angle Sun angle measured westward from apparent noon Hypothesis A supposition from which to draw conclusions Innovation A sequence that provides an easy check for the optimality of a filtering system, or the difference between measured and predicted quantities Interpolation A process of calculating approximately a system's attributes from past parameters and current values of parameters Ionogram Recorded tracings of reflected HF radio pulses generated by a sounder (also called ionosonde) Ionosphere A region of the outer atmosphere, starting at a height of 50 km, which contains many ions and free electrons and is capable of reflecting radio waves Kalman gain The ratio between the uncertainty in the state estimates and the uncertainty in the measurements //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-GLOSSARY.3D ± 357 ± [355±358/4] 18.12.2002 9:33PM Glossary 357 Measurement equations Recursive equations that are linearly related to measurements variables MUF The maximum-usable-frequency for a specific magnetic index MUF(3000) The highest frequency that, refracted in the ionosphere, can be received at a distance of 3000 km Ordinary wave One of the two magneto-ionic components associated with a characteristic wave that propagates through the ionosphere having a polarization property ± the second component is called the extraordinary wave PDA A procedure that computes the probabilities that detections are from the target of the validation gate measurements and that enables assignments of plots to tracks Pixel A dot on a raster output device that represents one picture element A pixel may be round, square, oval, or rectangular ± whatever shape most appropriate and convenient for the specific output device manufacturer Plasma A phenomenon that occurs when an atom has been stripped of its electron resulting in a net positive electrically charged gas Prediction A stated expectation about a given attribute that may be verified by subsequent observation Preprocessing A method of conditioning a signal, or a number of signals, into a form suitable for analysis Prewhitening Same as Data conditioning Probability A notion of chance Radar An active electromagnetic surveillance device that transmits a burst of electromagnetic energy necessary to allow detection of targets intercepting the energy by its receiver Redundancy The difference between the entropy and the smallest entropy Refraction The bending associated with a signal beamed from a transmitter sufficient for the signal to return to the Earth's surface Reflection and refraction are sometimes difficult to separate Residual Same as Innovation Residue Same as Error Signal processing A technique used for performing certain functions, namely, signal enhancement, clutter suppression, interference suppression, target detection or extraction, target classification estimation and imaging Skywave radar A type of radar that sees beyond the horizon because it makes use of the ionosphere to refract the radar wave propagated back to Earth Solar zenith angle Angle measured at the Earth's surface between the Sun and the zenith Splitting (tracks) A process of separating tracks formed on closely spaced targets Sporadic E A transient or irregular layer of the ionosphere, which can occur in patches about 100 km wide and can reflect radio waves up to frequencies of about 100 MHz //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-GLOSSARY.3D ± 358 ± [355±358/4] 18.12.2002 9:33PM 358 Glossary State transition A process by which a form of the state is transformed into another as time passes Stationarity A situation when the mean, expected, or ensemble average value of a signal is constant at different times Sunspots Dark spots that appear and disappear with time which occur, on the average, with an 11-year cycle Target A physical object that can produce sensor measurements Track The symbolic representation of a target, formed from successive detected positions Tracking A process of determining the speed and direction of a target and which enables monitoring of the target throughout the radar cover area Unbiased estimate An estimate is said to be unbiased if the expectance of the error vector is zero or the expectance of the estimate is equal to the actual Virtual height The point of reflection of radio pulses generated by an ionospheric sounder or ionosonde Zenith angle An angle measured at the Earth's surface between the Sun and the zenith //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-INDEX.3D ± 359 ± [359±364/6] 19.12.2002 9:20PM Index Agility 133 Aliasing 13±15, 154, 277 Ambiguity 3, 73, 76, 77, 79, 83, 117, 124, 136, 144, 154 Antenna: aperture 66, 81, 107, 108, 111, 112, 124, 146, 152, 208, 216, 223, 355 array 61, 87±90, 93, 106, 207, 208, 211, 216, 218, 283, 355 aperture 92, 218 beam steering 93, 94, 200, 208, 211 beamwidth 92, 95, 96, 110, 143, 211, 228 broadside 90, 91, 96, 103, 211 collinear 101 dipole (doublet) 55±61, 63, 64, 84, 86, 97, 99±101, 103, 104, 107 endfire 91, 96, 103, 211 factor 89, 90, 98, 99, 103 grating 91, 96, 97, 103 microstrip 61 phase 93, 94, 103, 149 slot 1, 61, 99±101, 103, 104 impedance 101, 104 spacing 96, 97, 103, 227 auxiliary 222 directivity (directive gain) 111, 211, 222 horn 61, 113 pyramidal 112, 113 log-periodic 6, 208±11 monopole 60±3, 84, 212 omnidirectional 100, 101, 213, 214 radiation resistance 102, 137 Apex angle 210 Atmosphere 119, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 171, 203, 205 Atmospheric attenuation 110, 119, 145 Attenuator 39 Azimuth 21, 86, 98, 112, 113, 126, 199, 200, 219, 220, 239, 301, 306, 325, 334 Babinet 99, 104 Bartlett 20 Bayes 234, 235, 237, 294, 295, 302, 338, 341 Beamforming 21, 212, 216, 218±23 Bernoulli 254, 295 Blackman 20, 21, 78 Blind: speed 69 zone 69, 84 Budget 355 power 37, 101, 102, 355 time 101, 102, 355 CFAR 145, 216, 217, 233, 275, 279, 284 Channel: analyser (COA) 213, 214 occupancy 195, 227 Characteristic: extraordinary 167, 185, 189±91, 197, 356, 357 function 242, 247 impedance 41, 64 length 185 ordinary 167, 176, 185, 189±91, 197, 357 wave 167, 176, 185 Chebyshev 22, 28, 78, 79 ... //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/RSP/REVISES_14-12-02/0750657731-PRELIMS.3D ± ± [1±26/26] 19.12.2002 5:19PM Radar Systems, Peak Detection and Tracking Michael O Kolawole, PhD OXFORD AMSTERDAM BOSTON LONDON NEW YORK PARIS SAN DIEGO... the radar equations are developed recognizing the effect of the environment on the conventional, laser and secondary radar performance and detection of targets of variable radar cross-sections and. .. Beamforming 7.4 Radar equation: a discussion 7.5 Applications of skywave radar 7.6 Summary Part III Peak Detection and Background Theories Probability theory and distribution