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Full name TRẠNG TỪ I Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1 Were women allowed to participate in the Boston races in 1957? A office B official C officially D officer Q[.]

Full name:………………………………………………………TRẠNG TỪ I Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1: Were women allowed to participate in the Boston races in 1957? A office B official C officially D officer Question 2: The film was both commercially and successful A art B artist C artistic D artistically Question 3: , nobody was injured in the accident last night A Luckily B Unlucky C Lucky D Unluckily Question 4: However, it is important that we conduct the debate and as openly as possible A mature B maturely C immature D maturity Question 5: speaking, the book is not a novel, but a short story A Strict B Strickness C Stricture D Strictly Question 6: He grinned and quickly jumped into the water A mischievous B mischief C mischievously D mischievousless Question 7: The cost has been estimated at between £10 million and £20 million A variously B various C variety D vary Question 8: Have you seen Chrissie's new leather jacket? It's cool A major B majority C majorly D majors Question 9: Visitors are requested to sign the book A kindness B kind C unkindness D kindly Question 10: His teachers think very _of him (=have a very good opinion of him) A high B highest C highly D higher Question 11: It makes sense as well as economically A politician B political C politically D politic Question 12: The design is intended to use space as as possible A economics B economies C economists D economically Question 13: Not , most local business depends on tourism A expect B expectation C expected D unexpectedly Question 14: She accepted that she had acted and mistakenly, which broke up her marriage A romantically B unwisely C wisely D attractively Question 15: He was looking at his parents , waiting for recommendations A obediently B barely C randomly D lively Question 16: I walked away as as I could Or else, they would have thought I was a thief A correctly B perfectly C calmly D randomly Question 17: If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees A correctly B calmly C wrongly D appropriately Question 18: Although satisfied with the contract, the officials hesitatingly agreed to sign it A mostly B wrongly C wisely D completely Question 19: During the time of economic reforms, the economy has grown with only a few major setbacks A constantly B harmfully C friendly D wrongly Question 20: I think that scuba diving is more of danger than adventure A wrongly B unexpectedly C wisely D personally Question 21: If you book in advance you will certainly have a better table at our restaurant A mostly B almost C wrongly D wisely Question 22: , the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts A Carefully B Surprisingly C Wisely D Personally Question 23: When a woman works outside the home and makes money herself, she is independent from her husband A calmly B financially C politically D philosophically Question 24: She was knowledgeable about the history of China A actively B financially C constantly D extremely Question 25: He didn't feel happy because he worked A unsuccessfully B politically C calmly D differently Question 26: They hang out because they live far from each other A always B usually C rarely D lightly Question 27: There are many parts of the world where the modern newspaper is ever seen A quickly B ineffectively C rarely D hardly Question 28: Many people were buried after the earthquake A philosophically B wisely C lively D alive Question 29: His boss told him off because he had been behaved A philosophically B actively C irresponsibly D differently Question 30: Be sure not to rely too on your mother tongue when you are learning a foreign language A numerously B heavily C severely D abundantly II Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1: His death affected me , for we had been good friends A keen B keenness C keenly D keener Question 2: ‘The new program is really well designed,' she says A enthusiast B enthusiastic C enthusiastically D enthusiasm Question 3: speaking, I don't like my present job A Calmly B Randomly C Unwisely D Honestly Question 4: Don't worry They will the job as as possible A fully B harmfully C economically D friendly Question 5: No one can predict the future Things may happen A expectedly B unexpectedly C calmly D honestly Question 6: I can't it as as Linda can Her drawings always look beautiful A well B badly C happily D lightly be Question 7: Everything happened so .We had to move to California in less than a month A fastly B lightly C fast D constantly Question 8: She's been coming here every day A ineffectively B temporarily C lately D nearly Question 9: This new film is good A calmly B attractively C exceptionally D irresponsibly Question 10: The computer allows us to work fast and A efficiently B differently C variously D freshly Question 11: Lam, Hang and Chuc were first, second and third in the school cross-country race A respectively B actively C responsively D tremendously Question 12: In spite of her abilities, Linda has been overlooked for promotion A calmly B philosophically C differently D repeatedly Question 13: On my salary, we have to live as as possible A actively B attractively C economically D calmly Question 14: At the coffee shop, the band usually play music on Friday night A lively B directly C quickly D live Question 15: I can't keep my eyes off Linda She is dancing so A extremely B gravely C magically D gracefully Question 16: I rushed to the car park with all my shopping bags A funnily B brightly C heavily D hastily Question 17: He must be pretty lazy I've seen him working in his garden A hardly ever B ever C usually D ever since Question 18: Those people are living on low incomes A relatively B mainly C strongly D weakly Question 19: The documentary film about World War II makes no attempt to be accurate A incidentally B truthfully C timelessly D historically Question 20: We always have a bed ready in the space room in case visitors arrive A calmly B surprisingly C.actively D differently Question 21: there are black holes in space A Theoretically B Theorily C Constantly D Theoricly Question 22: The growth is slow, but the wood is generally very hard and durable A extremely B rather C ineffectively D temporarily Question 23: She seems happy in her new job A reasonably B politically C calmly D financially Question 24: The lights dimmed for a few seconds A infallibly B inexplicably C indirectly D ineffectively Question 25: She responded to my difficult question, making me impressed with her knowledge A hastily B nearly C closely D instantaneously Question 26: John hasn't studied hard this year, so, in the last couple of months, he's had to work just to catch up A vaguely B randomly C barely D intensely Question 27: It is suspected that paintwork has been scratched, but no evidence of the culprit has been found A willingly B accidentally C purposeful D explicitly Question 28: That idiot crashed to us It was lucky that no one was injured A mostly B already C certainly D nearly Question 29: The winning team will get a ticket to England next year, but nothing is sure yet A certainly B nearly C absolutely D possibly Question 30: The algae multiply to produce what is called an algal bloom A chronologically B temporarily C efficiently D swiftly ... the school cross-country race A respectively B actively C responsively D tremendously Question 12: In spite of her abilities, Linda has been overlooked for promotion A calmly B philosophically

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2023, 15:31

