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AMA handbook of business letters

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  • Cover

  • Title Page

  • ISBN 9780814420126

  • Contents

  • Preface to the Fourth Edition

  • PART I. The Basics

    • Approaching This Book

    • Approach of This Book

    • Chapter 1. Planning the Letter

      • Researching the Facts

      • Analyzing the Subject and Reader

      • Knowing Your Objectives and How to Accomplish Them

    • Chapter 2. Components of an Effective Letter

      • Language—Clarity Versus Ambiguity

      • Tone—Personality

      • Focus of Attention—The “You Attitude”

      • Length

    • Chapter 3. Structure: The Parts of a Letter

      • Dateline

      • Reference Line

      • Personal or Confidential Note

      • Inside Address

      • Attention Note

      • Salutation

      • Subject Line

      • Paragraphs

      • Continuation Sheets

      • Complimentary Close

      • Signature Block

      • Identification Line

      • Enclosure and Attachment Notations

      • Distribution Notation

      • Postscript

    • Chapter 4. Appearance of the Letter

      • Stationery

      • Formats

        • Full Block

        • Block

        • Semiblock

        • Simplified Letter

        • Official Style

        • Hanging Indented

      • Envelopes

      • Memorandums

      • Email

    • Chapter 5. Grammar

      • Grammar

        • Wrong Pronouns

        • Pronouns and Antecedents

        • Subject and Verb Agreement

        • Dangling Modifiers

        • Split Infinitives

        • Parallel Structure

      • Punctuation

      • Capitalization

      • Spelling

      • Jargon

      • Clichés

      • Wordiness

  • PART II. The Letters

    • Chapter 6. Sales, Marketing, and Public Relations Letters

      • Letters of Introduction

      • Sales Letters

      • Letter Accompanying Renewal Notice

      • Letter Announcing a Special Presentation

      • Letter Expressing Appreciation to Customers

      • Catalog Letters

      • Sales Inquiry Response

      • Appointment Requests

      • Letters of Interest

      • Letter to Difficult-to-See Prospect

      • Letter to Find Decision Maker

      • Letters Confirming Proposals

      • Follow-Up Sales Call Letters

      • Letter to Renew Contact

      • Letter Welcoming New Client

      • Letter Asking for Referral

      • Letter Promoting Special Sale

      • Letter to Wish Existing Customer Holiday Greetings

      • Letter to Acknowledge Anniversary of a Sales Relationship

      • Public Relations Letters

    • Chapter 7. Customer Service Letters

      • Complaint Resolution Letters

      • Apology Letters

      • Letter Acknowledging Order

      • Letters Correcting Wrong Shipment

      • Product or Service Information Letters

      • Thank-You Letters to Customers

      • Letter to Lapsed Customer

      • Pricing Letters

      • Change-in-Location Letters

      • Project Status Letters

      • Product-Handling Letter

      • Letters Announcing Personnel Changes

      • Subscription Response Letters

      • Letters to Stockholders

      • Letter Dealing with Unreasonable Customer

    • Chapter 8. Credit and Collection Letters

      • Letter Requesting Commercial Credit

      • Credit Information Letters

      • Letters Announcing Credit Policy Change

      • Returned-Check Letters

      • Credit Reference Letters

      • Letter Denying Credit

      • Letters Granting Credit

      • Letter Raising Credit Limit

      • Letter Clearing Disputed Items

      • Stop-Payment Letter

      • Collection Letters

      • Credit-Suspension Letter

      • Letter Reinstating Credit

      • Letters Accepting Partial Payment

      • Letter Acknowledging Payment

      • Letter About Deposit Due

      • Letter to Lender to Renegotiate Payment Terms

      • Letter from Customer About Billing Error

    • Chapter 9. Letters to Vendors and Suppliers

      • Letter Dealing with a Request for Proposal

      • Letters Involved with Presentations

      • Letters Dealing with Vendor Bids

      • Letter Placing Order

      • Letter Requesting Distributor’s Name

      • Letter Seeking Information About Product

      • Letter Asking About Quantity Discounts

      • Letters Complimenting Vendors

      • Letters Clearing Up Billing Errors

      • Letters Complaining to Vendors

      • Letter Cancelling Contract

      • Letter Firing Vendor Because of Economic Conditions

    • Chapter 10. Personnel Letters

      • Job Interview Request Letters

      • Letters Accompanying Résumés

      • Letter Withdrawing Candidacy for a Position

      • Letters Responding to Job Applications

      • Letters Thanking People Who Recommended Applicants

      • Job-Offer Letters

      • Letters Accepting or Rejecting Job Offers

      • Letter Welcoming New Employee

      • Recommendation Letters

      • Commendation Letters

      • Letters About Job Promotions

      • New-Employee Announcement Letter

      • Letters Requesting and Refusing Raises

      • No-Longer-With-Us Letters

      • Letter of Resignation

      • Letters to Retiring Employees

      • Letters Regarding Leaves of Absence

      • Letter Offering Employee a Lesser Position

      • Reprimand

      • Termination Letters

      • Letter Acknowledging Anniversary Date

      • Letter Announcing Staff Changes

      • Letter Requesting Mentorship

      • Farewell Letter to Employee

    • Chapter 11. Transmittal Letters

      • Letters Transmitting Payment

      • Letter Transmitting Contracts

      • Letters Transmitting Requested Materials

      • Letter Transmitting Manuscript

      • Letter Transmitting Manuscript to Reviewer

      • Letter Transmitting Final Invoice

    • Chapter 12. Confirmation Letters

      • Letter Confirming Supplier’s Oral Instructions

      • Letter Confirming Prices and Quantity Discounts

      • Letter Confirming Arrangements for Speaker

      • Letter Confirming Appointment

      • Letter Confirming Travel Plans

      • Letter Confirming Telephone Conversation

      • Letters Confirming Receipt of Materials

    • Chapter 13. Request Letters

      • Letter Requesting Information About Accommodations

      • Letter Requesting Information About Seminars

      • Letter Requesting Assistance

      • Letters Requesting Return of Material

      • Letter Requesting Material from Speaker

      • Letter Requesting Correction on Charge Account

      • Letter Requesting Reprint of Article

      • Letter Requesting Subscription Cancellation

      • Letter Requesting Free Products

      • Letter Requesting Information About a New Product

      • Letter Requesting Pricing Information

    • Chapter 14. Replies

      • Letter Acknowledging Order

      • Letter Acknowledging Registration for Conference

      • Remittance Letter

      • Response to Request for Clarification

      • Response to Request for Information About Member of Organization

      • Letters Responding to Requests for Materials

      • Letter Replying to a Sales Letter

      • Letter Responding to a Request for Free Products

      • Letter Responding to Request for Information About a New Product

      • Letters Responding to Requests to Be a Speaker

    • Chapter 15. Permissions Letters

      • Letters Seeking Permission to Reprint

      • Letters Indicating More Information Needed for Permission

      • Letters Granting Permission

      • Letters Denying Permission

      • Cover Letter for Contract

      • Letter Requesting Reversion of Rights

    • Chapter 16. Social, Personal, and Miscellaneous Letters

      • Thank-You Letters

      • Invitations

      • Letters Accepting Invitations

      • Letters Declining Invitations

      • Letter Expressing Interest in Speaking

      • Letter Reserving Meeting Facility

      • Letter Requesting Membership in a Club

      • Follow-Up Letter to Speech Attendees

      • Letter Expressing Compliments on an Article

      • Birthday Greetings Letter

      • Public Service and Fund-Raising Letters

      • Letters Declining Requests for Donations

      • Letter Urging Political Representative to Action

      • Congratulations-on-New-Position Letters

      • Letters to Sick Employees, Acquaintances

      • Condolence Letter

      • Letter Congratulating Someone on Opening a Business

      • Letter Announcing Retirement

  • Part III. Appendixes

  • Appendix I. Words to Watch

  • Appendix II. Punctuation

  • Index

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[...]... model letters on which to base your own correspondence The AMA Handbook of Business Letters will not just show you how to write better letters, it will show you how to write better Sections on grammar and usage in the first part of the book complement the sections on basic letter-writing skills The second part of The AMA Handbook of Business Letters is the heart of the book Here, more than 370 model letters. .. The AMA Handbook of Business Letters is to help you write effective letters Ineffective letters are a waste of time and money This realization should be enough to convince every professional of the need to be a good letter writer Letters may not seem like the crux of your business, but if you consider that effectively written letters can increase the quality of working relationships and the quantity of. .. letter writing, but to all of your other writing as well The second part of this book consists of more than 370 sample letters, divided into categories reflecting various aspects of business Each chapter also contains brief analyses of the strong points of many of the sample letters Most of the sample letters are based on actual letters written and used by professionals Names of people or corporations... collected The vast majority of them are based on actual letters that were used in business They were chosen to represent the broad spectrum of the type of letters businesspeople will most commonly have to write We have fictionalized the names of the people, companies, and products in the letters If a name resembles an actual name, it is purely by coincidence Many of the sample letters in Part II can easily... that time, the basic fundamentals of letter writing have remained the same Still, we felt it was time that we updated the book with a much wider selection of model letters as well as updates to reflect today’s work setting People in all walks of the business world are in need of a book that can help them hone their letter-writing skills The AMA Handbook of Business Letters is designed to answer that... Index 465   The letters in this book are available online in easily customizable format at www.amacombooks.org/go/AMAHbkBizLts4 American Management Association www.amanet.org This page intentionally left blank Preface to the fourth edition It’s remarkable how quickly the years have passed since the publication of the first edition of The AMA Handbook of Business Letters While much has changed... Association www.amanet.org The AMA Handbook of Business Letters Fourth Edition This page intentionally left blank PART I The basics All letters methinks, should be as free and easy as one’s discourse, not studied as an oration.… —Dorothy Osborne (Lady Temple), letter to Sir William Temple, October 1653 Successful professionals know the importance of effective letter writing You can’t have a good business. .. letter format, but the message of each letter can be used as the text for an email Obviously, the sample letters can also be used as templates for letters that you can attach to emails We give you tips on how to adapt the letters to email in Chapter 4 in the section titled “Email.” You can find electronic versions of each of the letters in this book at www.amacombooks.org/go/AMAHbkBizLts4 Part III features... everyday business should be the same good English used by people in all walks of life Granted, there may be specialized terms intrinsic to your industry, but there isn’t a special type of business English” to be learned and used when writing business letters Good English is good English 9 American Management Association www.amanet.org 10 n THE BASICS Be clear and straightforward in your letters Write... basics learned in the first part of The AMA Handbook of Business Letters, and study the examples presented in the second, your letter-writing skills will improve greatly The end result will be a letter that makes your readers think that what took much thought and planning on your part flowed as smoothly and effortlessly as discourse American Management Association www.amanet.org CHAPTE R 1 Planning the . class="bi x0 y0 w1 h0" alt="" The AMA Handbook of Business Letters Fourth Edition This page intentionally left blank The AMA Handbook of Business Letters Jerey L. Seglin and Edward. writing—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Coleman, Edward, 1968- II. Amacom. III. Title. IV. Title: Handbook of business letters. V. Title: American Management Association handbook of business letters. . second part of e AMA Handbook of Business Letters is the heart of the book. Here, more than 370 model letters have been collected. e vast majority of them are based on actual letters that

Ngày đăng: 07/04/2014, 11:34