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Neo-Tech Home Page the Ultimate Leverage for Riches

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Cấu trúc

  • The Book

    • Chapter 1

    • Chapter 2

    • Chapter 3

    • Chapter 4

    • Chapter 5

    • Chapter 6

  • The Story

    • Chapter 1

    • Chapter 2

    • Chapter 3

    • Chapter 4

    • Chapter 5

    • Chapter 6

    • Chapter 7

    • Chapter 8

    • Chapter 9

    • Chapter 10

    • Chapter 11

    • Chapter 12

    • Chapter 13

    • Chapter 14

    • Chapter 15

    • Chapter 16

    • Chapter 17

    • Chapter 18

    • Chapter 19

    • Chapter 20

    • Chapter 21

    • Chapter 22

    • Chapter 23

    • Chapter 24

    • Chapter 25

    • Chapter 26

    • Chapter 27

    • Chapter 28

    • Chapter 29

    • Chapter 30

    • Chapter 31

    • Chapter 32

    • Chapter 33

    • Chapter 34

    • Chapter 35

    • Chapter 36

  • Proof of "The Story"

    • The Story - Proof

    • Table A Curve Of Existence

    • Table B Consciousness Evolves

    • Table C Periodicity Of Existence

    • Table D Dynamics Of Nature vs Consciousness

    • The Story - Proof cont.

    • The Story - Proof further notes

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Book 1: Chapter 1 Search WWW Search neo-tech.com NT Home Page Book 1 Neo-Tech Home Page The Ultimate Leverage for Riches Next Page | Contents | Feedback for Valuable/New Information | Previous Page The Book by Mark Hamilton Book One Foreword In Book One you will learn about the supersociety and the almost unbelievable life that is in store for you within just a few years. Chapter One treats you to an immediate rush of personal discoveries and monetary advantages. Chapter Two delivers important insights about your past and future. Chapters Three through Six reveal the supersociety and show you how to be among the first to enter it. Table of Contents Foreword i 1 You Will Become the God-Man http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (1 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Google Search Book 1: Chapter 1 1 2 The Beginnings 15 3 From Anticivilization to Civilization of the Universe 47 4 Forces of Nature Versus Forces of Neothink 55 5 The Civilization of the Universe Starts on Earth 61 6 See Zon With Your Own Eyes 65 Chapter 1 You Will Become the God-Man Are you looking for immediate results? The Book is built upon a spiral of techniques and ideas. You must start at the beginning and read to the end. If you do, you will have the tools to make man's final evolution into a superior being called the God-Man. The God-Man enjoys Six Ultimate Gifts: profound security, perfect health, millionaire wealth, an exhilarating livelihood, rare romantic love, and superior intelligence called Neothink. "But," you may be thinking, "to read The Book and become the God-Man seems overwhelming and would take such a long time." To help you get started on this journey immediately, I pulled Chapter Eleven from Book Three titled You Will Become the God-Man and moved it right here, over the next 12 pages. This chapter will give you immediate results so you can start your adventure toward the prosperous God-Man tomorrow morning, bringing you instant energy, enthusiasm, and payoffs as you discover the life you were http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (2 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 meant to live. Before you begin, however, let me ask you: how much is it worth to you to discover what you would have done best in life? $250, $500, $1000? I know I would pay five-hundred dollars to know. Over the next 12 pages, you have the opportunity to see, via the proven Neo-Tech techniques, your best path in life. It will cost you an hour of your time to read those pages that open the door to the life you were meant to live. Some people just like to know, out of curiosity, what they would have done best in life. But, even more go on to travel that life they were meant to live and become deeply happy and motivated, wealthy and powerful, and discover rare romantic love. Men and women are equally invited to take the adventure. When you have finished reading the next 12 pages, as prosperous as those pages were, remember that your exciting journey will just be starting. Therefore, let us begin. Five of the six gifts of the God-Man can start filling your life as early as tomorrow morning. The gift of perfect health still relies on the Technological Revolution. But you do not have to wait for the other gifts of profound security, millionaire wealth, a dream career, a dream lover, and superior intelligence. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this chapter to open the door to the life you were meant to live. Opening the Door to the Person You Were Meant to Be What motivates you into making the evolutionary leap into God-Man? Perhaps, if you are a woman, the idea of extraordinary romantic love sounds exciting. Perhaps, if you are a man, the idea of extraordinary success and power sounds exciting. Remember, before you can have extraordinary love, you must first have real happiness, which comes from making values for society, either directly or through contributing to your husband's value production (Book Three, Chapter Nine). Now, extraordinary value creation, success, and honest power comes from something I call downstream focus. Downstream focus happens when your thoughts naturally flow back to your work, even in the evenings and weekends. If thinking about your work, especially in the evenings and on weekends, is an upstream battle (as it is for most), you will not be a major success because, for those elite few who make it to the top in your field, thinking about work is a natural downstream rush. They pass right by you to the power positions. Do you feel the tug to get back to your livelihood after work and on http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (3 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 weekends? I'm not talking about external deadlines, but internal desires? If not, then you are swimming upstream, and I can guarantee you will not experience major success because there are people in your line of work who are pulled back to it. They may be the owners, or they may be your peers who will rise beyond you. Is watching TV or listening to a ball game or bowling or hanging out with friends hard to pull away from in your evenings? Those are indicators that you have not experienced what I call a downstream focus to success. Every person has a door inside that opens to the person he or she was meant to be. That person lives every moment with natural downstream focus and soars to major success. Without discovering and opening that door, you will never soar. It is a sad thought to have lived but never soared. Let me give you an example, using a person who works for me. Steve was a high-energy guy, but in business he would never be big. He could do a good job, and he rose into management. But one day, I discovered that for him to be formulating thoughts and pulling together integrations outside of his designated duties, for example during the evenings and weekends, was an upstream battle for Steve. Business simply was not his element. At first, I was frustrated because I really wanted and needed Steve to become my right-hand man, and I was counting on him to be focussed on the business all the time, evenings and weekends. We live in a very competitive world, and to rise to the top, downstream focus is essential. I needed and wanted Steve to have downstream focus on the business. But over time, I knew Steve had other interests in the evenings and weekends, pulling his thoughts and integrations his focus away from the business. I reluctantly realized he would not rise in the business world to the top with me. About this time, I was learning about that one door inside a person that opens to the person he or she was meant to be. Although disappointed that the door to my expectations of Steve was closing, I began pondering: "What if I opened not the door I had planned for Steve, but that one door that exists in him that would open to the life he was meant to live?" Although one opportunity was closing for both of us, could even a bigger opportunity be opening? As owner of my company, I took on the challenge to unleash Steve's human potential by discovering the person he was meant to be and creating a job that would offer him the life he was meant to live. The results are just being realized now. They look so profitable for both Steve and my business that I predict the most competitive companies in the next millennium will learn to http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (4 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 hire people differently: based on who they were meant to be. The job revolution of the 21st century, as explained in Book Three, Chapter Eight, specifically pages 121-129, will change our routine-rut jobs of labor into exciting entrepreneurial jobs of the mind. Adding to that job revolution, companies will set us up as entrepreneurs soaring ahead not just on any job of the mind, but specifically on the path we were meant to travel. Some companies, as I have done for Steve, will even create new entrepreneurial jobs of the mind that open the doors of their best employees to the person they were meant to be. Steve now lives his career 24 hours a day with downstream focus, which I will describe in a moment. He is deeply happy, living the life he was meant to live and rising toward major success. By focussing on his livelihood and integrating his thoughts in the evenings and weekends, he is beginning to build Neothink puzzles and is on his way toward making the jump into the Neothink mentality and becoming the prosperous God-Man. In short, Steve discovered his downstream focus. I have never seen him so happy with so much energy. He is soaring toward something big enthusiastically building his competitive creations at nights and on weekends, well beyond his daytime duties. That ongoing drive is the only way to put time and thought enough to rise into the top 1% success in any field. My experiment with Steve taught me that by finding and opening his door to the person he was meant to be, I had someone who would rise to the top in that field working for me a powerful asset to the company. I knew other companies will discover how to unleash the human potential of their employees in the next millennium and then put them into the new, entrepreneurial living jobs (Book Three, Chapter Eight) and watch them soar. Steve was not meant to be a businessman per se, although he functioned competently as such. After some deep searching on my part and honesty on his part, we discovered he was meant to be an artist. He was an artist, a performer, and performing brought forth natural downstream focus. So, I started a seminar circuit with Steve at the helm as the performer. I could not believe my eyes as Steve flowed into integrated thinking and onto building Neothink puzzles. He became happy, dedicated, and focussed. He has made it possible for me to seriously look at the next level of plays and film, where he will become a valuable asset to me. Steve went though a personal renaissance via profitable downstream focus, which as we'll see brings: http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (5 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 1) wealth, 2) happiness, and 3) romantic love to one's existence. To not discover the person you were meant to be is a personal tragedy. I know this from personal experience. I witnessed my mother, like most people, not identify thus not assertively pursue the life she was meant to live. This caused her, like many people, a hard life, including lost love, disillusionment, and poverty. Then, just a few months before she died, she began to make the self-discovery of the person she was meant to be. Those last few months were by far the happiest in her life. She opened the door to the life she was meant to live as she discovered and pursued her downstream focus. The adventure, as it knows no other way, got more and more involved and exciting with each day. The great tragedy for my mom was that her adventure had just begun: after a hard life, she had discovered immense happiness at the end. She died early and with no warning at 66 of a congenital cerebral aneurysm right when she was finally discovering the life she was meant to live. In those few months, she produced an eternal contribution to the world, Book Five of The Book, titled No More Lies. I often wonder, because of her death so soon after getting on the path she was meant to journey, what great values she would have produced values the world will never know. I know her brilliant mind had put together an immensely valuable Neothink puzzle in No More Lies based on her lifetime of experiences. What that Neothink puzzle could have grown into, well, the world will never know. Both my mother and the world really missed out. Our mortality makes it imperative for you to discover the life you were meant to live right now, without missing another day. How will you discover and open the door to the person you were meant to be to release your downstream focus? Everyone is different with a different set of life experiences, upbringings, environments, talents and tastes. Today you will discover your unique downstream focus, which may be quite different than your current job. It may not seem practical to pursue. But with special techniques that make it safe and practical to pursue your downstream focus, you will open the door today to your path to major success and, in turn, happiness and love. To open that door to success, happiness, and love is the first objective. The next objective is to show you how to get that success, how to soar after opening that door. Without opening the door first, though, you are blocked from the life you were meant to live. Every human being was meant to live a motivated, exciting life of wealth, happiness, and love the life of the God- Man. http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (6 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 Let's now work on opening the door to the life you were meant to live. Fill out the chart on the next page. Write down what you did Monday though Friday in the evenings after work and what you did on your weekends. Try to remember. If you cannot, then write in what you think you did or typically do. Do not try to impress yourself. This chapter is for you to dig in and discover your downstream focus that has been waiting to be discovered all your life. You will miss that opportunity if you are not brutally honest today. I am not looking for comrades. You are not trying to impress yourself. Instead, you must honestly observe your frustrations and stagnation. This chapter is your tool to break free from that stagnation and this anticivilization. So, write down what you do in the evenings and weekends. The more humdrum or boring it is, the more value this chapter will be to you today. Okay, get to work. When you finish, read out loud what you wrote down for your evenings and weekends. Now, prepare yourself for this fact: people who have major success, their evenings and weekends look different than yours. And, here's the key: their evenings and weekends looked different than yours before they were very successful. Now, that's nothing for you to be ashamed of. Those super successful people had merely made a self-discovery that you have not. Their self-discovery sent their lives into an exciting adventure that naturally changed their schedules. Realize, they made their self-discovery of the person they were meant to be first; they did not change their schedules first. And so will you. When you make that self-discovery today of the person you were meant to be, then your schedule will naturally change. Most self- improvement programs try to put the cart before the horse by changing the schedule first. But the upstream battle will always lead to failure. In the weeks following your self-discovery today, your evenings and weekends will begin to look different, too like the very successful. You need your evenings and weekends to look like theirs. You need to have focus. But it has to be downstream focus, or it will never last and major success will never happen. http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (7 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 This self-discovery is of something you are magnetically drawn to that unique something you are meant to be. As you become that person, you are naturally pulled away from TV and sports and from other entertainment from those things that fill your evenings and weekends now. You lose interest in them. The real values stick, however, like time spent with your children and spouse, but you really have to schedule that time and the quality of that time multiplies many times for two reasons: 1) you are deeply happy, and 2) that time goes from passive to active planned time. How do you discover that person you were meant to be? How do you make that self-discovery that is unique for each person? How do you discover what you have unknowingly longed for? How do you open the door to the one path that is uniquely yours that can take you to major success to the life you were meant to have? Every person who ever became a major success discovered the life he was http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (8 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 meant to live. Many if not most of those people simply got lucky. As a matter of circumstances, they got on the unique paths on which they were meant to be. They were victors of circumstances. As a matter of circumstances, you did not get on your unique path. You and most others are victims of circumstances, and you are here today to change that fact. Now, to discover your unique path is not so easy because your mind will not open the door to it. Your unique path has been buried by falling leaves of resignation over time, and you might not recognize it even if you were looking at it. The life you were meant to live has been filed away somewhere in your mind, perhaps permanently shut off in some closed section called "The Impractical Section". But, when combined with the techniques in The Book that have developed over 30 years, there is nothing in life more practical than opening that door to downstream focus. For now, we will not argue practicality. We are only going to open our minds - - or at least stretch our minds to discover your unique path and the person you were meant to be. The "how to do it" part will come later. I must say, you will be pleasantly surprised with the "how to do it" techniques we have developed over the past 30 years that will rapidly change your long-lost "impractical" dream into a highly practical adventure that will do three things: 1) Make you deeply happy like never before (good-bye stagnation) 2) Lead you to major success and wealth 3) Make you a romantic lover like never before The deep motivational drive found today only in toddlers will become nourished and begin to grow inside again from the combination of those three points above. The return of your deep motivational drive will release your human potential for the first time since your preschool days. Those dynamics will take you to the edge of an evolutionary leap, into integrated thinking (Book Three, Chapter Ten) and then into Neothink puzzle building and eventually into the new mentality of the God-Man. The techniques to travel your unique path are found later in this chapter. But right now, we must open the door to the path, before we walk the path. I must let your mind know, however, that no matter what, even if your path has been buried and lost in the impractical section of your mind, we will make your new journey very practical even if you are in your golden years, I might add. http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (9 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] Book 1: Chapter 1 Now, what I want you to do is to look over your weekday evenings and your weekends that you filled in earlier, and then remember back over the past year. Was there ever a weekday evening or weekend in which you would have filled in something of a different nature than what you have written on page 4 something different that you did not because of some external demand or deadline, rather because you wanted to? Is there something different that was not a chore, not something you had to force yourself to do rather something you just did? Now, I'm not saying like going to a football game or to the theatre; I'm saying something other than passive entertainment or sports, something that took initiative on your part? Take five minutes and think hard First, clear your mind. Clear your mind. Take a deep breath. Again. Okay, I want you to think back over your last year or two. Can you remember moments in your life when you broke from your normal evenings and weekends? It may have happened only once. It may have happened more than once. Again, I want you to exclude passive entertainment like watching movies, playing arcades, watching ball games, going to a park or amusement park. And I want you to exclude active sports like golfing, playing basketball, bowling, playing tennis. You are looking for some activity, project, or interest that pulled you away, on your own will, from the environment that normally surrounds you. Take a few minutes to reminisce. Put your hands on your lap or on your desk and just remember. After five minutes, you'll write down an episode or two you might remember. If you do not remember any such event, then you'll write nothing. Do this now. Assuming five minutes have passed, write down what you thought of. Now, ask yourself two questions: 1) Take a moment and try to remember and describe to yourself how you felt while doing it? 2) After remembering how you felt, ask yourself why you did not continue to pursue it more aggressively? Answering the first question potentially sheds light inside your psyche on a tiny cell of success that is uniquely yours. That cell can multiply and rapidly take over your psyche and your life if able to reproduce. Answering the second question potentially sheds light on why that tiny cell of success never reproduced. Whatever cut off the growth of that cell of success - http://www.neo-tech.com/book1/ (10 of 25) [2/8/2003 3:24:13 PM] [...]... Search WWW q Search neo-tech. com NT Home Page Book 1 Neo-Tech Home Page The Ultimate Leverage for Riches Next Page | Contents | Feedback for Valuable/New Information | Previous Page Chapter 2 The First Leap The Book takes you through man's second and final evolutionary leap, into God-Man This chapter begins with man's first evolutionary leap, which you need to prepare yourself for your leap into God-Man... time For the first time in recorded literature, for example, the books of the Hebrew Bible put an unmistakable effort on trying to capture history the past The Bible broke from the universal wheel perspective of time (i.e., no beginning or end, no past or future) and for the first time opened the idea of the future The boundary breaking sense of time, as Thomas Cahill identified in his book The Gifts... seen before your first leap into the new, Neothink mind-space of the God-Man To learn the technique, I want you to read through pages 129-138 (in Book Three) first, starting at the heading "Your Money-Making Factory" Those pages show you how the technique works Those pages, however, show you how the technique works for your job of the future Starting tomorrow, you will use the technique not for your... book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind The two necessary ingredients to open up this new mind space known as human consciousness were: 1) the development of the metaphor, and 2) enormous survival pressures The answer to the question, "Why the dusty ones from the desert?" is: they had the second necessary ingredient missing in Sumer, Egypt, and Babylon The history of the. .. book The Gifts of the Jews, was the result of an "enormous value shift" Until now, everything meaningful happened in the only "real" world the world of the gods, not man Man was merely a pawn to be used to the fancy of the gods, as evident in the early epics The Hebrews, however, as represented in the Hebrew Bible, shifted importance from the celestial gods to man on earth: for the first time, man... holds hope for the future for a cure Anything that pains you physical pain, emotional pain (as in financial or love difficulties) causes hope for the future for a cure The same applies for the painful state of stagnation As the cure never comes, we become disillusioned The feeling of hope in most of us has long ago been buried beneath recognition I ask you, now that you have opened the door to the person... Sinai Desert for 40 years before moving on to the Promised Land Six centuries before, when Abraham left the comforts of Haran to go into the harsh desert, his journey was a constant challenge for survival This explains the remarkable difference between the many stories about warriors and kings of the age, stories that perished over time, versus this story that became part of the canon of the Bible and... approaching the jumping off point just before the great leap into human consciousness Next across the night sky of the bicameral mind that could see no further than directly in front of it neither seeing back in time nor extrapolating forward into the future and certainly not inward at oneself comes, six hundred years later: the light of Moses He broke the darkness of the human psyche with the Ten... Kings, the Bible presents us with the third major shift in man's mental structure With David, the charismatic King, the writing of the Bible begins to turn inward to the man, into the self The hallmark of human consciousness is the ability to look inward, to introspect and the word "I" used in this way to give space to the inner self is a major vehicle, a prime thinking tool, for turning inward into the. .. of human consciousness There was no counterpart to this journey of the inward spirit in religion or politics in the early sixth century B.C Yet, with the total destruction of their outward material world, the Jews were able to make the dramatic shift inward to the journey within The new writings that arose, the later books of the Hebrew Bible, were unlike any writings before The new writings reflected . Search neo-tech. com NT Home Page Book 1 Neo-Tech Home Page The Ultimate Leverage for Riches Next Page | Contents | Feedback for Valuable/New Information | Previous Page The Book by Mark Hamilton Book. working for me a powerful asset to the company. I knew other companies will discover how to unleash the human potential of their employees in the next millennium and then put them into the new,. "God-Man" Mentality: (who man will be) A new mind space opens through Neo- think puzzle-building that snaps together never-before-seen pic- ture puzzle pictures that let man jump to the

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