HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT 1 2 I INTRODUCTION In every organization and business, the human factor is always emphasized, and the business leaders task is to select and arrange people with. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT 1 I. INTRODUCTION In every organization and business, the human factor is always emphasized, and the business leaders task is to select and arrange people with the right competencies and qualities for each position and bring the best working efficiency. When it comes to recruiting employees, a firm needs to take much consideration into account. Human resource managers consider several factors, including businessdriven, strategic architect, expert practitioner, ethical and credible activist, workforce and workplace designer, cultural and change leader, stakeholder mentor, and coach in the AHRI Model of Excellence. This assignment selects three essential capabilities that HR managers should depend on to recruit suitable employees: businessdriven, expert practitioner, and strategic architect. From there, several theoretical bases, importance and solutions are given to improve the effectiveness of personal development. II. BODY A. Businessdriven capability According to the AHRI, businessdriven capability necessitates a particular set of abilities for a manager to handle the results, skills, and knowledge. They must be familiar with the companys operations, products, and service delivery priorities. Economic environment, performance, and stakeholder involvement also play an essential role in businessdriven capability. The goal of a businessdriven human resource manager is to increase competitive advantage within the organization by using human resources effectively. All startups are businessdriven companies, and managers must know the operation, product, and organization(Kaptein, 2021). These factors will help to hire and train the workforce and support a range of values for the company. Driven business is also essential in introducing the function of HR employees. The staff will understand how the company works, its strength and weakness, their salary, and another issue. This capability involves motivating, mentoring, coaching, and developing the team. It also consists in forming a bridge between management and the team members. For example, through understanding company and customer, although a company cannot innovate products, its excellent customer service can create value for customers. Executive management can easily fund a People strategy that can help businesses develop customer connection, customer service, and collaboration capabilities. Right from my first university years, I set my shortterm and longterm goals to develop business orientation. Initiating plans for each detailed stage is both for motivation and to capture growth opportunities. To evaluate the nature of a product in detail and understand consumer needs, I have studied and formed an overview to synthesize the content entirely. From there, make the most accurate judgments in life and projects. In business orientation, the current trend of doing work is to save time and money, but the work efficiency must be high. Thus, to achieve the goal, it is necessary to create many longterm plans and strategies, to have the most overview of the organizations apparatus and potential, and to take advantage of the power of new technology tools and software. B. Expert Practitioner
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT i I INTRODUCTION In every organization and business, the human factor is always emphasized, and the business leaders' task is to select and arrange people with the right competencies and qualities for each position and bring the best working efficiency When it comes to recruiting employees, a firm needs to take much consideration into account Human resource managers consider several factors, including business-driven, strategic architect, expert practitioner, ethical and credible activist, workforce and workplace designer, cultural and change leader, stakeholder mentor, and coach in the AHRI Model of Excellence This assignment selects three essential capabilities that HR managers should depend on to recruit suitable employees: business-driven, expert practitioner, and strategic architect From there, several theoretical bases, importance and solutions are given to improve the effectiveness of personal development II BODY A Business-driven capability According to the AHRI, business-driven capability necessitates a particular set of abilities for a manager to handle the results, skills, and knowledge They must be familiar with the company's operations, products, and service delivery priorities Economic environment, performance, and stakeholder involvement also play an essential role in business-driven capability The goal of a business-driven human resource manager is to increase competitive advantage within the organization by using human resources effectively All startups are business-driven companies, and managers must know the operation, product, and organization(Kaptein, 2021) These factors will help to hire and train the workforce and support a range of values for the company Driven business is also essential in introducing the function of HR employees The staff will understand how the company works, its strength and weakness, their salary, and another issue This capability involves motivating, mentoring, coaching, and developing the team It also consists in forming a bridge between management and the team members For example, through understanding company and customer, although a company cannot innovate products, its excellent customer service can create value for customers Executive management can easily fund a People strategy that can help businesses develop customer connection, customer service, and collaboration capabilities Right from my first university years, I set my short-term and long-term goals to develop business orientation Initiating plans for each detailed stage is both for motivation and to capture growth opportunities To evaluate the nature of a product in detail and understand consumer needs, I have studied and formed an overview to synthesize the content entirely From there, make the most accurate judgments in life and projects In business orientation, the current trend of doing work is to save time and money, but the work efficiency must be high Thus, to achieve the goal, it is necessary to create many long-term plans and strategies, to have the most overview of the organization's apparatus and potential, and to take advantage of the power of new technology tools and software B Expert Practitioner Based on AHRI, an expert practitioner requires a variety of skills Expert practitioners deeply understand HR knowledge and the company's system They know how to manage relationships and propose important decisions or suitable policies for the workforce Moreover, they also understand the organization's internal activities, follow the global trends and technology carefully and analyze how it influences the workforce and workplace Furthermore, it promotes participation in the worldwide direction, technological changes, and how they affect the organization An HR manager who has this capability can solve the problems relating to humans, build a solid human resources system and arrange appropriate positions for the right person A vital human resources system is essential to develop the business in the long term According to DeKay(2012), the success of an HR business leader largely depends on maintaining and encouraging productive interpersonal relationships as well as demonstrating competence in Relationship Management There is evidence that workplace effective and healthy interpersonal relationships contribute to positive outcomes It is possible to improve industrial relations with other people while simultaneously managing a business as an expert practitioner Besides that, an expert practitioner with full knowledge of the company's activity and the system must propose the HR decision A decision that adversely affects the firm can be countered by creating policies that help to resolve it in the end Knowledge of the company's workers' abilities and assisting them when they need expert assistance with HR issues can motivate the workers For example, based on new technology, Netflix used data to create a new blockbuster hit series(Rodrigues, 2018) The intelligent management of data allows companies to make logical, successful decisions based on data-driven insights Businesses always seek HR personnel who are capable of assisting with growth As a result, an HR applicant with this performance-oriented capability is always given priority This section will demonstrate how I learned when doing group assignments, some environmental projects at the university and how my previous employer helped me develop this skill As a freshman at university, I also worked as an HR assistant at an insurance company for over six months When applying and working in this position, I consider that this capability supports many benefits for me to understand my college and my new candidates in the future I could analyze my candidates' abilities and solve the problems in my team, such as misunderstandings about products and conflicts of ideas In addition, I also had to update new trends and technological changes to apply to the staff because no one can train a sound HR system or follow the global transition to satisfy the customer with a conservative attitude and old-dated knowledge in HR C Strategic architect Strategic capability requires analyzing and understanding the internal human resources system(Robert Mitchell & Shepherd, 2012) The strategic architecture encompasses everything a company needs to operate effectively, including stakeholder information, mission and vision statements, and operational plans An HR manager with this capability will support programs and projects through ideation to closure, performs research, identifies best practices and trends in the business and IT, and recommends appropriate solutions, methodologies, and strategies to develop the workforce As a strategic architect, it is vital to promote the alignment and contribution of HR activities to the organization's or government's objectives and advance the arrangement and commitment of HR exercises to the association's or alternate government's targets This capability also requires skills such as using architectural principles to solve business problems, integrating disparate documents and drawings, and projecting their relevance to the enterprise and top-priority business issues(Gatignon & Capron, 2020) The policies and strategies should be changed based on the global trend and universal change So, the strategic architect has to suppose the solutions and balance between opportunity and threat In addition to contributing to discussions on the overall strategy, strategy architects link the organization's actions to external customers' expectations The company can deliver on its commitment to customers by linking customer-driven strategies with employee needs The business target can be achieved thanks to suitable policies and care solutions since a thorough understanding of that structure is crucial to managing it effectively(Goldsmith & Leger, 2020) For example, a strategic architect at a factory can provide an illustrative chart or detailed information thanks to their professional skill Others still can understand the management although they have never visited before As the name suggests, a strategic architect primarily focuses on solution-level decisions and assessing their impact on a client's overall business goals and outcomes Therefore, during my time studying at university and working part-time, I focused on improving some skills, such as the ability to communicate with stakeholders effectively, project managers, developers, and software vendors: as part of the software development process is essential for a strategic architect; Project and resource management skills: Although a strategic architect is not directly involved in project development, it is still necessary to ensure that project resources are used effectively; In-depth analytical skills: A strategic architect needs to pay close attention to small details, as missing something can hinder development, lead to problems, or render the proposed solution ineffective III CONCLUSION Good human resource management helps businesses take advantage of the full capabilities of their employees, but becoming a good human resource manager requires a lot of skills and experience This assignment clarifies three elements that are necessary for an HR department, including business-driven capability, expert practitioners, and strategic architects With of these capabilities, the HR manager can develop the workforce and values of the company In addition, this study also provides clear examples of each capacity and the author's working experience and critical skills in developing various behaviors and abilities essential for bringing success to the organization and the HR manager's career REFERENCE LISTS: An academic journal paper- Kaptein, M (2021) Issue-Driven Progress in Business Ethics: When the Responsibility to Protect Values Requires Companies to Introduce New Norms SSRN Electronic Journal An academic journal paper- DeKay, S (2012) Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace Business Communication Quarterly, 75(4), 449-452 An academic journal paper- Rodrigues, H (2018) Bright (2017): Corporate Worldmaking, Racial Allegory and the Netflix Blockbuster Film Matters, 9(3), 12-13 An academic journal paper- Robert Mitchell, J., & Shepherd, D (2012) Capability Development and Decision Incongruence in Strategic Opportunity Pursuit Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 6(4), 355-381 An academic journal paper- Gatignon, A., & Capron, L (2020) The firm as an architect of polycentric governance: Building open institutional infrastructure in emerging markets Strategic Management Journal An academic journal paper- Goldsmith, S., & Leger, M (2020) Effectively Managing Connected Mobility Marketplaces SSRN Electronic Journal ... essential role in business- driven capability The goal of a business- driven human resource manager is to increase competitive advantage within the organization by using human resources effectively... knowledge in HR C Strategic architect Strategic capability requires analyzing and understanding the internal human resources system(Robert Mitchell & Shepherd, 2012) The strategic architecture encompasses... needs to take much consideration into account Human resource managers consider several factors, including business- driven, strategic architect, expert practitioner, ethical and credible activist,