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Evaluating customer satisfaction among marketing strategy of website vatgia com

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VNU- UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BACHELOR’S THESIS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EVALUATING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AMONG MARKETING STRATEGY OF WEBSITE VATGIA.COM BY DUONG HUE THU A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INTERNATIONAL STANDARD PROGRAM) 2013-2017 Hanoi – May, 2017 VNU- UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EVALUATING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AMONG MARKETING STRATEGY OF WEBSITE VATGIA.COM Supervisor’s name: Dr Nguyen Thu Ha Student’s name: Duong Hue Thu Student ID: 13050397 Intake: QH2013 – E Program: International Standard Hanoi – May 2017 i TABLE OF CONTENT BACHELOR’S THESIS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2013-2017 i VNU- UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS i TABLE OF CONTENT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .iii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLES v ABSTRACT vi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background 1.2 Problem statement and research objective 1.3 The research objectives: 1.4 Methodology 1.5 Research structure CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 MARKETING STRATEGY 1.1.1 DEFINITION 1.1.2 WHY SHOULD THE COMPANY CREATE A MARKETING STRATEGY?.4 1.1.3 7PS MARKETING STRATEGY 1.2 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 11 1.2.1 CONCEPT OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION .11 1.2.2 WHY IS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IMPORTANT TO BUSINESSES? 16 1.2.3 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION MODELS 18 CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 22 2.1 RESEARCH CONTEXT 22 2.1.1 OVERVIEW OF E-COMMERCE MARKET IN VIETNAM 22 2.1.2 OVERVIEW OF WEBSITE VATGIA.COM 27 2.1.3 THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF WEBSITE VATGIA.COM 33 2.2 RESEARCH SAMPLE .41 2.3 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK 42 2.4 RESEARCH SURVEY 43 ii 2.5 MEASUREMENTS .45 CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS 46 3.1 DATA COLLECTION 46 3.1.1 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ABOUT FACTORS OF MARKETING 7PS AFFECTED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 48 3.1.2 PROS AND CONS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES 60 CHAPTER 4: DISCUSSIONS 64 4.1 SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE SERVICE THE ELEMENTS OF MKT STRATEGY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT VATGIA.COM 64 The weaknesses have pointed out in the former, this chapter will suggest some solutions to improve each element of marketing strategy .64 4.1.1 SOLUTIONS FOR PRODUCT STRATEGY 64 4.1.2 SOLUTIONS FOR PRICE STRATEGY 64 4.1.3 SOLUTIONS FOR PLACE STRATEGY 65 4.1.4 SOLUTION FOR PROMOTION STRATEGY 65 4.1.5 SOLUTIONS FOR PEOPLE STRATEGY .66 4.1.6 SOLUTIONS FOR PROCESS STRATEGY .67 4.1.7 SOLUTIONS OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE STRATEGY 68 4.2 EXPERIENCE LESSON FROM VATGIA.COM 68 4.2.1 WEBSITE OPTIMIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES RELIABLE 68 4.2.2 ALWAYS INNOVATE AND ENHANCE THE SYSTEM .68 4.2.3 INVESTMENT FOR MARKETING ACTIVITIES 69 4.2.4 ATTACHMENT TO CUSTOMER’S BENEFIT 69 CONCLUSIONS 71 REFERENCES 72 APPENDICES: QUESTIONNAIRE .74 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to show great gratitude to all people who have helped in making this thesis paper successfully possible from beginning to the end Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr Nguyễn Thu Hà, for her guideline and help as well as valuable feedback, which enable me to achieve and writing a well-structured paper Secondly, it is pleasure to thank Viet Nam Price Joint Stock Company and all of its staffs, who helped me a lot in my internship period and provided me details about the company as well as support me in data collection I am also very grateful for many participants who have spent their time for doing my questionnaire carefully Last but not least, thanks a lot to Faculty of Business Administration, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University for helping me in many ways during whole period of doing this thesis Student, Duong Hue Thu iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 The Ps Marketing mix Figure ACSI Model .19 Figure European Customer Satisfaction Index – ECSI 21 Figure Market share of Vietnam EC and its Growth rate 23 Figure 2 Major EC sites in VN 27 Figure The Research Framework 42 Figure Product Strategy 48 Figure The basic benefit packages 50 Figure 3 The enhanced benefit packages 50 Figure Price Strategy 51 Figure Place Strategy 52 Figure Promotion Strategy 53 Figure Process Strategy 56 Figure People Strategy 57 Figure Physical Evidence Strategy 58 Figure 10 Guest Lounge of VNP Company .59 v LIST OF TABLES Table Four types of online shopping sites in VN 24 Table 2 Development History of VNP Group 28 Table The structure of survey questionnaire 43 Table Five-point Likert scale of measurement 45 Table The Characteristics of Gender 46 Table The Characteristics of Age 46 Table 3 The Characteristics of Marital Status 47 Table The Characteristics of Income 47 Table The Characteristics of Life of Contract 47 Table Comparison about services between Vatgia and rivals 49 Table Comparison about price between Vatgia.com and rivals 52 Table 10 Comparison about website between Vatgia and business rivals (Data at 5/12/ 2016) 54 Table Mean of Customer satisfaction .59 Table Descriptive statistics of 7Ps Marketing strategy 60 vi ABSTRACT This thesis examines the booth service at Viet Nam Price Joint Stock Company, carrying out the survey to assess perceived service quality of Website Vatgia.com, and then research the relationship between Marketing Strategy and customer satisfaction on booth service The researcher attempts to investigate how 7Ps Marketing Strategy applied at Vatgia.com Seven elements consist of Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence It seems that Marketing Department handles flexibly and regularly innovate marketing plan according to this model Website vatgia.com has been proven the success of 7Ps Marketing Strategy specifically in practice In general, direct customers who vatgia.com provides booth services are likely to be businesses and suppliers They tend to select Vatgia.com as a reliable channel to broaden their market share and explore potential customers The proposed model is tested on a sample of 77 customers randomly at Vatgia.com Almost the evaluations of customer about the strategies of Vatgia.com are positive responds This contributed to create the motivation and cultivate the innovation spirit for not only the Board of directors but also the employees entirely In addition, based on these findings, the thesis also gives some suggestions for Vatgia.com to further improve service quality and customer satisfaction level INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background One of the grow in areas of E-commerce is Online Buying More and more consumers are turning to the World Wide Web for their shopping needs, which gives them access to either local or international products with just a click of the mouse That has built the benefit for sides – seller and buyer E-commerce is the buying and selling of the goods and services online; internet is the best source to use this tool Today the amount of trade that is conducted electronically using e-commerce has increased with a wide spread usage of internet and technology In Vietnam, it started as buying of online services from other countries virtually and it involved a complete trade in which service was given through internet and money was transferred through credit cards to other country’s firm The internet is being developed rapidly since last two decades, and with relevant digital economy that is driven by information technology also being developed worldwide The detailed product information and improved service attracts more and more people and changed their consumer behavior from the traditional mode to more rely on the internet shopping Electronic commerce is an inevitable trend of development which is the fastest way for businesses expanding international market Therefore the company has always applied E-commerce in the production process, business activities to rapidly approach market information, products, competitors and perform the electronic transactions 1.2 Problem statement and research objective In top retail websites of Vietnam currently, there were websites owned by domestic firms According to the report conducted by comScore, a research agency, Vatgia.com, Lazada.vn (foreign owned website), 5giay.vn, Enbac.com and Thegioididong.com were the highest traffic retail websites in Vietnam With the fierce struggle, to guarantee the market share, each corporation must target the strategic category which be competitive advantage Vatgia.com, specifically, is familiar to the segmentation of technology, machine, mobile and accessories In 2016, vatgia.com got the big success as obtaining the positive cash flow Therefore, it can be assessed that vatgia.com site has built the customer trust and effective business through the strategic marketing system This research study conducted in Hanoi, focuses on investigating the factors that influence the customer satisfaction related to the marketing strategy Moreover, this study also provides insights into the characteristics of the respondents 1.3 - The research objectives: Identifying the common factors of marketing strategy influenced on the customer satisfaction of website vatgia.com - Building the solutions for marketing strategy to improve customer satisfaction The research questions are following: What are the common factors of marketing strategy applied by vatgia.com? How customers evaluate about the marketing strategy of website Vatgia.com? How should website Vatgia.com improve its marketing strategy? 1.4 Methodology Quantitative research provides a measure of how people think, feel or behave in a certain way and uses statistical analysis to determine the results Quantitative research methodology is used to finding the trend of customers’ perception about the service provided by Vatgia company, since it will be more reliable and objective This research uses quantitative methodology, it will provide details of in which factors company should focus on to increase purchase intention then boost up 64 CHAPTER 4: DISCUSSIONS 4.1 SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE SERVICE THE ELEMENTS OF MKT STRATEGY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT VATGIA.COM The weaknesses have pointed out in the former, this chapter will suggest some solutions to improve each element of marketing strategy 4.1.1 SOLUTIONS FOR PRODUCT STRATEGY The survey shows that the company's customers are business subjects, suppliers with high living standards, stable income With the growing demand for customers and the desire to meet customer expectation, companies need to constantly innovate, complete the process, and respond needs of customers by the reasonable service policies         Immediately paying attention to customer needs, the change of product strategy of competitors combined business-oriented companies have adjusted appropriately It should focus on enhancing the development of complementary services, constantly improving the quality of product platform The situation shows that the company has not concentrated on developing more services that can support customers in business such as building fanpage, advertising Facebook ads, Google Adwords, comprehensive marketing for customers Developing evenly in product strategy will not only help the company improve its product strategy but also broad the market share 4.1.2 SOLUTIONS FOR PRICE STRATEGY According to the survey results, customers are very interested in the company's service fees, which is an important factor in the decision to use the products and 65 services of customers The company must regularly observe and evaluate the market fluctuations especially the new entrants (such as Shopee.vn, Lotte.vn, Thegioididong.com…) to the e-commerce From that, Vatgia.com have prepared and adjusted for its business plan timely 4.1.3 SOLUTIONS FOR PLACE STRATEGY Currently, Vatgia.com has only two headquarter offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City Opening new transaction offices helps the company to have more customers and enhance the prestige, competitive advantages as well as the scale of operation The company should be more active in the search for customers to expand market share such as promoting the form of advertising, product introduction to all classes of the population 4.1.4 SOLUTION FOR PROMOTION STRATEGY PROMOTION OF THE BRAND THROUGH THE MEDIA At present, even though the service of booths is quietly diversified, customers can not grasp all the products as well as their characteristics, preferences and operation methods This limits their choices as well as makes decisions to use the product of the customer Therefore, the company should regularly organize seminars, product introduction of Vatgia.com to customers Full information about the products , benefits and incentives when customers use products and services on the website, or send messages, mail to customers participating in the conference Products and services through conferences that create close relationships with customers, businesses and suppliers Posting activities, advertisements of Vatgia.com on the media is to expand the brand image Vatgia in the customer mind Promoting the dissemination through networking with universities will host talents This has a huge impact on the image of the company 66 PROMOTION OF THE BRAND WITH COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES It is the great way to participate in social activities for the community such as: Scholarships for poor students from charitable organizations, schools, participation in joint activities to protect the environment, sea to build image for public Not only that, it also helps the staffs of the company cultivate soft skills, showing the culture of Vietnam Joint Stock Company to the community Through these activities, it is known that the company, as well as the positive view of the service CUSTOMER CARING The company often keeps contacts, sends mail to the loyal customers, carries out surveys to collect feedback to adjust and develop products and services in a more appropriate way This shows the interest of the branch to customers, additionally the company often sends mail, calls to customer on New Year's Day, birthday with the preferences for each Based on the results of customer satisfaction survey as variable “ staff is always ready to explain, clear consultation to customers”, the managers should be enhanced and further promoted by increasing the number of employees on the hotline to minimize the waiting time of customers 4.1.5 SOLUTIONS FOR PEOPLE STRATEGY The human element plays the key role and it determines the success of any strategy Employees are not the only people who directly guide and implement business processes that create the image of Vatgia.com in the minds of customers, but also creating and maintaining the development of relationships with customers Corporate executives need to be aware of the importance of employees to make the right personnel policy 67 Recruiting qualified people to the right place: posting recruitment information on Vatgia.com website, restricting recruitment through affinity The recruitment is the way Vatgia.com left the impression for the candidates, creating trust for cooperation, guaranteeing the long-term commitment The recruiting process meets the company's requirements to find qualified candidates that match the business characteristics of the company Human resource training and development: training all employees not only with professional knowledge but also soft skills in communication, meeting and maintaining relationships with customers To enhance the propaganda, all employees have to understand the role of customer, customer focus, resolve the wishes and requirements of customers At the same time there is a strict punishment policy, technical availability, even dismissal for fraud that influences on reputation of Vatgia.com Promoting cultural efficiency: building a culture of VNP culture, a close bond between among employees, which creates the good impression from first sight to the smallest gestures when making decision to use the service of the company 4.1.6 SOLUTIONS FOR PROCESS STRATEGY At the same time, the survey results show that the clients at Vatgia.com are mainly business people Enhancing the transaction beyond the business hours, noon time for the customers will support them to have more time listening to advice from employees of Vatgia.com Employees make sure to track each progress of the contract for approval, timely disbursement Customer contracts must be strictly confidential Employees are always available to clarify the contract specifications and conditions To resolve inquiries and listen to the wishes, complaints of customers are the essential things in the excellent process 68 4.1.7 SOLUTIONS OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE STRATEGY The physical elements strongly influence on loyalty and customer satisfaction at the branch Equipment, facilities and technical facilities: Headquarters, equipment spacious, beautiful location to leave a strong impression in the minds of customers The uniform in the costumes, stationery, business cards, leaflets also contribute to the professionalism of the company to create peace of mind for customers Science and technology: Continuously upgrading, improving the network, machines, information technology into the company 4.2 EXPERIENCE LESSON FROM VATGIA.COM 4.2.1 WEBSITE OPTIMIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES RELIABLE Currently, by the effective and practical utility, Google has become a place to look up information of most people in Vietnam in particular and the network community in general Therefore, it is very profitable to get information about a company that can reach the top of the Google search results According to the analysis from chapter 2, Vatgia.com has been very successful in optimizing its website through the keyword system Hence, initially the business is able to attract customers by optimization However, to retain customers and keep the first place in the long term, the website must know to build their own information systems, products and reliable service to meet the needs of customers as well as create trust for customers on their website 4.2.2 ALWAYS INNOVATE AND ENHANCE THE SYSTEM 69 In order to be able to have a successful and growing website that extends to other areas to meet the consumer expectation, the leaders and the entire staff must constantly innovate, update and complete continuously The best way is to constantly explore, learn and listen to the opinions of users to create new features that bring convenience to them Moreover, e-commerce trends are booming in the recent time Therefore, if a website wants to exist and develop, it have to understand its own unique points, real benefits for users and above all, creative efforts for further development 4.2.3 INVESTMENT FOR MARKETING ACTIVITIES Lack of advertising, propaganda, nothing can be sustained Promotional programs should focus on a specific target audience to help reduce costs and increase the efficiency in marketing plans Therefore, after identifying the target audience, the website should create strong marketing activities, combining many different types Promoting the brand image on e-commerce, news and entertainment sites will attract customers' attention, and it can be aimed to advertising on the media and event programs if there is potential for finance In addition, businesses need to concentrate on developing attractive products, services and promotions, prominent events to further promote their image and brand 4.2.4 ATTACHMENT TO CUSTOMER’S BENEFIT To maintain competitive advantages in the market, businesses should place themselves in the position of consumers to ask: which service customers need? What will the service bring more attractive? From these questions, the business will understand the customer psychology, gradually improve and meet the needs of customers well It is really essential for generating an open system for users to contribute ideas, exchange information about products and services If the 70 businesses receive unexpectant feedback from customers, they needs to thoroughly investigate the cause, apologize to the customers, fix errors immediately Truly, this will impress the customers and contribute the strong trust in Vatgia.com 71 CONCLUSIONS With its varied and professional marketing strategies, Vatgia.com has taken the leap forward and has been credited with being a trusted ecommerce site in recent years The types of products and services of Vatgia.com are increasingly copious The brand awareness of the website from users also are increasingly high as well as evaluation indicators are quietly positive All that proves the success of Vatgia.com that started up with the perfect marketing plan In this study, the author has gradually analyzed the marketing strategies of Vatgia.com applied to make a competitive advantages and improvement With a flexible application that follows the 7Ps marketing strategy, Vatgia.com has met the satisfaction of customers and their expectations for a dreamed ecommerce site The potential development of Vatgia.com in the future is still very large as the virtual market is growing and preferred With the constant efforts and creativity of the leaders and staffs of Vietnam Price Joint Stock Company and the marketing strategies in line with the customer satisfaction, Vatgia.com will surely generate many breakthroughs to compete in the fierce battle of electrical commerce sites nowadays During the writing process, the author would like to thank Dr Nguyen Thu Ha and the direct comments of Mr Nguyen Ngoc Diep - Director of Vatgia Vietnam Joint Stock Company, my colleagues in the Marketing department have helped me research, direct the issue to complete this research topic well 72 REFERENCES Nguyễn Mạnh Hào, “Hoàn thiện hoạt động CSKH công ty CP Vật giá VN”, xem thêm tại: http://123doc.org//document/3530775-hoan-thien-hoatdong-cskh-cua-cong-ty-cp-vat-gia-viet-nam.htm (truy cập ngày 05/05/2016) Vũ Ngọc Thạch, “Nghiên cứu mơ hình kinh doanh www.vatgia.com”, xem thêm http://doc.edu.vn/tai-lieu/tieu-luan-nghien-cuu-mo-hinh-kinh-doanhwwwvatgiacom-31725/ (truy cập 15/08/2013) Su-Mei Lin, “ Marketing mix (7P) and performance assessment of western fast food industry in Taiwan: An application by associating DEMATEL and ANP” , available at http://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1380530941_Lin.pdf (accessed 17th May 2011) Biljana Angelova , “Measuring Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality Using American Customer Satisfaction Model (ACSI Model)”, available at: http://www.hrmars.com/admin/pics/381.pdf (accessed October 2011) Nguyễn Lê Yến Nhi, “[Nghiên cứu Marketing] Những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến mức độ hài lòng khách hàng”, xem thêm tại: http://www.slideshare.net/huyngaytho/nghin-cu-marketing-nhng-yu-t-nhhng-n-mc-hi-lng-ca-khch-hng (truy cập 6/2012) Nguyễn Ngọc Điệp, “Chiến lược phát triển VNP khả hợp tác”, xem thêm http://www.slideshare.net/nemureshi2/1-vatgia-presentation2011-9314579 (accessed 18th September 2011) Younet Media, “THƯƠNG MẠI ĐIỆN TỬ – KHÁCH HÀNG ĐANG THỰC SỰ MONG CHỜ ĐIỀU GÌ?”, xem thêm tại: http://www.younetmedia.com/insights/thuong-mai-dien-tu-khach-hang-dangthuc-su-mong-cho-dieu-gi.html (accessed June 2016) Paul Hague, “Customer Satisfaction Surveys & Research: How to Measure CSAT” available at: 73 https://www.b2binternational.com/publications/customer-satisfaction-survey/ (accessed October 2016) Cheng-Feng Cheng & Wann-Yih Wu, “Evaluating the impact of marketing strategy on customer satisfaction through game theory: A mathematical model and ”, available at: 10 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wann_Yih_Wu/publication/ 266178008_Evaluating_the_impact_of_marketing_strategy_on_customer_s atisfaction_through_game_theory_A_mathematical_model_and_empirical_ research/links/55bde82808aed621de109e95.pdf (accessed 21st December 2011) 11 Q&me, “Vietnam E-commerce Report 2016”, available at: https://www.slideshare.net/CVEN2016/vietnam-ecommerce-report-2016 (accessed 20th July 2016) 12 UKessays, “Electronic marketing in Vietnam”, available at: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/marketing/electronic-marketing-invietnam-marketing-essay.php (accessed 23rd March 2015) 74 APPENDICES: QUESTIONNAIRE PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT SỰ HÀI LÒNG CỦA KHÁCH HÀNG ĐỐI VỚI CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH VỤ TẠI WEBSITE VATGIA.COM Xin chào Anh/Chị Xin phép mong Anh/Chị bớt chút thời gian để tham gia đóng góp ý kiến cách khách quan Thông tin mà Anh/Chị trao đổi giữ bí mật sử dụng cho mục đích giúp website phục vụ Anh/Chị tốt tương lai Thời gian trao đổi vài phút, mong Anh/Chị giúp đỡ Cám ơn Anh/Chị nhiều! I Thông tin cá nhân Giới tính  Nam  Nữ Tuổi  Dưới 30 tuổi  Từ 30 đến 40  Trên 40 tuổi Tình trạng nhân  Chưa lập gia đình  Đã lập gia đình Thu nhập bình quân/tháng (lương, thưởng, phụ cấp)  Dưới 10 triệu đồng  Từ 10 đến 20 triệu đồng  Trên 20 triệu đồng 75 Thời gian sử dụng dịch vụ vatgia.com  Dưới tháng  Từ tháng đến tháng  Từ tháng đến năm  Trên năm Nghề nghiệp tại: II Phần nội dung Xin cho biết ý kiến anh/chị (vui lịng khoanh trịn vào mức độ thích hợp) phát biểu sau với quy ước sau: Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Khơng đồng ý Trung lập/ Khơng ý kiến Đồng ý Hồn toàn đồng ý Hoàn STT Các hạng mục Trung Hoàn tồn Khơng lập/ Đồng tồn khơng đồng ý Khơng ý đồng đồng ý ý kiến ý Chính sách dịch vụ Gian hàng đảm bảo Các gói dịch vụ Gian hàng đảm bảo (GHĐB) đa dạng để lựa chọn GHĐB có tối ưu đẩy mạnh thương hiệu khách hàng Gói dịch vụ GHĐB cung cấp nhiều lợi ích dịch vụ kèm website khác 5 Chính sách giá Mức phí dịch vụ hợp lý 5 Mức phí dịch vụ thấp trang website thương mại điện tử khác (VD 76 sendo.vn) Có ưu đãi giảm giá với khách hàng thân thiết 5 5 5 5 5 Chính sách phân phối Số lượng nhân viên đủ để phục vụ giải nhu cầu khách hàng Khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ thuận tiện không cần tới công ty Thời gian nhận bàn giao gian hàng nhanh Chính sách xúc tiến 10 Thương hiệu Vatgia.com tạo niềm tin Khách hàng thường xuyên nhìn thấy 11 quảng cáo website vatgia.com nhiều kênh 12 Tần suất liên lạc nhân viên chăm sóc gian hàng với khách hàng thường xuyên Khách hàng thường xuyên nhận 13 thông tin chương trình khuyến qua email phương tiện thơng tin đại chúng Quy trình thực hợp đồng 14 Thủ tục làm hợp đồng đơn giản, nhanh chóng Nhân viên kinh doanh sẵn sàng giải thích 15 tính minh bạch đặc điểm điều khoản hợp đồng dịch vụ 16 Tốc độ phê duyệt hợp đồng nhanh 17 Thông tin khách hàng bảo mật 5 18 19 Thiết kế gian hàng bắt mắt, nhập liệu sản phẩm xác Chăm sóc gian hàng suốt thời gian 77 hợp đồng Chính sách người 20 21 22 Nhân viên Vatgia chuyên nghiệp đáng tin cậy Nhân viên Vatgia có đủ khả giải vấn đề khách hàng Thái độ cư xử nhân viên Vatgia lịch nhiệt thành 5 5 5 5 5 Nhân viên kinh doanh Vatgia giúp 23 khách hàng lựa chọn gói giải pháp phù hợp với ngân sách công việc kinh doanh khách hàng Phương tiện hữu hình 24 25 26 Hệ thống máy chủ tốt, đảm bảo việc truy cập khơng bị gián đoạn Cơng ty có khu vực riêng tiếp đón khách hàng Các phận xếp chỗ ngồi hợp lý, thuận tiện việc hỗ trợ Không gian làm việc công ty sáng tạo, 27 thân thiện tạo niềm tin cho khách hàng nhân viên Sự hài lịng khách hàng Nhìn chung, anh/chị hài lòng với chất 28 lượng dịch vụ GHĐB mà vatgia.com cung cấp 29 Vatgia.com đáp ứng kỳ vọng khách hàng Vatgia.com khơng có khác biệt nhiều 30 website lý tưởng mà khách hàng mơ ước 78 ...SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EVALUATING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AMONG MARKETING STRATEGY OF WEBSITE VATGIA. COM Supervisor’s name: Dr Nguyen Thu Ha Student’s... evaluate about the marketing strategy of website Vatgia. com? How should website Vatgia. com improve its marketing strategy? 1.4 Methodology Quantitative research provides a measure of how people think,... quality of Website Vatgia. com, and then research the relationship between Marketing Strategy and customer satisfaction on booth service The researcher attempts to investigate how 7Ps Marketing Strategy

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2023, 12:00


