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Chapter 6 energy storage+ electric vehicles feb 2011 compatibility mode

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Green Energy CourseRenewable Energy Systems Biên sọan: Nguyễn Hữu Phúc Khoa Điện- Điện Tử- Đại Học Bách Khoa TPHCM Energy Storage Systems For Advanced Power Applications Paulo F Ribeiro, Ph.D., MBA PRIBEIRO@CALVIN.EDU Calvin College Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Energy Storage Energy is a Life Sustainable Business •Sustainability Efficiency Performance Conservation Renewable Sources •Present socio-economic realities – limits developments •Better Understanding of Performance Issues is Needed Abstract Energy storage technologies not represent energy sources Provide valuable added benefits to improve: stability, power quality and security of supply Battery Technologies Flywheel Technologies Advanced / Super Capacitors Superconducting Energy Storage Systems Introduction •Electric Power Systems - Experiencing Dramatic Changes •Electric load growth and higher regional power transfers in a largely interconnected network: >>complex and less secure power system operation •Power generation and transmission facilities - unable to meet these new demands •Growth of electronic loads has made the quality of power supply a critical issue •Power system engineers facing these challenges - operate the system in more a flexible • •In face of disturbances - generators unable to keep the system stable •High speed reactive power control is possible through the use of flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) devices •Better solution: rapidly vary real power without impacting the system through power circulation • •Recent developments and advances in energy storage and power electronics technologies Energy Storage Systems for Advanced Transmission and Distribution Applications •Energy Storage Technology – Power Convert •Factors: The amount of energy that can be stored in the device The rate at which energy can be transferred into or out of the storage device •Power/Energy ranges for near to mid-term technology have projected •Integration of energy storage technologies with Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) and custom power devices are among the possible advanced power applications utilizing energy storage Power vs Energy Ranges for Near to Midterm Technology SMES Power (MW) 100 10 Capacitor Flywheel Batteries 1 10 Energy (MWsec) 100 1000 Benefits: transmission enhancement, power oscillation damping, dynamic voltage stability, tie line control, short-term spinning reserve, load leveling, under-frequency load shedding reduction, circuit break reclosing, sub-synchronous resonance damping, and power quality improvement Source ASA S t o r a g e T e c h n o lo g i e s M a i n A d v a n ta g e s ( R e la tiv e to o th e r s ) D is a dv a n ta ge s ( R e la tiv e to o th e r s) P u m p e d S to r a g e H ig h C a p a c ity , L o w C os t S p e c ial S ite R e q u ire m e n t C o m p re s s e d A ir H ig h C a p a c ity , L o w C os t S p e c ial S ite R e q u ire m e n t, N e e d G a s Fu e l F lo w B a tte rie s : R e genesys V a n a d iu m R e d o x Z in c B r o m in e H ig h C a p a c ity , In d e p e n d e n t P o w e r a n d E n e r g y R a tin g s L o w E n e r g y D e n s it y M e ta l-A ir B a tte rie s V e r y H ig h E n e r g y D e n s ity E le c tric C h a rg in g is D iffic u lt S o d iu m S u lfu r ( N A S ) B a tte ry H ig h P o w e r & E n e rg y D e n s itie s , H ig h E ffic ie n c y P r o d u c tio n C o s t, S a fe ty C on ce rn s ( a d d r e s s e d in d e s ig n ) L i-io n B a tte rie s H ig h P o w e r & E n e rg y D e n s itie s , H ig h E ffic ie n c y H ig h P ro d u c ti on C o s t , R e q u ire s S p e c ia l C h a r g in g C ir c u it N i-C a d B a tte rie s H ig h P o w e r & E n e rg y D e n s itie s , E fficie n c y O th e r A d v a n ce d B a tte rie s H ig h P o w e r & E n e rg y D e n s itie s , H ig h E ffic ie n c y H ig h P ro d u c ti on C o s t L e a d - A c id B a tte rie s L o w C a p ital C o s t L im ite d C y c le L ife w h e n D e e p ly D isc h a rg e d F ly w he e ls H ig h P o w e r L o w E n e r g y d e n s ity SMES, DSMES H ig h P o w e r L o w E n e r g y D e n s ity , H ig h P r o d u c tio n C o s t D o u b le L a y e r C a p ac ito rs ( S u p e rC a p a ci to rs ) L o n g C y c le L ife , H ig h E fficie n c y L o w E n e r g y D e n s it y Power A p p lic a tio n E n e rgy A p p lic a tion A Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) AC Line Transformer Power Conversion System CSI or VSI + dc-dc chopper Bypass Switch Dewar ICoil Coil VCoil Cryogenic System Controller Coil Protection A Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) 3.d) MPPT from power control Cp(opt ) Method based on the Cp(λ) characterisitc knowledge: power Maximalcontrol power obtained if: CP()=CPopt(opt) => Popt = Kopt.opt3 with opt C    S  R Kopt=  P 3  power reference: Pref = Kopt.3 PW Wk  ref Kopt.3 P k 34 P3 P2 P1 2 Popt = f Wopt  P4 = Popt 1 W1 W W3 W = Wopt Power – rotation speed characteristic  rad  W   s  λ(opt) 3.d) MPPT from speed control Cp(opt ) Method based on the Cp(λ) characterisitc knowledge: speed Maximal control power obtained if: CP()=CPopt(opt) => Popt = Kopt.opt3 with λ(opt)  rot speed reference: opt CP SR Kopt=  3 Wref = Péol K opt PW Pk Pk  K opt W ref k  34 P3 P2 P1 2 Popt = f W opt  P4 = Popt 1 W1 W W3 W = Wopt Power – rotation speed characteristic  rad  W   s  3.d) MPPT from torque (current) control Method based on the Cp(λ) characteristic knowledge: torque Maximal control power obtained if: CP()=CPopt(opt) => Popt = Kopt.opt3 with  Torque (current) reference: opt C    S  R Kopt =  P opt3 Cp(opt) ref = Popt = Tem K opt Ω Ω ref = K  W2 Tem opt T N  m  ref Temref Tem ref = opt Tem Twt =Twt Twt Twt Torque – rotation speed characteristic λ(opt) Topt = f W opt  (3) 2  1  rad  W  s  3= optW2 W1 Convergence of algorithm 3.d) BG model of a wind turbine driving a equivalent DC generator Current control & MPPT 1  Tw (VV ) =   S R .Vv C ( ) 2   Vv MSe:Twt() Wind turbine (a) Twt wt m opt C P  S  R Kopt=  opt3 Popt = K opt Ω ref Popt IL = Vbat f GY I:Lm I:J m load R:Rm R:F I:JWT DCG I:L C:Cbus Vbus a,CH Vout MTF Ibus IL Buck DC-DC converter storage batt Do it yourself & good luck on 20Sim!!! 1st Week: Bond Graphs based wind turbine energy system design Xavier ROBOAM, Guillaume FONTES 1) Some reminders about Bond-Graphs Basics (X Roboam) 2) Some examples on Bond graph modeling and 20 Sim simulations (X Roboam & G Fontes) a Simulation of a current controlled DC DC buck chopper; b Simulation of a DC machine : motor generator mode 3) Some reminders about Wind Turbine systems connected to a DC electrical machine; a About aerodynamics and energy efficiency of wind turbines b Simulating wind turbine torque/speed curves with inertia and defining a load torque characteristic: to analyze generator / load compatibility; c Short reminders about “causality” issues d MPPT control of a wind turbine system connected to a current controlled DC generator 4) System study of a wind turbine system connected to a low voltage 48V DC bus (X Roboam) a System description and analysis b “DC equivalent modeling” of a PM synchronous generator – diode rectifier device coupled on low voltage (48V) DC bus 4.a) Medium voltage (600V) DC bus coupling of wind & PV hybrid systems Two structures are convenient PWM rectifier I bat Diode rectifier I dc Vv E bus MS Vv MS U dc C PV Gen PV I bat E bus 600 V 600 V Savonius Wind Turbine Boost chopper Boost chopper PV Gen PV Hacheur survolteur E (t) E (t) T (t) T (t) nd structure) st structure • Very efficient but not cheap! • efficient, reliable and cheap • considered as better for low power WT (Mirecki (Mirecki NB: this application is studied by LSE Tunis (Tunisia) in Cooperation with LAPLACE Toulouse (France) PHD) 4.a) Low voltage (48V) DC bus coupling of wind & PV hybrid systems Two structures are convenient: 48V is the stadard for stand alone systems PWM rectifier I bat Vv Diode rectifier I dc E bus MS Vv 48 V I bat E bus 48 V Wind Turbine PV Gen PV Udc C MS Buck chopper Wind Turbine Buck chopper PV Gen PV E (t) E (t) T (t) T (t) Buck chopper nd structure) st structure First week • efficient, reliable and cheap • Very efficient but not cheap! • considered as better for low power WT (Mirecki (Mirecki NB: this application is studied by LSE Tunis (Tunisia) in Cooperation with LAPLACE Toulouse (France) PHD) 4.a) “DC equivalent modeling” of a PM synchronous generator – diode rectifier device coupled on low voltage (48V) DC bus diode Wind turbine PM SM Iéol rectifier Iond DC loads DC Bus 48V buck IBat αw Current control & MPPT 48 V Battery EWT-opt 1000 PWTopt wt , E bat J  Eopt mppt Péol_max {W} Péol_MPPT {W} 800 600 Pbatmppt 400  %E = 11, % 200 NB: this application is studied by LSE Tunis (Tunisia) in Cooperation with LAPLACE Toulouse (France) 0 10 temps {s} 15 20 4.b) DC equivalent model of PM synch generator connected to a diode rectifier diode Wind turbine PM SM Iéol rectifier Iond DC loads DC Bus 48V buck IBat αw DC equivalent modelling Batterie s Diode Rs Ls DCG (Generator) IDC Rectifier IDC PMSG (Generator) Es 48 V Is Tem M, ΩM Tem M, ΩM UDC LDC RDC EDC Vs UDC 4.b) DC equivalent model of PM synch generator connected to a diode rectifier Diode Es Rs Ls DCG (Generator) IDC Rectifier IDC PMSG (Generator) Is Tem M, ΩM Tem M, ΩM LDC UDC UDC RDC EDC Vs Ls cycl Rs Is Es j  Ls cycl    Is Es j Ls cycl  Is Rs  Is Es’  Vs Is Vs Es’ Vector diagram of synchronous generator With diode rectifier : cos j = Rs Is 4.b) DC equivalent model of PM synch generator connected to a diode rectifier V s = E s  j.Lscycl .Is  R s Is Vs = E s2  (Lscycl .Is )2  R s Is cos j = U DC =  Vsf  I DC =   Isf  DC =   ex   U DC   6 = E s2   Ls cycl   I DC   R s  I DC     Pem = Cem M  W M =  E s  Is  cos  C em M =  n p   ex  Is  cos   E s = n p   ex  W M E s' = E s2  (Lscycl .Is )  E =  E s  s DC    6    Ls cycl LDC =          R =   DC     R s     6 E =  E =  n p   ex  WM = n p   DC  W M  sDC s     Cem M Cem M I =   I =   = s  s DC  n    cos  n p   DC  cos  6 p ex 4.b) DC equivalent model of PM synch generator connected to a diode rectifier Electromechanical conversion EsDC I’sDC GY Cem M =  n p   DC   Is DC cos    E sDC =  n p   DC   W M CemM WM Is DC ' = Is DC cos  Magnetic reaction E sDC ' = Es2DC   L DC   I DC  E’sDC I’sDC cos  TF EsDC IsDC or E sDC ' = E sDC  cos  Is DC ' Is DC = cos  4.b) DC equivalent model of PM synch generator connected to a diode rectifier Diode overlapping effect Equivalent scheme during switching m: Overlapping time µ=ArcCos(1-  I DC  ω  Ls )  E max DU DC =  Ls   IDC  ' E DC = E sDC   Ls    I DC  R emp =  Ls    4.b) DC equivalent model of PM synch generator connected to a diode rectifier I : LDC subt I : Jtot Se : Céol C ΩM éol Cem ΩM np ΦDC EsDC GY IsDC’ v(i) The image cannot be display ed Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted Restart y our computer, and then open the file again If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again Magn deviation P.M.S G EsDC’ IsDC v(i) The image cannot be display ed Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted Restart y our computer, and then open the file again If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again EDC IDC overlapping Diode rectifier R : RDC R : ftot Mechanical mode Direct current generator (equivalent to SM+Diode Rectifier) UDC IDC Some REFERENCES • • • • • • • X Roboam, S Astier, ‘’Graphes de liens Causaux pour systèmes énergie renouvelable’’, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, traité Génie Electrique, rubrique « systèmes pour les énergies renouvelables », D3970 (PARTIE 1) & D3971 (PARTIE 2), Aout 2006 D Karnopp, D Margolis, 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Storage+Smart Grid Energy Storage Solutions 2/19/2012 44 Energy …and… transport 2/19/2012 45 Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Designs and Their Impact on Energy P T Krein Director, Grainger Center for Electric. .. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Overview Early electric cars and advantages Energy and power issues The modern hybrid Energy and

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