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The VisualFestation Guide to Successful Employment pdf

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The VisualFestation Guide to Successful Employment I Hold the KEY to MY Employment Success! A Law of Attraction Guide to Freeing Yourself of Unemployment, Underemployment, or “Wrongfully” Employed. By Peter Adams Smashwords Edition This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Copyright © 2011 Peter Adams All rights reserved. This book is a gift to the reader from the Author. This book may be shared in its entirety with any and all who need help with their employment or career, but it cannot be sold to or by anyone. 10% Discount Coupon Code for other VisualFestation Products HBLBXXG6 www.peterdadams.com www.peterdadams.com 2 Dedication This book is dedicated to our wonderful friends Miles Blount & Reba Cain. We are truly blessed to be sharing our journey with such amazing souls. www.peterdadams.com 3 Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 “Where are you now?” Chapter 2 What do you really want to BE? Chapter 3 Hire Yourself Chapter 4 Quantum Physics & Energy Chapter 5 Purposeful Thought Chapter 6 Feelings Powerful Chapter 7 You ARE a Co-Creator of Your Experience Chapter 8 VisualFestation System Technique: Creative Visualization, Vision Books & Boards Chapter 9 VisualFestation System Technique: Scripting Chapter 10 VisualFestation System Technique: Affirmations Chapter 11 VisualFestation System Technique: “As If…” Chapter 12 Additional Ideas and Resources www.peterdadams.com 4 Introduction This book was written especially for you. If you have found this book, it is not by accident. This book was created to give you all the tools that you will need to secure that next job, or better yet the job of your dreams. There truly is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have on this planet if you truly believe you can. If that sounds a little hard to believe, then you should read my first book entitled “VisualFestation-How I Manifested the Life of My Dreams & YOU CAN TOO!” In that book I share with the reader the miracles I have manifested, and also the techniques I used which make up the VisualFestation System. We now have students from all over the world practicing our System and manifesting miracles in their own lives. I look forward to hearing about your personal success, as I know if you do the work, you will get the results you’re looking for. Godspeed to you. Pete www.peterdadams.com 5 Chapter One “Where are you now?” Where you are right now will most likely dictate how much mental and spiritual work you will need to do to change your current situation. If you are presently unemployed, you are probably in a state of total fear and thinking thoughts such as “what if I don’t find a job?” The longer you find yourself unemployed, undoubtedly the greater your fear of not finding a job. The good news is that you WILL find a job, so keep reading and turn off the thoughts of worry and fear If you are underemployed, you are probably feeling dissatisfied and in a state of drudgery while you are on the job. Typically people who are underemployed usually do just enough to not get fired. If this sounds like you, then it is time to get you out of your mentally toxic workplace before it overcomes you. If you are not unemployed or underemployed, you must fall in to the category of “wrongfully employed” if you are reading this book. You probably find yourself during the day wondering if you can take doing what you’re doing much longer. This typically happens when you have decided to follow someone else’s dream as your own. This is very common with careers which require a great amount of education to secure. The good news is that there is a way out, and you won’t need another ten years of college to get there. Whatever category that you find yourself in, there is a common thread which is woven through them all, and that is a feeling of fear and unhappiness. The great news is that this is all TEMPORARY and the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing can be changed by YOU. www.peterdadams.com 6 We are all beings composed of energy, and we are all working with what is known as the Law of Attraction. The easiest way I can explain it is to say that “like attracts like”. When we find ourselves thinking thoughts of worry and living in fear of what the future holds, it is like “PRAYING” FOR WHAT YOU DON’T WANT. Everything in the entire Universe is composed of energy, and that includes the thoughts you think, and the feelings you have. Energy has a vibration, and the better you feel, the higher the vibration is that you are sending out. The highest vibration we experience is love, the opposite and lowest vibration we send out is fear. Looking for employment is stressful to say the least. Therefore it is very important for you keep your energy and vibration at the highest level possible. To do this I highly suggest that you exercise daily, eat a healthier diet, read & listen to motivational material, meditate, and practice what I refer to as an “Hour of Power” which I will discuss later. I will close this chapter with the following affirmation which is from Louise Hay’s remarkable book “You Can Heal Your Life”, which is one that I highly recommend that you read as soon as possible. Affirmation: “I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, one that uses all my talents and abilities, and allows me to express creatively in ways that are fulfilling to me. I work with and for people whom I love, and who love and respect me, in a wonderful location and earning good money.” www.peterdadams.com 7 Chapter 2 What do you really want to BE? If you are presently unemployed the immediate answer to that question, is probably to “BE EMPLOYED!” If it takes the same amount of energy to find a job you will enjoy instead of just any job why not work on landing the job of your dreams! I want you to really think about what it is that you would be, if there was NOTHING THAT YOU COULD NOT BE. You are the only person who can answer this question, and probably when you were a child you were told that you could not be something because of __________. The most important thing was whether or not you believed what they told you. I have an excellent example of this. My Cousin is an extremely successful Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and owns her own private practice. When she was in seventh grade her science teacher told her that she would never be able to a Veterinarian, because she was not “good enough” in science. My Cousin chose to follow her dream and not listen to her teacher. Don’t let anyone kill your dream. If you can dream it, you can achieve it, if you BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN. Exercise: Ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers in a note book labeled “Finding my Passion”. 1. What do you like about your past & current positions? 2. What didn’t you like about your past & current positions? 3. What would an ideal work day look like for you? 4. What do you like to do that makes you feel good? 5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? www.peterdadams.com 8 6. What industries or field would interest you that would match your personal life interests? Now that you have decided what you think your dream job is, I have an even more important question for you, and that is “Why do you really want to be a _______?” Exercise: In that same note book, write down all the reasons you believe this job would be your dream job. If your answer is something along the lines of “to make my parents or someone else happy”, that is definitely the wrong answer and not the profession you should be going in to. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen parents who mean well, tell their children that they should not follow their dream, but instead they “want” to go to Harvard Medical School and become a successful Doctor. Following someone else’s dream rarely leads to happiness and fulfillment. If your answer is along the lines of “it is my passion and there is nothing more I enjoy doing”, you have struck gold. One of the most important things to have is passion and a true burning desire for any goal that you set. If you cannot decide what your dream job is, or you are asking yourself the very important and personal question “what should I be doing with my life?” I would suggest “going within” to find the answer to that question through prayer or meditation. I remember asking the same question to my higher self in meditation, and the answer came back extremely powerful. While meditating on the question all of a sudden a “movie” began playing in my head which showed me selling real estate as a broker and being a philanthropist. Selling real estate was about the last thing I thought I should be doing. A few short years later I opened up my own real estate brokerage company and began giving 10% off of each sales commission to a charity of my Client’s choice. I cannot describe the feeling of love that I felt each time I wrote one of those checks. Stop here and do not continue reading until you really know what you want to BE, and WHY. You need a destination before you beginning your journey. www.peterdadams.com 9 Now that you know what you want to BE, lets start an assessment of what you will need to successfully achieve this goal. Exercise: Is there any special training or education that you need to become whatever your dream occupation is? If so, then write these steps down in your note book, and set deadlines for their completion or attainment. LET THESE GOALS BECOME THE MILE MARKERS ON THE ROAD TO THE JOB OF YOUR DREAMS! “I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, one that uses all my talents and abilities, and allows me to express creatively in ways that are fulfilling to me. I work with and for people whom I love, and who love and respect me, in a wonderful location and earning good money.” Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life” www.peterdadams.com 10 [...]... could be further from the truth There is a piece of the “Creator” inside you, and you do have the power to create miracles in your life I wrote this book to convey that message to you and to share the techniques I have used successfully to create the miracles in my life One of the things I think most books fail to get across is that you need to take action This is what I define as the “Co-Creator” piece... school teachers read? Subscribe to them too and read them cover to cover What are the hottest education blogs? Read and follow them as well The trick is to really get in the mindset of being that a successful elementary teacher NOW and doing the actions today which will be the same ones you will take when it shows up in your reality “I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, one... have released it to allow the Universe to make it happen for you In this technique, pink represents the Universal color of Love, and allowing the bubble to float away signifies detachment from the outcome, whereby you are releasing it to the Universe to bring it about, and you are staying out of HOW it is going to happen REMEMBER THE HOWS ARE THE DOMAINS OF THE UNIVERSE You don’t need to know HOW IT... one of the greatest keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, the sooner you practice gratitude and faith for the blessings you have now and which are on their way, the sooner they are going to manifest in to your experience Gratitude is really Love, and that is by far the most powerful vibration in the Universe If there is anything you want to be thinking, projecting, and attracting it is LOVE! Creating the life... assessments, if you want to go deeper than the exercises in this eBook 28 www.peterdadams.com The people who work in these offices often are there because it is their passion to help others and their job is to find you a job, which is one they take very seriously I would also recommend letting everyone know that you are looking for a new position, and to ask them to contact you if they hear of any potential... important thing is to find the best pictures you can to put you into the feeling and state of these pictures representing the scenes of your life 20 www.peterdadams.com If you need to finish college to become a teacher, then you would cut out a picture of people smiling while dressed in gowns at a commencement exercise throwing their hats in the air while holding their diplomas Another example picture... sheet on the back summarizing your experience and skills Carry these cards on your person, and hand them to anyone who may be able to help you in your search Using the Law of Attraction, the people with the right contacts are going to start appearing in your life, so listen and pay attention so that you notice them Great resources to become acquainted with are the State & Local government sponsored employment. .. simply the manifestation of the invisible realm where everything we see is created Once you accept this as fact, the easier it will be for you to manifest whatever it is that you say that you want I do want to give you some more traditional ideas and resources to assist you with your successful attainment of employment or the next stop on your career journey You need to be pro active in using both The VisualFestation. .. thanking the Universe for allowing me to be great teacher and giving thanks for all the positive changes I am making in the students lives, while simultaneously feeling how rewarding it feels to be making a difference I would then visualize what my day was going to be like as if I was a cast member in the movie of my life as a teacher The greater the good feelings you generate while watching the movie, the. .. on the test performed, the result was that the particle could be either a “particle” or a “wave.” It was actually probability amplitude, whereby it was simultaneously both a particle and a wave If that wasn’t strange enough, they then did further experiments and concluded the “observer” affected the outcome of the experiment just through observation The truly amazing thing this proved was that the . The VisualFestation Guide to Successful Employment I Hold the KEY to MY Employment Success! A Law of Attraction Guide to Freeing Yourself of Unemployment, Underemployment, or. so, then write these steps down in your note book, and set deadlines for their completion or attainment. LET THESE GOALS BECOME THE MILE MARKERS ON THE ROAD TO THE JOB OF YOUR DREAMS! “I am totally. wrote this book to convey that message to you and to share the techniques I have used successfully to create the miracles in my life. One of the things I think most books fail to get across

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2014, 01:21

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