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Tài liệu luyện thi Cambridge cho bé - Starter 5 (Answer)

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Tài liệu luyện thi chứng chỉ Cambridge cho bé - Starter 5 (Answer)

Trang 2

Cambridge Young Learners

Trang 4


The Cambridge Young L earners Eng lish Tests o f fer a n elem e nt a ry-lev el t es t n g sy s t em f o r l ea rners o f En g lish

b e t w een t h e ag e s o f 7 and 1 2 Th e t es ts in cl u de 3 k ey l evel s o f asse ssment : Starters, Movers a nd Flyers

S tarters is the l owes t le v el in t h e s y st em Tes t instruction s ar c v e ry s i m p l e and co n si s t only o f wo r d s and

st ru ct u r es specified in t h e sy ll a bu s

Th e c o mp l e te t est lasts about 4 5 mi n t es and h as t h e f o llo w in g c om po ne nt s: L i st en in g, R ead i ng and

W r i i n g, an d Speaki n

-Candicl<~ es need a p e n or p e nci l fo r th e R eading and W r i n g p aper, an d coloure d pe ns o r p en cils for the

Li s t e n i n g pa p e r All answers ar e w r i tten o n t h e qu es ti o n p a p e rs


In ge n e ral, t h e aim i s to fo c us o n t he 'h e re and now' and to use l a nguage i n meani n gful co nt e xt s In

a d iti on to mul t iple - choic e a nd s h rt- a nswer question s, ca ndid a t es arc asked to u s e c olo u r e d pe n c ils tO

ma r k th ei r responses to on e t ask T h e re arc 4 p a rts E ac h p a rr h egin s wit h a clear e xamp l e

correctly on a picture

2 listening for numbers illustrated comprehension wrie numb rs and names 5

and spelling questions and dialogue

3 lstening for specifiC 3-option multiple-choice tck correct box next to picture 5

information pictures and dialogues

(present tenses)

4 lstening for words, colours picture a d dialogue carry out instructions, locate 5

(range of colours is: black, blue brown green, grey,

orange, pink, purple red,


Trang 5

Introducti on

Again, the focus is on t he ' h ere a nd now' and the use of language in meaningful contexts where possible

To complete the test, candidat es need a single pen or p e cil o f any colour There are 5 parts, each starring

w ith a clear example

1 reading short sentences lexical items, pictures, tick or cross to show If 5

and recognising lexis and sentences sentence is true or false

2 reading sentences about 1 picture and sentences write 'yes'/ 'no' 5

a picture and writing

one-word answers

jumbled letters


4 reading a text and cloze text, words choose and copy missing 5

writing missing words and pictures words correctly


5 reading q estions abou story presented through 3 write one-word answers 5

a picture story and pictures and questions to questions

writing one-word answers


I n the Speaking test, the ca ndidate speaks wit h l exami ner for about 4 minutes Th e format of the t est is

exp lained in advance to th e c hild in their native lang age, by a te a cher or person f ami liar to them This

person then takes the child into th e exam room a d i ntroduces them to th e examiner

Spea k i n g abi l ty is assessed accordi ng to var i ous criteri a i nclu d ing co mp r ehe nsi on , the ability to produce

an app r o riate response and pronunciation

1 understanding and following scene card point to the correct part of the

2 understanding and following scene card and 8 small piC:tce the object cards on the

3 understanding and answering scene card answer questions with

4 understanding and answering 3 object cards answer questions with

5 understanding and responding to no visual prompt answer questions with

The topi cs, structu res, word s and tasks up on wh ich t h e Cambridge Y oung L earne r s English Tests are ba sed are co m pre he nsively d escri b d i n the H and book , so teachers or p r e nt s c an know exac tl y what to expect

f u rth er info r ma t io n abo ut the Camb r id? e You ng Learn ers English Tests can be obtained f rom the Loc l

Secre tary fo r Cambrid ge £SOL exa minations in y uu r an:a , or from:

Cam bridge ESOL (YLE S ubject Officer)

Cam bridge Assessment

e-mail: ESOL Hdp d esk@C amb r idgeESOL org www.Cambr idgeESO L org


Trang 6

Test 1 Answers


Part 1 (5 marks)

L ines should be dra\vn benveen:

1 the shoes and in the tree

2 the sk i rt and i n t he f1,0a t 's mouth

3 t he je ans and bet\v een the two socks on the line

4 the dress a nd on the g irl 's a rm

5 the T- s h i rt and behind the chair

P art 2 (5 marks)

1 Short (correct spe lli ng)

4 May (co rr ect spel l ng)

1 Colour th e flower on rh e sofa nex[ to [he girl - pink

2 Colour the flower on the clock - blue

3 Colour th e flower in r he book - yellow

4 Colour th e flower on t he mat- gree n

5 Co!Qur th e flower in th e picture on th e wa ll - ora ng e

TRANSCRIPT Hello This is the Cambridge Starters

Pract i ce Listening Test, Te st 1

Look at Part 1 Now look a the

pi ct ure Listen and lo ok There is

Can you see the l ine? This is an

example Now you listen and

draw li11 es

[p ause]


M AN: Put the shoes in the tree

W OMAN: Sorry? Pu the shoes where?

M AN: In the tree

OK The dress is on the girl's arm now [pau se]

Trang 7

OK It's behind the chair

Now listen to Part 1 again

[The recording is repea ted ]


That is the end of Part 1

Part 2 Look at the picture Listen and write

a name or a number There are two

Can yo1t see the answers? Now you

listen and write a name or a number

So, what number is your house?

It's number eight

Sorry what number?

Yes One for my mum and dad, one for

my sister and one for me

Yes, I've got a mouse

Oh Has it got a name?

Yes Its name is Bill Can you spell that for me?

Yes Its B - I - double L

Now listen to Part 2 again

[The recording is repeated.]


That is the end of P a rt 2


Part 3 Look at the pictures Listen and look

There is one example


What's in Sue's box?

MAN: I like that box, Sue

GIRL: Yes My favourite toy is in it

MAN: What's that? Your doll? Your toy

1 WI hat can Nick have?

Can I have some ice cream please,


Not now, Nick Sorry

Oh Can I have a cake, then?

No Look You can have tl1is apple


2 Which man is Ann's te a cher?

Is that a photo of your classroom, Ann?

Yes Can you see my teacher, Dad?

Has he got brown hair?

No, he's got grey hair and glasses


3 Whe r e's Mum?

Dad Where's Mum?

I don't know Is she in the garden?

No And she isn't in the kitchen

Oh, I know! She's having a bath


4 What's Ben ' s brother doing?

What's your brother doing Ben? Is he drawing a picture?


Trang 8

Oh Well, is he writing a story?

No He's learning his numbers


5 What's Tom's favourite sport?

What's your favourite sport Tom?

Mmm don't now

Is it football? Tennis?

No It's badminton That's my favourite

[pau se ]

7 Can you see the girl? There's a flower next to her on the sofa

Can I colour it?

Yes You can colour that flower pink

OK The flower on the sofa is pink now

[pau se ]


Look at the clock!

Yes - it's got a beautiful flower on it

Colour that flower blue, please

Right The flower on the clock is blue

Next to the bookcase

Right Can I colour that flower yellow? Yes Colour the flower in the book yellow

f pau sel


1 like the mat It's got a flower on it

·You can colour that flower now

Oh, thank you Can I colour it green?

OK Colour the flower on the mat green

Colour the flower in the picture orange

Now listen to Part 4 again

[The recording i s re peated j fpause l

That is the end of the Starters Practic.e List e nmg Test 1

Reading and Writing

Part 1 (5 marks)

1 1 2)( 3.1 4)( 5.1 Part 2 ( 5 marks)

1 three/3 (boys) 2 (on a/the) box 3 (a) fish

4 (in the ) hou se/home 5 (a/r h e) ( red ) ball

Trang 9

Tes t 1 Answers


expected from child:

Usher brings candidate in Usher to examiner: Hello

This is (child's name*) Examiner: Hello, • My

name's Jane/Ms Smith Hello

beautiful day The boy is looking at the ducks

Points to the fish in Here's the fish

Where's the frog? picture Is this the frog?

2 Points to Object cards Now look at these Which Points to Object card Is this the camera?

the flowers

Now you put the camera Puts Object card in place Where's the woman?

in front of the woman In front of the woman

(pointing to chair/motorbike) Put the chair/motorbike Puts Object card in place Where are the trees?

(pointing to tomato/


Put the tomato/coconut Puts Object card in place Where's the water?

dog in Scene card How many dogs

Points to man running What's the man doing? running Is he running?

4 Puts Scene card away

and picks out three

Object cards

4.1 Shows socks card What are these? socks Are they socks?

Are you wearing socks? yes/no

What colour are your/ red Are they red?

these socks?

4.2 Shows bread card What's this? bread Is it bread?

What do you eat for eggs Do you eat eggs?


* Rem ember to use th e c hi ld 's nam e throughout the r es t


Trang 10

Test 1 Answers

expected from child:

5 Puts away all cards Now, *, what's your tennis Do you like t ennis?

Trang 11

Test 2 Answers


Part 1 (5 marks)

1 the monkey and on the bath ma t

2 th e g iraffe and in th e c upboard

3 the mo use and next to the flowe rs

4 t he tiger and under the chair

Part 2 ( 5 m arks)

4 Nick (co rrect s pellin g) 5 L ucy ( corr ect spelling)

Part 3 (5 marks )

lB 2C 3 C 4 A SC

Part 4 (5 marks)

Co lo ur th e l iza rd in t h e bag - ye llow

2 Col our the liza rd n ext to the rob ot - gre en

3 Colour the li zar d b ehin d t he gi rl 's chair - blue

4 Col o ur the l iza rd un de r the tc.:a cher's t a ble- purpl e

5 C o l our th e l i za rd on the r u l er - brown

TRANSCRIPT He ll o This is the Cambridge Starters

Practice Listening Test) Test 2


[pa u se ]

Can y ott see th e line? This is an

example Now you listen and

WOMAN: Yes, you can


Trang 12

T est 2 A 11 swers

WOMAN: Mmm the crocodile Put it between GtnL: He's my favourite His n me's Nick

WOMAN: Put the crocodile between the two shoes, f pause]

T h t is t he end of Pa r t 1 GIRL: Yes

ex a m pl es

T ha t is th e end of P art 2

(pa se]


MAN: Hello Wh t's your name?

P ar t 3 L ook at the pict u res Listen a d look

Which boy is Tom?

MAN: Now, how old are you, May? WOMAN: I can't find Tom Is he in the house?

GIRL: That's right GiRL: No, he's reading

Can you see the answers? Now yo u lpause]

listen an d write a name or a number

and tick the hnx



MAN: Are these all your mo sters, May?

1 What does Bill wan t f o r Lunch?

GIRL.: Yes, I've got sixteen of them

GIRL: Yes And they've all got names BOY: No thanks, Mum Can I ave some

WOMAN: OK And do you want a drink of milk?

2 Bov: No, o today Can I have some orange MAN: I like this monster, here juice please?

GIRL: She's my new mo ster ook! She's g t [pause]

four eyes!

2 What's Pat wearing?

MA : Four eyes?

GIRl: And is she wearing her new jacket?

n me?

MAN: Oh! Do you spell that B - E - N? GIRL: Look, Sam's painting a picture Is it a car?

GIRl: Yes Bov: No, it's a motorbike

[pause GIRL: And is th re a b y in the painting?

Bov: No, there isn't He can't draw children

Trang 13

4 What are the childre-n doing?

Are the children listening to the radio?


5 Where is Kim?

Hi Dad! Where's Kim? Is she in her


No And she's not in the kitchen

Well, is she in the living room, then?

Oh, yes! You're right! She is She's

Colour it red The lizard on the board

OK It' red now


Can you see the red lizard on the

board? This is an example Now yo~t

listen and colour



That's right



Now, find the teacher's table

There's a lizard under it It's drinking

Can you colour it purple, please?

OK A purple lizard, under the table




Can you see the ruler on the boy's desk?

Yes And there's a lizard on it

Yes Now colour it brown

OK A brown lizard on the ruler There!

Now listen to Part 4 again

[The recording i s repeated.j [pau st']

That is the end of tbe Starters Practice

1 (a/the) T -s hirt 2 (the) man/father

3 (on rhe) (white) chair

5 (the) (coloured) ball

4 (the) glasses/spectacles


Trang 14

Test 2 Answers


expected from chi l d

Usher brings candidate in Usher to examiner: Hello

This is (child's name*) Examiner: Hello, • My name's Jane/Ms Smith Hello

1 Points to Scene card Lkitcook at hen Tthwo childreis This is a n I

are playing

Points to the train in Here's the train

Scene card • where's the chair? Points at items in the Is this the chair?

Where's the apple? picture Is this the apple?

2 Points to Object cards Now look at these Which Points to Object card Is this the shoe?

is the shoe? I'm putting (pointing to shoe)

the shoe on the mat

Now you put the shoe Puts Object card in place Where's the window?

in front of the window In front of the window Which is the boat/lorry? Points to Object card Is this the boat/lorry?

(pointing to boat/lorry)

Put the boat/lorry behind Puts Object card in place Where's the chair?

Which is the radio/duck? Points to Object card Is this the radio/duck?

(pointing to radio/duck) Put the radio/duck in the Puts Object card in place Where's the cupboard?

3 Removes Object cards Now, •, what's this? hippo Is it a hippo?

and points to the pink What colour is it? pink Is it white? Pink? hippo in Scene card How many hippos

Points to the bird What's the bird doing? singing Is It singing?

-4 Puts Scene card away

and picks out three

Object cards

4.1 Shows watch card What's this? watch Is it a watch?

Do you have a watch? yes! no What colour is your/ brown Is it brown?

this watch?

Do you eat eggs for yes! no


What's your favourite ice cream Do you like ic e cream?


Do you like mice? yes/no What animals do you like? dogs Do you like dogs? Cats?

* Remember to use the child's name throughou t the test

Trang 15

T e st 2 An s w e r s

P a r t I Exami n er d oe s th i s : E xam i ner s a y s t his: M inimum respon se Back- u p q u es tion s:

e xp ecte d from c hi l d:

5 Puts away all cards Now, •, how old are you? 8 Are you 8 ? or 9 ?

What's your frien 's M a r a/ P edr o Is h r name M arf a? /

Trang 16

Test 3 Answers


Part 1 (5 marks)

Lines should be drawn bet\'l.'een :

1 the cake and between the two children

2 the frog and in the \ ' Vater behind the fish

3 the watermelon and in from of the boy

4 the lemonade and in the box next to the girl

5 the hat and on the sheep's h ad

Part 2 {5 marks)

4 Bill (correct spelling)

3 Colour the eat's phone - purple

4 Colour th e phone under the table - yellow

TRANSCRIPT Hello This is the Cambridge Starters

Practice Listening Test, Test 3

Part 1 Look at Part 1 Now look at the

picture Listen and look There is one example


MAN: Put the bird next to the sun

WOMAN: Put the bird where?

MAN: Put it there It's flying, next to the sun

MAN: Put the cake between the two children

WOMAN: Sorry? Put the cake where?

MAN: Between the children

WOMAN: Right



MAN: Now put the frog in the water

WOMAN: In the water?

MAN: Yes, put it behind the fish

WOMAN: That's good! A frog behind the fish

Ngày đăng: 03/04/2014, 12:58



